
Diet minus 60

Diet minus 60
How to lose weight according to the power system diet minus 60

The most effective type of advertising is self -promotion. Therefore, more and more people strive to lose weight according to the system of Ekaterina Mirimanova - “Diet minus 60”. After all, looking at this fragile and attractive woman, it is unlikely that anyone thinks that once she weighed 60 (!) Kg more. In addition, according to Mirimanova’s diet, minus 60, you will lose weight without refusing sweet, flour and fried.

The basic principles of the diet system minus 60

The power system called “Diet minus 60” got its name thanks to the ordinary woman Ekaterina Mirimanova. It is amazing that she does not have a medical diploma, but her power system found approval of leading nutrition specialists not only in Russia, but also in other developed countries of the world. Minus 60 diet is used even by pregnant and lactating lactating women. Moreover, reviews of losing weight on the diet minus 60 indicate a long -term and persistent effect, subject to all Mirimanova rules.

Minus 60 diet is difficult to call the word “diet”, it is rather a power system that you need to adhere to all your life. This technique was developed by Mirimanova herself on personal experience. Before taking out her losing weight formula, the woman tested a lot of other techniques and eventually found her approach. On the diet minus 60 you can eat everything you want! Sweets, cakes, buns, barbecue and other harmful goodies are allowed. But how will weight loss come, if there is something to the soul? And here the basic rules of the power system minus 60 come into force.

Diet minus 60: photo "before" and "after"

before and after

  1. Do not miss breakfast! This is one of the most important meals in the day. Breakfast, you start your metabolism. In addition, according to Mirimanova’s diet, minus 60, all the products that are prohibited in other methods are allowed, but only until noon. Therefore, it is a sin not to take advantage of this moment and not have breakfast with something harmful and high -calorie. Especially if you are a sweet tooth.
  2. Do not refuse tea, coffee and alcohol. In the diet minus 60, all these drinks are allowed. Even with sugar! But sugar can only be added from drinks in the morning and gradually try to abandon refinade. Over time, the habit of drinking tea and coffee will not work out, well, but for now there is no such habit, you can do as you are used to. By the way, over time, Mirimanova advises to be from white sugar or replace it with brown. And change milk chocolate for black.
  3. As for alcohol, the diet minus 60 can drink red dry wine and nothing more. But you also need to rebuild gradually. No one is waiting for records from you.
  4. All diets love to include in their menu Fig. Mirimanova is no exception. But she offers to choose only steamed rice, as it contains more vitamins, and is in no way inferior to the usual one.
  5. Good news for lovers of white bread: this flour and high -calorie product can also be eaten. But up to 12 days! For lunch, you can pamper yourself with a piece of rye bread or crackers from it. The truth is only if you have meat, fish or poultry for lunch. This is an important point!
  6. Do you like potatoes and pasta? They can also be and even for lunch! But these products are better not to abuse. In the morning, for breakfast, potatoes and pasta can be combined with what you want. But by dinner, select adds such as vegetables to them. You can eat a little cheese if you love. According to the diet of Mirimanova pasta and potatoes, you cannot combine after breakfast with meat, or with bird, with fish, nor seafood.
  7. An important rule of the power system “Diet minus 60” is not after 18.00! Of course, there are nuances. If you go to bed very late, then, of course, you can have breakfast later, but no later than 20.00. Ideally, the sooner you have dinner, the better the system works. But again, do not reach fanaticism: dinner on the diet minus 60 should be at about 17.00. Ekaterina Mirimanova warns that a very early or too easy and insignificant dinner can reduce all your attempts to lose weight.
  8. Water is an important element of each diet. But according to the system of minus 60, you will not need to drink at least 2-3 liters of water per day. Mirimanova advises to drink exactly as much fluid as the body requires. No need to force yourself.
  9. The same goes for salt. It is not worth excluding this important element from your menu on the diet minus 60. But it is important to try not to eat too salty food for breakfast, nor in general in principle. Everything should be in moderation.
  10. Dinner on the power system of Mirimanova must try to do as easily as possible in the number of components. Do not overload your evening menu. If this is rice, then vegetables or dried fruits can be added to it. Meat, poultry, seafood fish is also important to eat with anything without combining.
  11. Particular attention should be paid to products processing. Until 12 days you can eat everything, fried as. After 12 days, boiled, stewed, baked or grilled.
  12. Well, and finally it is worth saying that the diet minus 60 is not only a power system. Physical activity is also important. Exercises should be regular, daily. But you should not be scared, physical activity does not necessarily imply heavy and long training. Find the optimal set of exercises for yourself and this will not only help you lose weight, but also make you healthier.

What is on the diet minus 60

what is

In the diet minus 60, the main thing is temporary restrictions and a list of permitted products (you will find it below). That is, roughly speaking, you can eat everything until noon, in the afternoon you can eat only products from combined groups.

On ordinary days after dinner, drink only water. But if you go to visit or for an event, you can drink a little red dry wine and bit a piece of cheese.

When compiling your power menu, the “Diet minus 60” system gradually abandon the semi -finished products. Choose any meat, but better non -fat. There are restrictions only for watermelon (1-2 pieces per day), prunes (no more than 5 pcs per day) and bananas (there are only up to 12.00 not more than 1 pcs.). Dairy products can be in any period of day, but with a small percentage of fat content. The exception is milk, it can only be up to 12 days. Cheese is a maximum of 50 g per day.

As for gas stations such as mayonnaise, sour cream, vegetable and olive oil, they can be added to dishes that you are going to eat until 14.00. Maximum - 1 tsp Soy sauce, adjika, ketchup, mustard, horseradish, balsamic vinegar to use before lunch. Natural spices (greens, herbs, etc.) use without restrictions.

Diet -based products compatibility table minus 60


According to the system of Ekaterina Mirimanova, there are seven groups of food. This table is important for drawing up a menu for dinner by a diet minus 60. The same list of products can be called a list of permitted products for the diet minus 60. If there are no foods on this list, this does not mean that they forgot about them. It’s just that these products are prohibited for consumption for lunch and dinner.

  • Group No. 1. Fruits and dairy products: apples, prunes, watermelon, kiwi, plums, avocados, milk, kefir, fermented, yogurt, low -fat cottage cheese.  Categorically do not combine with group No. 1: pears, cherries, cherries, melon, apricots, mangoes, peaches, pineapple, banana, grapes, yogurt, hard cheese.
  • Group No. 2. Fruits and vegetables: apples, citrus fruits, prunes, watermelon, kiwi, plums, avocados, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, cabbage (white, colored, kolrabi, etc.), carrots, bell pepper, radishes, radish . Categorically do not combine with group No. 2: pears, cherries, cherries, melon, apricots, mangoes, peaches, pineapple, banana, grapes, corn, peas, beans, soy, lentils, pumpkin, eggplant, mushrooms.
  • Group No. 3. Fruits and cereals: apples, prunes, watermelon, kiwi, plums, avocados, white and brown rice, buckwheat, rice noodles, macarones of solid varieties.  Categorically do not combine with group No. 3: pears, cherries, cherries, melon, apricots, mangoes, peaches, pineapple, banana, grapes, oatmeal, millet, corn, wheat, barley, porridge “Artek”.
  • Group No. 4. Vegetables and dairy products: cucumbers, onions, cabbage (white, colored, kohlrabi, etc.), carrots, bell pepper, radish, radish, milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, low -fat cottage cheese.  They are categorically not combined with group No. 4: corn, peas, beans, soy, lentils, potatoes, pumpkin, eggplant, mushrooms, yogurt, hard cheese.
  • Group No. 5. Vegetables and cereals: cucumbers, onions, cabbage (white, colored, kohlrabi, etc.), carrots, bell pepper, radishes, radish, white and brown rice, buckwheat, rice noodles, macarone of solid varieties.  They are categorically not combined with group No. 5: corn, peas, beans, soy, lentils, potatoes, pumpkin, eggplant, mushrooms, oatmeal, millet, corn, wheat, barley, porridge “Artek”.
  • Group No. 6. Meat and fish: eggs, jelly, seafood, meat, river and sea fish, crab sticks, barbecue barbecue, high -quality sausages, boiled sausages, steam cutlets.
  • Group No. 7. Dairy products and cheese: milk, kefir, fermented, yogurt, low -fat cottage cheese, cheese.  You can not use with yogurt.

For all seven groups, such drinks are allowed: weak coffee, tea (black, green, white), dry red wine, water without gas, freshly squeezed juices.

Diet minus 60: approximate menu for a week


In the diet minus 60 for breakfast, you can eat anything, so in the approximate menu for a week you will not find a breakfast item. You choose it to your liking.

1 day

Lunch: 200 g of baked potatoes with vegetables-grilles, 100 g of carrot-bearing salad (any refueling).

Dinner: vegetable salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, onions) with a dressing from low -fat yogurt.

2 day

Lunch: 150 g of pork (stewed or baked in the oven), 100 g of rice, 50 g of cabbage salad (refueling - lemon juice).

Dinner: 250 g of baked fish.

3 days

Lunch: 150 g of chicken with vegetables baked in the oven, 100 g of rice, 100 g of salad of boiled beets with yogurt.

Dinner: 150 g of cottage cheese casserole, 1 tangerine, 1 kiwi.

4 days

Lunch: 200 g of macaron made of hard wheat varieties (you can add 30 g of cheese), 1 tomato.

Dinner: 200 g of stewed vegetables, 100 g of unsweetened yogurt.

5 day

Lunch: 100 g of boiled or baked fish, 150 g of boiled buckwheat.

Dinner: 150 g of vegetarian cabinets.

6 day

Lunch: 120 g of boiled chicken hearts, 200 g of stewed vegetables.

Dinner: 150 g 4 % cottage cheese, 2 baked apples.

7 day

Lunch: 200 g of lobio made of beans, 100 g of vegetable salad with vegetable oil.

Dinner: 300 g of junction.

Important! If you felt hunger between meals, try drinking water. If you still want to, then you can have a bite to eat with vegetables or fruits from the list of permitted products.

Psychological moments of diet minus 60


Of course, the proper nutrition for the diet minus 60 is a key point, but it is no less important what mood you begin to lose weight. After all, a frivolous approach, or vice versa, excessive fanaticism, can play a cruel joke with you and kilograms will not leave as quickly as you want. Motivation is also very important, therefore, starting to the diet minus 60, pay attention to such psychological principles.

  1. Start losing weight today. Do not wait for Monday, New Year, month or suitable arrangement of stars. Even if there are no necessary products in the refrigerator, just start, it will set you up forward.
  2. Do not blame yourself for everything. Forgive yourself for gaining excess weight, whatever the reason for this. Do not get hung up on the past, live the present and do not at first set yourself hard frames. In the case of losing weight according to the method of minus 60, a gradual approach and your inner comfort are important.
  3. Find the right motivation for the start for yourself. Gradually, when the first steps are passed, you will find yourself a thousand other reasons to continue to lose weight. But the main thing is to start!
  4. Important! Do not wait for an instant result. The diet minus 60 is designed for a long effect, so the weight will not go as fast as you would like. But this is a healthier weight loss.
  5. Love yourself as you are. Believe that every day you have become a little better than yesterday! And remember that the one who wants to seek opportunities, who does not want, is looking for reasons.

Physical load on the diet minus 60


Diet minus 60 also involves physical activity. Daily exercises will help you lose weight faster, and also give the tone of your skin and muscles. This is especially important for those who are really afraid of stretch marks after losing weight. So, these are the basic principles of physical exertion with a diet minus 60.

  1. You are not an Olympic champion, so choose the loads all your loads.
  2. Important rule: to study a little, but every day! Gradually, you can increase the load or complicate it. But follow your well -being, do not bring yourself to exhaustion.
  3. For better motivation, try to make each workout pleasant. For example, turn on your favorite music. Sport should not be associated with duty and torment.
  4. Charging is not all, it is important to move as much as possible every day. Walk to work and home, if possible.

Exercises Ekaterina Mirimanova for diet minus 60

This complex of physical activity from Mirimanova is selected, taking into account the study of all problem areas (hips, stomach, buttocks, etc.).

Exercise number 1.


Take a chair and stand sideways to him, lean your hand. Raise your leg to the side slowly as much as you can, then lower it. Change your leg. For beginners, there will be enough 5 swings per day, eventually increase the load of up to 20 swings per leg.

Exercise number 2.


To perform this exercise, stand on all fours. Practice the lower back and stretch the body forward, pressing the chest to the floor. Move until your hands and legs are completely straightened.

Fix this position for 30 seconds (for starters as much as you can). Return to the starting position slowly. Ideally, such repetitions need to be done 10 or more.

Exercise number 3.


Take a chair again, lie on the floor, arms under your head, legs bent at your knees, lay on a chair. In this position, you need to do twisting, in simple words, download the press, raising the body. When your muscles become stronger, you can linger at the top for a few seconds. Movements are slow. To begin with, 5-10 repetitions, then from 20 or more.

Exercise number 4.


Stand on all fours again. Raise the legs bent at the knees as high as you can. The movements are slow, without jerks. For beginners, the number of repetitions is 5 times for each leg. For experienced ones - from 20 for each leg.

Exercise number 5.


Lie on the floor and align your arms and legs. Then slowly lift the legs to the corner of 45 °. Lying from 15 seconds (beginners) to 1 minute (experienced). Repeat 3-5 times to start. Then you can increase the number of repetitions to 10-15.

Skin care for losing weight in the system minus 60


Diet and physical activity are two whales on which there is a minus 60 diet. But there is another important point - it is skin care. After all, often the skin of losing weight quickly loses tone, becomes flabby. Therefore, Ekaterina Mirimanova advises treats her skin with no less attention.

  1. Do not neglect massage or self -massage. Light movements plus a nutritious/moisturizer or oil will make your skin elastic. Pay special attention to the stomach, hips, chests, legs and hands.
  2. Use scrubs. For example, coffee. It will not only cleanse the skin from dead particles, but also “polish” the microdistrict. It is also a good anti -cellulite.
  3. Mirimanova in a diet minus 60 often advises to use a mummy for skin care. The mummy promotes quick skin regeneration, and also helps from stretch marks.
  4. If you lose a lot in your plans, then pay increased attention to the skin of the face. Buy anti -aging cream and various serums in advance. Massage for the face, and if possible, visit a cosmetologist.
  5. Also, with a diet minus 60, Ekaterina Mirimanova advises to take vitamin complexes. Indeed, from food, we still do not get the whole spectrum of the necessary elements, and healthy skin, hair and nails are also very important for the image of a happy woman!

Ekaterina Mirimanova. How to lose weight after childbirth? Video



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