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Margarita Koroleva diet

Margarita Koroleva diet
The meaning of the methodology of losing weight from Margarita Koroleva is to change the attitude to the products and to the lifestyle.

Margarita Koroleva is a very popular nutritionist. Famous people are losing weight on her diets: politicians, stars of a business show. Margarita Koroleva, a candidate of medical sciences, developed her methodology of losing weight, complemented, complemented and clarified for 20 years. Currently, Margarita Koroleva’s diet is a brand of modern dietetics.

Diet Rules from Margarita Koroleva


Having studied the problem of excess weight for many years, Margarita Korolev concluded that it is possible to lose weight forever, holding the weight achieved. To do this, you must adhere to proper nutrition.

The basic rules of the diet from Margarita Koroleva:

  1. Power should be small volumes, 5-6 times a day. The queen is impossible to be hungry on the Margarita diet, but also you can’t overtake. The volume of food consumed per day should be moderate. This is the first rule of the Margarita Diet Koroleva.
  2. Breakfast should be required. Margarita Koroleva attaches great importance to the morning meal. The nutritionist recommends starting morning from a glass of water, perform recommended breathing exercises and have breakfast after half an hour. The best for breakfast is cereals on the water: buckwheat, oatmeal, rice. You can add dried fruits, nuts or seeds to the porridge. Well breakfast with fermented milk products of small fat content.
  3. Psychology of weight loss. Margarita Koroleva is sure that success will come only when you know exactly why you want to lose weight. Motivation is a fundamental moment. It is necessary to know exactly what you strive for in the near future, and the goal that you want to achieve in the future.
  4. Proper healthy diet. The diet should be only natural products: dairy with low fat content, vegetable, lean meat, natural spices. Food should be baked, steamed, stewed without fat or boiled.
  5. Complex weight loss. The author of the technique is approached by the process of losing weight comprehensively. It is recommended to combine proper nutrition with feasible physical activity, as well as apply body care procedures.
  6. Losing weight for health. Margarita Koroleva emphasizes the attention of those who want to lose weight that this technique may not come up to some people for health reasons. In order to independently use the Margarita Koroleva diet, you need to consult with the attending physician.

Diet menu from Margarita Koroleva


The diet for weight loss from Margarita Koroleva recommends using only natural products. It is necessary to completely abandon alcohol, flour products, sweets. It is better to replace sweets with dried fruits, use honey instead of sugar.

It is recommended to include a variety of vegetables and fruits in the diet. This will saturate the body with the necessary trace elements and fiber. The technique limits the use of meat up to 300 g per day. The meat should not be fat.

According to the Margarita Koroleva diet, water use cannot be limited. The nutritionist recommends drinking at least 2 liters per day of pure non-carbonated water. The lack of fluid in the body makes the cells “lay off” water in the reserve, which leads to edema.

One day a week is provided as unloading, preferably, kefir.

The basic principles of the diet from the nutritionist of Margarita Koroleva are separate nutrition and mono -diet. Separate nutrition is the use of compatible products. For example, you can not eat meat with pasta or porridge. This combination of products is difficult to process the digestive system.

Mono dot is the use of one type of product during the day. For example, boiled rice is the entire daily diet.

Prohibitions on the path to harmony with a diet from Margarita Koroleva


An individual diet is being developed for everyone who wants to lose weight. But there are universal recommendations for everyone who seeks to become slim.

  1. You can’t starve! Fasting is stress for the body and a signal to make a reserve. Therefore, after hunger, weight may increase. Losing weight is proper nutrition, not starvation.
  2. You could not resist and ate a piece of the cake. There is nothing wrong with this. It is only important that such “downloads” be no more than 1 time in 2 weeks.
  3. Chips, hamburgers are not food! The diet should be composed only of natural products.
  4. Do not use semi -finished products! Any kind of sausage, fish and meat canned meat are not beneficial.
  5. Give up sweets! It is better to replace sugar with a small amount of honey. Do not jam each meal with dessert. In order not to have a desire to eat candy or a bun, do not buy sweets, do not keep them at home. If you really want sweets, try brushing your teeth toothpaste with mint aroma, it will break through the desire to eat dessert.
  6. Do not eat 1-2 times a day! This leads to weight gain. The power should be fractional, at least 4-5 times a day, the volume of food accepted at a time should be the size of a palm.
  7. Do not take food in a stressful situation. If you are nervous, it is better to drink soothing or green tea, take a relaxing bath.
  8. Refuse mayonnaise. A salad seasoned with good fragrant vegetable oil will have a rich taste and will be beneficial.
  9. Do not eat watching television programs! It is very easy to overeat if you are distracted from food.
  10. No cookies for a snack! You can have a bite with an apple or carrot.
  11. Do not eat when you want to drink. We tend to confuse a feeling of thirst and a feeling of hunger. Sometimes a glass of water, drunk with small sips, will relieve the desire to eat.
  12. Do not forget to have breakfast! Eat more in the first half of the day and less in the evening. The body should rest, digestion of food is also a job. Dinner must be 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  13. Do not go to bed and do not sit down immediately after eating. It is better to walk, wash the dishes, go out into the fresh air.
  14. Eat less salt. Excessive consumption of salt leads to a delay in liquid and weight gain.
  15. You can’t lose weight quickly. Fast weight loss leads to the return of kilograms.

Diet for weight loss from Margarita Koroleva

Margarita Koroleva diet: fasting days


The nutritionist Margarita Koroleva advises to use fasting days after holidays and feasts, as well as for those who want to get rid of extra pounds or to fix the result.

  1. On a fasting day, you need to drink about 2.5 liters of non -carbonated water. The volume of food intended for this day must be consumed in small portions.
  2. Several options for unloading days are offered to choose from:
  3. Fruit. Choose fruits that you like: oranges, pineapple or apples. Divide 1.5 kg of selected fruits into 6 doses, eat throughout the day.
  4. Vegetable. From 1.5 kg of vegetables, cook salads, season with lemon juice, eat during the day.
  5. Curd. To eat 600 g of cottage cheese of low fat content during the day. You can drink 3 cups of tea without sugar.
  6. Tomato. Tomato juice in a volume of 1.5 liters without salt drink in 6 doses in a glass.
  7. Meat. The diet of a meat day is 400 g of low -fat boiled meat, divided into 6 equal parts.
  8. Lactic. 1.5 liters of kefir 1%fatty drink during the day one glass.

Margarita Koroleva diet for 9 days


The nine -day Margarita Koroleva diet corresponds to the basics of proper nutrition, it uses popular products available to all products. With the help of Margarita Koroleva’s diet, you can comfortably and easily get rid of a few kilograms in 9 days. The diet is divided into 3 stages.

  • The first 3 days are rice. Boil a glass of rice, soaked at night, without salt. Ready rice is used throughout the day with an interval of 1-2 hours. In addition to rice, you need to drink green tea without sugar and drinking water. You can add 3 tsp. honey.
  • The second 3 days - protein . The menu for 1 day consists of 1-1.5 kg of chicken. Remove fat and skin from meat, boil without salt until cooked, divide into 6 meals. The liquid is also used.
  • Further 3 days are vegetables. The diet of the day is 500 g of vegetables, stewed without fat and 500 g of vegetables raw.

All products are used without spices, sugar and salt. It is advisable to eat a daily diet in very small portions up to 19 hours.

Physical activity, massage and water procedures contribute to more effective weight loss.

Margarita Koroleva diet: "Railing Week"


The “Fighting Week” diet can be called the kefir diet of Margarita Koroleva, since the low -fat kefir is the basis of the diet.

  1. The diet is designed for the full 4 days. The first day is Tuesday, the last day of restrictions is Friday. You can not consume salt, fats, sugar.
  2. It is recommended to drink water up to 2.5 liters.
  3. The food of each day of the unloading diet is delivered at a meal every 2 hours.

An example of a diet for one day:

  • 8.00 - a glass of kefir;
  • 10.00 - boiled potatoes;
  • 12.00 - a glass of kefir;
  • 14.00 - 2 cucumbers;
  • 16.00 - a glass of kefir;
  • 18.00 - boiled chicken 200 g;
  • 20.00 - half a glass of kefir.

The kefir diet of Margarita Koroleva will help to get rid of 2-3 kg. This diet can be used from time to time, since her diet is poor in useful substances.

Results of losing weight by Margarita Koroleva's diet


Margarita Koroleva’s diet in 9 days will help to throw away from 5 to 9 extra kilograms. The number of kilograms thrown off depends on the original weight. The more excess weight, the easier the kilograms go.

A quick diet, designed for 9 days, is the most fashionable effective technique that allows you to throw off the excess without harm to health.

This technique is used by people who just need to constantly look good.

Often, using fasting days, a nine -day diet and Margarita Koroleva’s kefir diet, you can get rid of extra pounds and keep your weight.

Official website of the nutritionist Margarita Koroleva


On the official website of Margarita Koroleva You can choose a diet that is suitable for everyone who wants to get rid of unnecessary kilograms.

A nutritionist has developed special express-programs for weight loss, designed for 5-6 days, which include:

  • consultations of the nutritionist Margarita Koroleva;
  • healing procedures (massages, wraps).

Not only residents of Moscow can sign up for express weights to reduce weight, but all those who want to part with extra pounds under the guidance of Margarita Koroleva.

Those who want to lose weight on their own will be able to find on the site all the useful recommendations for weight loss for women, for men, how to remove extra pounds after holidays or by the beach season.

Reviews about the diet of Margarita Koroleva


Fashionable, popular and very effective is the nine -day diet of Margarita Queen, it is easily tolerated. Hunger is not felt because food is accepted through short intervals. Sometimes discomfort occurs at the beginning of the diet, when the diet is only rice. A sharp change in the diet has a positive effect on digestion, improving metabolism and opening the internal reserves of the body.

After this diet, lightness appears, extra pounds go easily.

Reception of different products ensures the intake of the necessary vitamins and trace elements in the body.

The nine -day Margarita Koroleva diet is balanced and accessible to everyone who wants to gain health and excellent physical shape.

Contraindications for Margarita Koroleva's diet

healthy Food

In all of his advantages and positive moments, the diet from Margarita Koroleva has its disadvantages.

Contraindications are gastritis, stomach ulcer, diseases of the cardiovascular system. The use of a kefir diet or unloading day on kefir can provoke an exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system, urolithiasis.

Margarita Koroleva draws the attention of everyone to lose weight, that sometimes an ordinary cold or weakened immunity can be the cause of the poor health of those who adhere to a diet.

Therefore, at first, the nutritionist advises to put his health in order, and then take up the improvement of the figure.

Margarita Koroleva diet. Video

Margarita Koroleva will tell you how to lose extra pounds and adjust the figure.



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