
How to strengthen your nails

How to strengthen your nails
Tips for strengthening nails at home. Description of cosmetic procedures to strengthen nails in the manicure salon.

Beautiful manicure - The basis  well -groomed hands. Placing nails not only do unsightly they external view. Theycause unpleasant, painful sensations, spoiled things, for example, torn tights. To protect myself from these problems, can take advantage one from tips, presented v ours article. IN her can choose strengthening means for nails, which help exactly to you.

Why are nails laying?


Reasons togo, what placing nails, can be the following:

  1. Deficit microelements. Flaw calcium, magnesium, silicon and gland.
  2. Genetic predisposition.
  3. Systematic long contacts with water. Ordinary bathing not relaxing nails, but daily interaction their with water  impurities  v flow several hours quite maybe be reason problems.
  4. Contact with chemical substancesdetergents means, domestic chemistry.
  5. Long usage artificial materials for building nails without breaks.
  6. Violation exchange substances, diseases internal organs.
  7. Strong stress.
  8. Mechanical impactGame on guitar, opening, podging whator nails.

That there is v most cases, to strengthen nails, necessary influence on chemical compound organism or substances, with which contact legs.

Methods fortifications nails v salon

Strengthen nails can v most manicure salons. Good master perform any procedure, be that sealing nails, strengthening fabric or biogel. Here so it looks algorithm their conducting.

Biogel strengthening nails


IN given case strengthening means for nailsbiogel. This substance for fortifications and building nails, having structure gel. Procedure provided v such sequences:

  • processing fingers antiseptic;
  • manicurebringing nails to desirable lengths and forms;
  • Cleaning from keratinized cells;
  • Application biogel;
  • fixing his under ultraviolet;
  • Repeated application and fixing gel.

Masters manicure emphasize, what biogel strengthens and protects nail on that time, bye he apply. They also dispel  Some stereotype s. For example,  o volume, what biogelthis that the same most, what gelvarnisha prefix « biomeans, what means made only from natural substances.

Biogelthis not only strengthening means for nails. On top of the colorless biogel can be applied with cauliflower. Owners of short nails can choose a manicure design here.

Sealing wax to strengthen nails


Usually sealing  for fortifications nails conduct so:

  1. Nog it is given necessary form and length.
  2. Grinded flat surface and end nail pair files.
  3. Polish from dust and nail shavings.
  4. Rub wax in all planes nail.
  5. Lubricate nail and skin around him vitaminized oils.

If after procedures you decided make up nails, need to wait, by extreme meres, 20 minutes. Then necessary wash hands with soap and can apply varnish.

This procedure suitable and v case fortifications nails after removal freeded, and for those, who constantly classes v home work with negative influence on nails, and for those, u whom just no time constantly do manicure. Film, created so sealing, holds fromtoweeks. After her rinse   can  Apply wax  reveal.

Some conduct this procedure v home conditions. But When conducting it by non -professional  there is probability exhaustion, thinning nail plates. This connected with certain sequence conducting Sealing. The most  common  error  Its holding it at home -  chaotic grinding nail.

Strengthening nails fabric or paper


IN this case material serves those most, how is gypsum on fracture. Initially paper used how fastening material at damage, dolme nail. CO time steel use linen textile, a then silk or fayberglass. Procedure fortifications nails such materials it looks So:

  • grinding nail and his end;
  • coating flat surfaces glue or colorless varnish;
  • gluing reinforcing material;
  • bending edges fabrics or papers under nail;
  • Application fastener for reliability.

Such design holds near 3-4  days. Her can cover varnish, but if strengthening nails was produced with help papers, that covered varnish  Nails bu dut look unnatural. Except togo, paper for a long time dry.

Strengthening nails v home conditions


Strengthen nails v home conditions can a few ways. Usually among household ingredients found lemon, sea salt, iodine, olive oil. Specialized methods they become gels and varnishes, which strengthened nails.

Strengthening nails varnish

Biogel ---- Modern-solution-for-strengthening-nogers

Strengthening varnish for nails enters v line therapeuticpreventive means for nails. Usually v so varnish should to be present vitamins, calcium, iron and keratin. Varnishes such appointments colorless or have weak shadepink, blue.

Work with strengthening varnish for nails can, how and with ordinary, if v instructions not it is said other. Special rules lying v planes regularity application. We let us give peculiarities work with varnish Trind Nail Repair, price whom480 rubles.

  1. Apply his necessary daily.
  2. Treatment must last not less two weeks.
  3. In time treatment it is forbidden use decorative varnishes.
  4. IN first day we apply varnish, in secondwe apply varnish on top previous. IN thirdwe wash the remains remedy without acetone, again we apply varnish and repeat procedure by circle.

Reviews about strengthening varnishes they say o volume, what effect depends from situations. To whomthat varnishes help support fortress nails, on whosethat nails varnish acts only in time preventive use, a to whomthat not helps even coordinated system therapeutic means. If v yours case effect from varnish for fortifications nails it turned out sufficient, consult for maintaining healthy states nails after treatment use varnish once v a week.

Strengthening nails gel


Advantages strengthening gel for nails v volume, what nail:

  • It becomes stronger, not it is laying;
  • Eating useful substances from gel;
  • longer holds decorative coating;
  • acquires smooth surface and healthy view.

Procedure coatings nail gel for fortifications the next:

  • processing hands antiseptic;
  • Removing with nails gloss with a file with abrasiveness 240 grit;
  • Giving nails desirable forms and lengths;
  •   degreasing all affordable surfaces nails;
  • Application modeling means;
  • Application and distribution gel special brush;
  • removal dispersed films;
  • Folding (file v 150160 grit);
  • degreasing;
  • Application protective gel;
  • Rubbing oils v circulus and nail.

Such manicure allows study home work without fears. Result holds near 23 weeks v dependencies from speed growth nails. By past this time not gel it becomes unsightly, a view grown nail. IN this case can update old gel new, a territory sprinkle.

Baths to strengthen nails

Spa Treatment for Female Hands

Most common home fortification nails remain baths. Liquids for them easily prepare, a apply comfortable in time viewing films. The most common components such baths remain: olive oil, sea salt, lemon, iodine.

Baths for fortifications nails with salt

Majority baths for fortifications nails created on base salt solution. Here some from them:

  • 0,5 liter warm water, 1 art. l. nautical salt without additives. Stir salt, to not left draft. Hold hands v bath 20 minutes. Thoroughly wipe hands and nails towel or napkin. We process massaging movements nail plates cream, preferably fat. Schedule application baths: daily v flow two weeks. Repeat well through month at need;
  • 1 art. water, 1 art. l. salt without slides, 23 drops liquid soap. Duration20 minutes;
  • 1 art. water, 3 art. l. food salt, 35 drops iodine. Duration1520 minutes. Repeat can weekly;
  • 1/3 art. warm water, 2 h. l. golden salt, 4 drops iodine,1/3 art. freshly squeezed orange juice. Procedure it lasts 510 minutes. After her on dry nails we apply vitaminized cream.

Baths for fortifications nails on basis olive oils

Along with baths on basis salt solution for fortifications nails use also baths on vegetable oils.

  • 100 ml olive oils, crushed half lemon. Mixture heat on water bath to temperatures, comfortable for hands. But it is forbidden overheat, otherwise she lose useful properties. Hold fingers v mixtures need to to those por, bye she not cool;
  • 0,5 art. olive oils, 0,5 art. castor oils, 0,5 art. crushed greetsky nuts, 1 art. l honey. Stir to education homogeneous masses. 1015 minutes hold v her nails. After procedures better wipe it hands fabric.

Strengthening nails lemon


ABOUT volume, what lemon strengthens nails already it is said v section o baths. He activates other components, complements their. But lemon can use and on one's own. For this you will need it all one. Strengthen nails lemon can next way:

  1. We cut lemon in half.
  2. Squeeze from halves juice.
  3. IN half we immerse fingers and hold their there near 10tI minutes.
  4. After procedures lubricate fingers nourishing cream.

Contraindications to so methodbrittle, thin nails. Acid lemon he will bring them more harm, how benefit.

Procedure can conduct not more oftenonce v a week. Halves lemon, if their wrap v plastic bag and keep v refrigerator, will be suitable more on 23 use.

Strengthening nails iodine

Hand Holding Vial .Medicament Medicine. ISOLATED

Iodine, how and lemon, can use on one's own. Apply solution iodine on previously washed hands. Peculiarities application iodine:

  • layer must be single,
  • should avoid hits iodine on circums.

Yellowish color nails passes for night. Procedure can conduct not more often times v a week. This connected with high content alcohol, which dries surface nailv composition solution.

Reviews about fortification nails they say o volume, what effective iodine masks. Here two basic recipe:

1.   Mix:

  • dining room spoon anyone vegetable oils room temperatures,
  • 3 drops iodine,
  • 3 drops lemon juice.

Cotton stick we apply on all surfaces nails, v volume number and under him. Hold 1520 minutes. Excess wipe soft fabric or cotton wool.

2. Mix olive oil and 3 drops iodine. Cotton disk we apply on all parties nail. We give clock to absorb v flow 1520 minutes, after what we put on on night blappaper gloves. In the morning should rinse hands warm water and small nourishing cream.

For togo  to achieve result with anyone from these recipes, should fulfill his weekly on length 11,5 months.

Video about fortification nails

Video o volume, how strengthen nails v home conditions.


Lyuba 04.04.2017 Answer

An interesting and useful article. But I was already convinced that there are not enough cosmetics and baths for nails. I took a special dragee of Merz, they restored the nails in a month. They became stronger and healthier.
