
Laser liposuction

Laser liposuction
Small Cleaning Medicine to Improve Beauty

The perfect figure, a sharp profile, ease of youth - how beautiful it is. But the time comes when looking into the mirror, you notice the extra centimeters, not in the most pleasant places. The disappearance of the waist, an increase in the abdomen, the appearance of a second chin - all this significantly worsens the mood. Do not hurry to upset, thanks to modern achievements and the latest technologies, you can return the ideal forms using the laser non-functional liposuction.

What is laser liposuction


The active introduction of laser technology made it possible to make a colossal breakthrough in the contour plastic of the body. Thanks to the laser technology, a small-acting method for the correction of fatty deposits with a resistant aesthetic effect and a short period of rehabilitation was possible. This procedure is used in medicine since 1992 and has gained great popularity in many countries of the world. A unique feature of laser lipolysis is the ability to reduce fat deposits by almost any portion of the body, including those inaccessible to conventional liposuction: traded areas, the chin area, the rear surface of the shoulder.

About laser liposuction technology

The developers of laser liposuction technology and the only, today, its representatives are the Italian company Deka. With the help of laser liposuction, the bulk of the adipose tissue in the selected zone is removed. The remaining amount of fat cells, as a rule, there remains a minor percentage, collapsed within a month. As a result of the destruction of fat, Lizat is formed, which gradually comes out of the body naturally. In this regard, it is possible to estimate the final effect on the procedure already in 3-5 weeks.

Laser liposuction is carried out under local anesthesia and takes from 45 minutes to an hour. With the needle, a diameter of 1 mm, the laser beam is sent to a problem zone with a large amount of fat savings. Under the influence of this ray, fat literally melts. Thanks to the point exposure, adjacent fabrics are not exposed to irradiation and are not deformed. A feature of the application of the laser beam is that it has an ignition effect on the vessels and capillaries, thereby reducing the bleeding and the risk of hematomas. Also laser liposuction stimulates the synthesis of collagen, and it, in turn, has a pull-up effect.

Advantages of laser liposuction

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  1. This technology allows you to simulate the area of \u200b\u200bthe knees, the inner surface of the hips, chin, forearm and top of the abdomen.
  2. The sterilization of the treated region carried out by laser radiation contributes to preventing infection and the formation of gray and hematoma.
  3. There is a natural tightening of the skin from the inside, due to the development of new collagen fibers.
  4. Due to the fact that the procedure is carried out through cuts of a minor diameter, after laser liposuction there are no traces in the form of scars and scars.
  5. Due to the short-term exposure to the laser wave, the nerve fibers are not damaged, and later the problem zone does not lose sensitivity.
  6. The uniform impact of the laser contributes to the destruction of the fat layer so that the skin retains the naturalness and smooth texture.
  7. Lack of pain.
  8. Does not require long rehabilitation, the next day you can return to everyday life (not forgetting about the recommendations of the doctor).

What is recommended after laser liposuction


  1. Postpone hiking in the gym and other exercise for 1-2 weeks.
  2. If the procedure was carried out in the field of face or chin, then the bandage should be kept 1-2 days; On other parts of the body - within a week.
  3. In order to avoid infectious complications, the antibiotics prescribed by the attending physician should be made over 5 days.
  4. The next 12 hours should be avoided by drinking alcoholic beverages, even in small quantities.
  5. Contain the place of introduction of the laser probe clean and dryness,
  6. For 4-5 months, a coarse and energetic massage in places should be avoided, where laser liposuction was carried out,
  7. After 10-12 days, a soft massage of the region can be carried out, where laser liposuction was carried out.
  8. If redness or pain in the process of carrying out the procedure, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Contraindications for laser liposuction

Given the advantages of this technique and how modern medicine has advanced, laser liposuction, like any other operation, has a number of contraindications.

  1. Various skin diseases.
  2. Moved stroke or myocardial infarction.
  3. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  4. Blood blood clotting.
  5. Heart failure.
  6. Heavy and chronic diseases of the internal organs.
  7. Immunity impairment, which is fraught with infectious complications.
  8. Various hernias.
  9. Diabetes.

Laser belly liposuction


A flat belly is one of the cherished desires of each girl, but the problem is that this area is most difficult to break up with fatty deposits. Wines all lifestyle: small mobility, rest on the sofa, personal car. Even in the presence of active workouts in the schedule, there is no guarantee of the effective combustion of all fatty sediments in the abdomen. In this case, the laser liposuction of this zone will easily help you. The main thing is to clearly realize that laser liposuction is not a medicine from obesity, and without the necessary physical exertion and compliance with the power mode is not worth waiting for a magical result. On average, one procedure can be removed only to 500 ml of fat. Before holding laser liposuction, you must pass tests and conduct surveys to avoid unwanted complications or to identify contraindications in a timely manner.

This procedure is carried out in two stages. At the first stage, with the help of surgical cannula, a low-frequency laser is introduced under the skin. Laser radiation heats and breaks the fatty tissue strictly in the area you need. In the second stage, the laser is retrieved and the electrode of the laser is injected. It warms the bottom layer of the skin, which allows you to stimulate the production of collagen for natural skin suspenders.

The first result after laser liposuction can be seen on the second day after the procedure, and the final effect (which will be noticeable when the power and physical exertion is observed) can be evaluated month later. The next 10 days after laser liposuction should necessarily wear special compression linen. It will avoid unpleasant postoperative sensations and contributes to the formation of new contours. You can return to a measured lifestyle already in 2-3 weeks, and sports classes should be postponed at least a month.

Laser liposuction chin


The emergence of the second chin causes moral suffering from many women. This may be due to both age-related changes and the anatomical features of the structure of the face. There are many ways to solve this problem, but one of the effective methods of correction of the face contour is laser liposuction.

For this procedure, 3 small punctures are needed: in the submandibular region and in the zone of ear dumps. Through them are carried out laser radiation. The operation lasts from 40 minutes to an hour. Women after 45 years old doctors advise to combine the laser liposuction of the second chin and tightening the lower third of the face to avoid sorcelain of the skin on the site of the second chin. The rehabilitation period depends on individual characteristics, but on average does not exceed 2-3 weeks. It is also recommended to wear an elastic compression bandage and sleep on several pillows, to ensure better maintenance of the head on the duration of all sleep.

The cost of laser liposuction

Woman Marked for Liposcience

Rates for laser liposuction vary from 25,000 rubles per 1 zone. Therefore, the total cost of the procedure is quite difficult, it all depends on the number of zones, experience and name of the surgeon, and, of course, the city and popularity of the clinic.

The cost, as in most varieties of plastic operations, consists of three components:

  • duration of stay in the hospital;
  • anesthesia;
  • the procedure itself.

Do not forget that there are cases when the consultation is voiced by not the whole amount and then additional costs come up. To avoid such a misunderstanding, it is better to clarify the attending surgeon, whether everything is included in the account.

Laser liposuction. Video


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