
How to put a voice for singing. How to put a voice yourself at home. Lokal lessons how to put a voice

How to put a voice for singing. How to put a voice yourself at home. Lokal lessons how to put a voice
Can I independently put the voice of an adult and a child? How to put a voice at home - lessons, video. How to quickly put a male, female voice.

A handsome, bright and expressive voice is an indispensable attribute of singers, artists or public people. About owners of such a voice say that they have been the "voice" correctly. Some people are lucky and they are born with a strong and "posed" voice. But this effect can be achieved with special training. In this article, we will look at how to put a voice on your own at home, how to correct the voice, how to avoid frequent mistakes in self-forming.

What does the voice mean

Beautiful voice is important not only for singers, but also for all people. The perception of us by surrounding people depends on the quality of our voting. Vgreging, too fast, insensitive speech little to seem attractive. And the measured speech with a pleasant timbre, with an expressive intonation instantly attracts attention and makes listening to the speaker. One of the most vivid examples of the importance of the qualities of the voice of the teacher's manner speaks to their disciples. Some teachers, constantly underwing their voice ligaments, do not understand why the disciples do not listen to them. And other teachers choose a calm tone, proper intonation and timbre. Children instinctively try to listen to a flat and beautiful voice. The supplied voice must have the following characteristics:

  • wide range;
  • good diction and pronunciation;
  • possession of various vocal techniques;
  • strong respiratory and voice apparatus.

The main purpose of the voice is to form the formation of the ability to sing freely, avoid the tension of the throat muscles during singing. In the process of working on voice formulation, you can notice how your voice becomes more hardy, more even, as the control of the voice range appears, as you stop "torn" during the execution of a song, as you begin to "get out" to the upper notes, etc. d.

Are there natural voices

Undoubtedly, natural voices exist. Some people were lucky to be born with strong and beautiful voices that attach attention to themselves from the first minute. It is possible to talk about the natural voice in the case when the entire vocal apparatus of man and his breathing works harmoniously. Under the vocal apparatus, they understand the jaws, ligaments, lads, language. Depending on the extent of harmony, the vocal apparatus with human breathing is operating, 3 types of naturally supplied voices can be distinguished:

  • singers who perfectly own their vocal apparatus, but feel difficulty with breathing during singing. As a rule, only breathing exercises should be performed in such people to finally make the voice supplied. To move such singers to another position of the jaws, language and other departments of the vocal apparatus;
  • singers who perfectly own their breath during singing, but the vocal apparatus works incorrectly. Such votes sound correctly only on a limited register. It is quite difficult to work on such voices. First of all, a person needs to understand how "working" his breathing, where sounds come from;
  • singers, whose nature work correctly during singing both voice apparatus and breathing. Teachers remain only to produce such singers immediately to the scene, as they know how to extract beautiful sounds, own various vocal techniques from nature. If the owners of such natural votes will not understand how and that "works" during singing, then they risk "go away" from their voice. Thus, the theory is as important as practice.

How to put a voice at home - the main concepts

Breath to put a voice at home

Mastering the technique of proper breathing during singing is one of the most important and first stages of voice formulation. If you do not think about breathing, it will not only do not lead to a successful voice formulation, but also can lead to negative consequences. If only voice ligaments will strain during singing, it can damage them. The technique of proper breathing during singing implies the use of the muscles of the abdominal press, the diaphragms, lungs. Breathing should not be superficial, but deep. Having mastered such a breathing technique, the singer will never face the throat pain after a long singing, conversation, etc. In addition, many oriental wise men believe that "long breath is a long life." Deep breathing with the involvement of abdominal muscles, the diaphragms contribute to the improvement of the body. During such breathing, the massage of the internal organs of a person is carried out, the blood is saturated with oxygen.

Voice timbre to put a voice

Voice timbre is an individual voice feature, its emotional coloring. Distinguish men and female voice rates. Among male timbres are distinguished:

  • baritone,
  • tenor,
  • bass.

Women's voice timbres are also divided into 3 types:

  • soprano,
  • mezzo soprano
  • contralto.

You must understand that the teacher will not change the voice of the voice. With the help of various exercises, you can improve the emotional voice color, give it a more interesting sound due to additional sounds - overtons. The more overtones, the more interesting and expressive the voice becomes.

Vocal support to put a voice

In the process of conducting a voice, a person learns to sing with the help of vocal support. Such support implies the attraction of the diaphragm in the process of singing. Singers teach "singing" by the belly, do not strain voice ligaments. As a result of such training, a person without overvoltage and harm for his voice apparatus can sing for many hours in a row or a long time to talk.

Resonators that put a voice

Resonators - an integral component of the human vocal instrument. In order for the sound, the air from the lungs should "break through" through the closed gap, subsequently, the voice ligaments begin to fluctuate. If a person learns to manage his resonators, he will learn to control the power, the power of his voice, send it to the desired point.

Video lessons. How to put a voice

Not only musicians are engaged in the voice formulation. Mastering its speech tool is useful for teachers, chiefs, managers, speakers, actors. How much will this process take? The voice formulation begins with the setting of proper breathing, which can take from 1 to 2 months. Further statement of voting, including the development of various musical techniques, the expansion of the range is a more time-consuming and long process. Depending on the natural data, the forces of your desire to "configure" your voice, frequency of vocal classes, the process of voice formulation can take from several months to several years. In order to put a voice, help video lessons from professional teachers who can be found on the Internet without any problems. We give an example of several similar lessons that may well be the basis of your vocal domestic training.

Lesson number 1. How to put a male voice

Lesson number 2 How to put a beautiful voice

Lesson number 3 How to put a female voice

Lesson number 4 How to put a voice baby

Lesson number 5 How to quickly put a voice

Lesson number 6. How to put a voice for singing yourself

How to put a voice - exercises

Let's figure out what you need to train vocals at home. Only targeted people who want to achieve a specific result can be engaged in self-forming. One of the most important conditions for a successful voice formulation at home is the regularity of exercise. For vocal studies at home you need:

  • a secluded room where silence will be observed throughout your classes;
  • mirror;
  • list of exercises on a leaflet or video lesson with exercises;
  • voice recorder. It is advisable to record your vocal activities to see the result, hear your mistakes.

As you can see, it does not require any special devices for independent voice classes. Highlight for your occupation a certain time of the day. For example, perfectly engaged in voice formulation in the morning. It will be a kind of charging not only for your ligaments, but also for the whole body. In the room where you will perform vocal exercises, should be quiet. It is very important to be able to focus and tune in to work. Exercises must be carried out standing, since only in this position the diaphragm will be fully involved. As soon as you type skills, you can sing without any problems in any position. Consider a list of exercises that can be used to form a voice at home:

  • stand exactly in front of the mirror, take a deep breath, and then on the exhale, say the sounds "and", "u", "a", "o", "y". The prerequisite is that the sounds need to be pronounced as long as you can, and pronounce them in a strictly given sequence. Why is the sequence of pronouncing these sounds so important? This is important because each of these vowels has a definite orientation. Slow pronouncement of sound "and", for example, contributes to the stimulation of blood circulation, blood saturation with oxygen. The slow utility of the sound "E" makes "wake up" the muscles of the neck and throat. During the pronunciation of the vowel sound "A", breast muscles, light and diaphragm are maximally activated. Slow utterance of the sound "O" makes it work in full force heart muscle. During the pronouncement of the sound "U", the lower abdomen will be activated. This exercise must be performed 3 times;
  • stand in front of the mirror, close the lips tightly and say the sound of "M". This sound must first be used completely quietly, then slightly louder, and at the end - so loud as soon as you can. During this exercise, muscles are actively working at the top of the abdomen and voice ligaments;
  • stand exactly in front of the mirror and start training the sound pronunciation "P". To begin with, simply depict the growl, and then clearly repeat the following set of words: fish, cancer, rhythm, paradise, backpack, carpet, cheese, product, fence, wing, frost, lilac;
  • if you have a piano at home, then you can run with it. Press the keys and send "to, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si, to". Then, the notes are necessary and in the opposite direction - "to, si, la, salt, fa, mi, re, up." As the power of his voice is mastered, you can melting in this way in continuous mode;
  • with the help of piano, it is possible to mold and as follows - "to, re, mi, fa, salt, fa, mi, re, up. Vocal teachers teach their disciples to make transitions in such machines as smooth as possible. For this note "Salt" can be pronounced "Salt" for more smooth and harmonious sound;
  • in order to develop not only the voice, but also a musical hearing, you can perform the following exercise. First, come up on the skeleton of 3 notes "to, re, mi", and then leave them down the sound. Gradually add one note by one note. When you can freely come off the whole range, you can sing notes with alternation - "up to, mi, salt, si, to, la, fa, re";
  • another effective exercise for the development of not only voice, but also hearing is to leave the words "meow". The word needs to leave quietly, then louder, loud. Try to sing as much as possible to sense where every sound is formed from this word, where he resonates.

Vocal exercises are aimed at the activation of all types of resonators. There are breast, head and central resonators. Bronchas, trachea and lungs include chest resonators. The head resonators include the oral cavity, and to the central - larynx. As a rule, beginner singers in their singing use only head resonators. And only after painstaking and regular work on their voice, noticeable changes occur as a sound recovery.

Tips for vocal classes. How to put a voice

  1. If you are not sure of your own power, then it is better to apply to vocal teachers for a voice formulation. They will appreciate your level, make an individual program of lessons, exercises. Of course, such services can not be cheap. Choose a real professional in your case so that it is not re-reappearing.
  2. If you will be engaged in the formulation of the voice yourself, then in your occupations there must be a systematic and regularity. Select 20-30 minutes every day for your occupation at any time convenient for you.
  3. During the fulfillment of vocal exercises, while you always try to round the pawn. This is necessary in order for the sound to be volumetric.
  4. During the execution of vocal exercises, while trying to adjust the volume of the air that you breathe and exhale. Ideally, its volume during the pronouncement of quiet and loud sounds should be the same.
  5. For homemade voice, you do not need to choose too complex musical compositions for singing. It should not be done even when it seems to you that you will follow them very well, you manage all the sounds and you reach all the notes. Choose the works that match your preparation and range level.
  6. During the performance of the songs in the home setting, do not forget about your facial expressions, movement. All this gives emotional painting singing, which is very important. To actively gesticulate and depict a "monkey", of course, it is not worth it, but it is not necessary to stand like a stone sculpture.
  7. During the performance of songs, vocal exercises pay attention to how you exhale air. This is not worth doing a nose, since when the song is executed into the microphone there will be an incorrect sound.
  8. Know your limit. Some novice vocalists seek to quickly master the voice range that they are not yet valid. This kind of overvoltage of voice ligaments can be just destructive for them, you can handit the voice. The graduality is another important rule for homemade voice.
  9. Be confident in your abilities. Even if your friends or relatives think that you have absolutely no voice, hearing and "bear came to you on the ear", do not learn your vocal classes. Beautifully sing can not only one, who has a good voice from nature. And for beginners, and regular vocals have paramount importance for professionals. Just someone is required to make a minimum of effort, since nature has awarded it with a voice, and someone will have to go to his goal for a long time.

The benefit of the exercise for a voice is difficult to overestimate. Regular classes will contribute to the saturation of blood oxygen, an increase in the volume of lungs, the formation of the correct posture, strengthen the abdominal muscles, and so on. If you have no piano at home, you can use various computer programs that mimic the sounds of the piano. Put the voice itself - this is a very real goal that you can achieve. You can put a voice as an adult and a child. Successes!


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