
How to wash the stretch ceiling

How to wash the stretch ceiling
Care and cleaning of stretch ceilings from different materials

Stretch ceilings can be rightfully considered a real miracle of modern design, because with them you can implement any fantasy. Manufacturers declare that such a coating does not require washing and special care, but is it?

One of the most popular ceiling coating can rightly consider tension materials in the style of high-tech. Despite their fairly high cost, the choice in favor of such materials during the repair makes every third family. Most consumers are guided by the fact that the tensioning has a multitude of positive qualities.

First of all, stretching coatings always look perfectly evenly and allow you to hide the flaws and the irregularities of the ceiling under it. Also, it is precisely on such a material that all the most exclusive ideas and fantasies of modern repair in reality - whether there are bold color solutions or original and complex structures. An important factor is that such coatings are the least demanding of care and constant cleaning.


Are the stretch ceilings?

In order to deal with this question, it is necessary to find out from which materials often tension coatings are performed. To date, to realize the original ideas in repair using two main types of material. These are ceiling fabric coatings or PVC (polyvinyl chloride).

Fissure ceilings are more expensive, but allow to repair full aestheticity due to the material of the material. The color range of such coatings is less diverse, but it is precisely such a material that the water is capable of holding the water during the flooding neighbors. The installation of such ceilings externally resembles a canvas tension on a subframe.

PVC covers visually look like a film and can be performed both in a variety of color solutions and in any form. It is such materials that are capable of imitate the day or starry sky and are installed along the contours of the original design. The ideal appearance of such ceilings is achieved at the expense of a qualitatively performed image on polyvinyl chloride and thoughtful lighting.

How-wash-stretch ceiling

Accordingly, all tension materials are matte or glossy, which have their own positive and negative aspects, and also require various care. Wash tension coatings are recommended infrequently, but only as they are contaminated. With the exception of force majeure situations, the need for cleaning will be noticeable visually when the ceiling will change the color or hang out.

Most often care requires coating in the kitchen, because even in the presence of a powerful exhaust system, a drop of steam and fat after cooking is sedired on the surfaces. Also, the ceiling will have to wash if the splashes remained at an inack-open opening of champagne or carbonated beverages. In the rest of the rooms, the main cause of contamination becomes dust, assembled in the corners and on the joints, so their general cleaning should be carried out with constant frequency.

What wash stretch ceilings without divorce?

Use only soft materials, sponges or microfiber without the presence of scratching and hard bristles or pile. Also avoid the use of bright materials that can politicize when using strong detergents. Make sure that all brushes with plastic handles and nozzles that you will use to enhance dust or directly ment of the surface will not damage the fragile coating.


Detergents for stretch ceilings

To eliminate the soot, spray and fat spots in the kitchen, it is recommended to use a dishwashing agent. Just a few drops should be made in the amount of water required for washing. With such an easily foaming means it is recommended to be careful, since a large concentration will lead to the appearance of soap divorces.

If your surface is glossy and does not have greasy contaminants, it is better to use the glass and mirroring to wash the means. Such liquid agents are often produced in the form of a spray tank convenient for use. The components of the alcohol or the ammonia allow the means to quickly dry and not leave divorces on a shiny surface.

When choosing a detergent, special attention should be paid on its composition. Any abrasive powder means, even well soluble in water, can leave scratches. Acetone in the composition may damage not only the color, but also the ceiling coating itself.


How to wash stretch ceilings at home?

Naturally, if you are going to wash the ceiling, then you will need a building a stepder or a mop with a sponge on a long handle. Mop must be as easier and not to have third-party elements damaging the surface, but it is better to clean the surface with a sponge in hand. Make sure the staircase is not shaky, and it will be enough to make it easy to make it easier to reach your hand.

How to wash a matte stretch ceiling?

Basic recommendations for cleaning fabric coatings:

  • Do not use the vacuum cleaner to remove dust and web in the corners and joints, so you can easily damage the coating or deform it, it is better to use a dry sponge.
  • To clean the ceiling only from dust it is recommended to use a wet microfiber without applying additional detergents.
  • To remove soot and fat, the soft material for cleaning must be moistened in warm water with the addition of detergent for dishes and spend it several times by contamination with circular motions.
  • Adjust pressing the surface in such a way that the pressure turns out to be minimal without contact with the concrete base of the ceiling, but sufficient to remove contaminants.

How to wash a glossy stretch ceiling?

Several basic rules for the perfect cleaning of shiny surfaces:

  • First of all, remove any decorations and accessories (rings, bracelets and clocks) from the hands and fingers, which you can damage the surface.
  • When using a spray for glasses, spray it over the surface and swipe the microfiber material several times with circular motions.
  • To remove divorces, reduce the intensity on the sprayer and use the soft paper towel or flannel material.
  • In order not to leave the divorces, clean the surface sectors - from one angle to another, or by sections, if the design is complex.


Ways to self-eliminate damage to stretch ceilings

In some cases, the necessary cleaning of tension coatings can lead to unwanted surface damage. Often it may be cuts or other defects from the non-accurate use of mop or vacuum cleaner. Also on poor-quality material, stretching may be formed after wetting with detergents, after flooding, temperature drop in the room or due to a not enough high-quality installation.

Cutting on the stretch ceiling

If the cut is formed on the tissue material, it is easy to perform its independent repair. The defect can be simply seen, ideally selected in color, dense threads. You can also use patches from self-adhesive wallpaper or clutch tape, traces of which can be painted with a water-based formal structure.

If the defect was formed on the glossy coating, it is recommended to immediately take the scotch immediately to prevent further rupture. There are two basic methods of self-repair of small PVC ceiling breaks. The technique depends on the direct place of damage - close to the edge of the connection or remotely in the center.

If damage is in the center and removed from the edge of the connection, then it will be necessary to set the pay. It can be a piece of material from residues after repairing the ceiling or contrasting applique. Initially, transparent hermetic glue is applied on the pay, temporary tape is removed and the material is tightly pressed against the place of damage, and then the excess adhesive is removed from the surface.


In some cases, the defect is easier to disguise the additional installation of illumination elements or other decorative methods. In this case, the plastic frame should be installed around the damage, inside which the film must be neatly cut. Inside the frame, you can install the selected decor element.

If the tension material was damaged near the connection location, then it can be dragged into the groove near the wall. The dense cable is glued to the edge of the cut parallel to the joint joint, the canvas is heated with a warm air flow from the hair dryer and attracted to the groove in the wall. The cable is easy to fill in a flat stupid tool.

Sales on the stretch ceiling

If the ceiling is selected from flooding, then it is necessary to dismiss the source of the lighting and release water through this hole. If the hole is missing, it is recommended to be carefully cut into the corner of the stretch structure. In any case, fasten the material only after its complete drying.

If the material is made from the temperature difference in the room, from heating or on the contrary, cooling, or due to the wetting of the material after careful wash, then it should be dragging. With a slight stretching of the material near the joint, it can be dragged with the cable as described above. If the stretching occurred throughout the ceiling area, then it is better to contact the firm for installing such structures that will help with repair or change the coating completely.


Other defects of stretch threads

Tension coated problems may not appear from the first day of installation. Defects of poor-quality installation or material itself may be formed due to the cleaning of the coating. In such cases, the firm for installation and independent repair is not recommended.

The stretch canvas must be changed completely if it diverges the seams. If the fastening baguette was cut, it is installed again with additional fasteners and re-stretch the material. The reason for disconnecting the baguette may be a shortage of material that was incorrectly designed for the ceiling area during installation, and in this case the coating must be replaced with a new one.

Video lesson: how do stretch ceilings wash?

A detailed video footage of the washing of tension coatings will help you in choosing methods and means for its quality cleansing without damage:


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