
How to forget the former

How to forget the former
Forget of the former is not easy. There should be no little time to start a new life. But with a great desire it is possible.

If for several months already, and maybe years, you do not know how to forget the former and from time to time you remember him and dream of a long-awaited meeting, probably the time has come to change something in life. First of all, you need to start with the most important thing - with yourself. Love yourself and the world around, distracting and engaged in your loved one, break the connection with the past - all this will help forget the former!

Bring thoughts in order to forget the former

To start life from pure sheet, you need to have a great patience, desire and desire. It is these qualities that will help you quickly and forever forget the former. First you need to place everything in our places and put your thoughts in order.

How to forget the former and pass


Do not attempt immediately after parting to switch to some cases, run from your thoughts and dip with your head into your past usual life. Recognize at least for the time you caught with us and hurt, do not hide your feelings. It is quite natural, because you are a living person and have the full right to sink, swim on the shoulder at the girlfriend, suffer. This is a kind of initial stage that you need to overcome to forget the former. If you want to be alone with you, do not refuse yourself in this and ask your relatives and close to leave you alone. But do not flirt and do not abuse loneliness, it is fraught.

To forget the former, do not think about how good it was together


Try to drive my thoughts and memories of the time when you were together well, cozy and comfortable. By this you can easily do when you can completely forget the former. Then you will not hurt so much. Do not restore in mind those beautiful moments that a favorite person gave you, it will only aggravate the situation. But in the future, when you pass, you will remember him with a smile and gratitude.

Remind yourself why everything is over to forget the former


People do not part just like that. And your parting, most likely, contributed to serious reasons - maybe quarrels, treason, misunderstandings. And as soon as you start to think once again, why you are not destined to live together all my life or bored, remember those moments that cause parting. But it is not worth winning on them, just sometimes remember the unpleasant situations. This will help you to stop and think less about the former.

How to forget the former and not blame yourself


Fine when a person knows how to analyze mistakes, but when it goes into its own accusations - this is not normal. If you even have a feeling that you have become the cause of separation and that, by doing otherwise in the situation, everything would be fine, in no case do not blame yourself. The main thing is to understand that the former is the past, and it is necessary to live a real and future. Please accept this in order not to melted in thoughts about the past.

Think about all your advantages to forget the former

Each of us has advantages. Think about what exactly you have and compare with the number of shortcomings of the former lover. Surely his list will be more. This is how you can prove once again that he is not worthy of you and parting is the only right way out. By twisting in his head of his quality and assuring herself that he is not the one with whom you would like to live all my life and be happy, it will be easier for you to survive a gap and forget the former. As for your advantages that you have determined in yourself, so they will only make you stronger and give more confidence!

Watch positively to the world to forget the former


Immediately after parting it is very difficult to enjoy life and dream of something beautiful. But still try! Try bad thoughts to replace positive, build plans for the future, chat more with loved ones and relatives. Leave sentimental, gloomy and negative thoughts in the past. You will feel the tide of energy if you spend time with positively configured people. And this is another big step towards the forget of the former.

Forget the former, crossing it out of life


If you have at least some things belonging to the house in your house, you immediately get rid of them. You will be able to transfer them to him, for example, your friends to once again not meet him personally. It can interfere with you and knock off the healing path. Still, he is not a stranger to you and at the sight you will hurt and sad. Maybe so that you will not want to give it things, because this is the only thing that reminds of it, but you have to overcome yourself and do it.

To forget the former, stop chatting with him

Do not try to search with former meetings or talk to him by phone. Fool yourself and say that you stayed friends, so you see with him once a week and convene only to consult, it's stupid. So you just hurt yourself. You will begin to experience bitterness and regret, and why do you need negative emotions. In the future, you will thank ourselves for the fact that the feelings did not learn and could overcome difficulties. To forget the former not call him forever, do not write, do not meet, at any cost, avoid contact with it.

Less likely to sit in social networks to forget the former

If your former beloved actively visited social networks, try less frequently to enter his page or remove it from the contact list. If you will constantly browse his photos or reread his statuses and posts, just go crazy. You will begin to suspect him that he is so easy and quickly forgotten your relationship, met another and even a bit regrets what happened. It will only aggravate the situation and will prevent you of building a new life.

To forget the former, do not ask about him with friends


Surely you with the former have common friends with whom you continue to communicate. Of course, to forget the former, you should not sacrifice friendship and stop meeting familiar. Just try not to be interested in them about him, do not ask how he has business, whether his personal life has arranged than and so on. It may come to him about this hearing and he will decide that you are not indifferent.

Do not deal with a common matter to forget the former

If you actually want to break up forever with the past and forget the former, try not to do what you did together with him. For example, for a while, give up the campaigns that you made together, do not listen to the songs that you danced and do not watch movies under which they fell asleep with the former. You can safely come back to all this when you pass.

Change the situation to forget the former


The change in the situation has not yet harmed anyone, but on the contrary, only walked for the benefit. If you can, take your vacation at work, go somewhere in an unfamiliar place for you. You can go to a family relative, grandmother or girlfriend. If you have not visited theaters or circus for a long time, why not have fun in a circle of friends. You can even make a permutation in the house - move the sofa, throw out the old wardrobe, buy new indoor flowers. Even the most minimal changes in your life will help to throw out the ex-head.

How to forget the former: enjoy life

Learn to enjoy life, every time in the afternoon, every moment. Try to search for all positive. This will help not only quickly forget the former, but will also change your attitude towards everything around. Agree, a positive person attracts people much more to him than the one who is looking for a negative.

Family support to forget the former


Family will never betray and unlike the former will always love you as you are. Try to come to your family and relatives more often. After all, joint dinners and hiking in the shops have not been canceled. You can fully reveal to relatives for the cup of tea and tell about your experiences, they will always support, listen and understand.

Communication with girlfriends to forget the former


If you have not communicated with your girlfriends for a long time, you can now see more often with them. Get pleasure from these meetings, more having fun, smile and joke. This will help you at least forget the former and raise yourself. You are interested in business and life girlfriends, try to delve into their problems or the joy of life. You can be distracted and necessary, especially for this you now have full free time.

Tight graph


If your every day is painted by the hour, you just will have no time to think about parting with the former. Do not let yourself relax and sit at the clock without a business, bolding into the ceiling. So you certainly do not forget it. There is a lot of interesting trainings, self-learning programs that you can do after work. Try every day to invent your assignments to help you distract and gradually cool the feelings to the former.

Sports sports to forget the former


If you did not go to the gym or pool, it's time to start. This will help not only keep yourself in great shape, but also improve the condition of your health. Make a fitness trip to your tight schedule. There you can get acquainted with new people and distract from problems. The sport is better to choose the preferences - gym, athletics, yoga, and so on.

No suggestions at home

Try to sit at home alone. On the weekend, go to the park stroll, unless, of course, allows the weather. If on the street rain invite girlfriends to yourself or go to visit to parents. Breathing more fresh air, and you always have time to read the book.

Favorite hobbies to forget the former


If you have a favorite occupation and you have never enough time for him - because the care of your lovedness took every free minute, you can do it right now. If you have fun crochet - please, or maybe you like to embroider with a cross, make origami, or cook new interesting dishes? Taking care of your favorite thing, you will feel a self-sufficient woman.

Taboo on alcohol

In difficult situations, many people are looking for support in alcohol. Drinking a couple of troops, they mistakenly think that their problems will disappear. Alcohol relaxes, helps to forget about the pressing, but for a while. Always remember this. Of course, you can skip a glass of wine with girlfriends for dinner, but do not get carried away, alcohol has not given anyone to good.

Have fun of loneliness to forget the former

Perhaps someone will seem stupid, but alone also has its advantages. It depends on how to treat it. Good all that in moderation. Therefore, sad hours in an empty room and enjoy solitude - different things.

Alone with myself


Learn to appreciate the time spent alone with you. It treats perfectly and helps forget the former. Perhaps earlier you were boring to sit in front of the TV all evening and watch melodramas after work. Try now to benefit from this. For example, do not dwell on what you do it from despair and loneliness. Think better about how it is still nice to sit and relax an hour or other on the sofa after a difficult day, learn how to get pleasure from this to forget the former.

Find a new hobby to forget the former

Continue to do everything that you like to do, but try to expand your horizons, find new hobbies. After all, a new thing will be able to make your life more interesting and meaningful. To know yourself in the new industry is a very important step towards the forget of the former.

No couple? No problem!


Learn to enjoy the fact that you do not have a pair. You should please what you have had a lot of free time, which you can use on yourself - salon, gyms, walks, new acquaintances. You can change your image, style. For example, buy yourself things that you have never worn, lipstick, the color of which was considered caller. Feel free! Nobody holds you at home, you have disappeared the mass of obligations that were associated with the arrangement of the lover's comfort. You have a free time for yourself your beloved, which you can use without a branch of conscience.

Not join new relationships until you forget the former

Try not to associate your life with a new man literally the next day after parting. Believe me, you are not ready for this yet. You may seem that new love will turn around the old one, and former relationships you will quickly forget with the new cavalier. This is an erroneous. No matter how worse. Refrain while from serious courtesies, give time to your feelings to forget the former finally.

A few "if ..." to forget the former

  1. If you help you remove his contact from the mobile, dare, but only after that go to the party and talk to friends to dispel and enjoy new impressions.
  2. If a man somedar offended you during a relationship, and you kept emotions and did not express your opinion. It's time for him to say it. But remember that the conversation should be short and essentially.
  3. If it was to part with your general decision, and in the future you plan to maintain relationships with him, then try to be objective and mild to the former to keep friendship.
  4. If you decide to finally part and forget the former, then when you return it to him, demand your return to you. It will be a sign that you are determined and categorically.

Video "How to Forget Former"


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