
Coffee during pregnancy in the early and later stages. Is it possible to drink coffee during pregnancy. How is pregnancy coffee affect

Coffee during pregnancy in the early and later stages. Is it possible to drink coffee during pregnancy. How is pregnancy coffee affect
The article discusses the question of whether it is possible to drink coffee during pregnancy in the early or in late stages. The opinion of doctors is presented on this subject.

In women in an “interesting position”, taste preferences often change. Sometimes they want to include in their diet absolutely unable products, for example, an apple with fish, a banana soup, and so on. There is no attention to coffee, since the aroma of this noble drink can cause an irresistible desire and traction of both representatives of the strong and the weaker sex, and even more so in pregnant girls. Many women try to replace strong natural coffee with more “light” drinks, for example, bags of “3 in 1” coffee. However, they are similar, like ordinary coffee, cause a disputed reaction among gynecologists who control the process of pregnancy. Some experts came to the conclusion that the “reasonable” use of this drink (no more than 1-2 cups per week) does not harm the future mothers, while other doctors recommend categorically abandoning coffee, both in the early and later stages of pregnancy. Where is the truth? Can I drink coffee during pregnancy? Let's try to figure it out.

Coffee during pregnancy in the early stages

Many women believe that in the early stages the fetus has just begun their formation, so neither drugs nor food that the pregnant woman consumes will not have a significant effect on it. However, this is not so, at all stages of pregnancy, it is important to monitor the diet of your diet, for used medical drugs, your regime of the day, etc.

Before coming to a specific conclusion, whether it is possible to use coffee during pregnancy, let's understand the properties of this drink. The main ones are as follows:

  • Coffee is able to invigorate, give a temporary influx of strength and energy.
  • This drink can remove drowsiness.
  • Stimulates acceleration of metabolism in the body.
  • Suitable for raising the mood in the state of lethargy, fatigue, weakness.
  • Stimulates memory and improves the quality of attention.

With these positive properties, there are some negative qualities - coffee can increase pressure and thereby cause uterine tone in a pregnant woman. This negatively affects the formation of the unborn child. However, the negative effect of coffee can bring in the early stages of pregnancy only if it is abused by this drink and drink it every day.

Coffee with milk during pregnancy

Sometimes pregnant women prefer a coffee drink, which contains milk. Is it useful or harmful to their health? So, it is worth saying that milk in itself has excellent properties, it contains calcium, necessary for the formation of bones and joints in the future baby. In this case, milk can soften the adverse effects of coffee on the body of a pregnant woman. Therefore, if you do not abuse this drink, then you can drink coffee with milk to pregnant women, but not more often than 1 time per week.

Why is it impossible to coffee during pregnancy

Why can not coffee during pregnancy? Let's summarize the opinion of the doctors in this regard:

  • Coffee increases pressure, which is very dangerous during pregnancy.
  • This drink is able to cause the tone of the uterus, which is fraught with the development of the diagnosis of “threat of miscarriage”.
  • Coffee can contribute to a woman’s impaired.
  • Often there is a feeling of increased irritability, anxiety.
  • Sometimes coffee drinks can contribute to the appearance of constipation.

Coffee during pregnancy - 1 trimester

In the first trimester of pregnancy, women often suffer from such an unpleasant phenomenon as toxicosis. At the same time, the pregnant woman experiences a constant feeling of nausea, it repels from the use of some foods. In such periods of pregnancy, you can include coffee drinks in the diet, which include milk, but at the same time, moderation in the use of coffee should be observed.

Coffee during pregnancy - 2 trimester

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the fetus is already more formed, and the probability of premature termination of pregnancy is reduced. However, this does not mean that you can drink more coffee.

Accelerated fetal growth requires more calcium to form a skeleton. An excess of caffeine, which is a diuretic, can lead to leaching of calcium from the body, which will negatively affect the development of the child.

In addition to calcium deficiency, an increase in coffee use can lead to heart problems in the fetus and blood pressure in the mother.

Coffee during pregnancy - 3 trimester

The third trimester of women's pregnancy is characterized by a more developed and formed fruit, which affects the general condition of both pregnant and the future baby.  The load on the mother’s body every day increases and is undesirable to aggravate its external factors. That is why the use of coffee in the third trimester of pregnancy should be moderate. If there are no complications in the form of increased blood pressure, impaired work of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, failures in the rhythm of the heart, this drink can be consumed in a limited amount.

In case of violations of pregnancy, he is better to refuse him, replacing him with green tea or “weak” black. A normal dose of pregnant women in the late stages is a small cup of feeble coffee in the morning 1 time per week. It is not recommended to take it on an empty stomach, as this can cause problems with the stomach.

Coffee has tonic and diuretic properties, therefore, if there is a problem with hypotension and the accumulation of fluid in the body, coffee can partially solve this problem. However, only a gynecologist who leads the pregnancy can give recommendations if possible to take coffee and dosage.

How is pregnancy coffee affects: experts' opinion

Caffeine, which is contained in both coffee and other products, is a natural stimulant of the nervous system. When using coffee in minimal doses in a person, drowsiness disappears, performance improves, and activity increases. However, during pregnancy with caffeine, you need to behave very carefully. The fact is that pregnancy causes a restructuring of the hormonal background, which affects the condition of the nervous system. With small doses of caffeine, this passes painlessly, but excessive use of coffee can cause irritability, loss of sleep, and pressure problems. Given the diuretic properties of caffeine, its excess in the body can lead to additional load on the kidneys.

The uncontrolled use of coffee during pregnancy negatively affects the development of the fetus. The following problems may arise:

  • Arrhythmia and fetal development. Caffeine can also cause arrhythmia in adults, and the fetus whose heart impacts reaches 140 shocks per minute, this problem can become critical.
  • Fading. Due to the simultaneous adoption of a large amount of caffeine, the death of the fetus may occur.
  • Birth with small weight.
  • Caffeine in the human body causes the activity of a stress hormone. In a pregnant woman, this can cause insufficient blood flow to the placenta, which can cause fetal hypoxia.

Is coffee harmful during pregnancy: when you should refuse it at all

In the absence of pathologies for the development of pregnancy, both from the mother and the fetus, the use of coffee does not pose any danger. It is only important to observe the norm of the drink recommended by the doctor.

  • With an increase in the frequency of its use to 3-4 techniques per day, hypertension can develop, which is fraught with the threat of termination of pregnancy.
  • It is also worth stopping the use of this drink for diseases of the stomach, liver.
  • Iron deficiency anemia is also an unconditional contraindication to the use of coffee. This can lead to fetal hypoxia and the development of other intrauterine pathologies.
  • The abuse of caffeine can cause a violation of the rhythm of the heart, which are manifested by arrhythmia and tachycardia.

Often the course of pregnancy is accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure, which is manifested by dizziness, nausea, loss of coordination, weakness, and noise in the ears. In such cases, doctors advise drinking a cup of weak coffee with sugar. This will stabilize the condition.

Soluble coffee during pregnancy

Soluble coffee due to the convenience and simplicity of brewing has recently become quite popular. However, the share of the coffee beans themselves in this drink is negligible. Soluble coffee is prepared from a kind of crystallized mass, which in turn is nothing more than strong brewed coffee of grains, the quality of which is not suitable for sale. Often a large number of flavorings and additives are added to soluble coffee, especially for the bags of “2 in 1” or “3 in 1”. These additives can be absolutely safe for a healthy person, but, given the load on the woman’s body during pregnancy, can cause problems. Moreover, no one can guarantee the quality of the powder from a single bag.

That is why it is impossible to use soluble coffee during pregnancy. If there is no desire or the opportunity to abandon this delicious drink, it is better to buy high -quality grains, independently grind them and cook normal coffee.

Coffee when planning pregnancy

Restraining in the use of caffeine must be shown not only during pregnancy, but also in its planning. Moreover, this applies not only to women, but also to men.

During research, scientists concluded that the use of caffeine in large quantities (about 10 small cups of coffee per day) reduces the risk of infertility to 25%.

Caffeine in large quantities significantly reduces the quality of sperm in men and the amount of its formation, which negatively affects its vaccine functions.

In women, an excessive dose of caffeine can cause infertility. Caffeine changes the hormonal background, reducing the level of oxytocin, reduces the activity of the fallopian tubes, and negatively affects ovulation. That is why, when planning pregnancy, future parents, both a man and a woman, at least 3 months before conception should reduce the use of coffee and other caffeine products. These include: strong black tea, chocolate, cocoa, various energy. Also caffeine, as the main or auxiliary substance, is found in some drugs. Therefore, before its reception, you need to read the instructions and the composition.

Coffee during pregnancy: video



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