
Fashionable men's haircuts 2018. Haircuts for adolescents, children and men for short, medium hair - new products 2018

Fashionable men's haircuts 2018. Haircuts for adolescents, children and men for short, medium hair - new products 2018
The article is devoted to the review of the most stylish haircuts for men, adolescents and children in 2018

One of the main attributes of a successful and well -groomed man is a stylish haircut. It is sometimes not easy for men to make a choice and they are completely trusted by the masters-scammers who decide what kind and shape a new hairstyle will be. But very often, the masters are cut along the template, the same, not looking at the features of the shape of the face and the whole image of a person. Therefore, it is so important to be able to navigate in the variety of modern haircuts, their styling options, etc. In the article we will introduce men to the most popular haircuts of 2018 for both men and children and adolescents.

Fashionable men's haircuts 2018. How to choose a men's haircut in the shape of a face

Before proceeding with a review of fashionable haircuts and choosing an ideal shape for yourself, you need to decide on the shape of your face. What is it for? This is necessary in order to create a harmonious image so that the hairstyle does not look at the “alien” at you. In addition, the skillfully selected shape of the haircut can adjust the shape of the face - to hide too sharp chin, slightly narrow the overly wide forehead, bring the square outlines of the face closer to the oval, etc.


Fashionable men's haircuts 2018. Oval face shape

Happy owners of the oval shape of the face can assume that they were lucky with the variety of haircut selection. The oval form is considered ideal, and all other types of faces - square, triangular, rhomboid, etc. are striving to bring closer to this form. For men with an oval type of face, ideal haircuts can be:

  • British;
  • Canadian;
  • any haircuts with long hair;
  • haircuts involving a “bundle” on the crown;
  • haircuts with bangs;
  • haircuts boxing, demigox and many others.

Fashionable men's haircuts 2018. Triangular shape

The triangular shape of the face can be 2 types: with a wide forehead and a narrow chin or with a narrow forehead and a wide chin. And the one and the other "triangle" is easily corrected:

  • with a narrow forehead and a wide chin, it is worth choosing haircuts with strands elongated on the sides, hairy hair, with hair, bangs. Avoid “pointed” hairstyles, with a high crown, with a bunch, etc.;
  • with a wide forehead and a narrow chin, you can choose any voluminous haircut with short "sides" on the crown. Ideal options can be a British, Quiff, Canadian, haircuts with bangs, etc.

Fashionable men's haircuts 2018. Circular face shape

Men with a round face shape should create the visibility of corners as much as possible, lengthen the shape of the face. Therefore, stylish haircut options for chubby men can become:

  • Quiff;
  • Canadian;
  • Anderkat;
  • any haircut with tousled hair in a careless form is suitable;
  • any asymmetric haircuts, haircuts with bangs, etc., etc., will also be a great idea.

It is worth being very accurate when choosing a haircut too short on all sides, because This can only emphasize the excessive roundness of your face.

Fashionable men's haircuts 2018. The heart -shaped shape

The heart -shaped shape of the face is very similar to a triangular shape. And haircuts, respectively, are very similar. With a heart -shaped form, slightly wider cheekbones stand out. Among stylish haircuts can be listed:

  • British;
  • Canadian;
  • a variety of short haircuts with hair tested to one side;
  • haircuts with bangs;
  • haircuts with long hair;
  • any options for haircuts that emphasize the width of the forehead.

Fashionable men's haircuts 2018. Square facial shape

The square type of face is one of those types of faces that give the image masculinity and are universal in terms of choosing a haircut. Men with such a face shape can calmly wear both rather classic, or even slightly old -fashioned retro haircuts, and modern options. And the one and the other option will look very noble and will give the image sophistication and gloss. Among the stylish haircuts for a square type of face can be called:

  • classic short haircut;
  • hedgehog haircut;
  • haircut with hair famed back;
  • haircuts with curly hair, etc.


Fashionable men's haircuts 2018. How to choose a men's haircut by hair structure

When choosing a stylish male haircut, it is important to consider not only the shape of the face, but also the structure of your hair. This must be done so that the hairstyle looks as natural as possible, and you did not have to spend much time laying naughty hair that do not want to lie in a certain direction. And, as you know, most men prefer practical haircuts. There are some recommendations that will help you decide on a hairstyle in accordance with the hair structure:

  • brown hair. Curly hair will help create unusually spectacular images with haircuts with tousled strands, careless accents. For example, a high Anderkat;
  • straight hair. If the hair is straight short or medium length, it is important that it does not hang in lifeless form, "icicles". Various balms, styling products that will facilitate the formation of the desired shape can help you;
  • thin hair. Thin hair practically does not keep shape, and therefore, voluminous, high styling options will be poorly held. The best options will be a hedgehog or a Briton;
  • wavy hair. Wavy hair is an excellent option for creating an image of a creative, free person. Interesting options with long hair of this type;
  • thick and hard hair. Hard hair is practically not liable, and it is very difficult to lay haircuts that suggest, for example, combing to one side or back. Classic short haircuts, a hedgehog are suitable.


Secrets of choosing men's haircuts 2018

  1. Firstly, one of the main secrets when choosing a really perfect haircut will still be not observing all fashion trends, but your individuality that the master can show in your hairstyle. If the haircut is ultramodern, but you will not feel comfortable, then this is absolutely not your option. An ideal haircut should give confidence, and not make you feel awkward and “not at ease”.
  2. Secondly, the haircut should correspond to the genus of your activity, profession. If you are engaged in creative work, have a free work schedule, then the haircut can be brighter, extravagant. But, if you hold a position requiring a certain appearance, then the hairstyle should be classic.

Men's haircuts 2018 for short hair

Hedgehog, Polobox and Boxing

Short hair haircuts are the most popular among men because of their practicality. They do not have a huge number of styling options and look almost the same. Among such similar types of haircuts for short hair are Hedgehog, Boxing and Polobox. These haircuts are perfect for both the sports style and for more business.

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Canadian is another haircut for men that is incredible popular. Success for this haircut came back in the days of the USSR, when Canadian athletes cut down in this technique. In order to imitate successful and determined athletes, young people increasingly began to choose exactly Canadian. The technique of this haircut is quite simple - whiskey, the back of the head and sides are very short, smoothly turning into a higher crown. The transition should be as smooth as possible.

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Short haircuts with a parting

Haircuts with a parting are a fairly common choice of business, determined men, businessmen, managers, etc. A haircut with a similar design has come to us since the 60s and has since become a real classic.   If you view the photos of men's haircuts of 2018 and fashion trends, then it is precisely haircuts with a lateral parting on short hair that are most often found. However, when choosing such a hairstyle, it is worth considering the structure of your hair. There are hard, naughty hair that is very difficult to force to lie in a certain direction. Thin, straight and obedient hair is ideal for haircuts with the parting.


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Men's haircuts 2018 for medium hair

Of course, medium hair provides much more scope for imagination and styling options. Haircuts of this length will occupy one of the leading places among male haircuts of 2018 fashionable and youth.  Such haircuts are perfect for creative people who are not afraid to attract attention. Some haircut options for medium hair may require a man of daily styling skills.


The Undercut haircut has not come off over the past few years from the most fashionable pages of glossy male magazines. And in 2018, this haircut will undoubtedly be a favorite. The peculiarity of this haircut is very short -cut or shaved whiskey in combination with medium -length hair on the crown and crown. The transition between two different hair levels should not be smooth, but rather sharp. Undercut provides complete freedom of styling options. You can comb your hair back, slightly fixing it with foam or varnish, lay to one side or lay it in the form of a iron.

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The name of the haircut Pompadour sounds quite unusual. This hairstyle was introduced by none other than Elvis Presley. Everyone remembers his grandiose shock of hair, which was laid down with beautiful waves. Currently, the nature of the styling, of course, has undergone changes, but the haircut remained the same. Hair on the crown and bangs should certainly be longer than the hair on the sides. Whiskey do not need to be shaved, they can simply be smooth. Hair can be worn in a freely, disheveled form or fucked up, creating an incredible volume.

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Men's haircuts 2018 for long hair

Long hair in men has long ceased to be something strange and unusual. If earlier it was an attribute of various youth subcultures, now it is quite easy to meet a businessman with such a hairstyle. The main requirement for long hair in men is their grooming. Agree, greasy, hanging with "icicles" hair will not decorate anyone. Therefore, having decided to grow long hair, a man needs to understand that caring for them will be much more serious than the short ones. A large number of lapelled funds for a long hairstyle is not welcome. Let it be natural, slightly disheveled and careless. You can also stop your attention on a bunch - one of the most popular types of styling for long male hair.

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Men's haircuts 2018 with a beard

The presence of a beard also obliges the man to carefully care for her and the choice of the appropriate haircut, which will look harmonious with her. A beard can be a great “addition” to Canadian, Undercut or Pompadour. Depending on your personal preferences, you can wear both medium -length hair with a beard.


Men's haircuts 2018 for teenagers

The choice of haircuts for teenagers is very important. Of course, it all depends on the character. Some do not attach much importance to their hairstyle, while others try to express their rebellious spirit to the maximum in absolutely everything, including in hairstyle. It is in adolescence that the most daring experiments with their hair in boys can occur. Sensitive parents should always find a way to talk to his son, help him decide on a haircut, understand his desires, and not extinguish his personality. After all, the time when my mother led to the hairdresser of an unrequent baby and “ordered” some haircut has long passed. An ideal haircut for a teenager in 2018 should meet the same requirements as a haircut for adult men:

  • correspond to the shape of the face;
  • take into account the structure of the hair;
  • take into account individual preferences;
  • always be in a pure and well -groomed state.


Iroquois is just the haircut that teenagers choose in order to stand out as much as possible from the crowd, among peers, to express their protest. Iroquois haircut techniques involves shaved whiskey in combination with longer hair on the crown. There are longer options for the Iroquois and shorter ones that are suitable even for daily socks for study. The most extreme options for the performance of the Iroquois suggest staining in bright and contrasting colors, the creation of drawings on the temples, etc.


Haircut with shaved temples and patterns

Haircuts with shaved temples and, moreover, with patterns applied using a machine, can radically change the image and express their personality. Unusual patterns on the temples are quite complicated in execution and can only experienced craftsmen. Such a haircut very quickly loses its accuracy and accuracy, because Hair grows very quickly. Of course, patterns on the temples will look most interestingly and contrasting on dark hair.



Kare, namely, his graduated variation, is a great option for dreamy and creative natures. Hair for such a haircut can be smooth and even, and slightly wavy. It is also important to learn how to dry and lay such a haircut correctly. If the hair is even on their own, it is enough just to ruin it with your fingers when drying and not to use liability.

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A cap

A haircut haircut is a great option for owners of even, thin hair. Longer hair on the crown and in front is combined with short temples. Such a haircut requires certain efforts to maintain it in a neat form, namely, in constant combination. Discuss this moment with your son. Such a haircut is also capable of simulating a not very perfect shape of the head and save the teenager from complexes.


Grange style haircuts especially like teenagers. The technique of haircuts is to create multi -layer locks, long and short. The advantage of such a haircut is the ability to make a variety of styling. Using gel, foam, wax, you can create excellent options for a stylish hairstyle for each day, which will emphasize the individuality and audacity of the character of the teenager.


Long hair

When a teenager expresses a desire to grow long hair, not all parents perceive it with enthusiasm and go to his meeting. But in such a psychological turning point, the period for a teenager is important not to go against him, because You can make only worse and more intense relations between parents and a teenager. In addition, modern options for styling and haircuts with long hair look stylish, spectacular. Long hair is perfect for dreamy and romantic teenagers, adolescents, fond of music or poetry. Long hair can be worn dissolved or collected in an ultra -award beam.


Men's haircuts 2018 for children

In the catalog of fashionable men's haircuts 2018, photos for children are also in great demand. Moms always want to not only put their hair in order, but also make his image unique, unique and, of course, stylish. But it is not always possible to seize the little Eleza in order to make a complex haircut. That is why the simplest models remain popular in fashion for children's haircuts:

  • Cap;
  • Pot;
  • Gavrosh;
  • Iroquois;
  • Boxing and Polobox, etc.


But do not forget that when choosing a haircut for a little boy, first of all, you need to follow not fashion trends, but practicality and convenience for the baby.

We wish you good luck when choosing the most stylish male haircut in 2018 to create an impeccable image of a confident and successful man!



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