
Beautiful children's hairstyles for long hair with their own hands

Beautiful children's hairstyles for long hair with their own hands
The article is devoted to the review of the most popular and beautiful children's hairstyles for long hair. You will learn about eye laying options for different cases, learn how to do some hairstyle on step-by-step instructions.

Each mom want her daughter to looked like a princess. Yes, and the baby themselves seek to imitate mom and just delighted with beautiful and unusual hairstyles. If your daughter has long hair, then you are simply obliged to master a variety of types of children's hairstyles. Children's fashion gives much greater space for fantasy in choosing hairstyles. For every day, it will be suitable and just naughty tails, but for the matinee in kindergarten or for the birthday, my mother will have to try. In this article, consider a variety of children's hairstyles for girls on long hair, ranging from light and fast to complex weaving on important events. Step-by-step instructions will help you easily master your favorite hairstyle. We hope that after reading the article, make a children's hairstyle for long hair with your own hands will not be difficult for you.

Beautiful children's hairstyles on long hair. Tips for choosing a children's hairstyle

Despite the fact that every mother wants to make a real princess from his baby, you need to take into account some factors when choosing hairstyles. This is especially true of everyday options. On the Internet you can find an incredibly huge number of examples of hairstyles for long hair, complex braids, braids, etc., but when choosing hairstyles it is for your child:

  • the character of your girl. Under the character, there is due to the degree of ambitiousness of the child. After all, if the baby is restless and it is hard to stop in one place even 3 minutes, then what complex hairstyle can we talk. Mom need to fill her hand so that she could do quick, but spectacular hairstyles in a couple of minutes;
  • little hair. The hair in children may differ in their structure, thickness. If the girl has thin hair and they are still not so much, then you should not "wise" complex hairstyles, which, besides, can deliver discomfort to the child. Look at the options hairstyles on loose hair;
  • wavy hair. For girls with mischilds, the best options can be simple tails, which will remove the hair from the eye, and make the image of the pretty and charming;
  • your experience in creating hairstyles. Not all moms have the ability to create unusual hairstyles. If you are limited in time in the morning before the kindergarten, then it's stupid to try to build a new complex hairstyle on your head. You can simply lose time and do not achieve the desired result. Learn to brilliantly do some simple and fast laying and alternate them every day. The creation of a children's hairstyle should go on average for 5 minutes.

Not all babies with delight perceive the idea of \u200b\u200bcombing and make a hairstyle. In such situations, moms must resort to the tricks to instill a desire to always be beautiful and tidy. Among such tricks can be called:

  • if the hair is poorly calcined, and especially often it happens with long hair, resort to the use of special children's hair sprays, which are designed for more easy-to-leak. Perhaps it is the discomfort from the procedure of calculation affects the fact that the girl does not like to make hairstyles and avoids it in every possible way;
  • if the girl does not like the creation of hairstyle itself, you need to turn this process in the merry game. For example, you can offer to turn into an excellent snowshnow, making the same hairstyle, or become a princess beautiful princess with long braids, etc.;
  • colorful calculation can also help the baby to love the process of creating hairstyles and fees to kindergarten. There is a mass of modern calculations that are calculated by the most confusing and even wet hair without any discomfort;
  • purchase more beautiful hair accessories. The girl should have a lot of multicolored rubberry, rims, hairpins, ribbons, bows, etc.;
  • highlight the place in the children's room for a cozy corner - "Hairdresser", where the baby could make hairstyles with his dolls, collect them to visit, imitating his mom.

Children's hairstyles for girls on long hair

Hairstyles for long hair for girls in kindergarten

When choosing hairstyles in a kindergarten, it is worth considering the time you have for fees. Most of the kids are hard to endure early rise, and parents usually always have only the minimum reserve of time. It is usually spent on such a daily hairstyle from 3 to 5 minutes. The hairstyle must be fast, lightning and, at the same time, beautiful. For kindergarten usually avoid hairstyles with loose hair, because During the day, they will simply interfere with the child during drawing, smearing, physical education, etc. Among the most popular hairstyles for kindergarten are:

  • tails;
  • spit.

To make the hairstyles were not boring and monotonous, choose different versions. Tails can be done in different techniques. And how much is the options for weaving braids!


An interesting hairstyle for long children's hair for every day will be the hairstyle based on a simple tail:

  • well read the hair, we do the desired sample;
  • we collect hair into a low tail;
  • in order not to be seen to the hair gum, we separate the thin strand and wind the gum. The end of the strand is fixed under the rubber band;
  • you need a few thin rubber bands desirable for hair color. Several retreating from the first gum, fix the second rubberry. After that, it is necessary to retreat the same space again and secured the third rubberry and so on until the end of the tail;
  • the gaps between the rubber bands need to be made volumetric. Hairstyle is ready.


Another hairstyle for kindergarten can be a braid woven from several small braids:

  • well read your hair;
  • we collect hair into a high horse tail;
  • to disguise the hair band, separate a thin strand and wind the gum. The end of the strand is fixed under a rubber band or with the help of invisible;
  • next you need to divide the tail into 3 parts. From each part weep the pigtail of the fishe tail (or a simple pigtail);
  • each of the three braids will be fixed below with small rubber bands for hair color;
  • further of braid weep one big braid;
  • for effection, you can slightly "boost" thin strands on the sides. So, you will achieve an incredible amount of braids.


In order to diversify a boring pigtail or spikelet, look at the option below. The usual spikelet looks completely unusual, and efforts to create such hairstyles are minimal:

  • pretty tailor hair;
  • starting to weave ordinary spikelets, you can add some strokes: to braid two thin braids on the sides or even a few braids on the sides;
  • in the process of weaving spikes, you just wove thin pigtails into a common braid.


The next hairstyle will suit both long and short hair. Even the most subtle and rare hair will suit this option:

  • well combing hair, put them on one side;
  • separate a thin strand near the temple and collect it into a small tail;
  • next, we separate the second strand and collect it in the second tail, "grabbing" under the gum and the first tail;
  • such weaving continue to the second temple. The hair can be left out from below, if they are short, or assemble in a high tail, low tail, braid, if the hair is long.


Children's hairstyles for girls on a matinee for long hair

The matinee in kindergarten is always an important event to which children are very preparing and are waiting for him. When choosing a hairstyle for a matinee, be sure to consult your baby, offer a new hairstyle that you did not do before. If the matinee assumes the presence of a masquerade suit, then the hairstyle must match it. On the matinee, especially New Year, you can add the most unusual accessories to the hairstyles: multicolored poverty strands, luminous strands, glitters, unusual hairpins, etc. The hairstyles can be created based on braid spikelets, unusually intertwined with each other, flashers, etc.


It will also be impurious to look hairstyles in which with the help of braids make a peculiar bezel around the head, leaving the hair behind the wait. You can also make a low tail, divide it into two parts, from each part to braid a pigtail and put two braids, fastening them with invisible or studs.


Matinists in kindergarten provide tremendous freedom to choose hairstyles. This is just the case when you can show the thickness and the magnificity of long hair, it is possible to do without hairpin or gum, but simply putting the charming curls. In order not to injure children's hair, curls can be obtained using several spikelets braided overnight.

Hairstyles for girls on graduation for long hair in kindergarten

The graduation in kindergarten is preparing a little less than a graduation in school. All the moms of girls are carefully thought out the outfit, they are looking for a suitable dress for a long time, they choose accessories and, of course, choose hair. For hairstyle, the graduation is definitely not suitable for a simple two tail, which the baby is used to worn every day into a kindergarten. The hairstyles are as similar to adult hairstyles, but at the same time are designed to underline the charm of children's age. If my mother is afraid that he will not cope with such a responsible task. It is quite possible to resort to the services of the masters. Now it is not uncommon. You can stop your choice on an elegant hairstyle with weaving in front and collected hair from behind. This option, besides. Very practical.


To create an image of a real princess on the ball, you can choose a win-win version with a high bundle. A bundle can be decorated with a tape on a dress or a small bow.


The following variant of the hairstyles also looks incredibly effectively:

  • makushka's hair is smoothly torn in a very high tail;
  • with the last turnover of gum, the hair is not fully told under it, but leave a large "loop";
  • this "loop" must be accurately straightened into two sides and fasten the hairpins;
  • overfeasy hair leaves, we make curls from them;
  • an accessory in the form of a crown, diadems can become a spectacular addition to such a hairstyle.


The following option for graduation is also very elegant. To make such a volumetric bundle on the head, you need to use special overlays under the hair. From one straightener, you can make a beautiful curl on the side and complement the hairstyle with a beautiful rim, ribbon, flowers.


Carefully think about the image of the babies for the graduation. In the children's evening hairstyle, even the smallest details are important for long hair. If the tape on the head is combined with a handbag or a pattern on the dress, then it will be just fabulous.


Children's festive hairstyle for long hair for girls

Reason to make a festive hairstyle of the girl, a lot. It can be like a celebration of a children's birthday, going to visit, in the cinema, and just to create a beautiful image with an elegant dress. Various hair accessories come to the help of the mother. In the photo below, you can see how a pretty simple children's hairstyle for long hair has become a festive after adding a charming barbant.


On the basis of the loose hair, you can make festive hairstyles. The easiest option will shove strands to beautiful curls and putting them out beautifully with the help of bright flower hairpins.


The simplest children's hairstyle on long hair will be weaving braids with the effect of negligence, rashpannia. You can braid as one pigtail and two. Such a stylish version of weaving can often be found in adult hairstyles.


Children's hairstyles for girls on long loose hair

Among the children's light hairstyles for long hair are specially popular with hairstyles with flowing hair. Just dissolve the hair of a little girl is not always comfortable, and the child will feel the discomfort from the fact that the hair constantly climbs into the eyes. You can make a hairstyle with a scythe waterfall in the head circumference. The front strands will be cleaned, and behind the hair will be loose and spectacular.


Another option of a quick children's hairstyle for long hair can be a hairstyle using a special rim:

  • the ends of the hair can be turned into beautiful curls;
  • on top to wear a special soft bezel;
  • separate a thin strand and wrap it with a rim behind the head. At the end you need to pull thin strands to create a volume.


Baby hairstyles for girls on long hair with weaving

Baby hairstyles with weaving look just amazing on long hair. Of course, it is rather difficult to master some types of weaving and, moreover, the creation of such a laying will require sufficient time, the aggression of the girl. If the baby's hair is thin, then you should not overturn them with complex weaving types. It can only deliver only one discomfort to the child. Mandatory condition for performing any hairstyle with weaving is excellent hair-sized hair.


This kind of weaving looks very unusual. Spikes begin to weave from the center of the head in a circle. As a result, it turns out a very convenient and practical hairstyle.


Weaving does not have to cover the whole head. You can do some elements of weaving, which are able to diversify the usual hairstyle. For example, two simple tail are represented in the photo. But in combination with the zigzag sampling and thin pigtail spikelers along the length of each tilt of the hairstyle looks unusual and beautiful.


The next hairstyle looks like an exotic flower on the head, and be sure to enjoy every girl. To perform this styling, you need to collect part of the hair on the top of the top in the tail, leaving the hair from the front, bottom and sides of the sides. Then just start torsion your hair in the spikelet in a circle, taking strands from the tail and from the rest of the hair.


Baby hairstyles to school on long hair for girls

To the hairstyles for school a number of requirements are presented:

  • the hairstyle must be quickly executed;
  • the hairstyle must be neat. Framed hair, constantly falling cheylka is undesirable at school;
  • avoid abundance of bright and large accessories to create hairstyles, because The school holds an official appearance;
  • the hairstyle should be "durable" enough to withstand and exercise on physical education, and active changes.

For girls in high school, you can offer original hairstyles with bows of hair, which look very stylish.


Hairstyles with the use of different weaves and braids are in the first place among school hairstyles. Hair in such laying is reliably fixed and do not fall on the eyes.


The tail is also an excellent hairstyle for school. You can decorate it with a thin strand of hair that lies around a gum by masking it.


Beautiful children's hairstyles on long hair. Tips for parental parents for long children's hair

How to wash baby long hair

  1. Do not wash your baby hair too often. It is enough once a week.
  2. If the water is too hard, then you can boil it and add soda in the calculation of 1 tsp. on 1 l of water.
  3. Before washing long children's hair, they must be combined to comb well. So, you will alleviate the calibration after washing.
  4. Special attention is paid to the choice of shampoo. Of course, it must be kindergarten, he should not pinch his eyes, possess a pH from 4.5 to 6. Give preference to the proven brands.
  5. Children's hair after washing need to be neatly rushing the towel, do not rub. It is not necessary to use a hairdryer for drying hair, let them dry the natural way.
  6. Wet hair does not need to be calculated. Wait from full drying. If the hair is difficult to combing after washing, then use special children's hair sprays to facilitate the formation.

What to choose a quotation for long baby hair

Sometimes mom has great attention to choosing a hairstyle, but do not think about the quality of the calculation. How many dollars should have a girl with long hair? What characteristics should she have?

  • for long hair, you will need at least 2 dollars: scallop and massage brush;
  • the calculations must be made only from high-quality and safe materials. For example, from wood or nylon;
  • the calculation should be purely individual;
  • conscursions in no way should be sharp. They should be rounded or with special balls at the end;
  • the calculation must be conveniently lying not only in the hands of adults, but also the child himself. After all, children very quickly begin to imitate parents, and soon the girl will be happier from the mirror;
  • the calculation must have an attractive design for the child.


Accessories for making hairstyles for girls on long hair

In modern stores, you can observe an incredibly large assortment to create hairstyles on children's hair. Depending on age, they can be brighter and volumetric or not so visible on their hair, only creating a small focus in the laying. The more accommodation will be your home collection of such accessories, the more interesting will be the process of creating hairstyle for your daughter.

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Do not be afraid to experiment with children's hairstyles, master new techniques. So, you can instill with the girl since childhood the desire to follow yourself, behind your appearance, love for the beautiful.


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