
How to lighten your eyebrows at home. Methods to clarify the tattoo of eyebrows

How to lighten your eyebrows at home. Methods to clarify the tattoo of eyebrows
In the modern world, almost every girl wants something to change in his appearance, sometimes one change requires to change the other. Browsing eyebrows will help make your image more harmonious, besides, this process can be achieved at home.

Women's beauty is a huge work on yourself and its appearance. Every woman or girl wants to always look attractive, fresh and bright. And for this you need to understand the subtleties of fashion, new trends and constantly monitor yourself and for your appearance.

Fashion always dictates its rules in the image of a woman, and the tastes of lovely sex are regularly changing. It is important to regularly monitor each detail in your image so that the appearance is harmonious and irresistible. The central part of the image is eyebrows, the form and color of which can be unrecognizable to change the appearance of the girl. The eyebrows should always be perfectly combined with hair color and skin tint. That is why in recent years, in recent years, the girls are still resorted to the eyebrow declaration procedure, which allows you to make an image natural and natural.

In this article, consider the peculiarities of eyebrows at home, as well as note the testimony and contraindications to this procedure.

How to lighten your eyebrows. Fashionable shades of earlings 2017

Fashion always dictates the most important changes in the appearance of a beautiful floor. It is girls and women who always seek to steadily follow the most fresh trends to maintain their beauty. However, this does not mean that it is necessary to strictly adhere to all the subtleties of fashion trends. In 2017, eyebrows should be natural shape and color. It is such a direction in recent years becomes a priority. This year there is no place for thin eyebrows-threads, give preference to wide and thick. It is always important to competently create the right form of your eyebrows, and accordingly, and give them the desired shade. This season, fashionably give the eyebrows the faded shade, and also significantly lighten them to make the color more natural. Undoubtedly, many girls will immediately doubt whether it is possible to lighten their eyebrows specifically their shade. It is for this question that we will try to answer this article.

To whom and why you need to lighten your eyebrows

For the first time, the grades of cinema brigade Bridgouds were introduced to the eyebrows of the eyebrows, which changed the eyebrows due to the constant shift of the hair color. It was necessary to obtain a harmonious image. Within several years, all fans of the famous actress tried to steadily follow this trend. Then this fashion was forgotten and appeared again only in 2009, when the stylist with all the models brightened the eyebrow to all models. It literally blew up the whole world of fashion, the famous planet people began to experiment with this trendy direction. It cannot be said that the eyebrow clarification is a strict rule, because this item is underway in the image not everyone.

Today, as many years ago, it is fashionable to have dark eyebrows into tone with your hair, but there is a tendency to lighten the eyebrows to give their way of naturalness. The perfect color of eyebrows is a shade to tone with its hair or one tone is darker. This is how it helps to get a beautiful and bright image. Consider the options for whom you can brighten your eyebrows and how to lighten your eyebrows at home.

  • First of all, brighten your eyebrows and is recommended for blondes and red-haired, who want to emphasize their image and make it softer and distinct.
  • Brunettes will have to think about how to brighten the dark eyebrows if they decided to paint into the blonde. In combination with blond hair, natural dark eyebrows will look pretty screaming and even vulgar. It is in this case that it is necessary to master the eyebrow clarification procedure. However, it is worth considering that it is necessary to lighten in reasonable limits so that the shade coincides with the color of the hair.
  • If you are the owner of a dark and tanned skin, then the eyebrow clarification you are contraindicated. It will look unnatural and ugly.
  • If you, on the contrary, the owner of very light and pink skin, the eyebrow clarification will be suitable for you. This will complement your image and makes the facial features more correct and gentle.
  • In order to understand how to brighten your eyebrows, it is important to answer the question whether it is worth doing. First of all, at home in front of the mirror, apply a little tonal cream or corrector on your eyebrows. So you will learn whether your hair lightening will go. If you are still in doubt, it is best to refer to specialists in the beauty salon.
  • Hair lightening is contraindicated to girls who love to attend solariums. On the tanned face, the clarified eyebrows will look short.
  • If you prefer to make a pretty bright makeup with black arrows and dark shadows, brighten your eyebrows.

It is not necessary to thoughtlessly follow the trends of modern fashion, it is important to know the measure in everything and apply some trends and techniques based on the features of your appearance.

How to clarify eyebrows at home - the most popular ways

Today there is a large number of eyebrow lightening methods. If you are interested in the question, whether eyebrows lighten in beauty salons, unambiguous answer - yes. In specialized institutions, you quickly and efficiently brighten your eyebrows to the shade you need. At the same time, the procedure itself will take at least time, and the cost of your pocket will not hurt much. In this case, it is important to get to this particular professional so that the result please and did not make urgently look for alternative solutions to correct it.

If you do not want to visit the salon, you can carefully examine information on the Internet on how to lighten your eyebrows at home. There is nothing complicated in this procedure. The main thing is to know the feeling of measure and be able to stop in time, so that it is not to run to the beauty salon with a request to correct your oversight. Currently, you can brighten the eyebrows with peroxide, with the help of special bleaching creams and eyelabs for eyebrows, as well as with the help of popular recipes that are most gentle on the skin and the eyebrows themselves.

How to Lighten Hydrogen Rigging Balls - Instructions

Hydrogen peroxide is the most affordable and cheap tool that can be used to clarify eyebrows at home. According to the principle of action, this drug is rather whiten hairs eyebrows. If you decide to use this method of clarification, you must be extremely careful with peroxide. Watch that she does not get into your eyes, because it can lead to the irritation of the mucous and skin area around the eyes.

This method does not require special skills, and hydrogen peroxide can be purchased in any pharmacy. How does this preparation act? When applying peroxide in eyebrows, it stops the production of melanin - substances that gives your eyebrows a certain color. After this substance ceases to be produced, your eyebrows will be brighten. Consider the whole process, how to brighten the black eyebrows at home with hydrogen peroxide.

Clamping process:

  • First of all, prepare all the necessary materials for the eyebrow clarification process: 3% hydrogen peroxide, cotton swabs or wands, warm water, cream or vaseline, soap.
  • Next, you need to wash off all cosmetics with special cosmetics, as well as with the help of soap or shampoo well rinse your eyebrows to remove the remnants of cosmetics, dirt.
  • Towel well dry the hairs, as hydrogen peroxide is applied only on dry eyebrows.
  • Next, you need to prepare a solution for eyebrow lightening. Take a glass or plastic glass and fill it with warm water. Add approximately half a small teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and stir well.
  • Take cream or vaseline and apply it around the eyebrows so that later the peroxide does not hit the skin and caused irritation and pigmentation. Apply the cream is important exactly around the eyebrows, without affecting the hairs, otherwise the peroxide may not be captured.
  • Moch your cotton swab or wand in the solution of peroxide and water and gently apply on the eyebrows.
  • After that, take a special brush for the eyebrows, which can be purchased in any cosmetic store, and carefully disperse eyebrows.
  • Hold the solution on the eyebrows about 10-15 minutes.
  • After the specified time expires, a clean cotton swab remove the residues of the peroxide and rinse the eyebrows with warm water. Watch that the peroxide does not get into your eyes.
  • After the proof procedure and the skin around the eyebrows, lubricate the cream to get rid of dryness, which causes hydrogen peroxide.
  • According to reviews, brighten your eyebrows in such a way possible from the first time. Although for a very dark, eyebrows may need several procedures. It is only necessary to carry them out with caution so as not to overdo it and do not make eyebrows completely white.

How to clarify eyebrows with bleaching cream - instruction

At home, special preparations for lightening and whitening eyebrows can be used, which can be purchased in cosmetic stores. To date, there is a huge amount of eyebrow creams from different manufacturers, which differ in the method of use and cost. Consider the basic principles of using such a cream.

  • It is necessary to prepare all the components for whitening eyebrows. Put in front of you cream with instructions, brush, soap or shampoo, cotton swab.
  • Prepare your skin and eyebrows to the procedure, special cosmetics remove makeup with eyes, then rinse your eyebrows with soap or shampoo to clean the hairs from the residual cosmetics and dirt.
  • Seeing eyebrows with a towel.
  • Before use, carefully read the instructions for the whitening cream. Usually for the first time, we recommend using cream on the eyebrows no more than 2 minutes.
  • Also before applying, it is necessary to check the cream on an allergic reaction, for this apply a little cream to the hidden area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, wait a couple of minutes. If your skin is not blushing, cream can be used.
  • Around the eyebrows apply petroleum or other face cream so that the whitening cream does not get into the skin.
  • Next, proceed to applying a cream on your eyebrows. Sull a little cream to the tip of the eyebrows and a tassel or a tampon distribute it throughout the eyebrows.
  • Hold the time specified in the instruction and carefully remove the remnants of the tampon. Well rinse the eyebrows with warm water. After painting, lubricate the eyebrow and the skin around them with face cream.
  • Depending on the color of your eyebrows, the amount of applying cream may be different. Read the instructions carefully.

Using eyebright eyebrows - instructions

In cosmetic stores, today there is a large selection of eyebright paints for eyebrows, which can be purchased to lighten eyebrows at home. Such paint is from the most different manufacturer, but the principle of operation in all similar. Most often it does not cause allergies, and one tube can be enough for a large number of procedures. After applying, the paint is kept on the eyebrows of about 6 weeks, it is, of course, taking into account the fact that the procedure was carried out correctly.

  • Before applying eyebrows for eyebrows, it is necessary to carefully clean your eyebrows from cosmetics. To do this, use cosmetic milk or tonic.
  • Next, rinse your eyebrows well with soap to remove dirt residues.
  • Well dry the eyebrows with a towel.
  • In a suitable glass or plastic container, mix the paint (most often the clarifying paint has No. 0) with an oxidizing agent in the proportions specified in the instructions. All mix well.
  • Apply paint first on one eyebrow.
  • Take a little paint to the brush and apply on the eyebrow, after which distribute all the hairs with the help of the brush.
  • It is necessary to wait a certain time, from about 5 minutes to 20 minutes. It all depends on the color of your eyebrows and from the desired result.
  • After you can do the second eyebrow.
  • When your eyebrows are lightened, do not forget to apply a little cream to soften the skin.

Brightening eyebrows with the help of folk remedies - Instructions

At home, not only chemical preparations can be used, but also folk remedies that are safer. The only minus of tinctures and brazers from herbs is slow and not such a clear result. Most often, in this way, girls with blond hair and eyebrows who want only to brighten their eyebrows slightly. If you are the owner of coal-black eyebrows, this method is not suitable for you. The most popular folk agent is the usual field chamomile from which the decoction is preparing.

  • Take 25 grams of chamomile, which can be purchased in the pharmacy. Chamomile can be replaced with a calendula.
  • In the container pour 1 cup of water and pour the chamomile there. Put everything on a water bath and bring to a boil.
  • Infusion to cover the lid and put it to be accepted within about 1 hour in a cool place.
  • After cooling, add a few drops of lemon juice in the infusion and apply a cotton swab into your eyebrows.
  • After the procedure, you want the face with warm water.
  • To repeat such a procedure for several weeks.

How to lighten or disguise eyebrows with cosmetics

The use of various chemical and folk preparations is not the only way to achieve lightening your eyebrows. Some girls are not ready to make dramatic changes in their appearance and paint eyebrows, especially at home. In this case, it will help you with the usual decorative cosmetics with which you can disguise your natural eyebrows and give them a brighter shade. Undoubtedly, in the cosmetics, each modern girl there is a necessary consileter or a tone cream, as well as ordinary powder or bright beige shadows.

  • Lightening with a consistent. Consilers in recent years have become very popular for giving the skin of smoothness and perfect evenness. This cosmetic can also be used to mask too dark eyebrows. Apply a few consilers on a brush and spend on your eyebrows, carefully combing them and lifting. After a while, the remedy will dry in the hairs and the further step will be the applying of powder. So you can get quite persistent and natural makeup.
  • Lightening with a tonal cream. Sound cream Each girl chooses under his skin shade, so it can be easily equipped with too black eyebrows. Take a tonal cream and apply several layers on your eyebrows. It is necessary to achieve the same with the skin of the hue. After that, you can draw brown pencils with brighter eyebrows.
  • Lightening with beige shadows. If there is a shadow of beige color or a shade of ivory, then you will easily make yourself a single eyebrow clarification. To do this, take some shadows with a brush and gently apply on your eyebrows. After that, the edges are a little fingers to achieve naturalness.
  • Lightening eyebrows using crumbly powder. This cosmetics is suitable for evening makeup when you need to create a bright image. In the aggregate with a bright make-up slightly bleached eyebrows powder will look gently and attractive.
  • Lightening with color gels. Most recently, there were colored gels for eyebrows in everyday life of modern girls, with which you can achieve a wide variety of shades of your eyebrows. You can buy such gels in any cosmetic store. It is important to choose the right shade of such a gel, and for this you can use the testers on the spot. You can find not only colored gels, but also gels with a clarifying effect. Just apply a gel into several layers and extend the brush.

How to lighten eyebrows painted at home

Lightening eyebrows after painting is the most difficult process and it is not always possible to achieve a positive result. Very often it happens that the paint is coming off of land, and it's not exactly what you need. Many of the girls after hair coloring in a darker color in the future will still come back to the thoughts of his return, a lighter shade. It is easy, however, problems arise with the eyebrows. After all, they also dyed hair tone. Most often in salons or home use henna for coloring eyebrows, so the girls who want to return to a natural shade eyebrows, the question arises as to lighten the eyebrows henna.

  • You will need a bit of castor or olive oil. Pour it into a suitable container and warm up a bit.
  • Before the procedure, wash your eyebrows, you can use soap or shampoo.
  • Wipe dry with a cotton swab and eyebrows profusely, apply oil on the eyebrow.
  • Within a few hours, allow the oil to soak in all the good hair.
  • Next, take some clean cotton swab and wipe them gradually your eyebrows, each time taking a clean swab. In the end, you will see that each tampon remain traces of ink, which gradually descends from your eyebrows.

Lightening eyebrows after tattooing

In recent years, the projection procedure has been particularly popularity, which allows you to adjust the form of eyebrows if you have certain problems. For this, the coloring pigment is used, which is entered using a syringe. In this case, not only eyebrows are painted, but also the skin under them. If, after the procedure you have any doubts or you just did not like too dark tint, it is not worth a breaking head to use all of the above methods. First, you may simply need time to get used to a new image, because, undoubtedly, the eyebrow tattoo is its cardinal shift. Secondly, applying all methods of lightening in a row, you risk harvest yourself. To change the shade of a tattoo or its complete deletion, you need to contact only a professional. It is the master with a laser will help you to brighten your eyebrows after the tattoo.

Your beauty in your hands. One never needs to make rash actions, which will then regret. To elementaryly brighten your eyebrows, it's best to consult a professional. So you will receive a qualitative result and you do not have to look for a huge number of ways and spend your nerves.


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