
How to get rid of irritation after shaving

How to get rid of irritation after shaving
Ways to get rid of irritation after shaving and methods of their prevention.

Every second woman using a razor machine is faced with a delicate problem of skin irritation after shaving. Basically, such a delicate problem as irritation after shaving appears in areas of increased sensitivity - intimate areas. This is due to the fact that, together with the visible part of the hair, the machine removes the machine and part of the upper layer of the epithelium, which is then actively and not very pleasantly restored.

Often such irritation from shaving becomes too uncomfortable - heals for a long time, which is usually accompanied by severe itching. In such situations, it is necessary to consider the possibility and options for changing the technology of removing unwanted vegetation. Although, perhaps, the reason is that you simply shave the hairs incorrectly, and this leads to irritations in intimate areas. Drink a little deeper into the correct depilation process in order to forever remove irritation from your life after shaving.

How to get rid of irritation after shaving the bikini zone


Let's just say - the process of depilation is not the most pleasant activity, but its consequences, in general, out of the ordinary. And the most exciting problem of all parts of the body after shaving occurs with irritations in the bikini zone - an intimate, sensitive and vulnerable zone.

Treatment of irritation after shaving

  1. Brey only overgrown hair.  Frequent shaving will not lead you to more smooth skin, only exacerbate irritation from it, which did not have time to live for the first time. Let the hairs grow a little, and restore the skin and live before you take the machine again. Attempts to shave the irritated area will lead to even greater irritation and will not allow you to perfectly choose the remains. Watch the growth of hair after irritation: how they grow, whether hair bags heal well, and new hairs germinate.
  2. Do not comb the skin irritation after shaving.  With severe itching, try not to scratch the inflamed places. With your hands you can also bring an infection into fertile inflamed soil, and with your nails to hook pimples to the blood, which is subsequently fraught with improper scarring and scars.
  3. Be sure to use products to relieve irritation after shaving.  In no case do not select alcohol -containing agents. Only creams, gels and ointments after shaving, which contain salicylic acid, aloe juice, lemon balm or glycole. Any combination of them or one of them is quite suitable in order to remove irritation after shaving. Apply these products from irritation after shaving on inflamed areas of the skin twice a day - in the morning and evening. Be sure to treat severe irritation after shaving, after taking a shower - at these moments the skin is especially vulnerable and inflamed.
  4. Strong irritation after shaving can go into an infection.  In this case, cosmetic creams from irritation after shaving will no longer help you and you need to switch to heavy artillery. The infection is subcutaneous and superficial. Everything is clear on the surface: the pimple became inflamed, became a boil and it does not heal after three days of your futile attempts to relieve irritation after shaving. Subcutaneous infection occurs along with the problem of ingrown young hairs. In such a situation, medical antibacterial agents will help you - take a wide spectrum, so that for sure.

Prevention of irritation after shaving

  1. Get rid of stupid devices.  Razids tend to quickly stupor with regular use. Knowing this, control the severity of your disposable machine and nozzles. In this state, the razor will do more harm than good. Annoying the surface of delicate places of the skin, it not only does not shave the hairs, but also several times harder it harms its upper layer. As a result, you get poor -quality hair removal and severe irritation after shaving in addition.
  2. Do not wander often.  If possible, take breaks between shaving on the same site at least 1-2 days. Let's have the opportunity to rest in the intervals damaged skin. Better yet, adhere to a longer schedule. Make individual skin tolerance for yourself and forget about the need to do anything in order to get rid of irritations after shaving.
  3. Spa treaters will be worthless Using an ordinary cosmetic scrub in front of shaving, you will in advance and gently remove the keratinized skin cells. This will help you carry out the shaving procedure easier and better, and then it will minimize the likelihood of irritation. For this purpose, you can use special mittens for peeling and washcloths. Carry out the scrubbing procedure immediately before shaving or the day before, in cases of sensitive skin.
  4. Frighten correctly.  Put the machine on the skin area in an even horizontal position. All blades should be at one angle to the shaving place. Do not press on the machine - this will only lead to the fact that the razor scratches the upper layer of the skin and therefore irritation will begin. To avoid irritations in the bikini zone after shaving - carry out the machine softly in the course of hair growth.
  5. Bow on the steamed skin.  It is no secret that steamed skin becomes more supple and soft, and therefore the hairs on it too. Take a rule to do a similar procedure during the adoption of a bath or shower. About five minutes in the water is enough for the skin a little soften and become more supple to various manipulations. If you don't like your shower, just put a warm terry towel on the shaving zone for the same period.
  6. Bow with specialized tools.  If it seems to you that shaving creams are too idealized, then it is still without them. The fact is that ordinary soap does not contain softeners for comfortable shaving. And even if at first glance these things are no different, then the consequences speak for themselves - either there is skin irritation after shaving, or it is not or minimal. When choosing foam, focus on the composition - you need things with good moisturizers and aloe.
  7. The final stage.  To minimize severe irritations after shaving - just rinse the skin areas after a shower with cold water. This will tone the skin, remove the natural irritation of the cover after shaving and close the pores. Wiping out, just get wet slightly - do not rub them even more.

How to remove irritation after shaving your legs


Modern trends have already come up with an abundance of alternative methods of hair removal in return for ordinary razor. But many girls still trust their body with old methods. Of course, this follows a certain discomfort, such as frequent shaving and an eternal question on the topic, what to do after irritation. But these are already trifles that can be eliminated by adhering to simple rules.

How to remove irritation on your legs after shaving

We all see a beautiful advertisement, where in the photo, models with perfect skin demonstrate smooth shaving with the help of new -fangled razors and at the same time notice - not a gram of irritation. Of course, not everything is so simple, but this can be achieved.

  1. As we already wrote above, scarlet is a universal anti -inflammatory agent to restore damaged skin. If you do not trust his generous presence in cosmetic creams, then you can always make a small cream yourself. To do this, you need a few fresh scarlet leaves. In an ordinary blender, chop these leaves. Add a little any cosmetic oil - it softens well, disinfects and soothes the skin. Rub with light circular movements into irritated areas of the skin and withstand for up to half an hour. Then slightly get the rest of the mixture with a soft cloth and rinse with cool water without soap. Aloe well removes redness and inflammation of the places of problem hair removal, and you will be very useful if you have a pot on the windowsill.
  2. Mint is also a good soothing product after shaving. Just a few drops of its essential oil in a portion of cream after shaving will greatly improve its effect. Effectively calm the irritated skin after shaving.
  3. A completely harmless little secret from experience: before the procedure, put on your foot icy water so that goosebumps appear - this will lift the hairs a little, and you will shake the necessary area with less irritation.
  4. Homemade belts before hair removal is always better than a store. By the way, in many cosmetic scrubs you can find as an active component - honey. Take it and mix it with fine -grained salt. Process with a mixture of the legs in circular motions, before you take the machine. Such a vitamin cocktail is not only useful for the skin, but also very effectively cleanses its surface in front of the shaving process, so that irritation on the legs will be minimized.
  5. If you use a legs shaving machine, use it correctly to avoid adverse effects of irritation. Usually, such devices, no matter how well they are advertised, shave hair at the skin level, that is, inevitably “scratch” its upper layer. Therefore, it is necessary to shave the legs with machines on hair growth - from top to bottom to minimize irritation.
  6. The razor machine is recommended to be used no more than 3 - 5 times. Then the blades are blurred, and the shaving process becomes more problematic, and the probability of irritation increases after that.

How to remove irritations after shaving in women: folk remedies


You can get rid of irritations on the legs after shaving not only with cosmetic products. The most trusted, faithful, useful, safe and cheap ways are still the methods of traditional medicine. It is possible that in this option you will have to make a little more effort to prepare first aid from pharmacy herbs for irritations after shaving in women, but it's worth it.

  1. Such a tool is good to use to quickly remove inflammation and rashes. It soothes and softens the skin thanks to chamomile, tones and moisturizes it with mint. For a decoction, we will need an ordinary pharmacy chamomile and mint. In a convenient container, mix one tablespoon of chamomile and mint by 0.5 liters of water. Boil everything for about 10-15 minutes. Strain the decoction through a small sieve. Use as intended in the form of compresses.
  2. For this means, we need birch leaves, fresh or dry. For 0.5 liters of water, take 1.5 - 2 tablespoons of birch leaves. Bring the water to a boil separately. Pour the leaves with boiling water in a sealed container for insisting and leave for 12 hours. Then scatter. Apply irritation to the shaving.

How to get rid of irritation after shaving. Video


Marina 11.12.2017 Answer

Ilon also helps to cope with irritation after shaving. I always apply this ointment upon completion of the procedure and it best soothes the skin and removes inflammation.
