
Properties of propolis on alcohol. The use of propolis on alcohol at home, from which it helps. How to make the tincture of propolis on alcohol - recipe. Treatment with propolis on alcohol how to drink

Properties of propolis on alcohol. The use of propolis on alcohol at home, from which it helps. How to make the tincture of propolis on alcohol - recipe. Treatment with propolis on alcohol how to drink
Properties of propolis on alcohol, from what helps. Treatment with propolis on alcohol at home - how to take. The recipe for the preparation of propolis on alcohol.

In ancient times, the main method of treatment of various diseases was propolis. And today, this product of the bees is considered valuable to therapeutic material, which is actively used in folk medicine because of its real magic force in the treatment of various diseases. Most often propolis is used to prepare a tincture on alcohol - this therapeutic agent is prepared very quickly and with a minimal set of products.

In addition, the tincture of propolis on alcohol has a huge number of useful properties capable of facilitating the patient's condition at various illnesses. This healing drug, which is widely used in the people, received recognition even in modern medicine. Professional doctors say that it is the treatment of a tincture of propolis on alcohol, has a huge positive effect in comparison with ordinary water tincture and decoction.

In this article, consider the basic properties of the propolis tincture on alcohol, as well as all useful qualities and contraindications to the use of the drug. We give step-by-step instructions of how to make proper propolis on alcohol at home and take it in the treatment of various diseases.

What is propolis, its features

Propolis is a mixture of adhesive consistency, which is produced by bees to protect and strengthen their homes, for isolation from foreign objects and disinfection of all the hive. Bees lubricate their walls, floor, cells of Sopolis to protect them from viruses and various microbes. If strangers fall into the hive, for example, other insects or mice, bees, after biting, lubricate the uninvited guest with propolis. As a result, it turns out disguised mummy, which does not completely decompose and thereby spoil the microclimate in the hive. These features of propolis began to use people in the treatment of a variety of diseases.

Natural product propolis consists of a large number of components, among which natural balsams, resins, wax, floral pollen, essential oils, fatty acids, and a large amount of vitamins and minerals can be distinguished. If there are still disputes on the generation of propolis bees, then with the composition of this substance everything is clear: a total of propolis includes 284 chemical compounds. In appearance, propolis resembles ordinary plasticine and can be of a different shade: dark green, gray, brown. With long-term storage, this substance changes its color to black. Propolis is not only a useful substance, but also possessing a very pleasant and tasty odor, which resembles the smell of honey, mixed with fragrance of fragrant herbs and resinous greens. The taste propolis is bitter, resembles the kidney of trees.

All useful qualities of natural propolis, especially anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, are actively used by a person. Most often, this substance is not in its pure form, but is used as aquatic and alcohol tincture. According to professional doctors, the use of propolis on alcohol helps to cope with various ailments and their symptoms.

Therapeutic properties of propolis on alcohol

Propolis on alcohol is a unique medicine, which in its composition has simply a huge amount of vitamins and elements. About 85% of the total substance make up wax and resin, up to 9% of the total mass make up essential oils, then terpene acids and tanning substances are coming, less than 4% is a flower pollen. Propolis includes such trace elements as nicotinic acid, chrome, iron, copper, vanadium, cobalt, iodine, vitamins B and many other useful substances. This natural product felt on alcohol retains all its valuable medical properties and is a practically miraculous means in the treatment of various diseases.

The home tincture of propolis on alcohol is a very effective means of treating various diseases. The spectrum of the action of this unique drug is extremely wide, besides, it is possible to use both the finished drug from the pharmacy and the tincture prepared by their own hands at home. Next, consider all the main healing properties of the natural product and note that propolis helps on alcohol.

The main properties of propolis on alcohol include the following:

  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Antibacterial.
  • Disinfectant.
  • Antitoxic.
  • Dermoplastic.
  • Antioxidant.
  • Immunomodulatory.

Based on the above spectrum of the properties of this therapeutic drug, you can distinguish a large number of areas of the human body and diseases, which treats propolis on alcohol.

  • First of all, due to the fact that propolis on alcohol acts as a strong anti-inflammatory agent, it can block all inflammatory responses in the human body, stops the development of viral microflora, infections. It has been proven to stop the development of fungus. In this regard, the tincture of propolis on alcohol is used to treat and prevent various colder respiratory diseases: influenza, ARVI, ORZ, bronchitis, tonsillitis, otitis. Such a means is shown during a cold, cough and pain in the ears.
  • It is also worth noting that the tincture of propolis on alcohol contributes to the cessation of the growth of viral cells of such serious diseases as herpes, tuberculosis, staphylococcus, streptococcus, diphtheria, gas, hepatitis and other diseases.
  • According to the instructions, propolis on alcohol can be used as an antiseptic drug instead of iodine.
  • The effectiveness of the application of this miraculous natural agent for the speedy healing of the Russian Academy of Sciences has been proven. Thanks to the part of propolis, this tincture activates cell regeneration processes, which, in turn, helps healing both internal and external wounds. That is why the tincture of propolis on alcohol is used for various skin diseases: psoriasis, burns, frostbite, eczema, trophic ulcers, furunculosis and other non-healing wounds.
  • According to numerous reviews, propolis on alcohol is considered much more efficient than any drug antibiotic drugs. This is due to the fact that all viruses and bacteria are adapted to drug antibiotics over time, which reduces the effectiveness of treatment. In the case of propolis, the adaptation of pathogenic microbes is simply impossible.
  • Propolis on alcohol contributes to the healing and treatment of lesions of the joints and bones, for example, with osteomyelitis, arthritis and bursts.
  • It is possible to prepare the tincture of propolis on alcohol to reduce pain syndrome. It has been proven that anesthetic effect is 5 times higher than the action of novocaine. Most often in this regard, the solution is used in cosmetology and dentistry.
  • The tincture of propolis on alcohol is the strongest antioxidant, which contributes to the purification and rejuvenation of the entire body. From this purpose the drug is often used in cosmetology.
  • This natural therapeutic agent has a positive effect on the liver condition, cleans it, restores liver cells and makes it more resistant to the external threat.
  • The tincture of propolis on alcohol allows to successfully establish metabolic processes, blood circulation and helps with varicose veins.
  • Therapeutic drug is used to treat diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as at various gynecological diseases, for example, during thrush.
  • Propolis tincture is often used when problems with gastrointestinal tract and a bubble bubble.
  • Often, propolis is used for alcohol at various cancer. It has been proven that this product in its regular use can significantly reduce the size of metastasis and slow down their growth. However, unfortunately, for medical purposes, the tincture of propolis on alcohol is extremely rare.
  • Propolis on alcohol inside can be taken with constant insomnia and nervous disorders.
  • Effectively, such a tincture copes with a reduced immunity, so in the offseason it is recommended to supply the course of propolis on alcohol.

Propolis on alcohol: contraindications and side effects

Like any other drug, propolis on alcohol has a number of contraindications. This list is not significant, but it is worth paying attention to it before starting the course of treatment with tincture.

  • First of all, the most basic contraindication to the use of propolis on alcohol is the individual intolerance to the natural product of propolis and ethyl alcohol.
  • Another contraindication to the use of tincture of propolis on alcohol is the presence of allergic reactions to honey. In this case, it is best to abandon the use of the drug.
  • It is impossible to take the tincture of propolis on alcohol to pregnant and women, nursing breasts.
  • Also contraindicated the use of propolis on alcohol to children under 18.
  • In addition, it is not necessary to use alcohol tincture in large quantities, since the large amount of ethyl alcohol can reduce the effectiveness of treatment.
  • It is not recommended to apply a means on propolis on the affected skin area in the presence of bleeding.

In addition, this drug propolis on alcohol must be taken strictly following the dosage, since otherwise you can get a number of side effects:

  • Sometimes in overdose or in case of improper use of the drug, changes may be observed in pressure.
  • There may also be an excessive tide of strength or their decline.
  • A significant violation of the heart rhythms can also be classified as side effects when using the spells on alcohol.
  • In some cases, strong drowsiness may be observed.
  • Allergic reactions can be attributed to side effects, as well as redness on the skin and minor rash.
  • It is also worth noting the presence of itch when using alcohol tincture.

Cooking propolis on alcohol - step-by-step instruction

The tincture of propolis on alcohol can be easily purchased at the pharmacy for a fairly low cost. Many most often do it. However, some prefer to prepare therapeutic drug using proven natural products. Before cooking propolis on alcohol, it is important to carefully choose natural propolis. It can be purchased from acquaintances for an apiary or buy.

  • First of all, you need to purchase high-quality propolis. The natural product for the most part consists of resins, so it is heavier than water. In order to check the quality, it is necessary to place a small part of the propolis in the water. If it drops to the bottom of the container, then the product of high quality.
  • If propolis remains to swim on the surface, it means more consists of wax and impurities, and therefore much less useful qualities in such a product.
  • Some are offered to chew a small piece of propolis to determine its quality. If there is a burning and insignificant numbness in the mouth, then a good quality product.
  • To prepare a quality drug, it is necessary to use medical alcohol or homemade vodka with a fairly large degree, since in ordinary shopping vodka propolis will dissolve quite a long time.

Recolese recipe on alcohol:

  • Most often for home use is used 10 or 20 percentage of propolis tincture on alcohol. To prepare a 10% solution, it is necessary to take the ingredients in the proportion of 1 to 10, in this case it is 1 liter of medical alcohol and 100 grams of propolis. It is best to use a 70 degree medical alcohol. It is also necessary to find a bottle of dark glass, transparent capacitance will not fit.
  • With the home preparation of the propolis tincture on alcohol, natural raw propolis must be prepared. To do this, it is placed in a refrigerator or freezer for about 1-2 hours so that propolis is a little frozen - so it is better to handle it.
  • Next, with the help of a kitchen knife or grater, grind the frozen propolis. It is necessary to work with this material very neatly, as it is very sticky and when it can fall on the surface in the future with great difficulty to divert.
  • At the next stage, it is recommended to pour chopped propolis with water it is necessary for cleaning the material from various impurities. After a while, the water needs to be merged, and propolis dry well.
  • After that, you can proceed to the process of insteading. Take the tank made of dark glass and place propolis in it, then fill it with alcohol or in the extreme case vodka.
  • It is necessary to insist the tincture of propolis on alcohol for 2 weeks in a dark and cool place so that the temperature does not exceed 20 degrees. If the temperature regime is broken, the future tincture can lose a number of useful properties.
  • It is recommended to shake a container with propolis every day. Before direct use, the tincture of propolis on alcohol should be strain.
  • It is necessary to store the tincture of propolis in a dark bottle in the refrigerator. The shelf life of such a drug is 3-4 years.

How to drink propolis on alcohol

Before taking propolis on alcohol, it is necessary to carefully read the instructions for this drug or consult with the doctor. Each disease requires various dosages and courses of treatment, so with improper reception of the tincture you can even more harm your health. Let us give a detailed description of how and how much to take propolis on alcohol under various diseases.

  • Treatment of the throat with propolis on alcohol. For diseases of the oral cavity, angina, tonsillitis, it is recommended to rinse the throat of the tincture of propolis on alcohol. To do this, in 1 cup of warm boiled water, you need to add 1 straw spoon of tincture and rinse about 6 times a day. Instead of water, you can use the decoction of the pharmaceutical chamomile, Hypericum and Sage. After three days of reception of the drug, you can reduce the amount of rinsing up to 3 per day.
  • Propolis on alcohol during dental pain. Very often, this drug helps with unbearable dental pain. In addition, the tincture of propolis on alcohol helps to remove inflammation and bleeding the gums and strengthen the teeth. To do this, it is necessary in one glass of warm boiled water to dissolve half a teaspoon of tincture. You can also simply lubricate your teeth or gums with a slightly concentrated solution.
  • Treatment of otitis and purulent oha inflammation. In order to remove the rose from the ears, it is necessary to make flashers from gauze or bandage and to dip them into the tincture of propolis on alcohol. After that, the harnesses are inserted into the ears for about 15-20 minutes. At the next stage, each ear must be drunk 2 drops of tincture. You need it three times a day.
  • Propolis on alcohol with bronchitis. According to reviews, propolis on alcohol perfectly helps to cope with bronchitis. To do this, it is necessary to mix half a glass of boiled water with 30-40 drops of 10% of the propolis tincture. Take it necessary 3 times a day. To enhance the effect, the same tincture can be rubbed back and chest.
  • Propolis tincture when coughing. Propolis on alcohol is an excellent expectorant. To do this, brew the broth of the Zverbaoy and add honey to it (quantity as desired) and 10 drops of the tincture of propolis. Take this solution you need 3 times a day. A full course of treatment will be 7 days.

  • Propolis on alcohol with gastritis. With such a disease, it is recommended to make a solution based on the supolis tincture on alcohol and sea buckthorn oil in the proportion of 10 to 1. This solution must be boiled, filtered and stored in a bottle in the refrigerator. If there is no sea buckthorn oil, you can use the usual creamy. You need to take three times a day before eating 30 drops of a solution divorced in water or in milk.
  • Propolis on alcohol for stomach. Since ethyl alcohol has a not quite beneficial effect on the stomach, it is necessary to take the tincture of propolis on alcohol in the treatment of various stomach diseases. For this, the tincture is bred up to 30% of water concentration and consumed with water. After that, a 15% solution of propolis solution on alcohol with oil twice a day is 6-8 grams. Such treatment must be continued for about 3 weeks.
  • Tincture with peptic diseases. It is best to start with the use of 5% of the propolis tincture on alcohol if nothing bothers and the stomach normally diges the drug, you can use a 10% or 20% solution. It is necessary to dissolve 40 drops of tincture in half a glass of milk or water and take 1.5 hours before meals. The course of treatment is 1-2 months.
  • When problems with the bubble and liver. With such diseases it is recommended to take 20 drops of the tincture of propolis on alcohol dissolved in the warm tea, in the morning and in the evening during the week. Next, it is necessary to make a weekly break and repeat the course again.
  • When skin problems. When the skin appears on the skin, ulcers, it is recommended to use the tincture of propolis on alcohol. To do this, you need to moisten a cotton swab in the solution and wipe the affected skin sections 2-3 times a day before recovery.
  • For the treatment of nail fungus. To cope with the nail fungus, you need to take 20% of the propolis tincture on alcohol, moisten her cotton swab and attach it to the affected nail. So you need to repeat a few days.
  • The tincture of propolis in gynecology. With different gynecological diseases, you can make a bath or douching with this drug. To douch, it is necessary to take 3 tablespoons of a mixture of chamomile, plantain and yarrow, pour their 500 ml of water and peel on slow heat for 15 minutes. Next, the decoction insist several hours, 30 drops of 20% of the propolis tincture on alcohol are filtered and added.
  • Propolis on alcohol for immunity. In the offseason, it is recommended to use this preparation for the prevention of various colds and influenza. To do this, it is necessary to make a solution of propolis every day. It is recommended to start with 1 drop, increasing the dosage every day. Maximum can take 30 drops of solution, after which it is necessary to take a break for 2-3 weeks. If necessary, the course must be repeated, while remember that you can take a tincture without a break for more than one month.
  • Propolis tincture in varicose veins. In this case, it is recommended to make wretched tampons in the tincture and rub into the sections where there are discover veins. You can also make compresses and impose them on problem areas 3-5 times a day.
  • Tincture with acne. In cosmetology purposes, you can also use propolis on alcohol. It is necessary to mix the tincture of propolis with water in proportion 2 to 1 and a moistened tampon wipe the face 2 times a day in the morning and in the evening.

Propolis on alcohol is a unique folk remedy that has just a huge number of useful properties, and with competent and thoughtful use, this natural drug will become excellent in the treatment of various diseases.


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