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How to tighten the inside of the thigh. Exercises for the inner thigh at home

How to tighten the inside of the thigh. Exercises for the inner thigh at home
The inside of the thigh is the most problematic zone that cannot be worked out with ordinary exercises. A competent integrated approach, proper nutrition and special exercises are needed. How to remove the inside of the thigh - read on.

Slender legs are an unrealistic dream. Every girl wants her legs to be thin and slender, but some leave a dream, because, having tried a lot of diets and exercises, they break down. How to remove the inner thigh? Tips and special exercises will help to cope with the problem.

Losing weight inner thigh. Where to start

Half of success is proper nutrition and training. We’ll talk about this a little later, but for now let's figure out human anatomy. It is known that the most powerful and large muscles in humans are the muscles of the thigh, they are responsible for joint mobility, flexion and extension. The front group of the muscles - leading, the rear - works in the opposite direction or medial.   To pump up the muscles, you will have to try, since they are poorly involved in without special load (meaning walking, squats, inclinations, etc.). No matter how a person moves intensively during the day, all the same, this part of the human body is most prone to accumulating excess fat mass.

These muscles are practically not involved even when performing classic leg exercises. To simulate the muscle and get rid of the problem, you need to do special exercises that need to be included in the main complex.

For load outside the hall, special devices are not required, like simulators. It is only necessary to immediately tune in to the fact that the training will be more exhausting, since you need to give a large load on your feet.

Exercises for the inner thigh

We master exercises for weight loss in the inside of the thigh. Let's start with a warm -up

Popular exercises:

  1. Surprisingly, the inside of the thigh will quickly respond to ordinary squats. This exercise is included in many complexes and is considered one of the most effective muscle development. There are several ways of squats and all of them will have a different effect. For example, if the muscles do not know the load at all, then you need to do everything as neatly as possible: the legs are diluted as wider as possible, socks - to the sides. The depth of the squat means a lot, not only the contraction of the muscles, but also their proper stretching depends on this. The back is perfectly straight, in the lower back - a deflection. Otherwise, you can quickly ruin the spine. Working on the technique of performing the exercise, you need to feel how the muscles of the inner thigh work. What else is important: you can not immediately give muscles a large load and squat at once with burden. The time should pass while the muscles adapt, the technique will be developed, then you can gradually add weight. If there are problems with the spine, it is better to squat in a special belt belt. Squad technique: legs shoulder -width or slightly wider, if you work with burden, we are on the main emphasis on the heels, but, in any case, nor on socks! It is necessary that everything feels in tension. The number of exercises: start with 10, then systematically increase the load.
  2. Legage - exercise to do on a solid surface. Starting position: lying on the side, straight knees. Raise the straight leg, hold for 5 seconds at the very top point, then slowly, without a jerk, we lower it. The number of repetitions is at least 10, then you can increase to 20. First 1 approach, then 2. After they made 10 lifts with the right foot, you need to turn on the other side, repeat. The body should not be bent, the toe of the not -involved leg is stretched.
  3. How to reduce the inner thigh: do the exercise "scissors". You need to lie on the floor, on the back, hands - along the body, do not bend. It is advisable to substitute your palms under the buttocks. Lifting the legs - 15 cm first, then you can 25 cm, then crossing for about a minute (about 20 times). The number of repetitions is 2 or 3. During this exercise, you need to ensure that the lower back is pressed to the floor.
  4. Now you need to switch and move more actively. Let's perform jumping to the side to accelerate the process of burning fat. First jumps on one leg for about a minute, then on the other leg - also a minute.
  5. Lunches forward - effective in the general training of the inside of the thigh, as muscles strengthen well, plus a huge bonus - at the same time you can pump up the lower press. How to do it correctly: we stand on the floor, the back is straight, the legs are spread to the sides, the arms are along the body, it’s better to look right in front of you, it will be more convenient to do this exercise. Breath: inhale - step forward, transfer the weight of the body to the leg, put forward. We do 10 times, then change the leg. When performing this exercise, you can not help yourself to start, this is the whole charm of such a load. Make sure that the body always remains straight.

Now you know how to pump the inside of the thigh at home. The set of exercises completes - a competent stretch to relieve tension and not suffer from muscle pain the next day from the habit.

How to do stretching correctly:

  1. Sit on the floor, hold your back straight.
  2. We bend our legs and slowly spread them to the sides until the knees touch the floor. From the habit, this may seem difficult, but after a week, everything will turn out.
  3. Make sure that the feet are pressed to each other.
  4. Fasten the position, holding out for about 4-5 minutes, your legs need to be springed so that they fall below.

Perform the complex described above for the inside of the thigh in a week. For example, on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. This is the best load option.

Exercises on the inside of the thigh. Photo:

In addition to the main complex, an exercise with fitball or a small ball is ideal. You need to take the ball, lie on the floor, bend your legs in your knees, insert a fitball between your knees, which you need to try to hold your muscles, press, hold for 5-10 seconds, then relax your muscles. The number of repetitions is 20 for beginners, rest and two more approaches.

How to pump the inside of the thigh in the gym

If you cannot deal with at home, then it’s easier to buy a subscription to the gym. You can engage in simulators both independently or in mini-groups with a coach.

The program is not complicated, especially since you need to start with minimal loads. There is a special simulator for the inner thigh in the gym - this is Thight Master. It is so simple and light that you can do even at home.

There is another simulator - this is an expander, it is also easy to master, there are many variations of its use.

The simplest exercise: in a standing position, you need to get on the simulator and make swings aside, 10 on each leg.

How to tighten the inside of the thigh in the hall. Effective exercises:

  • on the simulator, flexion of the legs, like stretching before performing a squat with burden.
  • square with weight: the legs are wider than in position on the width of the shoulders, socks a little to the sides. The back is straight, you need to sit down slowly, in the hands of dumbbells (weight 3-6 kg, then you can more) right in front of you, press to your chest. We make 15 squats, a break, then another 15, again a break and again the last approach;
  • wide setting of legs and bench press. The knees do not straighten to the end, the technique is necessarily adhered to. Everything is simple here: if the socks “look” in one direction, then the knees should be directed in the same direction.

How to remove fat from the inner thigh

The most difficult thing is to remove all the extra. This place is very fond of cellulite. It is clear that nutrition is almost everyone from the ideal. Naturally, the fat quickly appears in these places. How to be? It is necessary not only to do special exercises, to be physically active, but also to eat right, and also not to neglect the care of this area.

Power rules:

  • there are more raw fruits and vegetables;
  • exclude fat and fried;
  • avoid excessive use of flour, especially puff pastries, compass, white bread;
  • conservals and pickles - establish a ban;
  • from drinks, exclude coffee with sugar, milk, as well as sweet drinks, carbonated, store juices;
  • you need to drink a lot of purified water without gas (a minimum of 1.5-2 l per day), as well as herbal tea and juices of your own preparation;
  • do not overeat at night;
  • harmoniously combine protein foods with slow carbohydrates;
  • consume enough fiber;
  • exclude potatoes (sometimes baked in the peel).

Home beauty procedures will help in the fight against the problem. Use soft scrubs of your own preparation, for example, from large sea salt and sour cream.

Great coffee scrub recipe for working out problem areas:

  • take 100 g of drunk coffee (you can fresh, ground). Coffee in powder or soluble is not suitable;
  • pour coffee in a jar, add 2 tbsp. olive oil;
  • mix, put a spoonful of liquid honey;
  • the mass must be thoroughly mixed, applied to the skin steamed after taking the shower, with a massage mitten.

Such scrubs prepare the skin, help the body get rid of stagnant fluid. After the procedure, it is advisable to apply any massage oil to the body. Even olive is suitable, only you need to add to a portion to apply literally 5 drops of orange essential oil. Then the oil will work even when you rest.

They also help to solve the problem in the integrated approach of the wrap with algae. Buy several sheets of kelp in a pharmacy or specialized store. They need to be soaked in water, attach to the skin, fixed with cling film. Walk for about an hour, then remove the algae and wash the skin in the shower, periodically turning on, either cold or hot water. After the shower, it is imperative to apply a moisturizing skin care lotion.

Now you know how to become slimmer and tighten the inside of the thigh. But what you do not need to do, not every girl knows. In no case should you apply warming creams against cellulite to the inside of the thigh, rub this area too vigorously, make tieing massage, since the skin in this place is sensitive and thin, and the vessels are located close.

Only competent care, proper nutrition, physical activity and performing special exercises will help get rid of the problem. Good luck!



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