
How to put a voice for singing. How to put a voice on your own at home. Vocal lessons, how to put a voice

How to put a voice for singing. How to put a voice on your own at home. Vocal lessons, how to put a voice
Is it possible to independently put a voice to an adult and a child? How to put a voice at home - lessons, video. How to quickly put a male, female voice.

A beautiful, bright and expressive voice is an indispensable attribute of singers, artists or public people. About the owners of such a voice, they say that they have the right “voice”. Some people are lucky and they are born with a strong and “set” voice. But this effect can be achieved using special training. In this article, we will consider how to put a voice independently at home, how to put a voice correctly, how to avoid frequent errors with an independent voice setting.

What does a voice set mean

A beautiful voice is important not only for singers, but also for all people. The perception of us with surrounding people depends on the quality of our voice. Slinking, too fast, slurred speech will seem attractive to anyone. And measured speech with a pleasant timbre, with expressive intonation instantly attracts attention and makes you listen to the speaker. One of the most striking examples of the importance of the qualities of the voice is the manner of the teacher to speak with his students. Some teachers, constantly tearing their vocal cords, do not understand why students do not listen to them. And other teachers choose a calm tone, correct intonation and timbre. Children instinctively try to listen to such a flat and beautiful voice. The staged voice should have the following characteristics:

  • wide range;
  • good diction and pronunciation;
  • possession of various vocal techniques;
  • strong breathing and voice apparatus.

The main goal of setting a voice is to form the ability to sing freely, to avoid tension of the throat muscles during singing. In the process of working on a voice setting, you can notice how your voice becomes more hardy, more even, how control appears over the voice range, how you stop “choked” during the performance of the song, how you begin to “reach” to the upper notes, etc. D.

Are there any natural voices

Undoubtedly, naturally set voices exist. Some people were lucky to be born with strong and beautiful voices, attracting the attention of others from the first minute. You can talk about a naturally set voice when the entire vocal apparatus of a person and his breathing work harmoniously. The vocal apparatus is understood as jaws, ligaments, larynx, tongue. Depending on the extent to which the harmony of the vocal apparatus with human breathing works, 3 types of natural voices can be distinguished:

  • singers who perfectly own their vocal apparatus, but experience difficulties with breathing during singing. As a rule, such people need to perform only breathing exercises in order to finally make a voice set. It is not necessary to retrain such singers with another position of jaws, tongue and other parts of the vocal apparatus;
  • singers who perfectly own their breathing during singing, but the vocal apparatus works incorrectly. Such voices sound correct only on a limited register. Working on such voices is quite difficult. First of all, a person needs to understand how his breathing “works”, where sounds come from;
  • singers, who naturally work correctly during singing both the voice apparatus and breathing. The teachers only have to release such singers at once onto the stage, since they know how to extract beautiful sounds, own various vocal techniques from nature. If the owners of such naturally set voices will not understand how and what “works” during singing, then they risk “getting off” from their voice. Thus, the theory is as important as practice.

How to put a voice at home - the main concepts

Breathing to put a voice at home

Mastering the technique of proper breathing during singing is one of the most important and first stages of voice setting. If you do not think about breathing, then this will not only not lead to a successful voice setting, but can also lead to negative consequences. If you strain only vocal cords during singing, then this can damage them. The technique of proper breathing during singing involves the use of abdominal muscles, diaphragm, and lungs. Breathing should not be superficial, but deep. Having mastered such respiratory equipment, the singer will never encounter sore throat after prolonged singing, conversation, etc. In addition, many oriental sages believe that "long breathing is a long life." Deep breathing with the involvement of abdominal muscles, diaphragms contributes to the healing of the body. During such breathing, a massage of the internal organs of a person is carried out, the blood is saturated with oxygen.

Voice timbre to put a voice

The timbre of voice is an individual feature of the voice, its emotional coloring. Distinguish between male and female timbres of voice. Among male timbres, they highlight:

  • baritone,
  • tenor,
  • bass.

Women's timbers of the voice are also divided into 3 types:

  • soprano,
  • mezzo-soprano,
  • contralto.

You must understand that the teacher will not change the timbre of voice. Using various exercises, you can improve the emotional color of the voice, give it a more interesting sound due to additional sounds - overtones. The more overtones, the more interesting and expressive the voice becomes.

Vocal support to put a voice

In the process of setting a voice, a person learns to sing with a vocal support. Such a support implies the attraction of the diaphragm in the singing process. Pevtsov is taught to "sing" with a stomach, not strain the vocal cords. As a result of such training, a person without overstrain and harm for his voice apparatus can sing for many hours in a row or talk for a long time.

Resonators that put a voice

Resonators are an integral component of a human vocal instrument. In order for the sound to appear, the air from the lungs must “break through” through the closed gap, subsequently which the vocal cords begin to fluctuate. If a person learns to control his resonators, then he will learn to control the strength, power of his voice, to direct it to the right point.

Video lessons. How to put a voice

Not only musicians are engaged in staging voice. Mastering your speech tool is useful for teachers, bosses, managers, announcements, actors. How much will this process take? The staging of the voice begins with a staging of proper breathing, which can take from 1 to 2 months. Further voice setting, including the development of various musical techniques, the expansion of the range, is a more time -consuming and long process. Depending on the natural data, the forces of your desire to “configure” your vote, the frequency of vocal classes, the process of setting the voice can occupy from several months to several years. In order to put a voice, video tutorials from professional teachers who can be found on the Internet will help. Let us give an example of several similar lessons that may well become the basis of your home training vocals.

Lesson No. 1. How to put a male voice

Lesson No. 2 How to put a beautiful voice

Lesson No. 3 how to put a female voice

Lesson No. 4 How to put a voice to the child

Lesson No. 5 how to quickly put a voice

Lesson No. 6. How to put a voice for singing yourself

How to put a voice - exercises

Let's figure out what is needed in order to learn vocals at home. Only purposeful people who want to achieve a specific result can engage in independent setting of votes. One of the most important conditions for a successful statement of voice at home is the regularity of exercise. For vocal classes at home, you need:

  • a secluded room where silence will be observed during your lesson;
  • mirror;
  • a list of exercises on a leaflet or video lesson with exercises;
  • dictaphone. It is advisable to record your vocal classes in order to see the result, to hear your mistakes.

As you can see, for independent classes for setting a voice, no special devices are required. Highlight for your classes a certain time of the day. For example, it is ideal to set a voice in the morning. This will be a kind of exercise not only for your ligaments, but for the whole organism. In the room where you will perform vocal exercises should be quiet. It is very important to be able to concentrate and tune in to work. Exercises must be performed standing, since only in this position the diaphragm will be fully involved. As soon as you get skills, you can sing without problems in any position. Consider a list of exercises that can be used to put a voice at home:

  • stand exactly in front of the mirror, take a deep breath, and then, by exhalation, say the sounds “and”, “e”, “a”, “o”, “y”. A prerequisite is that sounds must be pronounced as long as you can, and pronounced them in a strictly given sequence. Why is the sequence of pronouncing these sounds so important? This is important because each of these vowels has a certain orientation. The slow pronunciation of the sound “and”, for example, contributes to the stimulation of blood circulation, the saturation of blood with oxygen. The slow pronunciation of the sound “E” makes the muscles of the neck and throat “wake up”. During the pronunciation of vowel “A”, the chest muscles, lungs and diaphragm are activated as much as possible. The slow pronunciation of the sound “O” makes the heart muscle work at full strength. During the pronunciation of the sound “U” there is an activation of the lower abdomen. This exercise must be performed 3 times;
  • stand in front of the mirror, close your lips tightly and say the sound “M”. This sound first must be pronounced quite quietly, then a little louder, and at the end - as loudly as you can. During the performance of this exercise, muscles actively work in the upper abdomen and vocal ligaments;
  • stand exactly in front of the mirror and begin to train the pronunciation of the sound “P”. To begin with, just portray the growl, and then clearly repeat the following set of words: fish, cancer, rhythm, paradise, backpack, carpet, cheese, goods, fence, wing, frost, lilac;
  • if you have a piano at home, then you can sway with it. Press the keys and sing “before, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si, before”. Then the notes must be sung in the opposite direction - “before, si, la, salt, fa, mi, re, before”. As you master the power of your voice, you can sing in this way in continuous mode;
  • using the piano, you can sang as follows - “before, re, mi, fa, salt, fa, mi, re, before”. Vocal teachers teach their students to make transitions in such quails as smooth as possible. To do this, the “salt” note can be pronounced “salt” for a smooth and harmonious sound;
  • in order to develop not only a voice, but also a musical hearing, you can perform the following exercise. First, sing up the sound of 3 notes “before, re, mi”, and then sing them down the sound. Gradually add one note. When you can freely sing the whole gamut, you can sing notes with alternation - “before, mi, salt, si, do, la, la, re”;
  • another effective exercise for the development of not only the voice, but also hearing is the singing of the word "meow". The word needs to be sang quietly, then louder, loudly. Try to sing as slowly as possible to feel where every sound is formed from this word where it resonates.

Vocal exercises are aimed at activating all types of resonators. There are breast, head and central resonators. The breast resonators include bronchi, trachea and lungs. The head resonators include the oral cavity, and the larynx is attributed to the central. As a rule, novice singers in their singing use only head resonators. And only after painstaking and regular work on their voice, noticeable changes take place as sound development.

Tips for vocal classes. How to put a voice

  1. If you are not sure of your own willpower, then it is better to contact the vocal teachers to set the voice. They will evaluate your level, compose an individual program of lessons, exercises. Of course, such services may not be cheap. Choose a real professional in your field so that you do not reinforce again.
  2. If you are engaged in the setting of a voice yourself, then in your classes there must be systematic and regularity. Select 20-30 minutes every day for your classes at any time convenient for you.
  3. During the performance of vocal exercises, during singing, always try to round the palate. This is necessary so that the sound is voluminous.
  4. During the performance of vocal exercises, during the singing, try to regulate the volume of air that you inhale and exhale. Ideally, its volume during the pronunciation of quiet and loud sounds should be the same.
  5. For home -made voice setting, you do not need to choose too complex musical compositions for singing. This should not be done even when it seems to you that you sing them very well, you succeed in all sounds and you reach all notes. Choose works corresponding to your level of preparation and range.
  6. During the performance of songs in a home environment, do not forget about your facial expressions, movements. All this gives the emotional coloring of singing, which is very important. Of course, you should not actively gesticulate and depict a “monkey”, but you don’t need to stand like a stone sculpture.
  7. During the performance of songs, vocal exercises, pay attention to how you exhale the air. This should not be done with a nose, since when performing a song in a microphone there will be incorrect sound.
  8. Know your limit. Some novice vocalists seek to quickly master the voice range that they can’t do. This kind of overstrain of the vocal cords can become simply destructive for them, you can disrupt your voice. Graduation is another important rule for home -made voice setting.
  9. Be confident in your abilities. Even if your friends or relatives think that you have absolutely no voice, hearing and “a bear has come to your ear”, do not throw your classes vocals. Not only the one who has a good voice can sing beautifully. For beginners and professionals, regular vocal classes are of paramount importance. It’s just that someone needs to make a minimum of effort, as nature awarded it in a voice, and someone will have to go to their goal for a long time and stubbornly.

The benefits of exercises for setting voice are difficult to overestimate. Regular classes will contribute to the saturation of blood with oxygen, increase the volume of lungs, the formation of proper posture, strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, and so on. If you don’t have a piano at home, you can use various computer programs that imitate the sounds of the piano. Putting a voice yourself is a very real goal that you can achieve. You can put the voice of both an adult and the child. Success!



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