
How to make a paper garland with your own hands - schemes, templates. How to make a garland from corrugated paper. Girlands for birthday, wedding, new year at home

How to make a paper garland with your own hands - schemes, templates. How to make a garland from corrugated paper. Girlands for birthday, wedding, new year at home
How to make a step-by-step garland of paper with your own hands. How to make a garland from paper for a birthday, wedding, new year - templates, schemes. Garlands Decoration from corrugated paper.

Garland is an indispensable attribute for almost any holiday. Of course, you can buy a ready-made garland in the store. But much more positive emotions during preparing for any holiday you will get if you make the garland with your own hands. You can decorate the interior of a beautiful paper garland for the new year, to the birthday, by March 8, by February 23, for Valentine's Day, etc. In this article, we will look at detailed master classes for making paper decorations - garlands.

Paper garland with their own hands - what you may need

A specific list of materials and tools for the manufacture of garlands will depend on its type. You can make an extremely simple garland using a minimum set of materials. But you can give the will of your fantasy and make a spectacular garland in difficult technique. You may be useful:

  • wrapper from candy or chocolate;
  • old postcards;
  • glossy journal pages;
  • one-sided or double-sided colored paper;
  • white or color cardboard;
  • corrugated paper;
  • foil paper;
  • color self-adhesive paper;
  • ordinary or curly scissors;
  • stapler;
  • glue;
  • one-sided or bilateral scotch;
  • spades, colored decorative threads, cords;
  • decorative beads, buttons, etc.

Continue the list of materials that may be useful to you for the manufacture of garlands can be long. Garland can become not only festive attributes, but also modern interior detail. Designers advise to do with the help of unusual garlands color accents in the room, divide the room to the zone.

Types of paper garlands

Garland are different elements connected in the form of a chain on a ribbon, cord, thread. People began to use garlands in decorative purposes a long time ago. For example, in the ancient Rome Street, on which festive marches occurred, decorated with garlands of flowers. Later, the garlands became the main attributes of Christmas and New Year. The ate was decorated not only by electrical garlands, but also homemade garlands made of candy wrappers, tangerines, cotton balls, etc. Conditionally, you can allocate the following types of garlands:

  • depending on the material (electrical, paper, from undergraduated materials, etc.);
  • depending on the method of manufacture (voluminous and not voluminous);
  • depending on the event (garlands for the new year, garlands for a birthday, garlands for Valentine's Day, garlands for a wedding, etc.);
  • from the destination (garlands for decor, garlands for the zoning of the room).

Paper garlands - Photo

How to make a garland of paper

Birthday garland

As a rule, garlands on birthday are characterized by special colorfulness. Consider the option of making a creative festive garland for the birthday, made in the form of a colorful ice cream on a stick.

  1. In order to make such a spectacular garland, you will need scissors, double-sided colored paper of different shades, black marker for decor, thread, pve glue or adhesive pencil, wooden sticks from ice cream.
  2. In order for all elements of the garlands with symmetrical, you can draw ice cream pattern on cardboard. Then, with this template, cut as many blanks from the paper of different colors as you need.
  3. It is advisable to make every ice cream dealt with his unique design. For example, one workpiece can be issued in the form of watermelon slices, the other - with a watered with a glaze, etc.
  4. After all the ice cream is decorated, you can proceed to attaching wooden sticks. In the middle of each workpiece we embed a wooden wand, fix it with the help of glue or scotch.
  5. Now we hang multicolored paper ice cream on a lace, thread or ribbon. The lower edges of the blanks should be made of glue. Festive garland for the birthday is ready.

Corrugated paper garland

From corrugated paper, you can make a large number of volumetric and spectacular decorations for any festive event. Consider a step-by-step master class on the manufacture of a large garland from corrugated paper of different colors.

  • Prepare corrugated paper of different colors, scissors and tape.
  • Split the corrugated paper roll and cut it with half.
  • Now you need to fold the paper in the way you can see in the photo. To speed up the process, it is better to seek help.

  • Now you will need scissors. Start cutting the fringe on each strip of corrugated paper. Do it carefully, so as not to cut the middle. With corrugated paper, other colors need to be done in the same way.

  • Festive garland from corrugated paper is ready. It remains only to attach it using a tape to any surface. You can fix the garland on the ceiling or on the doorway. In order for the garland to look scene, tighten the garland around its axis several times.

Paper garland

If you do not know how to decorate a room for a romantic dinner, you can draw your attention to this master class for the manufacture of simple garland from the hearts. Garland is made as quickly as possible and simple. Even a child will cope with such a task.

  1. Prepare two-sided colored paper sheets. The traditional colors of love and passion are pink and red. But you can choose any of the shades. You also need a ruler, scissors, stapler.
  2. From the colored paper, cut the strips with a thickness of 1 cm and a length of 10 cm. Use the line so that the blanks will be as smooth as possible. The number of strips depends on whether you want to make the garland.
  3. Bend each strip of paper half. Then the free edges of the strip must be wrapped in the throat so that the outline of the heart is. The edges are combined with a stapler.
  4. We take the next strip of paper, again bend it half, stretch the bent strip in the first heart, bend free edges inside and connect them with a stapler. You have got 2 paper hearts connected. We continue to make the garland in the same way as long as it does not reach the desired length.

Colored paper garland

In order to decorate the interior to any event with your own hands, you will not need a lot of costs. It is enough to arma with colored paper and make a spectacular garland.

  1. In order to make a garland from small colored paper strips You will need a sewing machine, double-sided colored paper, a ruler, scissors and a pencil.
  2. You can make a very pedigree garland using paper of the most juicy shades. You can also make a more "strict" garland, if you use the shades of white and gray colors, for example.
  3. With a pencil and line, draw on a sheet of paper strips of about 1 cm on a sheet and 8 cm long. Before starting cut strips, a sheet of paper needs to be bent so that the fold line is in the middle of the stripes. Cut can be cut with scissors or stationery knife.
  4. After the colored stripes are prepared, proceed to the collection of garlands. We will do it with the very simple sewing machine. We start to "sew" strips along the fold of the bend. As soon as they shoot one strip, immediately substitute the following. If you do not want the garland to be too "thick", then leave a small distance between paper stripes. Continue to collect paper garlands until you reach the desired garland length.

Paper garland

Paper flowers look incredibly realistic. If you make some lush paper flowers, add them with juicy green leaves, then you can make a very elegant garland.

  • For the manufacture of garlands from paper colors you will need colored paper of white and green shades, scissors, glue, toothpick, cord for collecting garlands.
  • In order to make a volumetric flower of paper, first need to draw and cut blanks. You can print templates on the printer to facilitate your task.

  • Transfer the drawing onto white paper and cut out flowers with scissors.

  • In order for the flowers to not look flat, each petal should be treated with a toothpick or any thin stick. Petals need to wrap around a stick, lifting his edges up.

  • Next you need to connect the prepared blanks into one lush flower. Stretch them in the center with glue. In the middle of the flower, the billet must be twisted more tight.

  • Next you need to decorate the flower with green leaves. For their manufacture, you can use the same templates that you used to create a flower. The resulting flower is already very beautiful, and it is quite possible to attach to the thread.

  • If you want to make flowers even more volumetric, you can connect two flower with flat sides with glue. At this stage, you need to not forget to fix the thread between the flowers.

  • Space on a thread between flowers. Decorate with green leaves of paper. It turned out a very spectacular garland of volumetric snow-white colors.

Paper garland children

Children can also be attracted to the manufacture of garlands. The most popular option is a garland of flat paper rings. If the child is already able to use scissors, he will be able to perform all the stages on their own. The child of the smaller age can offer ready-made paper stripes that you just need to glue with each other with a pencil glue.

  1. Prepare double-sided colored paper sheets, scissors, ruler, simple pencil, adhesive pencil or PVA glue.
  2. First you need to cut paper stripes. Their size may be arbitrary. If you want the garland to look more air and fine, then make thin and long strips. If you want the garland to look more "thick", then cut the strips wider and short.
  3. Using a ruler and pencil, draw strips on a sheet of double-sided colored paper, and then cut them out with scissors or a stationery knife.
  4. Now proceed to the collection of garlands. Glue the free ends of the paper strip so that it turned out the ring. Then take the second strip, stretch it into the finished ring, glue the ends. You will have a chain of two rings. In the same way, we continue to make the garland until it reaches the desired length. Children's garland of paper is ready.

Paper garland flags

The garland from the flags is also very often choosing for the decoration of the room to the birthday or any other important event. As a material for flags, you can choose paper, cardboard, fabric, old greeting cards, etc. Consider an example of the manufacture of one of the simplest and easy options - garlands from paper flags.

  1. Prepare colored sheets. If you plan to hang the garland on the wall, then the paper may be one-sided. If you want to hang the garland under the ceiling, it is better to choose two-sided colored paper. You also need a ruler, pencil, scissors, thread.
  2. First you need to draw and cut the checkboxes. Take a sheet of colored paper and draw so many flags on it as it placed there. Be sure to be the checkboxes should be the same. Cut the blanks.
  3. After the elements of the garlands are cut, you can decorate them. If the garland will decorate a children's holiday, then you can stick the image of your favorite cartoon hero, for example.
  4. Now it remains only to collect the garland. Attach flags to the threads can be using a tape. You can also seam flags among themselves on the sewing machine. You can stretch the thread through all the flags with the needle. Simple, but incredibly bright garland is ready.

Paper floral garlands

In order for the garland to be beautiful, the complex techniques of its manufacture do not always need. For example, garland from simple paper colors will look incredibly gentle and air.

  1. Prepare bilateral colored paper of the desired color, scissors, glue, thread.
  2. Now you need to draw flowers. It is convenient to do this with the help of templates that can be found on the Internet without any problems.
  3. After the blanks are cut, proceed to the collection of flowers. One flower will consist of two blanks. Before glueing them, place the thread between them. So you will simultaneously make flowers and collect garlands on the thread. In the center of each flower, glipe the circle of contrasting color, which will be a middle flower. Place flowers on the threads with some distance from each other so that the garland looks particularly gentle and air.

Wedding paper garlands

The wedding is an important event, which is always suitable for the design of which is always suitable. You can not spend huge money for ready-made decorations, and make some of them with your own hands. For example, garlands. They can be made of any length, of any color and from any material. It is desirable to withstand the overall stylist of the celebration. Consider the option of making a wedding garland of colored paper.

  1. In order to make a romantic and very air garland for a wedding you will need colored paper, decorative threads, scissors, glue.
  2. First you need to decide on the color of the future garland. Traditional colors for decorating the wedding are considered white, pink, red. Do not forget that garland should be combined with color with other elements of the decor at the wedding party. We offer to make a garland of gentle pink and white colors.
  3. The elements of the garlands will be the stars of different magnitude and circles. In order for the elements to be perfectly symmetrical, you first draw the templates.
  4. After all the elements are cut, proceed to the collection of garlands. Connect the sides of 4 paper mugs with glue, placing the garlands between them. Then retreat some distance and attach the stars in the same way. Continue until the garland length becomes sufficient.

Pump garland

The best material for the manufacture of voluminous festive garlands is corrugated paper. Consider the instructions for the manufacture of garlands from incredibly spectacular colors from paper:

  • You will need corrugated paper, scissors, decorative thread. It is better to choose the brightest colors of corrugated paper. You can make flowers of one color or combine several colors in one booton.
  • Corrugated paper must be deployed and cut rectangles from it. Select the size of the blanks yourself. Focusing that the size of the finished flower will be equal to the smaller side of the rectangle.
  • Place 5 rectangles in a pile and start to fold it into the harmonica. The finished harmonica in the middle needs to be fixed with a string or elastic band.
  • The edges of Werewar are rounded with scissors to make them similar to petals.

  • It remains to simply fix the bud and attach it to the decorative thread. Festive garland is ready.

Paper garlands - balls

From ordinary colored paper, you can make volumetric balls that resemble Christmas toys. Such decorations can be attached to the decorative thread and get a festive garland.

  1. Prepare bilateral colored paper of different colors, scissors, ruler, pencil, PVA glue or adhesive pencil, decorative thread.
  2. On a sheet of colored paper, draw the same strips using the line. Cut them.
  3. Next, begin to collect a ball from paper strips. Fix the edges of the strip to get a ring. Next, stretch the second strip through the ring and also secure the edges. For one ball, you will need 4 stripes.
  4. After you make the required number of balls, you can begin to ride them on a decorative thread. Spectacular garland from volumetric paper balls is ready.

Paper garlands for the new year

Preparing for Christmas and New Year Like not only for children, but also adults. Garlands are one of the most popular decor elements for these holidays. Despite the fact that recently electric garlands are incredible popularity, New Year's paper garlands continue to maintain a special charm. Consider an example of the manufacture of garlands from paper snowflakes and snowmen.

  1. For the manufacture of such a garland you will need white paper for snowmen, blue and purple paper for snowflakes, a small amount of "rain" or ribbons for the decoration of snowmen, a decorative thread.
  2. Getting to make a snowman. You need to draw and cut circles from white paper 3 different diameters. In order to make a "head" of a snowman, bend the circles half and glue 3 pieces with each other so that it turns out the volumetric ball. For the "torso" of the snowman already will need 4 circles, and for the very bottom of the snowman - 6. At the time of gluing a snowman, you need to stretch the thread between the blanks in time. In order for the snowman not slipped down the garland, make a small nodule right under it.
  3. On the neck of the snowman, we draw a "rain" or a thin ribbon for the decor.
  4. Now cut the snowflakes from colored paper. In order to make a snowflake volume, you need to glue 2 snowflakes each other, folded half. Place the elements in the free thread. Festive New Year Garland is ready.

Garlands of paper men

Paper men who are holding handles, look very funny. Instead of men, you can draw everything that you want.

  1. Prepare paper of the desired color of the format A3, scissors, glue, small pieces of colored paper for the decor of man.
  2. White paper sheet must be folded by 3 times the harmonica. Now cut the scissors for the resulting folding lines.
  3. Each strip must be folded again by the harmonica so that the width is the width of the future man.
  4. After the harmonica is ready, you begin to draw a silhouette of a little man. On the part of the sheet, which is closer to the collar, draw half of the little man. On the reverse side, we draw the second half of the little man.
  5. After you cut the garland, you will get cheerful little men who hold on the handles.
  6. In order to "revive" our heroes, you need to decorate them a little. From colored paper cut out eyes, hats, vests, ties, etc. You can make heroes the same, but you can make your unique appearance to each of them.

Paper garland paper

Butterfly garlands also look very gently and romantic. Even a child can cope with the manufacture of such decoration.

  • You will need paper desired colors, thread for garland, scissors.
  • If you do not know how to draw butterflies, you can print a finished pattern.

  • Transfer the drawing on the paper of the desired color and cut the elements of the garlands.
  • Now it remains to attach butterflies to the thread. This can be done with the help of a scotch. You can also glue 2 butterflies with each other, stretching the thread between them. You can still ride butterflies on the thread with the needle. Easy Spring Garland Ready


Garland of pumps from paper

Paper pumps look different effectively and festively. Garlands can be made of small, large or just giant pumps. The best material for the manufacture of such decoration is corrugated paper.

  1. Prepare corrugated paper of the desired color, thread for garlands, fine wire, scissors.
  2. Expand the corrugated paper roll and cut it on the same rectangles. The size of future pumps will be equal to the width of the narrow part of the rectangle.
  3. Fold 8 rectangles into a stack, fold them with harmonica.
  4. The middle of the harmonica must be fixed with a thread or thin wire. If you are planning then hang pumps, then at this stage you can make a small loop of thread or wire.
  5. Free edges of the harmonica round with scissors or make them sharp at will.
  6. Paper pompon is almost ready. It remains only to "fluff" the paper to make the decoration acquired a compound. From such pumps, you can build a horizontal or vertical garland.

Paper garland

For the manufacture of garlands from paper brushes, you will need a special type of fine crepe paper - a teasel. Consider step-by-step instructions for the manufacture of a colorful decor for any festive event:

  • prepare colored sheets of paper with teasel, adhesive gun, thick decorative cord, scissors, ruler, fishing line;

  • cut the paper on rectangles. Each rectangle must be drawn on a strip of about 1 cm wide;

  • next, with the help of scissors, start cutting the fringe, but do not reach the middle. When the top of the fringe sheet is ready, retreat a pair of centimeters and start the same way to make a fringe on the bottom of the sheet;

  • next, twist the sheet with a fringe into the beam, then scroll several times and fold half. You must have an elegant tassel;

  • after you make the required amount of brushes, you can proceed to the harrand collection. To do this, take a fishing line, secure the free edge for the decorative cord and start winding the cord on the spiral. Approximately every 10 cm attach brushes;

  • in order for paper brushes do not slip, lock them on the garland using a glue gun. Spectacular festive attribute ready.

Paper garland from circles

Ordinary colored paper circles can be a great base for garland. It can be decorated with a doorway, a window, decorate the wall, etc.

  1. First you need to decide on the color of the future garland. You can use one color paper, several close shades or make a colorful garland. This example uses colored paper of various blue and blue shades.
  2. We proceed to the workpiece of the main elements - circles of colored paper. The longer you want to make a garland, the more time you have to spend on cutting with colored paper circles. If you can find a special hole punch with large holes, then greatly facilitate the task.
  3. Garland from paper circles will look much more interesting if you make mugs of different diameters.
  4. After the main elements of the garlands are ready, proceed to its collection. Take two mug of the same diameter and glue them, after placing a suitable thread between them. Continue to attach mugs until the garland becomes the desired size.

Paper garland patterns

If you do not have artistic abilities, then you can make the garland of any kind using ready-made schemes for paper garlands that are easy to find on the Internet. Print the drawing, transfer it to a dense cardboard, cut the item and use it as a stencil. Thus, cutting garlands from paper will take a minimum of time.

You can decorate your home with simple and affordable materials. From ordinary colored paper you can make garlands of a wide variety of species and forms. In addition, you can always print garlands print from the Internet than just simplify your task.


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