
Lunar calendar 2017

Lunar calendar 2017
What days in 2017 will be favorable for monetary operations? The Lunar Cash calendar of 2017 will tell about this.

The fact that the moon has been known to our life since antiquity. In addition to impact on health and our well -being, the Moon has a powerful effect on prosperity and financial well -being - what almost every person strives for. Each new lunar month includes favorable or unfavorable lunar days to conduct finances. Moon calendar 2017 - a real assistant in financial matters. Observing the recommendations of astrologers, you can plan successful large acquisitions, purchases or sales, determine the most favorable day for borrowing a loan or money, as well as protect yourself and loved ones from unsuccessful financial transactions.

Moon calendar 2017. Lunar days and their impact on finance

Each lunar day has its own purpose, it carries a certain energy.

  • The most successful in financial undertakings are the 14th and 20th lunar day, when you can make the most bold purchases, sell real estate, open deposits in banking institutions.
  • Among the successful days of the week in monetary matters, Thursday is considered - the day when you can conclude major transactions, start new projects or invest funds. To solve important material issues in order to increase wealth, business development, astrologers advise choosing this particular day of the week.
  • Adverse money days are 9, 15, 23 and 29 lunar days. These days should not be invested in business, conclude transactions, take loans or loan - all cash transactions will bring only material losses.
  • An unsuccessful day of the week for material wealth is considered Sunday. On this day they do not solve financial problems, this is the time to communicate rest and love. The remaining days of the week carry neutral monetary energy.


The phase in which the moon is also influenced on financial well -being. The lunar month consists of 29-30 days and includes four phases.

The waning moon - the time for purchases, expenses and a favorable parting with the money signs, but it is not worth it to give money, since it is likely that the debtor will not return his debt.

And you should not borrow the money yourself on the growing moon - along with its growth, your amount of debt will also grow. The days on which the full moon and the new moon are unfavorable for any financial transactions.


Lunar calendar for January 2017

Listening to the recommendations of astrologers and the advice given in the monetary calendar by months for the upcoming 2017, you can determine for yourself the most favorable days to resolve monetary issues and attract wealth into your life.

January - the beginning of the year and a month of new undertakings. This month is favorable for earning and acquiring a new wallet.

  • January 3 is a wonderful day for holding magic rites aimed at monetary well -being and growth of material goods.
  • Buy a wallet: 6.13 or January 18. In the wallet bought these days, the money will always be waged!
  • Do not repay debts, repay loans on the 12th and 21st of the day.
  • Do not give anyone on the 6,13.22 days, debtors most likely will not return the debt on time.


Lunar calendar February 2017

February is the shortest month of the year, only 28 days. From the point of view of the lunar month - this period is an incomplete cycle, which adversely affects monetary matters and financial well -being. Deep your expenses and do not participate in dubious financial scams. Pay attention to what days, according to the lunar monetary calendar 2017, it is worth being especially careful so as not to incur material losses:

  • refrain from borrowing money on February 7, 17, 21;
  • do not take a large amount yourself on February 12, 17 and 21. It will not be easy to give these money on time;
  • exclude all financial transactions, especially doubtful nature on the 21st and 25th of February. All transactions, contracts or financial investments made these days of February may end with material losses and troubles;
  • in February, there will be a favorable period for purchases, especially large ones - this is the 13th and 24th of the month. All acquisitions will be successful, and the money invested in the case will be profitable;
  • the initial numbers of February are a favorable period for charity and material assistance to relatives, relatives who really need it. Such a noble act will soon be rewarded to the Universe - your income and finances will increase several times;
  • February 1 is a dangerous day for gambling, all the money will go irrevocably;
  • February 14 is a good day in trade, you can begin to promote your business, purchase goods.

413519 07/22/2009 Rublet bills of different advantages. Ilya Talev/RIA Novosti

Lunar calendar for March 2017

March is a favorable month to increase their income, search for new sources of earnings and a chance to earn good money.

  • in March, you can buy a new wallet, which will become talismans in financial matters. The best days for its acquisition are March 12 or 16;
  • the first month of spring is not the best time for regular recalculation of bills. To perform the procedure, choose the days favorable for this: 1, 29, 31;
  • if you have debts, in March - it's time to give them away. Choose the following days to repay debts or loans: March 1, 8 and 23;
  • for borrowing money is suitable on March 12 or 13;
  • March 8 is an unfavorable day to carry out any currency operations. Set aside all financial issues on more favorable days.


Lunar calendar for April 2017

In April - 30 full lunar days. This is a complete lunar cycle, it is favorable for making large transactions, investments and profit.

  • The first day of the month is a successful and happy day to fulfill your cherished dream. Buy on this day what you dreamed about and have long wanted, this purchase will be successful and will bring positive emotions.
  • April 15 - the day of planning their future expenses and expenses. Think about what you can save money on.
  • You can buy a new wallet in April on the 1, 8, 16th.
  • The best and favorable period for recalculating cash on the 17th, 29th and 30th.
  • Make large purchases on the 7th, 11th and 19th.
  • Do not issue loans and do not borrow 3, 10, 15, 23.

Money and Plant. Hand Holding Euro Coin.

Lunar calendar for May 2017

The last day of spring is an excellent time for acquisitions, it is in May that astrologers advise making expenses that were planned this year. When making a large purchase, think over its expediency well and only then make the final decision. As for financial issues in May, it is better to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • do not give a debt on May 3, 13 and 21, but give the money that was held, on May 7, 16 and 28;
  • may is the best month of the year to invest your own funds, invest finance on May 7, 11 or 14;
  • time to purchase a wallet on May 7 or 11;
  • May 15 - day for successful foreign exchange operations;
  • May 19- on this day, magical rites with money should not be carried out, cash rituals can turn into financial losses;
  • if there is a need to return the credit funds, it is better to do this at the end of May.


Lunar calendar for June 2017

June is ideal for new beginnings in business and the embodiment of their business ideas and plans into reality. Any undertakings will be successful and in the future will make a profit. Any financial investments, investments will be successful, the main thing is to catch the right time and not to miss good luck, and the calendar will help this:

  • the purchase of a wallet, which will become a talisman of luck and will attract cash flows, it is better to purchase on June 3, 14 or 29;
  • it is recommended to recalculate money in the wallet on June 3, 9 and 17;
  • June 6 and 9 - the best days for financial investments in any field of activity;
  • if you really need funds and decided to take a certain amount of money in the hope of giving it away quickly, then avoid June 6 and 22. The money borrowed in these numbers of June will not be so easy to pay;
  • set large financial calculations or operations until June 15 or 18;
  • June 4 and 5 - days for charity;
  • June 17 - astrologers call the best and favorable day to buy jewelry.

Attractive Young Couple Looking at an Expensive Necklace in a Jewelry Store

Lunar calendar for July 2017

July is a month that requires hard work to achieve its goals. If you just wait for a financial miracle, without making any efforts to success - you will not achieve financial well -being. Monetary lunar calendar 2017 will tell you when to make purchases and make money in July:

  • ideal days to buy a happy wallet - 1, 5, 28;
  • for recalculation of bills in the wallet, 1, 6, 17 and 27 are suitable;
  • investing in finance, the business will be successful if you do it on July 5, 7 and 28. Invested money will quickly make a profit;
  • if you are forced to take credit funds for business development, then we will be ideal for lending on July 1.7 and 23;
  • July 2 and 18 - days for charity and material assistance.


Lunar calendar for August 2017

August is a month of waste, and purchases made in the last summer month will be successful. In August, a favorable period for the implementation of their plans and achieve the set goal begins. Do not rely entirely on the lunar calendar, all responsibility for financial transactions lies only with you, common sense should always be present. The lunar calendar advises to make in August:

  • those who have long been making the idea of \u200b\u200bopening their own business, finally in August, can implement their plans. A responsible step can be taken 1, 7, 8, 13 and 29, the business will be successful;
  • days: from August 23 to 29 - favorable for taking a loan at a bank or a mortgage for buying a house or apartment. For a successful outcome, wait until the end of the month;
  • August 13 - the day is favorable for exchange of currencies;
  • August 5, 10, 14 and 26 - unfavorable days for returning the debt.


Lunar calendar for September 2017

September is not the best month for monetary investments and financial transactions. In September, lunar activity was observed, mid -September - time for magical conspiracies for profit. What days of September will be favorable for attracting money?

  • September 18 - day of recounting bills to increase profit;
  • september is a month when you should not borrow the amount of money even to good friends and acquaintances. But, nevertheless, there is one day in a month that will be favorable for borrowing - September 7;
  • the money that you borrowed on September 3 or 30 will most likely not return, so in your interests to lend these days;
  • September 30 is a day of successful purchases, even large ones.


Lunar calendar for October 2017

In October, you can make purchases that will become very profitable and justified. The moon recommends the following days for successful acquisitions:

  • it is better to buy a wallet 1, 8, 17 or 29;
  • October 5, 7 and 9 - favorable days to purchase cash talismans, which will certainly correct your financial well -being and make a profit;
  • repay debts on October 19 and 28;
  • if there is a major transaction on which further work and business development depends, postpone financial transactions until October 21. All cash investments, even risky, will bring pleasant surprises, in the form of good profit.


Lunar calendar for November 2017

November is a good and profitable month, successful for business. Do not rely on the calendar completely, but it is also worth listening to lunar tips:

  • if you plan to purchase real estate, then the beginning of November from 1 to 5 is a very favorable period for the purchase;
  • the period of return of debts and repayment of loans - - - - on November 25 and 27;
  • if you need a loan, choose the most favorable days for the responsible step on November 5, 7, 13 and 23. Credit funds will be profitable and you will quickly repay the loan;
  • November 25 and 28 - the days when the money that the debtors will return to you will be profitable;
  • November 6 and 19 is a good day for expensive gifts.


Lunar calendar for December 2017

The end of the year is an ideal and favorable period to complete affairs and return debts, you can also make profitable purchases.

  • the end of the year is the best time to repay debts and the beginning of life from a new clean page, the New Year will only bring profit. 1, 5, 19, 28 - time to fulfill the plan.

Money magic on the lunar monetary calendar 2017

In financial well -being and success, you can not only rely on the adviser - the lunar calendar, but to attract money to your life with the help of magical rituals. Before proceeding with magical rituals, you need to believe in the result very much and not forget that no ritual will help to get rich and establish a financial situation, if no effort to achieve the goal. The lazy and passive person who does not strive for nothing, does not work for the result, but wants to become financially independent and have money, even monetary magic will not help. Rituals with money only attract good luck and reveal to us our capabilities and prospects, helping to achieve the goal.

Among the most common rituals associated with money that really work can be distinguished:

  1. The most famous way to attract financial luck is to use a new large bill to attract it. Before the new moon (in 3 days), it is necessary to attach the bill under the table, while the back should be upstairs. The ritual works only where you work and earn money, for example, your desktop.
  2. Our ancestors also believed that water has the strongest energy in attracting money. It is recommended for any contact with water, spray it as little as possible, the taps should not flow in your house, and all the surfaces in the house should be wiped dry so that stagnation of water does not form. The 15th lunar day is the day when the ritual of cleaning and washing gold is the floor of the water. So you attract energy energy to the house.
  3. Another ritual associated with the monetary bills: put in the old wallet or purse a bill of any denomination and place it in the eastern part of the apartment or room. Every month, change this bill to a bill with a higher denomination. Soon you will notice that the money will go to your house.
  4. It is necessary to buy on the 30th of any month 13 church candles. The change, in the form of small coins, decompose from the purchase in the corners in the house. Before going to bed, light all the candles - wait until they burn out completely. In the morning, after motivation, without washing, collect the whole trifle in a handkerchief and hide the knot under the bed. This ritual will bring prosperity and stable material prosperity to your house.
  5. The new moon is a wonderful time to conduct a ritual to increase profits and money in the wallet. You need to take a bill that contains the number 5 and show it to the new moon, while asking it to increase the money. The conspiracy bill cannot be spent, but it should be worn in the wallet until the next new moon.


Follow our advice and believe that the moon can help you become more successful and richer. But remember - that well -being and success in any business depends on the person himself, who is the creator of his fate. The lunar monetary calendar helps to make the right decision and directs to the conceived goal.

Video: how to catch money good luck



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