
Chemical diet

Chemical diet
Features of a chemical diet. Menu for weight loss

Chemical diet Usama Hamdiy is one of the most effective protein low-carb diets, which helps relieve overweight by a third of the total mass. This chemical diet up to minus 25 kg of loss for the full course is also called egg, but it does not contain chemistry.

Initially, Professor Hamdiy developed this strict diet duration per month specifically to combat overweight in people with diabetes. However, the positive feedback and the results of the chemical diet turned out to be very effective, so it began to apply conventional patients with overweight problems.

The general name of the diet in chemical reactions was obtained due to the mechanism of action of substances of certain products, which allow you to actively split fats (lipids) in the body. Referring to feedback, the chemical diet menu is not calculated by calories, but its order must be strictly observed to obtain a faithful effect. According to Dr. Hamdium, the knowledge of the science of the chemical processes of the body allows you to determine the correct order of products for their normal absorption without excess in weight.

Basics and rules of the chemical diet


Judging by the reviews of the lost, the chemical diet should be started from Monday, since the diet is scheduled strictly by day of the week. If a failure has occurred, then it's starting everything from the beginning, regardless of the time of interrupt.

Consider the basic principles and features of this power system:

  1. Weight - every morning before the first meal, mark your weight on the graph.
  2. Water - peeled non-carbonated water per day at least 2 liters not during food, but in the intervals between the receptions.
  3. The age category is unlimited.
  4. The main product of the ration is boiled eggs that are fully absorbed in the body and provide sufficient energy at their low-calorificities.
  5. If the amount of food is not specified, the reception is not limited to saturation.
  6. If there is a personal intolerance to the product, you can refuse it.
  7. It is forbidden to replace one type of products by others.
  8. Oil, too sharp spices are prohibited, prepare only on water or in its juice.
  9. There should be at least 2 hours between the main meals.
  10. Meat of dietary non-fat varieties (bird, beef) in boiled, steam or baked form and without leather.
  11. Vegetables - all except potatoes, in cheese, supreme or parenchy.
  12. Smells are only raw fruits, berries and vegetables in a couple of hours after each meal.
  13. The last meal is a couple of hours before sleep.
  14. Salt and sugar - if possible, refuse, replace sugar with honey.
  15. The term is a month, no more than once a year.
  16. Fruits - everything except bananas, grapes, mango and dried fruits, only fresh.
  17. Citrus - oranges, lemons, grapefruits are perfectly combined with food and force the body to split fats.

Pros and Cons Chemical Diet


On the basis of feedback on a chemical diet, it can be said about its positive and negative aspects, as well as on some contraindications to the use of egg nutrition.

Pluses of a chemical diet

The effectiveness of the results of the chemical diet allows you to highlight the positive aspects of such a diet:

  • weight loss on average make up a third part of the total body weight;
  • the chemical diet menu is very diverse and the volume of food used is not too limited;
  • suitable for people with diabetic diseases;
  • after a month of the chemical diet, the thrust for sweet, flour, oily, salty and appears control over the sense of acute hunger;
  • a specially developed chemical diet menu for a month provides balanced nutrition and diet, saturated with necessary substances, elements and vitamins.

Cons chemical diet

Like any limited diet, the chemical diet also has a number of shortcomings and contraindications:

  • the first meal is always the same;
  • an egg diet is contraindicated with pregnant and nursing mothers, people with diseases of blood pressure, kidney, liver, heart, gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, with allergies on eggs or citrus
  • strict diet and food intake mode.

Chemical diet for 4 weeks


The standard slimming rate is designed for a month, but if it is necessary to continue it, then you should repeat the meal of the first week, and then go right away to the latter.

Chemical diet on the 1st week

Breakfasts will have one composition throughout all 7 days of the first and second week - a pair of boiled eggs and grapefruit, orange or lemon. The menu of the remaining daily meals must strictly follow:

  1. Monday:
  • for lunch - the fruit of one species is unlimited;
  • for dinner - meat of one species before the feeling of satiety.
  1. Tuesday:
  • at lunch - chicken fillet to a sense of satiety;
  • for dinner - eggs, citruses, vegetables to feeling of satiety.
  1. Wednesday:
  • for lunch - cut-off toasts, solid cheese of low-fat varieties, tomatoes to a feeling of satiety;
  • for dinner - meat of one species before the feeling of satiety.
  1. Thursday:
  • at lunch - fruits of one species to a feeling of satiety;
  • for dinner - meat of one species, lettuce leaves to a feeling of satiety.
  1. Friday:
  • at lunch - eggs, vegetables to a feeling of satiety;
  • for dinner - fish, lettuce leaves, citrus to feeling of satiety.
  1. Saturday:
  • at lunch - fruits of one species to a feeling of satiety;
  • for dinner - meat of one species, lettuce leaves to a feeling of satiety.
  1. Sunday:
  • at lunch - chicken fillets, vegetables, citrusses to a feeling of satiety;
  • for dinner - vegetables to a feeling of satiety.

Chemical diet on the 2nd week


Breakfasts repeat from the menu of the previous week daily, the menu of other food meals is:

  1. Monday:
  • at lunch - meat of one species, the lettuce leaves are unlimited;
  • for dinner - eggs, vegetables, citruses to a feeling of satiety.
  1. Tuesday:
  • at lunch - chicken fillet, lettuce leaves to a sense of satiety;
  • for dinner - eggs, citruses, vegetables to feeling of satiety.
  1. Wednesday:
  • at lunch - meat of one species, cucumbers to a feeling of satiety;
  • for dinner - eggs, vegetables, citruses to a feeling of satiety.
  1. Thursday:
  • at lunch - eggs, solid low-fat cheese, vegetables to a feeling of satiety;
  • for dinner - eggs to a feeling of satiety.
  1. Friday:
  • at lunch - a fish of one species to a feeling of satiety;
  • for dinner - eggs to a feeling of satiety.
  1. Saturday:
  • at lunch - meat of one species, tomatoes, citruses to a feeling of satiety;
  • for dinner - fruit to feeling of satiety.
  1. Sunday:
  • at lunch - chicken fillets, vegetables, citrusses to a feeling of satiety;
  • for dinner - fruit to feeling of satiety.

Chemical diet on the 3rd week


  1. Monday. Ripe and fresh fruits and berries all day in unlimited quantity for cleansing the body.
  2. Tuesday. Fresh and boiled or stewed vegetables all day in unlimited quantity.
  3. Wednesday. Fruits and vegetables, fresh or boiled or steamed, all day in unlimited quantities.
  4. Thursday. Fish and seafood (shrimp, mussels and others) in boiled or baked form all day in unlimited quantity.
  5. Friday. Vegetables and one type of meat on a pair, baked or boiled without fat and skin all day in unlimited quantity.
  6. Saturday. Fresh and boiled or stewed vegetables of one species all day in unlimited quantities.
  7. Ripe and fresh fruits and berries of one species all day in unlimited quantity for cleansing the body.

Chemical diet on the 4th week


All products are divided into 3 meals with an interval of at least 2 hours on the next menu:

  1. Monday:
  • 250 g of fish;
  • 2 cucumber and 2 tomatoes;
  • chicken fillet;
  • bran toast;
  • citrus.
  1. Tuesday:
  • 400 g meat;
  • 2 cucumber and 2 tomatoes;
  • 2 apples or 500 g melons or watermelon;
  • bran toast.
  1. Wednesday:
  • 100 g of low-fat cheese of solid varieties;
  • 250 g of vegetables;
  • 2 cucumber and 2 tomatoes;
  • bran toast;
  • citrus.
  1. Thursday:
  • 2 cucumber and 2 tomatoes;
  • bran toast;
  • chicken fillet;
  • citrus.
  1. Friday:
  • 2 eggs;
  • lettuce leaves and 2 tomatoes;
  • citrus.
  1. Saturday:
  • 150 g of skim dietary curd;
  • 200 ml of degreased bio kefir;
  • 2 tomatoes and 2 cucumbers;
  • chicken fillet;
  • bran toast;
  • citrus.
  1. Sunday:
  • 100 g of skim dietary curd;
  • 200 g of fish;
  • 250 g of vegetables;
  • 2 tomatoes and 2 cucumbers;
  • bran toast;
  • citrus.

Analogue of a chemical diet - Maggie or cottage cheese diet


The above-mentioned protein diet menu is also sometimes called the Maggie diet, which is considered to be almost complete analog. Another chemical diet from Dr. Hamdium, based on the nutrition of cottage cheese, can be an alternative to this diet. The diet of the dietary course of food on cottage cheese will be stricter than egg, but can be a replacement for allergies to eggs or with personal preferences.

Chemical diet menu on cottage cheese

Week I:

  1. Breakfast - 250 g of skim dietary cottage cheese, fruit or citrus.
  2. Lunch - cut toast, slice of low-fat solid cheese, fruits and berries.
  3. Dinner - meat or fish boiled or pair, vegetables.

Week II:

  1. Breakfast - repeat from the first week's diet.
  2. Lunch - meat or fish.
  3. Dinner - vegetables, citrus.

Facts about a chemical diet and a photo of lost weight


In the course of the course of any chemical diet, the body is limited for a time in incoming carbohydrates, and consumes energy only from the protein, to process more than energy, which contributes to weight loss. Fresh fruits and vegetables replenish the necessary stock of vitamins in the body and balance the diet. Before applying this kind of diet, it is worth consulting with a nutritionist to identify possible contraindications.

Such a protein diet was originally developed for people suffering from diabetes, which are very difficult to lose weight using other diets. Also, only this diet allows you to preserve the muscles without their dystrophy during the period of receiving a limited diet of food. On the contrary, a protein, saturable body, will help to build muscle mass athletes and remove the accumulated fat from the body.

If you are not a fan of large physical exertion, then you need to comply with simple rules. For example, doing morning exercises, climb the steps, and not on the elevator, be sure to make daily hiking at least 15 minutes. The minimum physical activity should be every day, since without it the body will not spend consumed calories, and they will only accumulate them.

This rule concerns all diets without exception. The chemical diet really allows you to get rid of a large weight to 25 kg, but provided that the minimum of physical effort will be observed daily. Also, weight losses are straight-proportional to the initial digit on the scales, that is, if you weigh more than 80 kg, then the result can be 25 kg of loss with correct observance of the strict mode.

However, do not forget that the exchange processes in each organism pass with individual characteristics. Therefore, if your weight has not decreased to the desired, you can repeat the diet of the first and last week. It is also worth noting that weight losses are about a third of the initial weight only in the complex with exercises.


If you dream to lose extra kilograms, you will have to abandon bad habits (smoking, alcohol, night snakes) and products (salt, sugar, coffee, black tea, sharp, flour, sweet, fast food, smoked). The snacks make only fresh vegetables or fruits (with the exception of bananas and grapes), and a sweet replace on honey. Do not forget about the water diet of at least 2 liters of peeled non-carbonated water per day.

Fresh juices, green tea, bio and fermented fermented fatty foods should prevail in your diet, both during diets and after. Only useful habits of this kind will be able to help in the fight against overweight and prevent his return. Also refuse carcinogenic canned products with high sugar or salts, which do not make health any benefit.

Eat only fresh fruits and vegetables or steamed vegetables. This rule also concerns meat and fish that can be boiled, soaring and bake, but not fry. Another vitamin-rich daily source is fresh greens, which also accelerates metabolic processes.

It should be remembered that it is impossible to lose weight quickly and easily, but the results of thinners on chemical diets show that if there is a desire and strict minimum effort, stunning results are possible. It is important to help the body to find out that a healthy diet is a delicious norm without heavy foods and a tasty menu can be useful without harmful products. Compliance with chemical diets produces a good habit to eat and enjoy life without unnecessary kilograms.

Stock Footage for chemical diet

Video clip of the benefits of a chemical diet based on eggs on the principle of Dr. Usama Hamdium:


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