
Fruit diet

Fruit diet
Fruit diet. Recipes of delicious dishes

The word "diet" is almost every woman causes an association with a constant feeling of hunger and a monotonous and tasteless menu. However, there are also those that are easily transferred without depression and even want to come back to them again.

Reviews and results of fruit diet show that it allows you to easily lose 5 to 7 kilograms for a weekly rate with positive emotions. Nutritionists also respond positively about the fruit diet and often they themselves advise her patients as an easy and healthy way to get rid of kilograms.

When you lose weight, always wants sweet to raise the mood. That is why the fruit diet for weight loss will become the best option, as the fruit themselves contain their low-calorie sugar (fructose), and will not allow you to prevent your slimming plans by maintaining the body with the vitamins that they are so rich. As a result of a large variety of the fruit diet menu, you lose kilograms, and the body gets all the most useful!

Positive and negative aspects of fruit diet


Pluses of fruit diet

Consider the positive aspects of the diet on various fruits. Read more:

  • pineapples prevent the absorption of fats, improve blood circulation and digestion;
  • watermelons purify the kidneys and reduce the pressure;
  • bananas, although they are considered very calorie, but eliminate the feeling of hunger and are suitable for snacks, saturating the body with energy for the whole day;
  • for a weekly course, you can reduce weight by 5-7 kilograms;
  • due to the presence of a large amount of fiber in fruits, excess fat from the body is excreted, and its cleaning effect allows you to clean the skin and improve the complexion;
  • sweet yellow and green fruits will help improve the condition of oily skin, and red fruits will help;
  • mango and bananas contain potassium and provide the body with energy;
  • the body is not harmeding from the lack of useful minerals, elements and vitamins, so you can not be afraid of such unpleasant consequences as the brittleness of the nails, lethargy and dry skin or hair loss in comparison with other diet-limiting diet;
  • very easy and fast in the preparation of a diet, the fruit salad do not have to cook at all;
  • it is allowed to eat at any time of the day when you want it and even at night;
  • the diet is not limited to too strictly and does not cause depression and wolf hunger after;
  • the results of the fruit diet will be a complete cleansing of your body from harmful toxins and slags accumulated in the body, as well as a feeling of ease throughout any course;


  • iron content to strengthen immunity in strawberries, apples, peaches, apricots, plums, berries;
  • dried fruits contain calcium to strengthen hair and nails;
  • fruits are combined with other products, which provides a wide selection of dishes;
  • fruits reduce cholesterol levels in blood and normalize blood pressure;
  • fruits are the main source of antioxidants that help in the fight against depression, and are also considered one of the most useful low-calorie types of fresh food;
  • citrus and grenades are the main source of ascorbic acid or vitamin C and will help with prevention from heart disease and cardiovascular system, as well as improve the metabolism, as peaches and apricots;
  • fresh apples, bananas, grapes, figs and other dried fruits improve the intestinal perceiver and brain work;
  • berries stimulate the work of the nervous system and improve vision.

Minus fruit diet


The presence of all of the above pluses leaves a place for some features and contraindications for this type of weight loss:

  • bananas and grapes have high calorieness, so it is desirable to use them in the morning or before large physical exertion;
  • front abuse of more than 15 days leads to protein fasting, muscle atrophy, increase the acidity of the stomach and to the lack of vitamin B, so it is recommended to combine fruits with other products for a long course;
  • it is not necessary to eat products to which you can manifest increased sensitivity or allergies;
  • the abrasion of the body of fructose can lead to the accumulation of fat organism, so it is not recommended to make diet courses too long;
  • with a large consumption of grapes, strawberries or citrus, allergic diathesis can manifest;
  • contraindicated diet with fruit people with gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, except banana;
  • fruit diet is contraindicated with children and elderly, pregnant and nursing, diabetics and people with impaired carbohydrate exchange.

Fruit Diet: Fruit Mountains

It is usually calculated such a fruit alone for a week, but not more. At this time, the framework of food is a certain kind of fruit or different daily (apples, peaches, citruses, watermelon bananas, pineapples). This species will be more efficient than mixed, but is dangerous protein deficiency in abuse of such nutrition.

Fruit drinking diet


Only fresh and ripe fruits of one species and their fresh juices, green tea, purified mineral water, are better than non-carbonated, should be used. This fruit diet for 3 days allows you to save the body from all harmful slags and toxins, and in weight loss will be 3-5 kg. Liquids need to drink at least 2 liters per day.

Menu example:

  1. Breakfast:
  • two any fruit and a glass of purified non-carbonated water or green tea;
  • any fruit and glass of Fresh;
  • fruit Salad and Fresh Glass.
  1. Dinner:
  • fruit salad and a glass of purified non-carbonated water.
  1. Dinner:
  • chicken bouillon;
  • vegetables stew or pair and two any fruit;
  • fruit Salad and Fresh Glass.

Fruit diet for 7 days


Such a course allows you to get rid of 6-9 kg per week. From liquids only purified non-carbonated water and green tea to 1 liter per day are allowed. Every day you eat a new kind of fruit according to the following scheme:

  • the first and seventh day - 1 kg;
  • the second and sixth day - 1.5 kg;
  • third, fourth and fifth - 2 kg.

Mixed fruit diets

The essence of such diets is in a fruit diet, but other products are allowed to add other products to maintain the body by the protein and vitamins of the group B (skimmed dairy products, biocurses, yoghurts, grains, seeds, nuts, boiled or steam gear meat). This allows you to continue the dietary diet course longer than for a week.

Fruit-vegetable diet


This version of weight loss provides for the use of fresh vegetables and fruits in a fully unlimited quantity, and low-fat meat and fish can be used only in baked, boiled or steamed form no more than 200 g per day and without oil. On the basis of feedback on the fruit and vegetable diet, it can be concluded that this species is fairly easily transferred by the body and allows you to throw up to 5 kg per week.

Menu example:


  • bran toast, mango or grapefruit (can be replaced by orange), 300-400 g melons;


  • green vegetables and fish;
  • chicken broth, two boiled eggs, vegetable salad;
  • vegetable salad and chicken meat;
  • fruit salad in any quantity.


  • baked meat with vegetables;
  • chicken meat and vegetable salad;
  • fish and vegetables.

Fruit-protein diet


This kind of food is preferable among stars of show business, for example, Philip Kirkorov easily resets extra kilograms after a few days. Lost fruit-protein diet 14 days. Protein food alternates with fresh fruit of any kind, as well as from the diet, it is necessary to eliminate all fatty, flour and sweet products.

Menu example:

  • for breakfast - two boiled eggs;
  • during Lunch - one grapefruit;
  • for lunch - 200 g of low-fat and non-jar of chicken meat;
  • for afternoon - two apples;
  • for dinner - 200 g of non-nailed fish of low-fat varieties;
  • for several hours before bedtime - one orange.

Referring to the feedback on the fruit-protein diet you can throw up to 5 kg per week. Fruits can be replaced with your favorite, except bananas and grapes that are very calories. As a protein element, use low-fat varieties of meat, fish, skimmed and biocofirs, yogurts, cottage cheese and milk.

Kefir-fruit diet


The duration of this type of diet from 3 to 5 days. Weight loss will be 3-4 kg. Excellent option for unloading the body after holidays and overeating. In addition to loss of weight, your complexion improves and cleaned all skin.

Menu options are based on fresh ripe fruits and biocophies:

  • for breakfast - floor of the liter of dietary kefir and 300 g of fresh fruit or berries;
  • for lunch - floor of the liter of dietary kefir, 300 g of fresh fruits or berries and fresh vegetables in any quantity;
  • for dinner - floor liter of dietary kefir and 300 g of fresh fruit or berries;
  • for several hours in front of a dream fruit salad with low-fat yogurt or kefir.

Curd Fruit Diet


The duration of such a dietary course is from 1 unloading day until the week. On the day, weight loss can be 500-800. This diet is suitable for those who conduct active brain or physical activity. Curd protein saturates the body and gives energy to the brain and muscles, and the fruits provide purification and a vitamin diet.

500 g of low-fat cottage cheese and kilograms are taken for a day, preferably with a high content of vitamin C (for example, citruses, kiwi, apples). All foods are divided into five techniques. Liquids in the form of green tea or peeled non-carbonated water consume at least 2 liters per day.

An example of a fruit menu on 5 receptions per day:

  • orange / Guava / Pear / Banana / Grapes;
  • watermelon / Papaya / Pineapple / Kiwi / Strawberry;
  • banana / mango / grapes / pear / kiwi;
  • pear / Apple / Guava / Grapes / Orange;
  • apple / Orange / Grapefruit / Mango / Banana.

Milk-fruit diet


This kind of diet is considered one of the low-calorie and it can be continued to 3 weeks. Water balance is at least 2 liters of green tea and peeled non-carbonated water per day. The strict diet with a long diet period is easier to transfer if it is possible to add to the diet in the morning of the bran (vitamin B, which is contained only in bread) and at lunch 200 g of chicken fillet or fish in boiled, baked form cooked on the grill or pair, avoiding the exhaustion of the body.

Menu example:

  • for breakfast - green tea with honey or faint coffee with milk, but without sugar;
  • after a couple of hours - 250 g of dietary curd;
  • for lunch - 250 g of any fruit or mixture thereof;
  • a couple of hours - 250-300 ml dietary milk or yogurt biokefir;
  • for dinner - 250 g of any fruit and berries.

Oat-fruit diet


This diet can be applied in the same way as unloading for several days. Oatmeal and fruits are an excellent source of vitamins to enhance immunity. Such a diet will be particularly relevant in winter periods.

The porridge is better to purchase neglected varieties and use it in food up to 4 times a day at 250 g in a banned boiling water form, in the morning you can add dried fruits and nuts to it, and in the evening honey. Any fruit is allowed to eat during the day for the thickening of hunger. Bananas and grapes Eat only in the morning.

Unloading fruit diet


If you want to reset a couple of kilograms without a rigid diet, then you will enjoy an example of such a loss-based menu.

Day I:

  • for breakfast - cherry, strawberries or other berries, tired 1 tbsp. l. diet yogurt, cutting toast, glass of freasses or unsweetened green tea;
  • for lunch - chicken broth, 250 g of steamed vegetables, fruit salad, a glass of freasses or water;
  • at the afternoon school - a grated apple salad with carrots, refilled 1 tbsp. l. dietary kefir, a glass of purified non-carbonated water;
  • for dinner - fruit salad, seasoned 1 tbsp. l. Dietary yoghurt, Freasha glass or unsweetened green tea.


Day II:

  • 350 g melons cut into cubes and fill 150 g of dietary yogurt;
  • kiwi, strawberry, oranges, refilled by non-fat yogurt;
  • three plums;
  • vegetable salad refilled by lemon juice, 150 g of chicken boiled fillet and grapefruit floor.


Day III:

  • 150 g whole oatmeal flakes, 200 g of berries, firewater yogurt;
  • four rings of fresh pineapple;
  • peach, apricots or nectarine;
  • 150 g of boiled chicken fillet, lettuce leaves, orange or grapefruit.

Day IV:

  • three slices of watermelon, 150 g of dietary yogurt;
  • 150 g of strawberries, one banana;
  • 200 g berries;
  • 150 g of steam fish, 150 g of Brussels cabbage.

Day V:

  • fruit salad refilled by non-fat yogurt;
  • vegetables with boiled rice or boiled chicken fillet with vegetables;
  • fruit salad, 1 st l. Nuts with honey.

Fresh diet with fresh strawberries


Enjoy strawberry dishes 4 days and losing kilograms:

  1. Breakfast:
  • 150 g of strawberry berries, cutting toast, 70 g of low fatty solid;
  • 150 g of strawberry berries, cutting toast, 1 tbsp. l. dietary curd;
  • 150 g of strawberry berries, Paul of Apple and Banana, 1 tbsp. l. dietary yogurt, h. l. honey;
  • 150 g of strawberry berries, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 2 tbsp. l. Oatmeal, 150 g of dietary cottage cheese.
  1. Lunch:
  • 150 g of strawberry berries, 100 ml of dietary kefir, 1 tsp. honey;
  • 150 g of strawberry berries, 150 g of dietary milk, 1 tsp. honey;
  • 150 g of strawberry berries, 70 ml of pineapple juice without sugar, 1 tbsp. l. dietary yogurt;
  • 150 g of strawberry berries, floor of apple, floor orange, 1 tsp. Honey, 100 g of dietary kefir.
  1. Dinner:
  • 150 g of strawberries in the form of mashed potatoes with degreased cottage cheese, 1 tsp. Honey, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice and a pair of cutting toast;
  • 150 g of strawberry berries, 150 g baked fish fillet, lemon juice, mustard to taste, lettuce leaves;
  • 150 g of strawberry berries, 250 g of boiled asparagus, 150 g of boiled chicken breast, cucumber, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 1 tsp. Olive oil, 15 g of nuts;
  • 150 g of strawberry berries, 50 g of ham, mint to taste, 300 g melons.
  1. Dinner:
  • 150 g of strawberries berries mix with 100 ml of dietary milk in mashed potatoes, weld 200 g potatoes, 50 g of carrots, 150 g of cauliflower;
  • 150 g of strawberry berries, 150 g of lettuce, sweet pepper, tomato floor, 50 g of dietary yogurt, 50 g of dietary cottage cheese, lemon juice and salt to taste;
  • 150 g of strawberry berries, 200 g of boiled potatoes, parsley and celery to taste, 70 g of dietary cottage cheese, 30 g of dietary yogurt, season with lemon juice;
  • 150 g of strawberry berries, 70 g of carrots, 100 g of dietary cottage cheese, 150 g celery, sweet pepper, fill the defatted sour cream.

Fruit Diet: Examples of simple fruit dishes


These simple in preparation, delicious and useful dishes can be diversified by any diet or just take note for the originality of any diet:

  1. Smoothies. Apple, grapes without bones, kiwi, fresh ginger, 1 tbsp. l. Honey cut and mix in a blender.
  2. Soup. Orange / grapefruit, 1 tbsp. l. Honey, 100 g of dietary milk, banana cut and mix in a blender.
  3. Salad. Pineapple, orange, mango, melanic cinnamon, carnation to taste and mix with purified boiled shrimps, refuel the defatted sour cream.
  4. Desserts:


  • pear - halves of peeled pears filled with chopped kiwi and banana, sprinkle with nuts and grated cheese, bake on low heat for 15 minutes;
  • mellic - cutting cubes melted mixed with oat flakes, fill with low-fat yogurt and add cinnamon hammer to taste;
  • strawberry - berries to mix with pieces of pineapple and focus on fat-free yogurt;
  • apple - peeled halves to hide honey and sprinkle with nuts, bake in the oven on low heat for 10 minutes.

Fruit diet. Video

Recipe for a healthy drink from fruits for diets or just for your health and pleasure:


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