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Diet with gastritis of the stomach

Diet with gastritis of the stomach
What if you were diagnosed with "Gastritis"? First of all - to explore the correct power mode and strictly observe the prescribed diet!

Gastritis is a common stomach disease, from which even children are not insured. It is quite difficult to cure this inflammation, because the main rule is often violated - the gastritis diet must be strictly observed, only this can be facilitated and improved its condition.

Diet with gastritis for every day

When the doctor says "gastritis", it means that he implies that a bacterium appeared in the stomach, which causes inflammation of the mucous membrane. But perhaps, not in bacteria, it was just your lifestyle led to the fact that the body has failed in work. Gastritis is often the consequence of irregular nutrition, stress, alcohol or smoking.

In this case, human diseases often accompany pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach, vomiting and nausea, constipation or diarrhea. That is why diet with gastritis, no matter what stage doctors determine, the most important condition for healing.


What power rules must be observed with a sick gastritis?

  1. To begin with, it is necessary to neutralize hydrochloric acid - it is precisely it causes irritation of the stomach walls.
  2. All food should be soft so that the internal organs do not strain, processing it.
  3. To eat a little, but often: about once every three hours.
  4. One meal should not be more than 250 g
  5. As for the method of preparation directly - prepare for a couple, bake in the oven or boil.
  6. Try to sharpen food.
  7. Eat food in warmth - hot and cold is contraindicated, as the high and low temperature is able to injure the already sick stomach.
  8. If you correctly pick up the diet, you can not only get rid of unpleasant sensations, but also to lose weight, as well as strengthen the immune system.
  9. The elimination of fermented milk products forced measure is that these products cause aggravation.
  10. Alcohol and smoking - enemies number one, so from these bad habits, you must immediately refuse if you have suspicion of gastritis.

Diet with gastritis: what can not


The list of products prohibited during gastritis products are considerable, but if you want to recover, you need to abandon:

  • acute food;
  • salted food;
  • fried;
  • smoked;
  • marinades and spices;
  • digger, especially fresh and rye bread;
  • legumes;
  • millet;
  • barley cereals;
  • barley;
  • fat and fat meat;
  • meat and canned food;
  • fat or salty fish;
  • broth (meat, mushroom, fish, vegetable);
  • ;
  • borscht;
  • okrochka;
  • marinated, quashen and canned vegetables.
  • pickled, quashed and canned mushrooms;
  • any pickles;
  • cabbage;
  • spinach;
  • luke;
  • sauces (including mustard and horseradish);
  • vinegar;
  • animals and vegetable fats;
  • eggs;
  • cheeses (especially sharp and salty);
  • dairy products (including ice cream);
  • chocolate;
  • dried fruits;
  • unhealthy fruit;
  • soda;
  • sweet drinks;
  • alcoholic beverages;
  • kvass;
  • juices;
  • coffee.

Diet with gastritis: what can


The list of products allowed for gastritis is small, but even from this list can be prepared for a variety of dishes. Allowed to use:

  • porridge (but only on water and well-strained);
  • soups (vegetable, with the addition of croup);
  • cutlets (including meatballs);
  • pasta (digested);
  • skim cheese;
  • non-fat yogurt;
  • baked apples;
  • bananas;
  • cracker;
  • marmalade;
  • paste.

Gastritis Diet: Menu

Approximate diet for a week with gastritis looks like this.



  • buckwheat (on milk, strained), cottage cheese + cream (skim);
  • milk
  • soup (semolina), zrazy (coupled), kissel, omelet;
  • fishmeners (coupled), Vermichel (Rubbed), Tea;
  • kefir (lowhead).


  • meat meatballs (for a couple), vegetable puree (potatoes + carrots), oat flakes + milk, tea;
  • kisel;
  • soup (rice cereal + meat), vegetable puree (carrot), jelly (fruit);
  • lazy dumplings;
  • milk, tea.


  • eggs (boiled no more than three minutes), Vermichel (Color), Tea + Milk;
  • kefir;
  • soup (vegetable - potatoes + carrots), meat meatballs (for a couple), compote (from dried fruit);
  • buckwheat (stolen), raspberry decoction;
  • milk.


  • rice (on milk), cocoa;
  • kissel (from berries);
  • soup (dairy - oat), pudding (meat), vegetable puree (green peas), Kissel (apples);
  • pasta (strained), meat puree, decoction of raspberry;
  • cream (skim).

Woman Eating Salad.


  • vegetable puree (potatoes + carrots), tea;
  • milk;
  • soup (peas), vermicelli (dubbed), chicken (boiled), mousse from berries;
  • pudding (buckwheat + cottage cheese, reared), decoction of raspberry;
  • milk.


  • oatmeal (apart), omelet (cooked in the oven or multivrake), tea;
  • milk;
  • soup puree (carrots), fish (pair or boiled), croutons (crackers), tea;
  • cutlets (meat per pair), buckwheat (apart), decoction of raspberry;
  • cream (skim).


  • manka, tea + milk;
  • milk;
  • soup puree (zucchini + milk), rice (strained), apples (baked);
  • vegetable puree (potatoes + carrots), meat pudding (paired) decoction from raspberry;
  • milk.

Gastritis diet number

Depending on what step and the form of gastritis, doctors qualify, with four diets prescribe diseases.


  1. Diet number 1. With exacerbation of gastritis, in chronic gastritis, with increased acidity, as well as if increased secretion is preserved. From the diet, the fiber is cleaned, as well as any products that can provoke the exacerbation of the disease. You can follow three to five months.
  2. Diet number 15. More sparing, but patients recommend it to observe no more than a week - just during the second week of treatment.
  3. Diet number 2. When aggravating gastritis with reduced secretion. It provokes the stomach for the selection of juice.
  4. Diet number 16. With relapses of the disease, during the period of sharp exacerbations.

Diet with increased acidity gastritis

If you do not only have gastritis, but also the increased acidity is determined, it is necessary that in your menu it is:

  1. Porridge. Fit wipe, strained porridges from mankey, oatmeal, buckwheat.
  2. Pudding (mousse, souffle).
  3. Bread. Related, no more than two times a week. Can be replaced by non-propelled buns.
  4. Soups. Cooking on vegetable broth and with croups, good rawrals. You can add meat and some cream oil.
  5. Meat. Prepare necessarily a couple. You can bird or low-fat varieties of meat.
  6. Eggs. Prepare sick. It can be replaced by omelet from the steamer.
  7. A fish. Choose low-fat varieties, cook for a couple or boil.
  8. Milk. Non-fat foods and non-acid.
  9. Fruits. You can use, but only in a flutter form.
  10. Vegetables. Cook for a couple, then peat.
  11. Sweets. Allowed: grazing, sugar, marshmallow, honey, jam.
  12. Beverages. If the juice, then is non-acid, if tea is fastened. You can cocoa or coffee with milk.

Diet with reduced acidity gastritis

With gastritis, which is accompanied by reduced acidity, this diet is recommended:


  1. Puffy. You can use wormful non-propulible boats or yesterday's wheat bread, pies with boiled filling, strained pasta, pancakes.
  2. Ceres. Any cereals, but cereal should be crumbly, pilaf must be prepared without meat.
  3. Soups. For cooking, meat broths can be used (impossible). If you cook borsch or soup, do not use acid.
  4. Meat. Use low-fat varieties, can be prepared in any way. Allowed to eat sausages.
  5. A fish. In any form, but low-fat varieties.
  6. Vegetables. Only not in the raw form - it is better to cook them, bake or knock.
  7. Fruits. You can eat not coarse fruits, prepare from them kisle or compotes.
  8. Dairy products. You can use, just not very sour - reacted products are contraindicated.
  9. Creamy and vegetable oil.
  10. Eggs.
  11. Beverages. Tea, cocoa, compote, coffee with milk, fruit juices can be, but only diluted with boiled water.

Diet with erosive gastritis

In order to facilitate the state in erosive gastritis, it is necessary to use a survival and semi-liquid food. Remove roasted food, meat and fish of fatty varieties, welded broths, yeast dough, canned food, acid berries and fruits (as well as fruits of them).


Eat only that food, which is barely warm. You should have a special attitude to jelly - they are able to gently curl the walls of the stomach.

Chronic gastritis diet

During the diagnosis of "chronic gastritis", the diet should draw a way of life, because it must be observed not from time to time, but constantly - all his life.

Grceeries in Wicker Basket Including Vegetables, Fruits, Bakery and Dairy Products and Wine Isolated on White

It is necessary to permanently abandon the fried and the rational broths, mushrooms and legumes, sweets and flour, strong drinks - tea and coffee.

Any vegetables or fruits can only eat after thermal processing.

Diet with exacerbation of gastritis

Diet gastritis in the acute stage prohibits acidic foods of plant origin, especially citrus contraindicated, sorrel, pineapple, radish, cranberry, radish as well as seafood and meat products.


You need to eat often - at least six times, but in small portions.

Diet with acute gastritis

In acute gastritis can not drink milk, especially the sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, cheese. It should also abandon the fresh fruits and vegetables, bread, sweets (especially sweets), kvass, cocoa, soda.


Useful high viscous eat soups (e.g., oatmeal, cream + + rice oil), liquid porridge, meat (lean and boiled, minced by a meat mincer or a blender). Eggs are allowed (but only boiled), weak tea, jelly, broth hips and milk.

Diet for atrophic gastritis

In atrophic gastritis should eat meals that have low acidity. At the same time, you can eat foods that cause fermentation of milk, yeast and pastry, beans, cabbage, grapes, bacon, mushrooms, cucumbers, onions and garlic, radish, smoked and canned.

Wooden box filled fresh vegetables

Diets table for gastritis. Video


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