
All about eyelash extension

All about eyelash extension
What could be more beautiful than an expressive and deep look? Your eyes are a soul mirror that should reflect your magnificence.

What makes the face of a woman bright memorable? Do you think scarlet lips? No! Men always pay attention to the woman's eyes, in her opinion. Each woman dreams of having an expressive, deep and sensual look. For this, she is ready to wake up either the light or dawn to give up and give his appearance that mysterious look.

In the cosmetics of a modern woman, it certainly lies not one mascara, but a few: a lengthening, twisting, giving volume, etc. To remove such a number of cosmetics - on the shelf, a woman always has a whole arsenal of bottles and jars. Every morning we will be painted, and in the evening we wash it all ... And so happens every day. Familiar, isn't it? But what if I want to look beautiful and apply less forces for this? There is an exit! Especially for you, in Hollywood, such a procedure as an eyelash extension was invented. For many years, this procedure was inaccessible to us. But lately it is becoming popular in European countries. Extensive popularity of eyelashes is very popular thanks to its practicality and savings. Now you do not need to spend a lot of time and money on the imposition of carcasses, removing it from the eye, for special care. No need to be afraid for your makeup if you got under the rain or wept. Now with your eyes and makeup will be all right!

Running the cilia just once - you will immediately understand what is easier with them and easier to live. No need to get up early every morning to have time to make them up, you should not worry about the evenings about not to forget to wash the mascara. After extension of the eyelashes, your eyes will expect a visually, the look will be more expressive.

Eyelash extensions usually occurs with the help of waterproof glue and cilia. All materials must be hypoallergenic.

The best technology is considered to be a comprehensive eyelash extension. The correction of such an extension must be made after 3.5-4 weeks. The extension procedure lasts an average of about 2 hours.

All about eyelash extension: types of eyelashes


Eyelashes for extension are made of microfiber with a small addition of silk. Differ in stiffness, length, bentness, thickness and color. In its rigidity, they are divided into 3 types: "Sable", "mink" and "silk".

The thinnest cilia is "silk". The thickness of them is only 0.07-0.14 mm. By its structure and thickness, they are the most close to natural eyelashes. Increase to impart the effect of natural makeup.

Brighter, thick and glossy are "mink". Their thickness is 0.15-0.20 mm. Give the effect of volume. Visually look like painted eyelashes for evening material.

The third eye of the eyelashes is "Sable." The thick and elastic cilia. Ideal for girls whose eyelashes are very thick and strong. Their advantage is a bright and deep view. The disadvantages include their briefness - they hold less than the "mink" or "sable".

The thickness of the eyelashes varies from 0.07 to 0.30 mm. The size of the cilia can be different: from 8 mm to 15 mm. The most common eyelashes are considered to be 8 mm, 10 mm, 12 mm, 14mm. Thin eyelashes are ideal for any type of natural eyelashes, eyes, faces. Thick eyelashes are more "heavy", so they are not advised to increase them. The colors of cilia can be different - from pink to blue. Brown shades are considered the most common, as well as brown, which smoothly goes into blue. The shortest eyelashes can be the most curved. Long eyelashes must be with a weak bend.

Eyelash extension procedure


The eyelash extension procedure lasts from 1 to 3 hours. The correction will be needed from 15 to 60 minutes. During the procedure, the client must be in the lying position. Natural eyelashes need to be cleaned from makeup, as well as from the means that contain oil. Eyes during the procedure can not be opened.

Before the first increment must be consulted with a specialist who will tell you what kind of cilia will fit, which density and style of build-up are needed.

So, you decided on the procedure. You will need to decide on before starting the procedure, (perhaps the specialist will tell you more accurately) what kind of cilia will be suitable for you, what type of building will be ideal for your eyes.

Extraction of cilia - painless and harmless. The extension procedure will occur as follows:

  1. From the eye it is necessary to remove absolutely whole cosmetics. Eyelids deprit with the help of a special composition.
  2. The wizard will get out of the cilia box, which are immediately a bunch of 2-3 hairs. Length can be different.
  3. On one bundle, the master will first glue the cilia on the top eyelid. You should start from an external corner of the eye.

At the end of the procedure, the eye can be opened. Do not be afraid to frody and pat with new cilia - a qualitatively made extension should withstand the blink and clapping with eyelashes.

It is worth remembering that for a full extension for one eye, about 100 cilias may be needed. Only then will be an expressive natural look.

With proper buildup, the eyelashes will wear about 4 weeks. After this period you will need to pass a correction. The full range of growth of native eyelashes is from 2 to 4 weeks. Along with natural eyelashes fall out and extensive. Therefore, it will be necessary to undergo a correction in 2-4 weeks. It is worth remembering that the more extensive eyelashes fall out, the longer the time will have to make a correction.

With the help of eyelash extensions, you can adjust visually your eyes - the round eyes can be "stretching" (for this it will be necessary to increase longer cilia on the edges), the lowered ends of the eyes visually "will rise" thanks to the curved eyelashes tips, etc. In the center of the century, cilias are used shorter, at the outer edge - is more authentic.

Many women who have not yet decided to extend the eyelashes, causing the question - is it possible to paint the eyes of the car? Can. But why? If your eyelashes are fluffy, and the look expressive? Even if you wear lenses - it is not a contraindication to build eyelashes.

Myths about eyelash extensions


Despite the fact that the procedure for building the eyelashes is quite young, she has already managed to acquire myths and stories. Most of the myths appeared due to a lack of truthful information.

Myth first:

Eyelashes from kiosk are suitable for extension.

Many of you have noticed in kiosks or stalls eyelashes for building. Why go to the dear interior and pay more expensive - you ask? But believe me, nothing to do with what you buy in a stall or kiosk and with those eyelashes that you will be offered to fit in the cabin.

If you still want to make this procedure yourself - purchase in a cosmetic salon (which specializes in eyelash extension) domestic extension kit. Here you can be confident as a material, as well as in its hypoallery. In addition to ciliates, you will also find hypoallergenic glue and detailed instructions.

Myth second:

Only famous people are increasing: fashion models and movie stars.

This is not quite so. Indeed, today, many famous people appreciated the advantage of artificial eyelashes. Surely you have noticed fluffy and long eyelashes from mannequins or fashion models. Surely you thought "and what kind of mascara does it use?" None of the mascara will give you such an effect, what will be from artificial eyelashes.

Models before showing specially increasing the eyelashes to be seen from afar.

Myth Three:

Building artificial eyelashes spoils your natural cilia.

Absolutely wrong! All materials for increasing must be tested and have a corresponding quality certificate. Hair for cilia used natural. The glue must be special, cosmetic, which does not cause allergic reactions. The glue should be black (visually look like a eyeliner) or colorless.

No harm to the extensive eyelashes will not apply - after all, they will be attached not to natural cilia, but in the eyelid, directly over your family eyelashes.

Myth Fourth:

Explosive eyelashes will not hold on and disappear in a couple of days.

It all depends on you. You can not telee eyelashes. It is necessary to carefully and gently treat your eyes.

Myth Fifth:

Remove eyelashes independently can not. You need to go to the salon.

You can remove extensive cilia without problems both at home and in the cabin. In case you decide to shoot eyelashes in the cabin, the master will need a special fluid that can dissolve glue. Houses for this take the oil - vegetable or olive. Apply a little oil on a line with a cotton swab with a cotton swab, where extensive eyelashes are located. It is best to do it for the night. In the morning you can easily remove the cilia.

Rules when wearing extensive eyelashes



  • body lubrication with oil or bold cream. Any fat has the ability to dissolve glue;
  • rubbing eyes. Carefully touch the eye, if you need to wash;
  • you should swim in the pool or the sea only in glasses. Explosive eyelashes are afraid of chlorinated and salt water;
  • sleep face in a pillow. It is advisable to sleep on the back either on the side;
  • curl eyelashes. With carelessly moving with an eyelashes, you can damage the mount.

Contraindications for eyelash extension

  1. Allergies should consult with an ophthalmologist before building a cilia. Allergenic protrudes most often glue. Even despite the complete control over the production of all materials that are used in building eyelashes, there is still a small risk for allergies. In case of individual intolerance - you should abandon the procedure for building eyelashes.
  2. Weak and drop-down eyelashes must first treat and strengthen. Otherwise, extensions will only aggravate the problem of cilia falling.
  3. Dry skin that requires constantly fat cream is also not suitable for eyelashes. This is due to the fact that fat dissolves glue, which are attached cilia.
  4. If you have oily skin - eyelashes just won't stay on it. Fractured cilia will fall 2 times faster.
  5. If you suffer from conjunctivitis - refuse to build up. To build up, you must first treat your eyes. If suddenly after some time after the extension procedure, you felt unpleasant sensations in the eyelid - do not think for a long time, remove eyelashes.

Volumetric extension of eyelashes


Eyelash extension can be of different volumes. In order for your eyes to look natural, and the look was deep and insightful, it will take from 60 to 100 eyelashes for each eye.

The maximum is the amount of 120-130 cilia. This is if its eyelashes are thick enough. For a double volume, it is necessary to stick to each eyelash for 2 cilia. To give the way 3D volume - you need to stick to the native eyelashes of 3 artificial cilia.

Eyelash extension. Video


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