
How to wash woolen things correctly. Means for washing woolen things. How to bleach a woolen thing. What to do if the woolen thing was sat down after washing, how to restore

How to wash woolen things correctly. Means for washing woolen things. How to bleach a woolen thing. What to do if the woolen thing was sat down after washing, how to restore
How to wash the woolen thing correctly - means for washing and methods. How to bleach a woolen thing. How easy it is to restore a woolen thing if she sat down.

Each person has woolen things in the wardrobe. They are beautiful, warm and comfortable, help out in the cold season. But it is difficult to care for such products. For example, if you wash with conventional means, the sweater can become prickly and dense.

Washing woolen things does not tolerate fuss and careless attitude. Even after a single washing, a thing from natural materials can stretch, go astray and become smaller by one or more sizes. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to learn how to wash products from wool correctly, dry and iron.

How to wash woolen things. Carious wool

Every housewife at least once in her life faced the fact that after washing a sweater, hats or mittens tied from wool, after washing in a washing machine with other things, became several sizes less. They laid a large male jumper, and got out - a small one, which may not be suitable for the child. Why is this happening? Why did you sit woolen things?

There are several reasons:

  1. The water temperature is too high.
  2. The rapid rotation of the drum during washing and spin.

The structure of the fabric in hot water changes and compresses, the same thing happens at high speeds when spinning after washing.

Things made of natural fiber are very moody, you need careful care and washing with special means. How to wash woolen things? If there is no pollution, wash sweaters, hats and other products, if necessary. With careful care, it is enough to ventilate things and prevent water from entering the products. But it cannot continue forever, sooner or later you will have to face the fact that it is time to wash the sweater, get rid of the smell of sweat and pollution.

In order not to spoil the thing, you need:

  1. Before washing, turn all the products inside out.
  2. It is forbidden to use conventional powders, you need to choose liquids specially designed for washing products from wool. Such funds allow you to wash the thing well, they dissolve in water and are bloomed better than granular powders.
  3. If you need to wash the thing in a washing machine, choose the program “Delicate fabrics”. So you can protect the products and not get a miniature sweater after washing.
  4. If you have never used these programs before, during the first washing you need to check how the machine works, how much the water temperature and the speed of rotation of the drum correspond to the declared.
  5. If you do not follow these rules and set the usual washing, even fast (water temperature 30 degrees), the thing will still deteriorate, since the speed of rotation of the drum with this program will be more intense.

Woolen products do not like:

  1. Frequent washing. Such things are not much polluted, so it is enough to get rid of outsiders (cigarette smoke, sweat, smell of food) with simple ventilation. The product must be placed on the balcony, leave for several hours. If there are one or more spots, they can be washed manually in a warm soap solution, dried, walk along the surface with a soft brush.
  2. Soaking for a long time. With prolonged soaking, your favorite sweaters and blouses can stretch.
  3. Sudden temperature changes when washing manually or in a washing machine. If the product was erased at a temperature of +30-40 degrees, and rinsing was put on a minimum mark, but lower than the temperature during washing, you can get the opposite effect. The thing falls and will become several sizes smaller.

How to wash woolen things in a typewriter

Before you decide to wash the thing in a washing machine, you need to study the information indicated on the label. Conditions show how this product can be washed.

No need to be surprised and assume that all things are erased the same. Outwardly, they can be similar, but information on labels - different. Each product has a different percentage of wool and additional fabrics. The more wool in the products, the more delicate the washing should be and the temperature of the water is minimal.

How to wash correctly:

  1. First you need to prepare the product: to inspect carefully so that there are no elongated loops, holes and pollution. If there are one, you need to eliminate all the damage before the washing.
  2. To get rid of stains before the laundry: wipe the stain with a sponge moistened in hydrogen peroxide, you can use the dining vinegar. In an acidic medium, the wool becomes more supple and softer.
  3. Light things should always be washed separately from the dark. If things are very contaminated, also separately.
  4. It is advisable to remove the fittings that can damage the thing.
  5. At the first washing, you need to check whether the product is melting or not. Take a sample of the fabric (attached to the wrong side of the product), lower it into a soap warm solution. If the water does not stain, the product does not sink, if it is painted, you need to wash such a thing.
  6. To avoid shrinkage when washing, soak a sweater, blouse, etc. In cold water for 3-5 minutes.
  7. The thing needs to be turned inside out, put in a machine.
  8. Choosing a program: only a special program "Delicate washing" or washing woolen things. The water temperature is not higher than +30 degrees, without pressing.
  9. So that woolen things do not beat, use a special air conditioner. You can also not wash things in cold water, they can become tough.
  10. It is forbidden to wash woolen products with powders and soap, you need to use only special liquid agents.

How to wash woolen things manually

If there is time and desire, sweaters and other favorite things, it is advisable to wash with your hands.

How to wash a woolen thing with your hands:

  1. Preparation - similarly, as when washing products in a typewriter.
  2. The water temperature should not be higher than +35 degrees, optimally - within 30 degrees. In cold water, things do not wash.
  3. With manual washing, a lot of water is needed, since volumetric things strongly absorb water. Therefore, you need to immediately prepare a large container for washing.
  4. It is forbidden to soak products, as well as pour powder directly on the thing. By the way, it is undesirable to use powder, only special liquid agents.  Popular means for washing woolen things: “DREFT”, “VLISINA”, “LASK”, “PerWOLL”.
  5. Preparation of water: pour warm water, pour a cap for washing products, beat the water to make lush foam.
  6. Now you can lower the sweater, jacket, etc. into the water.
  7. After washing, it is necessary to rinse the products in the water of the same temperature as when washing. Swarks cannot be allowed, otherwise things can be lost.
  8. Chlorine and other bleaches cannot be used during washing. This is strictly prohibited. If you need to remove the spot, it must first be wiped in vinegar or soak a thing in water with the addition of vinegar (5 tablespoons of vinegar are taken per bucket of water). You can also use special stains.

How to dry woolen things

In order not to stretch the delicate fabric after washing, it is necessary to dry the products correctly. You can’t strongly twist the blouses and sweater, it is better to transfer the thing into a bowl so that the glass is excess water.

Tips for drying products:

  • In order to get rid of excess water, you need to take a bath towel, wrap a thing into it, you can slightly crush it. The towel absorbs excess water.
  • Clothes need to be shaken and straightened to get rid of creases and folds.
  • Drying is only in a horizontal position. For example, on the table: you need to put a dense fabric on the table (it is important that this fabric does not melt). For example, put an old children's blanket, a sheet on top (fold several times), you can also use a terry sheet or a terry bath towel.
  • The product needs to be laid out without stretching. In the process of drying, turn over several times and change a raw sheet or a towel to dry.

  • If there are synthetic additives in the composition of a woolen thing, then you can dry products on the shoulders. For example, on the balcony, but so that direct sunlight does not fall on the thing.
  • What if it is cool in the room? The sweater may not dry for a long time, since the water will not evaporate quickly. In this case, you can dry a sweater or other clothing made of wool with a hairdryer, but you cannot bring the hair dryer close to clothes.
  • It is forbidden to dry sweaters on the radiator and any heating devices. Perhaps this will be one of the fastest drying ways, but so wrong. Already at +60 degrees, the fiber will be dry and broken. In addition, yellowish spots may appear on the product.

  • If the thing is slightly wet, it can be ironed with an iron (minimum temperature) through a rag, which needs to be moistened in a solution of vocabulary. 1 tsp is taken on a glass of water. vinegar. After ironing with an iron, things become fluffy. Only you need to iron products from the wrong side.
  • If the thing is voluminous, it does not need ironing with an iron, it only needs to be dried, according to the rules described above.

How to bleach a woolen thing at home

In the wardrobe of every girl there are woolen bright things: sweaters, blouses, mittens, hats, etc. It is more difficult to care for such things than the colored ones. Over time, a white elegant sweater can turn yellow and ordinary washing even manually, it may not be enough.

How to bleach a woolen thing:

  1. We use hydrogen peroxide. Pour water into the bowl (temperature +30 degrees), pour hydrogen peroxide. For 1 part of the water, 8 parts of the pharmacy are taken. Pour water a little to completely immerse the thing into the solution. To whiten the products, it is enough to hold them for 1-2 hours in the water, then rinse well in cool water, dry. Dry in the sun and on the rope is prohibited!
  2. We use soda: In water temperature, you need to dissolve soda (1 tablespoon of soda is taken for 5 liters of water), lower the sweater or another thing from wool, leave for 1-2 hours. Literally, before our eyes, the thing will become light. After soaking, you need to rinse the thing in cool water and dry. In order to prevent yellowing of products, when washing, you need to add soda to the water.
  3. Salt It also helps to bleach things, but not so fast. If there was no peroxide and soda at home, try to soak the thing in water with the addition of salt (2 tablespoons of salt are taken to obtain a translucent solution for 5 liters of water). Soaking for 1-2 hours, then rinse and dry. To achieve the desired effect, you may have to repeat the procedure several times.
  4. Surprisingly, but mel will also help to whiten woolen products. For one sweater, you need to take 400-500 g of chalk, ground into powder, pour into a bowl with water, dissolve. Leave the sweater in the water for 40-50 minutes, then rinse and dry.
  5. Usage professional tools: only according to the instructions. It is allowed to use bleach containing chlorine, but only by exception. In constant care, chlorine is unacceptable, as it can damage the fibers. After using special bleaching, the thing needs to be rinseed at least 3 times in cool water.
  6. If there are colored patterns on the white product, you must use oxygen bleach. For example: "Beat O2", "Persol", " Vanish».

How to restore a woolen thing

What if woolen things sat after washing? It is necessary to wash the product again, observing the above recommendations.

After washing:

  • if, for example, the sweater has decreased in length, it can be hung on the shoulders. In a wet state under its own weight, the product will gradually stretch. But it is necessary to ensure that the sweater does not stretch more than necessary;
  • the thing needs to be soaked in water temperature for 15 minutes, then drain excess water, stretch the product on a terry towel and pin in several places with pins. So you can give the original size of the thing;
  • a slightly wet sweater after washing can be worn on top of the golf and wear the product until it dries. This method is not very comfortable, but there is a chance that the product will sit exactly in your size.

How else can you stretch a sowing woolen thing? If after washing there are fears that it will be even worse, you can try to return the product the former view with a water vapor.

How to stretch a woolen thing:

  1. First you need to soak the thing in cold water for 15 minutes.
  2. Excess water needs to be squeezed, the thing is spread on the table on a sheet or a terry towel, cover the product with cotton cloth.
  3. Then iron the product with an iron with steaming through the fabric at maximum temperature, only very quickly. During ironing, the product must be gradually stretched in the right direction.
  4. Pour the wool thing with a hot steam until it completely dries.

This method is effective, but you need to be extremely careful so as not to damage the woolen fibers and not overdo it.

There are also alternative methods:

  • for 10 liters of water at room temperature, 3 tbsp. Hydrogen peroxide. The product must be soaked in this solution, leave for half an hour, then squeeze and dry in a straightened form, slightly stretching, to give the desired size;
  • to soak the thing in vinegar water for half an hour: 1 part of the vinegar is taken for 2 parts of water. Then dry and gently stretch during the drying process.

How to prevent woolen deformation?

What to do if you sat woolen things, you already know, but it is better not to allow this. These secrets will help keep any things from wool in its original form for many years:

  • when washing in a typewriter, add softening agents to a special compartment;
  • the wool does not like the alkaline environment, so when choosing means for washing, this must be taken into account;
  • emerate bright things separately from color. Even if you are sure that they will not be diverted. When washing fibers of different shades, they can mix and, as a result, ruin the appearance of white things;
  • it is undesirable to soak the products;
  • rinsing - at a temperature that does not differ from the temperature of the water during washing;
  • clean, dry clothes need to be stored folded on the shelves in the closet. First you can fold heavy voluminous things (sweaters, sweaters), on top - light so that they do not wrinkle;
  • periodically, you need to ventilate things in order to prevent the formation of creases and bends.



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