
How to return my wife

How to return my wife
When the wife leaves the family, then only her husband can be returned. From him to a greater degree, the further fate of the relationship depends. Several tips will help everyone who decided to restore the family and return his wife.

Yesterday, your favorite woman was near, and today she leaves you. Why after several years of married life wife makes a decision to part? What reasons pushing her for this step? And how can I return my wife?

Why can a wife leave?

To understand why the wife decided to leave you, you need to know the motives for its act and understand the situation. Each family couple has an individual case. But still allocate several main reasons for which women go away from her husbands.


When, after the wedding, the married couple is immersed in the routine of life, many men cease to pay attention to their wives. The role of a woman comes down to cooking, cleaning, raising children. And my free time, husbands devote to friends, football, fishing. Over time, the wife begins to in dire need of gentle words, affection, attention. And if at this moment there is another man who is able to appreciate all this and surround the care of a woman, then it goes to him. Psychologists call several reasons why the wife feels inadvertently husband:

  1. He did not tell her for a long time that he loved and appreciated.
  2. Free time spouses always spend apart.
  3. The husband did not give his wife and gifts for a long time.
  4. He doesn't care as a wife looks like.
  5. He looks around on other women when there is a wife.
  6. His requests for his wife's help.
  7. Spouses do not speak frankly about their problems.


Treason Muga

According to statistics, the treason is most often the cause of wives. Men, calling Roman on the side and think that this is an innocent flirt. Many justify such behavior of their polygamy, considering the norm to combine marital duties with the role of the Hero-lover. The main mistake of men is that they do not think about the feelings of their wives. And in vain. After all, women intuitively feel treason and categorically do not want to put up with her. And only when the wife leaves, many husbands begin to understand how much this woman was the road.


Different views on life

This is also a very common cause of spouses. In the bouquet-candidate period before the wedding, the pair do not think about how different their views on life are. But after a while it turns out that for someone more important careers than family or screams and scandals than silence and peace in the house. Disagreements may arise according to any reasons. To return his wife, you need to know what are the manifestations of different views on life:

  1. Disputes and disagreement cause even little things in everyday life.
  2. Spouses cannot or do not want to go to each other.
  3. In the family they do not know how to listen and hear the partner.
  4. The choice is made in favor of the principles, not family interests.
  5. Love goes to the background before life beliefs.
  6. A man does not want to take responsibility for providing a family.


Love for alcohol

Alcohol dependence of her husband almost always forces wives from the family. Near such men, women do not feel safe. At first, women are trying to help their beloved get rid of the harmful habit. But if it does not bring the result, the wives go themselves and lead their children. Among the reasons that are forced to leave, women call such:

  1. No ways do not help your husband get rid of alcohol addiction.
  2. Uncertainty in tomorrow.
  3. The husband spends salary on alcohol and drunk companies.
  4. In a drunken fuel husband, the husband scandalite and beats his wife.
  5. The reluctance of the husband change the situation.
  6. The husband does not care about the family and is not responsible for it.


No children

Purpose of a woman is to be a mother and keeper of a homely hearth. If there is no child in the family, many wives begin to feel their inferiority. They seek to realize their maternal instincts in any way. And if the husband does not share their aspirations, the wife will look for who children are also the joy and meaning of life. Of course, there are exceptions when both spouses do not want to have children and find other possibilities to realize themselves. But in most cases a woman will always strive to continue the genus. Signs that the wife leaves her husband, if there are no children's couple at the pair:

  1. The wife constantly tells her husband about what the child wants.
  2. Husband does not think about the continuation of the kind. He does not take seriously the desire of his wife to become a mother.
  3. The husband refuses to be treated if the birth of a child depends on this.
  4. Husband for years promises his wife to solve household and financial problems, and only then suggests thinking about children.



Even if a man loves his wife very much, she can escape from him. This is happening when the husband is constantly and unreasonably jealines his second half. At first, jealousy can like a woman - this is an indication that the man is not sensible. But then the reproaches and distrust are able to destroy even love. With jealous, who cannot control emotions are very difficult to live. The reasons for which the wife leaves the jealous husband:

  1. He seeks to control every step of the spouse.
  2. Husband does not trust his wife and does not believe her words.
  3. The husband cannot curb his jealousy.
  4. Permanent unfounded accusations of her husband's address.
  5. For her husband, feelings and experiences of his wife are not important.


Sexual incompatibility

Between her husband and wife can be a complete understanding in life views, but if the intimate life has failed, and the man has ceased to arrange his wife in sex, then she can find new love in the embrace of the other. This reason is preferred to silence. Some suffer all your life, others are solved for divorce. Women are very sensitive and emotional, so it is hard to experience cooling of feelings in an intimate life. They can not talk about it to their spouse, but when unable to pretend through time, they will simply leave indifferent man.


How to return the love and confidence of my wife? Tips for psychologist

To revive the fascinated love and return the confidence of my wife. But for this, a man will need not only desire, but also a lot of strength. It should be understood that a woman whose heart does not like, is open to new relationships. They can give another man, but can revive the former feelings and a former husband. Tips of a psychologist to those who want to return the confidence and love of his wife:

  • After the care of the spouses do not throw immediately to her legs. You both need time to come into yourself and understand the situation. During this period, communication should be very delicate and unobtrusive.
  • We need to remember the moment when the couple first met and began to meet. It was then that the woman feels that a man is especially interesting and needed. He is waiting for a meeting every day, is afraid of losing and does everything to attract attention. After parting, you will have to start all over and make that the former wife can again feel your love for her.
  • You should not pursue a former wife, constantly talking to her on the phone and whip into the phone about how you feel bad without it. Enough at the meeting to say a random compliment, wish a good day or suggest help.
  • Invite a former wife on a date, walk in the park, go to the movies or theater, go on a trip to the weekend. At the same time, immediately stipulate that you are important to communicate with it. Do not be offended if your favorite refuses. Try it over time again or find out how she would like to spend time with you.
  • If your wife was bored with you, then it's time to change. Take risk and show her that you are brave and confident man. For the sake of your favorite jump with a parachute, or sideways a horse, participate in auto racing or other extreme sports. It is very important that your ex-wife at that moment is near and saw what you are capable of sake.


  • If the wife constantly accused you that you do not help her around the house, then it's time to postpone laziness and taking finally for real men's work. For example, offer to make repairs in the apartment and not just say, but proceed to the implementation of the idea. Help her to solve household problems and take care of the comfort of your loved one.
  • Have you not noticed your wife for a long time and therefore she left? Now you need to learn how to see even the little things associated with your beloved. For example, she made a new hairstyle, which to her face or put on a dress, which emphasizes a beautiful figure. After all, these are all women make for men.
  • Will be wondering what she thinks and feels. Ask her opinion. Listen to words. Even if it seems to you a frivolous occupation, you need to understand that for emotional women it is important to know that they are heard and advised to them. This will help return the confidence of his wife.
  • Do not remember past offenses. Forget them and start the history of your relationship with clean sheet.

How to return my wife after a divorce by changing yourself?

If your favorite woman left because you changed her, jealously or depended on alcohol, then the reason for the divorce lies exclusively in you. In these cases, you will have to work on yourself and change, otherwise you will never return your favorite woman. To return his wife after divorce, psychologists advise the following:

  • Set the main cause of wife's care. Talk to her and find out what the main claims for you have to divorce. Listening to everything about yourself, do not argue and do not try to find explanations to your actions. You are a man and should be able to cope with difficulties.
  • If the reason for the departure of his wife is your treason, then you need to determine exactly for yourself if you can refuse Flirt on the side for your beloved. You must understand that the second chance will not be. If you are unable to cope with the constant wishes of love adventures, seek help to a psychologist. Try to make a relationship with the former wife that is the moment of adventurism that attracts you on the side.


  • Some psychologists say that jealousy is a disease. And no matter how hard you feel if you want to return my wife, you will have to fight with jealousy. Almost in all cases, men cannot cope with this feeling on their own - the psychologist's adjustment is needed. Feel free to go to specialists for help, because the return of the wife for you should be most important. We need to re-learn to trust your beloved person, otherwise you will not succeed. Keep yourself in your hands and work on the ability to control emotions and your imagination.
  • To return his wife who left because of your alcohol love, you will also have to refer to the specialists. With a serious dependence without them not to cope. If you have not yet become a slave of alcohol, you can make our own worldview and lifestyle. Sign up into the gym or find some kind of passion for yourself. You need new emotions that will fill out emptiness. If old friends are drawn in the past, then look for other - active, interesting, optimistic people. After time, you will notice that you no longer need to look for consolation in a glass, because life has become brighter and more exciting.

So that your ex-wife knows that you are working on myself for her for her, tell her about your successes. Offer your beloved to support you in this difficult business. So, passing together by overcoming, you have a chance to revive the former feelings. You should know that only success in working on yourself will help you return my wife.

How to return my wife by changing the relationship in sex?

If you and my wife lived in the soul and the only reason for parting was the problem in an intimate life, then the situation is fixing. Of course, it is better if you had noticed before, the wife cooled to you and during the time to take action. This suggests that spouses should always pay attention to each other, wondering how much partner is comfortable. Those who do not want to give up and ready to fight for the love of his wife in intimate life will help the advice of the sexologist:

  • It is impossible to treat sex as a technical assignment. This is a creative process that constantly requires updating. Read more and recognize a new sex for yourself. Do not be afraid to experiment, listening to the desires of a woman.
  • Even if you are very tired or you have full problems and worries, you need to be able to relax and find time for sex with my wife. Learn to postpone all at least an hour and dedicate this time to your beloved woman. She should always know what is welcome.
  • Remember your wife not only in the bedroom. During the day you can send SMS with gentle words or send a bouquet of colors for no reason. Woman will look forward to your return home.
  • Learn to talk about sex frankly. If you did not do this before, it can immediately be difficult, but then you can solve a lot of problems.
  • It should be understood that the woman who all day in concerns is circling like a squirrel in the wheel, it is unlikely that in the evening will find strength for sex. Take care to facilitate the life of spouses. Take some concerns on your shoulders or create comfort in the house. A woman should feel care of himself and then she will be grateful to you.


  • Do not forget that women are much emotional men and sometimes it is just difficult for them to disconnect from experienced per day. Prepare for your favorite bath with essential oils, put candles in the bedroom, turn on pleasant music. You can change the situation and leave for the weekend. All this will help you both forget the routine and immerse yourself in new impressions.
  • Explore and open for yourself a new wife again. In most cases, a man, having lived with his wife for several years, do not know that she is most likely to in bed, which erupted zones are more sensitive. Correct your mistakes and learn to feel a woman in bed, and not just chase your own satisfaction.

How to return my wife with a child?

Wife's care with a child is a double loss for a man. If the husband was a good father, then return the location of his Chad would not be so difficult. If a man did not engage in a child, then for the return of his native people will have to attach twice as much effort:

  • First of all, try to explain the situation to the child. Do not go into details, do not blame my mother, do not complain about life. The best will be such an explanation: "You see, sometimes adults need time to sort out yourself. My mother and I were now in such a situation, but still love you very much. And we will try to do everything to be happy. " Do not promise the Golden Mountains to your Chad, but let us understand that you are always there and, together with your mother, continue to take care of him.
  • Find a time to communicate with the child. Coming home for this, do not waste time to clarify relationships with your wife. It is better to do it so that the child does not hear you. He must see your polite attitude towards his mother and understand that you are still responsible for the family.
  • Help your wife in raising a child. Go to school meetings, buy together clothes, take care of health. Wife should see - despite parting, you continue to be a reliable and strong father and husband.
  • Speak with my wife calmly, trying to find out the cause of care. Be honest with each other. Do not accuse it, but simply take note of the reproach and try to correct your errors. Woman should see that you are ready to work on yourself to return it.
  • Continue to be interested in the life of the former spouse. Show interest in it, making compliments and inviting on dates. Make it so that she remembers what qualities you loved.
  • Be patient. You may need a lot of time to return the family. Wife and child should always feel your support and attention, realizing that you are the best father and husband.


How to return my wife to a family according to Orthodox laws?

In Orthodoxy, the split of the family does not approve. Especially if the couple was crowned. It is believed that both her husband and wife should do everything to preserve the union that they concluded. Priests advise to contact the Bible when disagreements arise and disputes. If her husband and wife still did not have enough wisdom to stay together, then any restoration of their relationship is welcomed by the Church. God is always on the family side. If a wife gone from you and you think how to return it, then you need to do this:

  1. Husband wishing to return his wife to the family, must first go to church and repent of his sins.
  2. A conversation with a father will help calm down and understand the situation. Such communication also gives strength in order to pass the way to return the wife.
  3. In Orthodoxy, there are prayers for the return of his wife in the family, the preservation of the family. Read them with sincerity and faith in the heart.
  4. Read the Bible, because in it everyone finds answers for their situation.
  5. Wish a wife who left, only good and health.
  6. Look for in Orthodoxy forces to forgive and forget the offense, as well as open a heart for the revival of love. Only then can you return my wife.


How to return my wife with magic?

Trying to return his wife, men are ready for a lot. Some turn to old magic grandfathers. After all, and in Russia, too, wives left her husbands. How much such methods are effective, it is difficult to say. But there are always those who decide to try and such ways to return the spouses. Here is one of them:

At midnight you need to sit in front of the mirror, take three church candles, a key with a lock and a photo of my wife. In front of them, you should put a photo, and behind it is the burning candles. In the left hand there should be a castle, and in the right - key. After cooking, you need to insert the key into the lock with the words: "How this key will turn in the castle, so my favorite home will return. As this castle does not open, so our love does not ruin. Amen!". Forming a key with a key to hide.


Perhaps with the help of magic, you will return my wife, but you should know that she will come not on his own will. So it is not known how long your relationship will continue. Still, it is better when a woman returns to her husband, sincerely realizing that she herself wants.

How to return my wife. Video


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Sasha 21.08.2019 To answer

After this article, I decided to look for a psychologist on relationships. Since I do not perceive prayers and other nonsense ... So I found Danil Delicheva on YouTube, I listened to his video and sank full course how to return my wife. Neither regret neither a drop about it, this is the best allowance so let's say, on the return of the beloved woman. Everything is extremely clearly and clearly, the plan is given a straight plan as it is worthwhile and how to conquer it again. In the end, after 4 months I achieved my own. She decided to give me a chance, and we again together. So do not believe in the psychology of relations after this. Yes, now I myself began to get involved in psychology, I study the behavior of people, well, the relationship between M and J.
