
Hair is electrified, what to do?

Hair is electrified, what to do?
Clean and well-groomed hair is a dream for every woman. But what to do if hair is electrified? How to help them return attractiveness and health?

Probably there is not a single person who at least once in life has not experienced hair. Because of this phenomenon, we experience discomfort and inconvenience, as the hair becomes end, lipped to clothes and hands, but they look not well-groomed and untidy. At the same time, someone has hair only in the cold season when there is a need for a headdress, and someone suffers from static electricity all year round. That is why people often refuse to shoot headwear in the room - especially when it is not possible to put the heads in order.

Hair is electrified: reasons

If you wondered why the hair is electrified, it means that this trouble did not bypass you. In fact, knowing the reason why static electrification occurs, you can try to do everything possible to reduce such circumstances "No."

If people have electrified hair often - almost always, this phenomenon needs to be eliminated, as it will acquire a global character: the hair will become endless, not only in the cold season under the cap, but also in warm when the headdress is not worn.

Each case of hair electrification is individual. It is necessary to analyze which care at the hair and which state of the body as a whole, and then - to exclude a factor for a factor in order to objectively assess the situation.


Most often, hair is electrified due to the fact that:

  1. The body lacks vitamins.
  2. The hair alone is dry, weak and brittle.
  3. On the street cold wind.
  4. On the street too dry wind.
  5. On the street, raw: it is raining or snow.
  6. The hair is washed with hot water (or rinsed with hot water).
  7. Hair is subject to fair drying, and even a poor-quality hairdryer.
  8. The hair does not fit the cosmetics: the shampoos, air conditioners, balsams, masks, etc. are incorrectly selected.
  9. In the room too dry air.
  10. Synthetic heads, which "charge" with hair with electricity.

These are the most basic factors, "thanks" to which hair is electrified. If you are thoroughly one at one silent all the negative moments, then you will understand the reasons for which the hair becomes end. And if you still start to care for your hair correctly, then very soon the hair will be transformed, and you will forget about all the troubles and the annoyance, which was tested by removing the headdress.


Heavily electrified hair: how to help?

To remove static electricity immediately, you need "just" to know some secrets. Moreover, it does not matter how often such "troubles" is often happening: all the time or this is the first time - the tips will help in any case, as soon as the curls unexpectedly begin to beat the current or stick together in a row.

So, if you need to cope with electrified hair, try these faithful ways:

  1. The antistatic is a great remedy for hair that stands. It is enough to handle strands, and then - to smooth.
  2. If you do not have an antistatics, use ordinary or mineral water. Actions are all the same: sprinkle on the hair, smooth, combing.
  3. A good facility for electrified hair - beer or kvass. Use the tool just as conventional water, but the effect of beer or kvass is longer due to sugar.
  4. On the comb shall apply hair lacquer, go through her hair.
  5. On the hands of the cream (any - for the body, for hands, for legs, etc.) after which they have hands on the hair.
  6. If you have no girlfriend at your disposal, you can simply get into your hands (folding them with a boat), and then spend your hair with your hands.

Of course, all these methods, as if the "wand-cutting" - they will help you one - the second or third time, but if the electrified hair is accompanied by often, it is better to think about why this happens and eliminate the problem. Thanks to this, you will noticeably alleviate yourself (and your hair, of course) life.


What to do so that the hair does not electrify?

As soon as the method of trial and errors, you will find the reason that leads to the electrification of the hair, you can eliminate it, after which your strands will have a normal state.

In the event that the hair is prone to electrification, follow these tips:


  1. Before you wear a cap or hat, you need to smoke the comb with several drops of rose oil (one more tool - lavender oil), after which it is combing hair. These essential oils are an excellent natural tool from hair electrification.
  2. Carefully examine all the means that you have home care houses. The problem is that the skin slopes are thin, dry and brittle, sometimes secant at the ends. If this plus you have a shampoo "inappropriate" for your hair type, then everything becomes in its place - the reason for electrification is precisely in this.
  3. Discard the habit of washing your head with hot water. Most often, it is precisely because of this. Wash your head with warm water, and rinse the cool (room temperature).
  4. Try as much as possible to dry your hair with a hairdryer - let it happen naturally. If you need a special laying, buy yourself a good high quality hair dryer, and make sure that the air ionization function necessarily has. If such a "service" is not provided, you should not even spend money on such a thing. First, this hairdryer cannot be used to use, as it will only worsen the condition of the hair - they will electrify even more, and secondly, you will only spend in vain money, because in the end you will have to buy another tool.
  5. Refuse breaks from plastic and plastics. Remember the school lessons of physics - such materials enhance electrocation. Get a hairbrush from wood (ideally - birch, oak, cedar). Or from Ebonite. For such hair, which often become end, these are the best options.
  6. Choose a headdress for yourself, which is created from natural fabrics, refuse synthetics.
  7. Watch that the head is not cold in winter or hot - in summer, as this is also one of the reasons for standing hair end.
  8. If you are placing your hair with wax or foam, choose such a means that the composition has some antistatic ingredients.
  9. In the spring and autumn, it is necessary to take a course of polyvitamins - they not only charge the body with energy, but also positively will affect the hair condition.
  10. If you spend a lot of time indoors, you need to purchase an air humidifier - this is a great opportunity to "feed" hair.
  11. Try to drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day!

In addition to these simple tips, you should use masks that not only remove static electricity, but also help make hair smooth, shiny and smooth. And most importantly - perfect obedient!


Electric hair: What to do at home?

Your hair is strongly electrified - it's time to do special masks! Performing these recommendations twice a week, you can completely get rid of such a problem as static hair electricity. As soon as you see a positive trend, you can refuse one procedure - do masks once a week.

Change masks - their composition can be swelt. On top, you definitely wrap your head with cellophane and handkerchief. As a means for washes, it is possible to use quite non-standard solutions, for example, a solution of lemon juice or water with vinegar, it is possible to use beer or mineral water, but only strictly without gas.


  1. Mago mask. Take 2 tbsp Mago puree, 50 g kefir (very desirable high fat, but sour milk is suitable), raw yolk. Carefully, but carefully indiscriminate the mixture and apply on the hair. Leave half an hour.
  2. Mask with honey. Take 2 tbsp Honey and 2 tbsp. olive oil. Melt in a water bath. Add raw yolk. Apply for half an hour.
  3. Mask with vitamin A. Take 2 tbsp. Grape Oil (as a replacement, you can use castor or refill oil), 2 tbsp. Honey, 2 raw yolks. Heat on a water bath. Add liquid vitamin A - Retinol ampoule. Apply on the hair, wait 30 minutes.
  4. Mask on cognac. Take 1 tbsp. Castorca (castor oil), raw yolk and 2 tbsp. Cognac. Apply for 30 minutes.

In the event that you are strictly followed by the rules described above, you will not give up the right hair care (especially if there is a tendency to electrification), that is, a huge chance of getting rid of this insidious problem. Your hair will be smooth and obedient, well, and a beautiful hairstyle will be provided with you at any time of the year: both in winter and summer.


What to do if the hair is electrified. Video


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