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Face massage against wrinkles

Face massage against wrinkles
Beauty and youth are in your hands

The appearance of wrinkles always excites women. It just so happened that we always strive to be beautiful and young in order to leave an indelible mark in the soul of the opposite sex. Miracles of plastic surgery, all kinds of anti -aging injections and laser procedures are available to modern beauties. All this did not have the great beautiful women of past centuries, however, they looked young and sophisticated, and their faces are still a standard of beauty. They retained their youth and beauty with natural masks, baths and massage. Nowadays, massage is associated with diseases of the spine and the musculoskeletal system, and after all, the rejuvenating properties of manual therapy is known since ancient Egypt.

How does face massage work from wrinkles


Massage has a tonic effect on the skin and muscles of the face. The skin is heated, metabolic processes in skin cells are accelerated. Under the influence of massage movements, blood is more actively circulating, and collagen begins to be produced in the skin cells, which provides the skin with elasticity. The skin is pulled up, and the contours of the face become more clear and even. As a result of facial massage, the condition of the skin improves: spots and irregularities disappear, which appeared from insufficiently fast blood circulation. Massage from wrinkles helps to remove edema under the eyes and relax the muscles of the face. If the massage is performed correctly and systematically, it will not only help to remove existing wrinkles, but will also have a preventive effect for their prevention.

Massage against wrinkles as a prophylactic does not have age -related restrictions, because sometimes in girls over 20 years old, small wrinkles already appear near the eyes or fold between eyebrows. This is due not so much with age as with a lack of rest, a tense rhythm of life, poor ecology, malnutrition, hereditary predisposition and other factors.

With all its positive qualities for skin of any age, facial massage against wrinkles has a number of contraindications. Massage is not recommended if:

  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • fresh wounds, abrasions, scratches;
  • warts and large moles on the skin of the face;
  • fresh tan.

How to do face massage from wrinkles yourself


To prepare the skin for massage, you need to make a hot compress for the face. Pour 1 tsp. Dry chamomile flowers with a glass of boiling water, cover and let stand for 15-20 minutes. Strain the warm infusion, warm up a little and soak a terry towel in it. Put the squeezed towel on the cleaned face, close your eyes and lie for 5-7 minutes. During this time, the skin under the towel will warm up and will be more susceptible to massage. Fasten your hair so that it does not fall on the face. Hands for massage should be perfectly clean to avoid the possibility of infection of the skin. Before manipulation, a cream or massage oil should be applied to the skin. It is necessary to learn the directions of massage lines in advance, it is unacceptable to massage randomly or as you think is correct, this can lead to stretching the skin. How massage lines are located and the direction of massage can be viewed in the photo.

Massage should be carried out with fingers carefully and carefully, avoiding skin stretching. It is recommended to massage against wrinkles with procedures courses, for example, 10 days in a row, 10-15 minutes every day. In order for the massage to bring only benefits, not harm, you should know: what massage techniques are, and what type of massage can be used independently.

I exist three main massage techniques:

  1. Classic massage. The purpose of this massage is to improve skin tone and accelerate blood circulation. It is performed by stroking and rubbing along the massage lines. We can perform this type of massage on our own, it is suitable for smoothing small wrinkles, eliminating edema and increasing skin tone.
  2. Plastic massage. This type of massage is called manual lifting, it can only be entrusted with a qualified cosmetologist. In this form of massage, the movements are energetic and quite strong. Plastic massage is recommended for skin with signs of aging.
  3. Spear massage. Massage is performed by rubbing, pinch and pressure. This type of massage can only be performed by a cosmetologist according to indications. At home, such a technique cannot be used so as not to injure the skin.

Massage from wrinkles around the eyes


If you began to notice that you often have swelling under the eyes and swelling of the eyelids, you can get rid of this phenomenon with massage. For massage, prepare a cosmetic oil that suits you and does not cause allergies.

  1. The ring fingers moistened in oil are placed in the outer corners of the eyes. Easily touching the skin, like a butterfly with wings, draw fingers along a semicircular massage line from the outer corner of the eye to the inner corner. The next movement - the fingers return on the same line back.
  2. Now we move to the area above the eyes. The same fingers are gently moving from the bridge of the nose, under the eyebrows to the outer corner of the eye. We fix the fingers for a few seconds and move back to the nose.
  3. We move on to circular movements around the eyes. Ring fingers, slightly pressing on the skin, move under the eyes. The movement begins from the outer edge of the eye. Near the inner corner of the eye we move up and draw under the eyebrows above the eye, towards the outer corner of the eye. Perform circular movements 10 times.
  4. We perform the movement described in paragraph 1, slightly pressing the fingertips on the skin.

These simple exercises will help to leave excess fluid from the zone around the eyes, eliminate swelling and make the gaze shining. Try it!

To improve the condition of the skin around the eyes and smooth small wrinkles will help washing with contrasting water and massage with ice cubes. It is good to massage around the eyes with cubes of frozen decoctions of herbs or tea.

Face massage from wrinkles with spoons


There are several methods of this massage at once. It is difficult to establish authorship, because the German cosmetologist Rene Koch officially proposed to do facial massage with spoons, but this procedure was known long before him in Japan and China. This is not so important, all the same, massage with spoons is a very effective way to get rid of wrinkles and get rid of swelling on the face. Nothing special for this massage is required: only two teaspoons, two cups of water, desire and perseverance in achieving the goal.

Face massage from wrinkles with chilled spoons

Using chilled spoons, you can remove swelling near the eyes. Prepare a cup of cold water, you can add several ice cubes to it. Dip two teaspoons into the water. Apply spoons to the upper eyelids. Hold a few minutes when the spoons are heated, cool again in the water. So you can repeat 5 times. We perform the same manipulation with the lower age. If swelling does not leave, we draw with chilled spoons along the upper eyelid in the direction from the nose to the outer corner of the eyes. Then we do the same in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower eyelid. The direction is from the inner angle of the eye to the temples. Perform 5 times.

Face massage from wrinkles with warm spoons

For this type of massage, oil is used. You can take any massage, your favorite cosmetic or just olive. For oily skin, it is recommended to use warm kefir. To make the procedure as effective as possible, you can alternate warm and cold spoons. Each movement must be repeated 5 times.

  1. Massage begins with the forehead. With warm spoons we draw from the middle of the forehead to the temples. If there are wrinkles on the nose, additionally press them with warm spoons.
  2. We massage the zone around the eyes from the nose towards the temples, equally upper and lower eyelids. Separately, press the wrinkles near the eyes.
  3. We draw spoon along the massage lines: from the middle of the nose to the temples, from the wings of the nose to the temples, from the corners of the mouth to the temples.
  4. We apply warm spoons to the nasolabial folds and upper lip, slightly pressing and smoothing the folds.
  5. We draw with warm spoons from the center of the chin to the ears.
  6. We put warm spoons at the bottom of the neck, near the clavicle, and lead to the chin. For smoothing wrinkles on the neck, patting warm spoons in problem areas.

After the massage is completed, wipe the face with a napkin. Massage with spoons is recommended to be performed in courses of 10 procedures. Swelling passes after the first sessions.

You can see how to properly perform facial massage from wrinkles with spoons.

Face massage from wrinkles with spoons. Video

Massage for the neck from wrinkles


Very often the age of the woman gives out her neck. We care about the face, pamper it with masks, creams and massages, and most often we forget about the neck until wrinkles appear.

The neck massage is carried out by the back of the palm, the direction of the palm is from the collarbone to the chin. Massage is carried out within 5-10 minutes. The neck massage prevents wrinkles, activates metabolic processes in the skin, smoothes small wrinkles. Against the lethargy of the skin, the neck massage is used by ice cubes. Such a massage is performed along the massage lines: from the collarbone to the chin, and on the side sides of the neck - from ears to shoulder.

Acupressure facial massage from wrinkles

Survatory massage is aimed at relaxing the muscles of the face, because it is precisely because of the tension that wrinkles are obtained. In addition, massage significantly improves the condition of the skin, makes it even and radiant. When performing acupressure, some rules should be followed:

  1. Massage or pressure is carried out by pads of the middle, index and ring fingers. When pressing, sensations of mild pain should occur.
  2. Pressure is carried out slowly and smoothly, the direction of exposure a little from the bottom up. In addition to pressure, no effects on the skin can be carried out.
  3. Pressing time for each of the points is 5-7 seconds.

Survatory massage from wrinkles is performed in such a sequence.

Acupressure of forehead massage from wrinkles

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  1. In the middle of the forehead, we put the fingers of both hands: nameless, middle and index. The pressure force is determined by sensations. Touch should be elastic, but not painful. We slightly push the fingers from the center of the forehead, again carry out a acupressure. We sequentially move our fingers towards the temples.
  2. We perform in the same technique of temples massage.
  3. We go to the massage of the eyebrows. We visually divide the eyebrow into 3 parts, the index finger is located on the tail of the eyebrow, at the temple. The middle finger is in the middle of the eyebrow, and the nameless near the nose, at the very beginning of the eyebrows. We influence 5 seconds. We place the cushions of the middle fingers near the outer corner of the eye, we act very carefully. We move the middle fingers to the inner corner of the eye, act as carefully and carefully as possible.
  4. Massage to the nose. Particular attention should be paid to those who have a fold between the eyebrows. Survatory massage, performed constantly, will relieve this wrinkle. Performed by the pads of the index and ring fingers. The fingers are placed between the eyebrows and gently affect the place of formation of the folds. Massage of these points helps to cope with bad mood and apathy.

Surfacing massage of the area around the eyes from wrinkles

  1. The area above the eyes. We place the pillows of the ring fingers on the inner corner of the eye. The index finger is located on the inner corner of the eye, and the middle one on the upper eyelid. The acupressure of this area will help relieve eye tension.
  2. The area under the eyes. It is performed in this way: we place the pads of the index fingers on the outer corners of the eyes, the middle fingers on the lower eyelid, ring on the inner corners of the eyes. The skin under the eyes is very thin and sensitive, so we act as carefully as possible to prevent damage.

Surfacing massage of the nose, mouth and chin from wrinkles

  1. We place the scores of the index fingers near the very wings of the nose. We influence 5 seconds.
  2. We massage the active point above the upper lip. We perform massage with a pillow of the middle finger, put it above the upper lip in the middle, press 5 seconds. We also do massage of the lower lip, the active point is located under the lower lip in the middle.
  3. In order for the face to retain its outlines, and not “floats” down, we massage the chin. The pillows of the ring and middle fingers are located in the center of the chin, the index finger is located on the cheekbone, and the pillow of the thumb under the cheekbone. We act on these points. Gradually moving fingers along the cheekbone, we act on active points in 5-6 stages.

Chinese face massage from wrinkles


The technique of this massage is based on the effects of active points, which contribute to rejuvenation of the skin due to internal reserves. To make Chinese massage from wrinkles at home, you need to prepare a fat cream or massage oil.

  1. We apply the cream on the face.
  2. We perform massage with warm palms. To prepare the palms, rub them for several minutes until we feel warm.
  3. We apply warm palms to the skin of the face. We hold for a few minutes, rotate with eyeballs, often blink, then we turn our eyes again.
  4. With light touches of the palms, cover closed eyes.
  5. In circular movements of the index fingers, we massage the nose. We massage the wings of the nose from top to bottom.
  6. The massage of the cheeks is performed by the blow of the fingertips.
  7. Massage of the ears improves the general condition and activates metabolic processes, perform it with the middle fingers in the direction from the top of the auricle down to the earlobe.
  8. We massage the forehead with the fingers of two hands, starting from the middle towards the temples.

Chinese face massage from wrinkles. Video

Japanese massage from wrinkles

The most popular Japanese massage from wrinkles is called the TSOGAN, this means the creation of a face. Over the past years, reviews about facial massage from wrinkles Tsogan have beaten all ratings. This type of massage is suitable for women of all ages, for any type of face. Sometimes this massage is called magical, it is extremely popular with those who are trying to get rid of facial edema and girls who have lost 20 or more kilograms. Massage Tsogan helps to cope with the "sagging" of the skin of the face and deep wrinkles. The unhappy interest in massage Tsgan is constantly heated by new developments, books, video lessons. To master the technique of massage Tsogan or, as it is also called, Asahi, is completely easy. It is enough to watch the video 1-2 times, select yourself half an hour of time a day, and then it all depends on your perseverance. Like all types of massage, it requires systematic classes. But if you do the massage procedure daily, at least within 10 days, you will definitely hear compliments addressed to you that you began to look better and younger.

Before you start massage the TSOGAN, you should familiarize yourself with the technique of conducting.

  1. The face is pre -cleaned, cosmetic cream, butter or light cream are applied.
  2. Massage with power exposure is performed, but caution should be observed. If pain appears, pressure should be reduced.
  3. The exercises end with light movement along the contour of the face, from the temples to the clavicles.

  Japanese massage Tsogan from wrinkles. Video

You can master the technique of this magic massage on this video.



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