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Acid peeling

Acid peeling
The use of acid peeling is an opportunity to maintain youth and beauty of the skin for a long time.

The name "peeling" comes from English peeling, which means rolling, peeling. The peeling procedure means separation, rolling the upper layer of the skin, the release of the skin from keratinized old cells.

What is acid peeling

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Using various acids, you can very effectively cleanse the face of age spots, small wrinkles, and old skin.

By the degree of aggressiveness of acids and exposure to the skin, peeling can be different.

  1. Superficial peeling. For surface peeling, the weakest acids are used: fruit, milk, salicylic, glycolic. These acids act softly, they remove only the upper, dead cells, whiten the skin, remove harmful substances, improve metabolism in the upper layer of the skin.
  2. Middle peeling. Middle peeling rejuvenates the skin, makes it smooth and even. For this, peeling use more aggressive acids, for example, retinoic.
  3. Deep peeling. This procedure removes not only small wrinkles, but also scars left after blackheads. It is carried out only in medical institutions, is considered surgical manipulation, the active substance is phenolic acid.

Features of acid peeling

pilling difference

The acid peeling procedure has anti -aging effects on the skin, and also improves its condition.

Indications for the use of acid peeling:

  1. Failing skin with signs of aging.
  2. Hyperpigmentation.
  3. Small scars on the top layer of the skin.
  4. Expanded pores.
  5. The consequences of the treatment of acne.
  6. Syndrome of ingrown hair.

Acid peeling procedures will help young girls preserve a smooth shining complexion, reduce pores and get rid of acne.

The regular use of acid peeling in adulthood will reduce the number of wrinkles, deep wrinkles will become less noticeable, skin elasticity will increase and its color will improve.

Any peeling is stress for the skin, so there are contraindications for the acid peeling procedure:

  • allergies to acids used for peeling;
  • herpes, acute stage;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • inflamed and damaged skin;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • sensitive skin.

Depending on the acid used in this procedure, peeling can be of different types.

Types of acid peeling

Fruit-acid peeling

Natural Homemade Fruit Facial Masks.

This is the softest and delicate type of peeling. Natural fruit acids cleanse the skin, nourish the skin cells with microelements, whiten and tone. After these procedures, recovery is not required, they can be carried out at any time of the year. Such peeling is recommended for acne, the appearance of small wrinkles, for bleaching and smoothing the skin. For this type of peeling, natural acids are used: apple, wine, citric.

Pilling almondic acid


This type of peeling is suitable for people with any phototype of the skin from light to dark. The procedure can be carried out regardless of solar activity. Piling with almonds is recommended for gum and acne, for thin and sensitive skin. Almond acid is made of natural raw materials - an extract of bitter almonds has soft hypoallergenic properties. Suppresses golden staphyllocok. It has very few contraindications.

Salicylic acid peeling

Acid peeling with salicylic acid is effective at any age, great for men and women. It is recommended to eliminate small wrinkles, pigmentation. This procedure is suitable for oily, inhibited, porous and coarse skin, improves skin condition on the elbows, knees and heels. Salicylic acid has anti -inflammatory and antiseptic effects, prevents the formation of gum, reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Piling with lactic acid

This type of peeling is recommended for aging, waging and dry skin. Laque acid peeling can be carried out in courses in 3-5 procedures several times a year. Lactic acid acts softly, does not cause allergic reactions, redness and swelling. As a result of peeling, the skin acquires an even color, is aligned and tightened. Laque acid peeling is very effective up to 30 years until deep wrinkles have appeared. At a more mature age, this type of peeling acts as a preparatory or additional stage for more serious procedures.

Retinic acid peeling

Retinic acid peeling is designed for mature skin, for customers over 35 years old. This type of peeling is median, as it captures deeper layers of the skin. Its effectiveness is very high, not without reason anti -aging procedures is recommended to start with this type of peeling. The recovery period is 2-3 days. If the peeling is held at home, a consultation of a cosmetologist is previously required. The result of peeling retinoic acid is noticeable from the first procedure and persists for up to 4 months.

Glycolic acid peeling

Glycolic acid peeling is suitable for all skin photos. Women of any age can use it. Cosmetologists recommend glycolic acid if wrinkles, irregularities, folds, gray dull skin, acne and acne appear. The effectiveness after this procedure is very high. The skin becomes young, even and elastic. When carrying out the procedure of this acid peeling at home, caution must be observed. Better yet, piling with glycolic acid by a specialist-cosmetologist.

Reviews of acid peeling are mostly positive. The skin after such procedures looks great. Almost all of them are painless.

What does the skin look like “before” and “after” acid peeling can be viewed in the photo:

before and after1

before and after2

before and after4

before and after

Acid peeling at home

The acid peeling procedure can be carried out at home.

We buy ready -made peeling

Cosmetics manufacturers offer a wide selection of ready -made peels to use them at home. Peeling of famous brands can contain different acids: milk, almond, salicylic. Pilings intended for home use have a milder effect compared to professional peels that are used in cosmetic salons.

You can buy a cream-peeling or mask-peeling in a cosmetics store, or you can buy acid for peeling. Famous cosmetic companies Aivon, Faberlik, Yansen, Christina and others produce acids that can easily be used at home.

Prices for acid peeling are diverse, mainly depend on the manufacturer.

We do the fruit-acid peeling ourselves

fR Piling

Every woman can regularly do acid-fruit peeling at home. Such a peeling has almost no contraindications, acts softly and delicately.

For homemade acid peeling, you can choose one fruit, for example, lemon. And you can choose several fruits with different acids and make peeling for your skin.

An example of fruit-acid peeling. We take fruits and berries that are at home: strawberries, raspberries, apples. Berries and fruits must be chopped in a blender. Apply the mixture for 10-15 minutes. After washing off, spread with a softening cream. Such a peeling is recommended for 1 time in 5-7 days. Regular use of fruit-acid peeling will make the skin smooth, level the tone, narrow the pores. Women who are engaged in themselves always look great!

Acid Piling for Legs

foot peeling

The problems of the skin of the legs are:

  • topty
  • corns
  • carved skin
  • grown nails
  • swelling.

To eliminate these problems, it is necessary to resort to acid peeling.

There are peels from different cosmetic companies. They will improve blood outflow, relieve legs fatigue, make the skin smooth and velvety.

Acid piling for pedicure is used both in salons and at home. Its use is very convenient and comfortable. Even at home without a master you can make high -quality pedicures. You can not injure the skin with graters in order to remove the keratinized layer, fruit acids cope with this perfectly.

The price of acidic pedicure peeling is quite democratic and is available to every woman.

Using such cosmetics, you will save your legs healthy and tidy for many years.

Acid peeling (video)



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