
How to lighten eyebrows at home. Ways to lighten eyebrow tattoo

How to lighten eyebrows at home. Ways to lighten eyebrow tattoo
In the modern world, almost every girl wants to change something in her appearance, sometimes one change requires to change another. Four the eyebrows will help to make your image more harmonious, moreover, this process can be up to at home.

Female beauty is a huge work on oneself and their appearance. Every woman or girl wants to always look attractive, fresh and bright. And for this it is necessary to understand the intricacies of fashion, new trends and constantly monitor yourself and your appearance.

Fashion always dictates its own rules in the image of a woman, and the tastes of the fair sex are regularly changing. It is important to regularly monitor each detail in your image so that the appearance is harmonious and irresistible. The central part of the image is eyebrows, the shape and color of which can beyond recognition change the appearance of the girl. The color of the eyebrows should always be perfectly combined with hair color and skin tone. That is why in recent years more and more often girls resort to the procedure for clarifying eyebrows, which allows you to make the image natural and natural.

In this article, we will consider the features of the clarification of eyebrows at home, as well as note indications and contraindications to this procedure.

How to lighten your eyebrows. Fashion shades of eyebrows 2017

Fashion always dictates the most important changes in the appearance of the fair sex. It is girls and women who always strive to steadily follow the most fresh trends to maintain their beauty. However, this does not mean that it is worth strictly adhering to all the intricacies of fashionable trends. In 2017, eyebrows should be natural and color. It is this direction in recent years that has become a priority. This year there is no place for thin eyebrows, give preference to wide and thick. It is always important to correctly create the correct shape of your eyebrows, and, accordingly, give them the desired shade. This season, it is fashionable to give the eyebrows a faded shade, as well as significantly light them up to make the color more natural. Undoubtedly, many girls will immediately doubt whether it is possible to lighten the eyebrows specifically their shade. It is this question that we will try to answer this article.

Who and why should light up the eyebrows

For the first time, the fashion for the clarification of the eyebrows was introduced by the cinema of the cinema Bridget Bordeaus, which changed the color of the eyebrows due to a constant change of hair color. This was necessary to obtain a harmonious image. For several years, all fans of the famous actress tried to steadily follow this trend. Then this fashion was forgotten and reappeared only in 2009, when at one famous show, the stylist lightened his eyebrows to all models. This literally blew up the whole world of fashion, the famous people of the planet began to experiment with this fashionable direction. This is not to say that the clarification of eyebrows is a strict rule, because this detail is not in the image of everyone.

Today, like many years ago, it is fashionable to have dark eyebrows to match your hair, but there is a tendency to clarify the eyebrows to give your image naturalness. The ideal color of the eyebrows is a shade of tone to your hair or one tone darker. This is what helps to obtain a beautiful and vivid image. Consider the options for who can brighten your eyebrows and how to lighten your eyebrows at home.

  • First of all, you can light up your eyebrows and is recommended for blondes and red -haired ones who want to emphasize their image and make it softer and distinct.
  • Brunettes will have to think about how to lighten dark eyebrows if they decided to paint in a blonde. In combination with blond hair, natural dark eyebrows will look pretty screaming and even vulgar. It is in this case that it is necessary to master the procedure for lightening eyebrows. However, it should be borne in mind that it is necessary to clarify within reasonable limits so that the shade coincides with the color of the hair.
  • If you are the owner of dark and tanned skin, then the lightening of eyebrows is contraindicated to you. It will look unnatural and ugly.
  • If you, on the contrary, are the owner of a very light and pink skin, the clarification of eyebrows will suit you. This will complement your image and make the facial features more correct and tender.
  • In order to understand how to lighten your eyebrows, it is important to answer the question of whether it is worth doing. First of all, at home in front of the mirror, apply a little foundation or corrector on your eyebrows. So you will find out whether you will be clarified by hair. If you are still in doubt, it is best to contact specialists in the beauty salon.
  • Four hair is contraindicated for girls who like to visit solariums. On the tanned face, the lightened eyebrows will look tasteless.
  • If you prefer to make a rather bright makeup with black arrows and dark shadows, you should not light your eyebrows the same way.

Do not thinkly follow the trends of modern fashion, it is important in everything to know the measure and apply some trends and techniques based on the features of your appearance.

How to lighten eyebrows at home - the most popular ways

Today, a large number of ways to clarify eyebrows are available. If you are interested in the question, whether the eyebrows are brightened in the beauty salons, the unequivocal answer is yes. In specialized institutions, your eyebrows will quickly and efficiently light up you to the shade you need. At the same time, the procedure itself will take a minimum of time, and the cost of your pocket will not hit much. In this case, it is important to get to a real professional so that the result is pleased with you and does not force you to urgently look for alternative solutions to correct it.

If you do not want to visit the salon, you can carefully study the information on the Internet about how to lighten your eyebrows at home. There is nothing complicated in this procedure. The main thing is to know the sense of proportion and be able to stop in time, so as not to run to the beauty salon with a request to correct your mistake. Currently, you can light up your eyebrows with peroxide, using special whitening creams and ointments for eyebrows, as well as with the help of folk recipes that are most sparing in relation to the skin and the eyebrows themselves.

How to lighten the eyebrows with hydrogen peroxide - instruction

Hydrogen peroxide is the most affordable and cheap tool that can be used to lighten eyebrows at home. According to the principle of action, this drug is more likely to whiten eyebrows. If you decide to use this method of lightening, you must be extremely careful with peroxide. Make sure that it does not get into your eyes, because this can lead to irritation of the mucous membrane and areas of the skin around the eyes.

This method does not require special skills, and hydrogen peroxide can be purchased at any pharmacy. How does this drug work? When applying the eyebrow hairs, it stops the production of melanin - a substance that gives your eyebrows a certain color. After this substance ceases to be produced, your eyebrows brighten. Consider the whole process on how to lighten black eyebrows at home using hydrogen peroxide.

Lightification process:

  • First of all, prepare all the necessary materials for the process of lightening eyebrows: hydrogen peroxide 3%, cotton swabs or sticks, warm water, cream or petroleum jelly, soap.
  • Next, you need to wash off all the cosmetics with special cosmetics, as well as with soap or shampoo, rinse your eyebrows well to remove the remaining cosmetics and dirt.
  • Dry the hairs well with a towel, since hydrogen peroxide is applied only to a dry eyebrow.
  • Next, you need to start preparing a solution to lighten the eyebrows. Take a glass or plastic glass and fill it with warm water. Add about half a small teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide to the water and stir well.
  • Take a cream or petroleum jelly and apply it around the eyebrows so that subsequently peroxide does not get on the skin and does not cause irritation and pigmentation. It is important to apply the cream exactly around the eyebrows without affecting the hairs, otherwise peroxide may not grasp.
  • Moisten a cotton swab or stick in a solution of peroxide and water and gently apply on the eyebrows.
  • After that, take a special brush for eyebrows, which can be purchased at any cosmetic store, and carefully comb the eyebrows.
  • Hold the solution on the eyebrows for about 10-15 minutes.
  • After the specified time, remove peroxide residues with a clean cotton swab and rinse your eyebrows with warm water. Make sure that the peroxide does not get into your eyes.
  • After the procedure, the eyebrow and the skin around the eyebrows, lubricate with cream to get rid of the dryness that the peroxide of hydrogen causes.
  • According to reviews, it is possible to lighten the eyebrows in this way the first time. Although for a very dark shade of eyebrows you may need several procedures. Only they must be carried out with caution so as not to overdo it and not make the eyebrows completely white.

How to lighten eyebrows with a whitening cream - instruction

At home, you can use special drugs for lightening and bleaching eyebrows, which can be purchased in cosmetic stores. To date, there are a huge number of eyelashes clarifying creams from different manufacturers, which differ in the way of use and costs. Consider the basic principles of using such a cream.

  • It is necessary to prepare all components for whitening eyebrows. Put in front of you a cream with instructions, a brush, soap or shampoo, a cotton swab.
  • Prepare your skin and eyebrows for the procedure, remove makeup from the eyes with special cosmetics, then rinse your eyebrows with soap or shampoo to clean the hairs of cosmetics and dirt residues.
  • Dry your eyebrows with a towel.
  • Before use, carefully read the instructions for the bleaching cream. Usually for the first time it is recommended to use the cream on eyebrows for no more than 2 minutes.
  • Before applying, you must check the cream to an allergic reaction, for this, apply a little cream to a hidden area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, wait a couple of minutes. If your skin is not red, the cream can be used.
  • Around the eyebrows, apply a petroleum jelly or other face cream so that the whitening cream does not fall on the skin.
  • Next, proceed to apply the cream on the eyebrows. Squeeze a little cream on the tip of the eyebrow and a brush or a swab distribute it along the entire eyebrow.
  • Hold the time indicated in the instructions and carefully remove the remains of the swab. Rinse your eyebrows well with warm water. After painting, lubricate the eyebrow and skin around them face cream.
  • Depending on the color of your eyebrows, the amount of application of the cream may be different. Read the instructions carefully.

The use of brightening paint for eyebrows - instruction

In cosmetic stores today there is a large selection of clarifying eyebrow paint, which can be purchased to lighten eyebrows at home. Such paint happens from a very different manufacturer, but the principle of action is similar. Most often, it does not cause allergies, and one tube may be enough for a large number of procedures. After application, the paint is held on the eyebrows for about 6 weeks, this, of course, taking into account the fact that the procedure was carried out correctly.

  • Before using the paint to lighten eyebrows, it is necessary to carefully clean your eyebrows of cosmetics. To do this, use cosmetic milk or tonic.
  • Next, rinse the eyebrows with soap well to remove the remaining dirt.
  • Dry your eyebrows well.
  • In a suitable glass or plastic container, mix paint (most often the brightening paint has No. 0) with an oxidizing agent in the proportions indicated in the instructions. Mix everything well.
  • Apply the paint first to one eyebrow.
  • Take a little paints on the brush and apply to the eyebrow, then distribute through all the hairs with a brush.
  • It is necessary to wait a certain time, from about 5 minutes to 20 minutes. It all depends on the color of your eyebrows and on the desired result.
  • After you can do the second eyebrow.
  • When your eyebrows are lightened, do not forget to apply a little cream to soften the skin.

Broving with the help of folk remedies - instructions

At home, you can use not only chemicals, but also folk remedies that are safer. The only minus of tinctures and decoctions of herbs is a slow action and not such a clear result. Most often, girls with blond hair and eyebrows use this way, who only want to light up their eyebrows a little. If you are the owner of coal-black eyebrows, this method will not suit you. The most popular folk remedy is an ordinary field chamomile from which a decoction is prepared.

  • Take 25 grams of chamomile, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Chamomile can be replaced with calendula.
  • Pour 1 cup of water into the container and pour chamomile there. Put everything in a water bath and bring to a boil.
  • Cover the infusion with a lid and put to insist for about 1 hour in a cool place.
  • After cooling, add a few drops of lemon juice to the infusion and apply a cotton swab on the eyebrows.
  • After the procedure, wash your face with warm water.
  • This procedure will have to be repeated for several weeks.

How to lighten or disguise eyebrows with cosmetics

The use of various chemical and folk drugs is not the only way to achieve clarification of your eyebrows. Some girls are not ready to make cardinal changes in their appearance and color eyebrows, especially at home. In this case, the usual decorative cosmetics will help you with the help of which you can mask your natural eyebrow color and give them a lighter shade. Undoubtedly, in the cosmetic bag, every modern girl will find the desired concealer or foundation, as well as ordinary powder or light beige shadows.

  • Clamping with a concealer. Classiles in recent years have become very popular to give the skin the face of smoothness and ideal evenness. This cosmetic product can also be used to mask too dark eyebrows. Apply a little concealer to the brush and draw along your eyebrows, gently combing them and lifting them. After some time, the product will dry out on the hairs and the application of powder will be a further step. Thus, you can get a fairly persistent and natural makeup.
  • Lightening with tonal cream. Each girl chooses tonal cream under her skin tone, so you can easily mask too black eyebrows with it. Take the foundation and apply several layers on your eyebrows. It is necessary to achieve the same shade with the skin. After that, you can draw lighter eyebrows with a brown pencil.
  • Lightening with beige shadows. If your cosmetic bag has shades of beige or ivory shade, then you will easily make yourself a one -time clarification of eyebrows. To do this, take a little shadows with a brush and carefully apply on your eyebrows. After that, the fingers are slightly blended to achieve naturalness.
  • Four the eyebrows using crumbly powder. This cosmetic product is suitable for evening makeup, when it is necessary to create a bright image. In conjunction with bright makeup, slightly bleached eyebrows will look gently and attractive.
  • Lightening with colored gels. Most recently, modern girls have caused color gels for eyebrows, with the help of which you can achieve a variety of shades of your eyebrows. You can purchase such gels in any cosmetic store. It is important to choose the right shade of such a gel, and for this you can use the testers on the spot. On sale you can find not only colored gels, but also gels with a brightening effect. Just apply a gel in several layers and comb with a brush.

How to lighten painted eyebrows at home

Four the eyebrows after painting is the most difficult process and does not always manage to achieve a positive result. Very often it happens that the paint descends, and this is not quite what is needed. Many girls, after dyeing hair in a darker color, in the future, still return to their thoughts to return their, lighter shade. This is easy, but problems arise with eyebrows. After all, they were also painted in the tone of the hair. Most often, in salons or houses, henna is used to stain eyebrows, so girls who want to return the eyebrows a natural shade, the question arises of how to lighten the henna on the eyebrows.

  • You will need a little castor or olive oil. Pour it into a suitable container and warm it a little.
  • Before the procedure, wash your eyebrows thoroughly, you can use soap or shampoo.
  • Wipe the eyebrows dry and with a cotton swab abundantly apply oil on the eyebrows.
  • Within a few hours, give the clock to soak well into all hairs.
  • Next, take a few clean cotton swabs and gradually wipe your eyebrows with them, taking a clean swab each time. In the end, you will see that on every tampon there are traces of paint, which gradually leaves your eyebrows.

Brova lightening after tattooing

In recent years, the eyebrow tattoo procedure has gained particular popularity, which allows you to adjust the shape of the eyebrows if you have certain problems. For this, a coloring pigment is used, which is introduced using a syringe. In this case, not only eyebrows are painted, but also the skin under them. If after the procedure you have doubts or you just did not like a too dark shade, you should not use all the above methods. Firstly, you just need time to get used to the new image, because, of course, the tattoo of eyebrows is his cardinal shift. Secondly, using all ways of lightening in a row, you risk harm to yourself. To change the shade of tattoo or its complete removal, it is necessary to contact a professional only. It is the master with the help of a laser that will help you lighten your eyebrows after tattooing.

Your beauty is in your hands. You should never do rash acts, which you will then regret. To elementarily lighten your eyebrows, it is best to contact a professional. So you will get a quality result and you do not have to look for a huge number of ways and spend your nerves.



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