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Why is the bronchomunal is prescribed. The use of bronchomunal is an instruction. Is it possible to take bronchomunal to children and pregnant women. Analogs of bronchomunal - review

Why is the bronchomunal is prescribed. The use of bronchomunal is an instruction. Is it possible to take bronchomunal to children and pregnant women. Analogs of bronchomunal - review
Bronchomunal - a saving cure for infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. This is not just a medicine, it is a powerful immunomodulator that works as well as a vaccine. And if the vaccine needs to be administered subcutaneously, then this medicine has a convenient form of administration. Read more about how to take bronchomunal, about indications, contraindications and side effects.

With the onset of cold weather, the number of children in kindergartens and schools is sharply reduced. It is difficult to find such a family that children under the age of 12-13 are not sick. Moms have to look for more and more drugs to resist diseases.

Many parents have long chosen medicine No. 1 from cough and colds for themselves - this is a “bronchomunal”, which is always in a family medicine cabinet. Someone from mothers learned about this medicine from the doctor, someone from the Internet, a neighbor or friend prompted someone. So, valuable information was transmitted along the chain that bronchomunal helps with coughing.

Bronchomunal - application

Only a few of the parents own information when it is necessary to give the medicine, what this drug affects and how bronchomunal for children acts.

Many doctors claim that this is not a simple medicine, but a kind of vaccine. Is it so? Let's figure it out. Indeed, the intake of bronchomunal according to the rules is the same vaccine, only in a different form. It does not act like an ordinary vaccine, but softer on the children's body, spurring and tempering.

In the language of experts, the medicine is a therapeutic vaccine, it is an immunotropic drug that differs from a standard vaccine in that there are no living bacteria in the composition. There is a complex in this medicine, consisting of 8 main bacteria (these are lyophilized lizats), which are the pathogens of the respiratory tract.

Bronchomunal, composition:

The main thing that every parent needs to know is that if you take this drug, the body will gradually begin to resist infections and cope with the enemy even without taking antibiotics.

What diseases should be taken by the medicine:

  • any respiratory tract infections (lower/upper);
  • bronchitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • SARS and ARI;
  • rhinitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis.

Among the advantages, it is worth highlighting and one more - you need to use the medicine once during the day, you can before send a child to kindergarten or school.

Bronchomunal for children or adults?

This medicine can be taken as often sick adults and children. The drug is produced in different forms: for adults, the dosage of the main substance (bacteria lizata) will be greater than for children.

Consider both options:

  • Bronchomunal children are allowed to be accepted for children, starting from six months and up to 12 years old. The main active substance in this form of the drug is 3.5 mg, is produced in capsules;
  • adult form of the drug: take children, starting from 12 years of age, 1 capsule once a day. The main active substance in the adult form of the bronchomunal is 7 mg.

This is important: you can’t prescribe a drug yourself, you need to consult with your doctor. He will select the necessary dosage.

How to take bronchomunal

The form of release of the drug: in the blist of 10 blue and white opaque capsules. The name of the medicine is engraved on top of the drug. If you open the capsule, then you will see white/pale cream small granules without smell.

Adult reception scheme:

  • the capsule is drunk in the morning before breakfast (on an empty stomach), drinking a glass of water. If it is difficult to swallow the medicine, then the bronchomunal capsule needs to be opened and pour granular powder into a glass of water, thoroughly stir. It is allowed to dilute the medicine in juice, compote or milk (fluid temperature is not higher than 36-38 degrees);
  • how to drink medicine if a person is ill: prescribed complex treatment, but the reception scheme is not changed. You need to drink a capsule every day for 1.5 weeks (a maximum of 10 days);
  • if you need to repeat the course of treatment, then you need to take a break of 3 weeks and again take a ten -day course. After a break, 20-21 days you need to go through the third course of treatment again. It turns out that in order to prevent infectious diseases, the course will last 3 months.

The attending physician will recommend that you start taking an immunomodulator no later than in mid -July, in order to just meet the autumn aggravation in full -armed.

The diagram of taking the drug for children does not differ from adults, in the capsule once a day. Small children need to mix the powder from the capsule in a bottle of juice, milk, compote or water. The medicine has no taste and aroma, so it will not change the taste of milk or other drink.

You need to give medicine strictly on an empty stomach! Drink according to the same scheme as adults, no more than 10 days the course, then a break and a repeated course. For frequent children, the reception scheme does not differ, only the number of courses is increased by 1 larger.

Is it possible to take bronchomunal often?

Many parents are so encouraged by the fact that their child, after the medicine, will not hurt, that they are ready to give the drug every time as soon as the child coughs or sneezes. These are wrong actions. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the instructions and take bronchomunal for prevention only with a course with a break of 20-21 days.

If there is a need to return to this drug when 3 courses of medication have already been passed, in this case it is necessary to replace this drug with another immunomodulator.

Reception with antibiotics. Yes or not? The medicine is compatible with any drugs and even antibiotics. Therefore, if necessary, the drug Bronchomunal can be taken along with antibiotic therapy.

Another feature: the bronchomunal is compatible with alcohol, such a technique will not bring harm to the body, but there will be little good. If you drink every day, for example, a glass of alcohol at dinner and take an immunomodulator, there will be no benefit, since alcohol neutralizes the effect of this drug.

Bronchomunal: Indications and contraindications

The tasks set with which this drug easily copes:

  • strengthening immunity;
  • decrease in infectious diseases of the respiratory system;
  • relief of the course of the disease;
  • the ability to refuse to prescribe and take antibiotics in infectious diseases.

Are there any contraindications? The drug is harmless, “friends” well with other drugs, but still there are restrictions.


  • age up to 6 months;
  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy;
  • feeding a newborn breast.

As for the bearing of a child, in this state, a woman is aggravated by all diseases, the body tries to adapt to a new position and works with increased load. And since there were no clinical studies in pregnant women, it was impossible to say for sure how the body of the future mommy will react to the intake of the immunomodulator. Therefore, doctors try to play it safe and do not prescribe this drug to pregnant women in the first trimester, and in 2 and 3 trimesters - intake is possible, but only in case of emergency. For the same reason, it is undesirable to drink capsules and nursing young mothers. If you can’t do without the medicine, the baby must be translated temporarily to feeding mixtures from the bottle.

The side effects of the bronchopome: the medicine is well tolerated by both children and adults. But sometimes it is possible to manifest unpleasant symptoms: it is nausea and even vomiting, abdominal pain, liquid chair. If you have these symptoms, it is undesirable to stop taking the drug. After some time, everything will fall into place.

There were cases when some patients had an allergic reaction. This is the case when doctors talk about individual intolerance to the drug.
If the reaction is severe, redness, rashes appeared on the skin, the body temperature increased, you need to stop taking the medicine. After the cancellation of the bronchomunal, everything is normalized.

Analogs of bronchomunal

An analogue of bronchomunal for children is widespread the drug "Bronkhovaks" (taking strictly from 6 months of age!), The composition is almost the same, take according to the above scheme. A popular analogue is “Ribomunil”, this drug is also taken according to the instructions.

There is another analogue of the immunomodulator-this is “immunity”, it can be accepted for children, starting from the age of 3, and the analogue of the Likopid is designed for children, starting from birth.

But to the question of what is better: Bronchomunal or its analogues, a specialist will answer, who will prescribe the desired drug, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

Bronchomunal: Reviews of doctors

How many specialists, so many opinions can be, but in general, most pediatricians and therapists are positive about this drug. They recommend taking medicine in courses for prevention or if the disease has not been avoided, in combination with other drugs. And here, based on the information presented on the forum of Dr. Komarovsky, Bronchomunal falls under stormy discussions. Some experts for the joint administration of drugs, antibiotics and immunomodulator, others categorically against. But what do parents of often sick children think?

We will find out reviews about Bronchomunal:

« I have two daughters, almost 6 years and 3.5 years old. Often we get sick, prepare the elder to school and worry that due to illness it will skip classes. The doctor advised to drink bronchomunal with the course, we had 2 courses and we forgot about the diseases! Thanks for the advice of our pediatrician and for such a good drug". Olga, 26 years old.

« Son 7, gets sick almost from birth. In the fall, they generally hurt, took tests, signed up for an appointment with a private clinic, and there they advised us bronchomunal. We drank, 2 courses, but just started after the abolition of antibiotics (as the doctor advised). Six months have passed and we have never got sick! Now I hope only for this miracle-eleasy!»Hope, 32 years old.

« The daughters are soon 18, we are sick several times a year, we are seriously recovering. Every time she picks up a new “sore”, I can’t sleep at night, I think everything is how to help her. We even switched to home schooling to keep up. We drank vitamins, dietary supplements, all in vain, got to a good doctor at the appointment, and he prescribed Bronchomunal. We drank 10 days 3 times with a break of 3 weeks. During this time, I did not hurt, I hope for a miracle and really want to forget about the nightmare that we experienced with her". Victoria, 42 years old.

« We observe the mode, ventilate the room, use the humidifier. I’m not dripping a child, we walk a lot. Starting from 7 months, they often began to hurt against the background of erupted teeth, this coincided with moving to another city. Now we often get sick and would not know what to do if the pediatrician had not advised this drug. We drank 2 courses, hurt once, but in a mild form". Marina, 24 years old.

Bronchomunal. Instructions

The drug directed, a powerful immunomodulator, activates the protective functions of the body, is prescribed for viral infections and for prevention.

It is produced only in capsules, so there will be no bronchomunal syrup, as well as bronchomunal tablets on sale.

How to accept:

  • adults 1 capsule, washed down in the morning before meals;
  • children are also on the capsule (the children's form of the drug “Bronchomunal P”), also once, dissolving the powder in the at room temperature fluid. Older children can try to swallow the capsule, washed down with water. Also, the reception is only on an empty stomach.

For the purpose of prevention, the drug is taken for 10 days, then a break of 3-4 weeks (at the discretion of the attending physician)-3 courses.

During illness - 1 capsule every day in the morning until the disease retreats, but not more than 10 days. Then it is possible to take the drug in order to prevent courses for 10 days (2 courses).


  • pregnancy and feeding the baby;
  • children's age up to six months;
  • individual intolerance.

Features of the reception: In the first few days, relief of the chair, nausea and vomiting is possible. Taking the drug along with other oral vaccines is undesirable, it is necessary to maintain a pause for 4 weeks, then proceed to the preventive use of capsules.

Compatible with any drugs, including antibiotics.

Without the recommendation of a doctor, Bronchomunal cannot be taken. Do not treat and be healthy!



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