
How to choose a washing powder

How to choose a washing powder
The composition of modern tools for washing. Powder rating and better household chemicals.

Today it is quite difficult to imagine that before the invention of washing machines, the washing could take away from women to 15% of the time. Now, all the hard work took automata, but not many mistresses may say that the washing process has become more efficient, because a truly good result depends on the competent selection of the washing powder.

Unlike a fairly recently, when our great-grandmothers were erased at best by economic soap, we were granted a huge selection of household chemicals. Among the set of advertified means it is quite difficult to find one most effective for any kind of contamination. It turns out that the emergence of the first potent powders is associated with the World War I industry.

Practically eyelids Back Germany began to synthesize such special substances such as surfactants or detergents. These special molecules have unique dual-action qualities - dissolution in water (hydrophilic) and in fats (hydrophobic). Thus, the latter are embedded in pollution, and the second hydrophilic part helps to remove it and dissolve in water.


Washing Powder Choosing

There are two main types of powder means - abundantly foaming for delicate hand washing and with small foaming for machine machines. It would seem that there is no significant difference between such means for manual and machine washing, because their composition is almost identical. However, it is precisely for the type of washing that it is necessary to pay attention first, since the result depends on it directly.

Manual washing powder

Such powders always contain additional substances for the enhanced formation of detergent foam. This foam not only increases the action of active ingredients, but also facilitates mechanical rubbing spots manually. And it is for this reason that the use of strongly foam household chemicals is not recommended for use in washing machines.


Powder for washing machine

Excess foam in a typewriter, oddly enough, on the contrary, it can significantly reduce the quality of all washing. When the drum rotates, the laundry is linked and again falls into the water, which itself replaces the mechanical work, but large foaming will hold underwear on the surface and will prevent completely immersed in water. For machines with direct download, pay special attention to a special appropriate note on the package, since the abundance of foam can be leaked and lead to breakage or closure.


Children's washing powder

Most parents, trusting fashionable commercials, use household chemicals with a note "for children's linen" and confident in its harmlessness and hypoallery. Such means are manufactured for both manual and machine washing. However, it is necessary to carefully look closely to the composition of such funds in order to avoid the content of not entirely gentle substances.

There are several mandatory factors for which you need to pay attention to the purchase of washing powder for children's linen:

  • Fast solubility.
  • The most natural composition based on children's soap.
  • Minimum flavored fragrances or their complete absence.
  • Excellent waterproofing.
  • The absence of potent chemical additives.
  • The absence of phosphates, bleach and chlorine.
  • Mark that the tool can be used for newborns.


Composition of washing powder

For the purpose of using, all means of household chemicals for washing can also be divided into groups:

  • Auxiliary - designed for subsequent processing and mitigating tissues.
  • Conventional - designed for the permanent wash laundry of the average degree of pollution.
  • Strong agents with active components are designed for pre-soaking and removing severe pollution and spots of different character.
  • Special - designed for washing woolen things, delicate, black and colored linen at a temperature of 30-40 degrees, may contain color retainers.
  • Universal - designed for constant washing of linen at temperature mode at 40-60 degrees of the average and increased degree of contamination and active expansion of spots.

Based on the necessary method of use, all household chemicals for washing may contain the following components:

  1. Anionic surfactant elements or surfactants. It is contained in almost any means of household chemicals, on the number of which foaming and contamination removal efficiency will directly depend on. The optimal number of such substances is considered from 2 to 5%. Such powder formulations need to be carefully repaid, otherwise they can cause skin irritation and allergic reactions.
  2. Anti-sorbents. Cellulose compounds that prevent the absorption of future pollution tissues later after washing.
  3. Bleaches (chemical and optical). It is helped by washing white linen, but they destroy enzymes and rarely enter the modern means. Such chemical elements contain chlorine or peroxide and well remove stains during pre-soaking. Chlorine is not recommended for use when washing natural tissues. Active oxygen with peroxide in the composition allows longer to preserve the brightness of non-ferrous natural tissues. Optical photo filing consists of almost all means for washing and inefficiently purify tissues, and contain dyes that give linen blue shade with whiteness effect.
  4. Synthetic flavors, phthalates or fragrances. They contribute to the neutralization of any odors of all chemical elements, and also give the laundry of pleasant flavors. Smell saturation directly indicates the quality of rinsing. Elevated aroma can cause allergic reactions.
  5. Phosphates or sulfates. Capably mitigate hard water to improve the quality of the impact of other active ingredients (surfactants) and prevent the appearance of lime plates and scale in the washing machine. The norm of phosphate content is considered to be 5-10%, but in European countries the use of such environmentally harmful components is prohibited. To neutralize these substances, it is recommended to increase the rinsing program up to 5-7 times.
  6. Chlorides and fluorides. Anticorrosion components increase disinfection and oxidative processes, preventing the formation of scale and plaque in the typewriter. Can cause severe skin irritation and mucous membranes.
  7. Colored granules for foaming. Virtually harmless substances that contribute to the increase in the efficiency of surfactant particles.
  8. Enzymes or dietary supplements. Recommended for pre-soaking difficult stains. Split protein and fatty contaminants, which perfectly act only in cold water from 30 to 50 degrees and are completely destroyed at high temperature modes. These elements act very devastating on woolen and silk fabric fibers.


Forms of the release of washing powder

Today's wide range of modern funds offers several forms of their release for washing:

  • Granules.
  • Liquid concentrate or gel.
  • Powder.
  • Soluble pills.

Liquid washing powder

An alternative variant of powder means is popular today liquid concentrated composition. Such a means contains many more active elements and can become very economical, despite the high price. These funds can also include air-conditioning substances for simultaneous mitigating tissues.

Choosing such a remedy should, first of all, pay attention to the percentage content in the composition of water and active elements. With a low concentration, the tool will not be foaming enough and ineffectively cope with severe pollution. High-quality liquid means have a weak odor, which indicates high demands for its production.


Rating of washing powders

The most famous brands of powder compositions for washing were tested by experts on the 12 most common types of pollution and that's what came out of this:

  1. Ariel "Mountain Rodnik" for 412 p. For kg, with a general assessment of 70 points, drinks and food stains are well disbuilt, medium-fat spots, from grass and dirt, struggling with pollution from paint and cosmetics.
  2. Ariel "Color Lenor Effect" for 108 p. For kg, with a general assessment of 68 points, it will be perfectly cope with food pollution, well with grass stains and dirt, moderately with beverages and fat and tolerably with cosmetics and paints.
  3. BIMAX "100 spots" for 431 p. Behind the kg, with a general estimate of 66 points, the stains of food and beverages are well ease, it will cope with fat, grass and mud and worn with paint and cosmetics.
  4. "Eared Nanny" for 464 p. For kg, with a general estimate of 66 points, it will be good to cope with food stains, drinks, grass and mud, medium with fat, worn with paints and poorly seetse cosmetics.
  5. Ariel "White Rose" for 96 p. For kg, with a general assessment of 65 points, the stains of beverages and food are well selected, it can be medium to cope with fat, grass and mud, to be worn with paint and cosmetics.
  6. E Active Plus 2 in 1 Exotic for 125 p. For kg, with a general assessment of 63 points, the stains, herbs and dirt fifters well, will cope with drinks and fat, it struggles with the paints and does not clean the cosmetics.
  7. Tide "Alpine Freshness" for 245 p. For kg, with a general assessment of 63 points, it copes well only with stains of food, moderately with beverages, fat, grass and mud, and with paint and cosmetics only worn.
  8. Biolan Color for 559 p. For kg, with a general assessment of 63 points, food pollution, middle drinks, fat, grass and dirt, tolerably paint and bad cosmetics are firmly detached.
  9. Tide Color for 338 p. For kg, with a general estimate of 63 points, it is well dispersed with grass, dirt and food, it copes with drinks and fat, worn with paint and bad with cosmetics.
  10. LOSK COLOR for 259 p. and myth "Frosty freshness" for 193 p. For kg, with a general assessment of 62 points, only food, middle drinks, fat, grass and dirt, cosmetics and paint are well selected.
  11. DOSIA "Alpine Freshness" for 40 p. For kg, with a general assessment of 61 points, only food, middle drinks, fat, grass and dirt, cosmetics and paint.
  12. Losk "Mountain Lake" for 80 p. For kg, with a general assessment of 61 points, the scores fishes the drinks and food, the middle fat, grass and dirt, tolerably cosmetics and paint.
  13. Persil Color Expert for 297 p. For kg, with a general assessment of 59 points, it will cope well only with food spots, the middle of the drinks, grass, dirt and fat, and the paint and cosmetics disrupts only tolerably.
  14. DOSIA ACTIVE 3 for 194 p. Behind the kg, with a general estimate of 57 points, it can only cope with food stains, the middle of the drinks, the grass, dirt and fat will be struggling with paint and it is bold and poorly disrupts cosmetics.
  15. Persil Vernel per 100 r. For kg, with a general estimate of 57 points, it will be cope only with food spots, the middle of the drinks, grass, dirt and fat, and the paint and cosmetics disrupts only tolerable.


How and what washing powder to choose?

There are several basic principles for choosing a high-quality tool for washing:

  • For pollution of an uncomplicated nature and when washing baby linen, use less potent means in small quantities.
  • For laundry in cold water, use compositions with enzymes, and phosphate - in smaller quantities, as they are poorly dissolved in water and remain on clothing.
  • For washing difficult contaminants, it is recommended to fall asleep the remedy directly into the drum of the machine, and not in a special compartment.
  • Liquid gels and other easily soluble means for washing effectively work only at temperature modes up to 60 degrees without pre-washing and are used strictly in the quantities specified on the packaging.
  • Liquid thick consistency tools are better slightly diluted with water, as the concentrate may not completely wash out the compartment.
  • Purchase powder with high foaming for manual washing or the least foaming for the machine, especially directly download.

If you prefer to use funds with phosphates, then try to reduce their harmful effects:

  1. Use the tool with the smallest percentage of phosphates in the composition.
  2. Reduce the soaking time and the washing process itself, dilute the tool as much as possible and eliminate contact with the skin of the hands.
  3. Carefully flash the remedy for about 8 times with hot water at a temperature mode at least 50-60 degrees.


Best washing powder

Scientific studies have shown that phosphates that are in the composition of household chemicals can cause allergic reactions, irritation of mucous membranes and respiratory tract, as well as have a negative impact on the environment. Consequently, the powder means and gels of the new generation do not contain phosphates. However, such environmentally friendly environmentally friendly means are characterized by a higher cost.

In connection with such negative facts, the informable funds today are enjoying tremendous consumer demand. Such means are rebuilt with pollution even at cold temperature modes and do not leave divorces from chemical components on things. All components of the components without a residue dissolve in water, so completely harmless and do not require additional rinsing.

Besphosphate products are environmentally safe and cannot cause allergic reactions even in newborns. In this case, the underwear is perfectly disinfected, and the pathogenic organisms and bacteria are completely destroyed. The liquid concentrate of such a means is quite economical - only 2 hours l. on a kilogram of linen.

The main advantages of using trophosphate powders:

  • High efficiency at any temperature mode.
  • Instant for any type of fabric.
  • Good solubility in water and full miscarriage.
  • Not limited use.
  • No smell.
  • No negative effect on the epithelium.
  • Preventing the formation of destructive scale and lime plates in the machines.
  • Economical consumption when used.


Video review of experts on washing powders

Detailed video footage will help you learn how to choose the right composition for washing in the machine machine with different contaminants:


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