
How to make a heart from paper with your own hands. Stencils and templates for the heart from paper. How to make a voluminous heart of paper. Origami heart from paper in stages

How to make a heart from paper with your own hands. Stencils and templates for the heart from paper. How to make a voluminous heart of paper. Origami heart from paper in stages
How to make a beautiful heart from paper with your own hands. How to make origami heart from paper: ideas, templates, photos, stencils. How to make a voluminous heart of paper.

A do -it -yourself paper heart will be a great surprise for a loved one and dear person. Such a craft can be made both for the holiday, and just to raise the mood on any day. After all, the craft in the form of a red heart is the personification of love, passion and tenderness. In this article, we will consider several options for manufacturing paper hearts in various techniques. 

How to make a heart from paper

Origami heart from paper

In order to make a heart from paper with your own hands in the technique of origami, you will need just the dexterity of your hands, attentiveness and a piece of colored paper. Consider step -by -step instructions:

  • cut an arbitrary square from colored paper. Bend the square in the middle, expand and bend in the middle in the other direction. Again, turn the square and bend its lower part to the middle, where the fold line passes;
  • bend the lower edge of the workpiece towards the center of the square;
  • turn your workpiece over;
  • the right and left lower corners bend towards the vertical line of the fold;
  • turn the workpiece again;
  • bend the workpiece in half;
  • in the lower part of the workpiece on the right and left sides, bend the “ears”;
  • on the "ears" bend one of the sides to make squares;
  • to give smoothness to the lines, bend the sharp corners of the "ears";
  • now turn the workpiece over. You will see a heart that has a “cloak” behind. If you turn this free piece of paper into an accordion, you will get romantic wings for your heart.

Origami heart-converted paper

In the technique of origami, you can also try to make a heart in the form of an envelope. You can give your loved one a ring, a pendant, a bracelet or just a romantic note in such a converting. In order for the craft to get perfectly even, arm yourself with a ruler with which you can iron the fold lines.

  1. Select the colored paper of the desired color, cut off an arbitrary square. Bend the square in 2-uh diagonals, and then expand. You should get the fold lines that will help to symmetrically make the heart.
  2. Bend the upper corner of the square towards the center and expand.
  3. Now bend first the square of the square first, expand, then bend the second side and turn again.
  4. Now bend the lower corner of the square so that the corner reaches the intersection of all the fold lines that you have already made at the previous stages.
  5. In the lower part of the workpiece you should get an even edge. Bend the right and left corner of the workpiece so that they reach the place of intersection of the fold lines that you make at the previous stages. Expand them.
  6. Expand completely the entire square.
  7. Bend the right and left corners to the intersection of the fold lines, which is indicated in the figure.
  8. Bend the upper angle of the workpiece to the center. Bend the lower corner to the intersection of the fold lines, which is indicated in the figure. Now you can see the outlines of the envelope.
  9. It remains to give the envelope the shape of the heart. Focusing on the fold lines, bend the side upper and lower corners of the workpiece.
  10. Turn the workpiece over. A romantic heart in the form of an envelope is ready.

A voluminous heart of paper. Option 1

Bright voluminous paper hearts are great for creating a festive decor, jewelry for a romantic dinner, etc. To make the simplest volumetric hearts you need colored paper, scissors, glue and very little free time.

Let's get down to work:

  • choose the paper of the color that is more pleasant to you. You can make only one heart, but you can do several. In this case, you can take paper in different shades;
  • if it is difficult for you to be handed by hand, then use a template to create a heart from paper. The template can be cut out of the newspaper, magazine or printed;
  • with the help of scissors, cut a heart from colored paper;
  • now you need to make a small incision between the protruding upper parts of the heart;
  • connect the cut parts of the heart in the back with your fingers. So you can see that the workpiece instantly acquired the volume;
  • now it remains to fix the parts that you hold your fingers. Apply a drop of PVA glue and glue the parts. As can be seen from the photo, such voluminous hearts look especially spectacular when there are a lot of them. They can decorate the wall, toilet table, festive table, etc.

A voluminous heart of paper. Option 2

There is another very interesting way to create a heart that will look much more voluminous than the previous option.

  1. Using a ruler and a simple heart template, draw the following scheme that can be seen in the photo. On both sides of a long strip, on both sides of which there are small labels for gluing, there are 2 hearts.
  2. Paper for creating such a volumetric heart can be as one -sided, so color on both sides.
  3. Bend up all the side shortcuts on a long strip of paper.
  4. Now you just need to collect a kind of box, fixing its sides with glue. Until the heart is completely collected, at this stage you can put some souvenir or note inside. The volumetric heart is ready.

Corrugated paper

An unusual festive decor in the form of a heart can be made of corrugated paper. To create a craft, you will need corrugated paper pink, red or other color, foam, glue.

  • Corporal paper must be cut into small squares of the same size.
  • Prepare the basis for our heart. From thin foam or very dense cardboard we cut out a through heart with a stationery knife and scissors.
  • Next, we take one square, in the center of which we put the back of the pencil. Bend the edges of the square in the direction up to make a peculiar flower.

  • Now, on a flat base of a small blank from corrugated paper, apply a drop of glue and attach it to the base-heart. Your task is to cover the entire surface of the heart with such small flowers. First you can paste your heart around the edges, and then start filling the interior space. It is very important that the blanks made of corrugated paper are located as close as possible to each other, so that there are no white prophesivers between them.
  • After the entire surface of the heart is pasted with blanks made of corrugated paper, using scissors, cut the protruding parts of the paper that create an uneven surface.

  • The spectacular heart is almost ready. If you want to make your craft even larger, then make the support on which the heart will hold. A wire that needs to be wrapped with a green satin ribbon can act as a support. Attach the support to the heart. Now build a small pot from which your heart will “grow”. The top of the pot or cup also decorate with corrugated paper, but already green, which will imitate the grass. To fix the heart on the stand in the pot, tie a small bow to mask the place of fastening of the support to the heart. The charming craft is ready.

A4 paper heart

Now consider the instructions for creating a heart from a sheet of A4 paper. Make a heart from paper according to the scheme:

  • we take an ordinary sheet of A4 white or other color A4;
  • we bend the right upper corner to the left, press the fold line well and lay it out;
  • now we bend the left upper corner to the right, tightly press and lay out the sheet;
  • you should get such a sheet with cross -line folding lines;
  • the resulting triangles along the right and left sides must be tucked under the bottom so that the triangular top of the leaf is obtained;

  • we bend the lower right corner of the triangle to the top;
  • the lower left corner of the triangle in the same way bend towards the top of the triangle;
  • we bend the right side of the sheet under the triangle towards the center of the workpiece;
  • we do the same with the left side of the sheet under the triangle;
  • we turn the workpiece over;
  • we bend the lower part of the workpiece half;

  • now bend down the upper part of the triangle at the top of the workpiece;
  • you should get an envelope shape. We bend the lower right corner of the workpiece towards the middle and insert the corner into a curled triangular valve;
  • now we bend the left corner of the envelope to the middle and insert the corner into a small triangular valve;
  • at the top of the workpiece we have 2 separate corners. Bend them down, first the right corner;
  • then bend down the left corner;
  • turn the workpiece over. A beautiful heart is ready.

Card-hearted paper

Even a preschooler will cope with the creation of such a simple card with a heart. Consider the procedure for the manufacture of heart from paper in stages:

  • take thick colored paper or cardboard. The dimensions of the paper depend on what size the card you want to get;
  • bend the paper so that the book is obtained;
  • now you need to draw a few hearts on paper in bright color. The paper must be double -sided, and the hearts should be the same;
  • the lower side of the first heart must be completely smeared with glue and attached in the middle of the postcard;
  • to all subsequent hearts, glue is applied only with a thin line in the middle. The edges of the hearts should remain free, recalling the pages of the book;
  • a romantic cord-heart is ready. It remains only to leave memorable inscriptions, confessions, emoticons, pleasant words that can be placed directly on hearts.

Paper flowers

What could be romantic than flowers and images of hearts? You can combine these romantic attributes in one craft, the creation of which will not take much time.

  1. First you need to prepare the base in the form of a heart on which you will stick paper flowers. As a material for such a basis, you can choose a very dense cardboard or foam. Transfer the image of a through heart to the selected material and cut it out with scissors and a clerical knife.
  2. If the base is ready, then we proceed to the most time -consuming stage of manufacturing crafts - the creation of paper flowers. You can choose any method of making flowers from paper. The fastest way is to tighten the long wavy strip of paper into the flower. You should get a miniature rose.
  3. Now we begin to fix paper flowers on the entire surface of the heart. Place the blanks as tightly as possible so that there are no gaps between them.
  4. To make the heart look more magnificent, we make miniature leaflets from green paper of green. In order for the leaflets to look voluminous, make a small longitudinal incision at the base of each and glue parts of the leaf with glue. Place the finished leaves along the contour of the heart.
  5. Using small beads, decorate the middle of each flower. A romantic heart of paper flowers is ready. It can be hung on a beautiful tape and decorated with it a room.

Big heart from paper

If you want to surprise your loved one not just with your heart, but with a huge heart, then you can do this, following a simple instruction:

  • to create a huge heart, you will need a large cardboard box. Perhaps you have preserved packaging from the TV, refrigerator or from another large object;
  • draw a large heart on cardboard with a simple pencil;
  • now, with the help of large scissors or a clerical knife, it is necessary to cut the heart;
  • so that our craft looks not just huge, but also voluminous, we will make peculiar “sides” that will give the craft the thickness. Attach the "sides" to the heart with tape;

  • the basis of a huge heart is ready. Now you can start decorating. Choose any method described in this article. You can decorate such a huge heart with small flowers made of corrugated paper, you can make paper roses, volumetric leaves, etc.


Only from 2 pieces of colored paper of different colors you can make a simple, but spectacular heart. The "highlight" of this craft is the interweaving of paper of contrasting colors.

  1. Choose color paper 2 contrasting and bright colors. You can choose black and white paper, yellow and blue, green and yellow, black and red, etc. In this craft, paper of red and yellow is used.
  2. Make 2 "scallop" from colored paper. First draw a rectangle where one smaller side is rounded. Then draw longitudinal lines with a pencil, along which then you need to make cuts.
  3. Place one workpiece on the second cross and begin to weave free stripes in a checkerboard pattern.
  4. So that such a wicker heart from colored paper does not scatter, fix it with glue in some places.

3D heart from paper

Consider step -by -step instructions for creating a postcard with 3D heart inside.

  1. Prepare a sheet of thick paper in red.
  2. Bend the sheet half.
  3. Now you need to draw a heart in the middle of the postcard. If it’s hard for you to draw by hand, then use the template. You will need 3 heart templates - large, medium and small.
  4. Move the drawing to the card. You should get a large heart, a smaller heart should be located inside it, in the middle of which there will be the smallest heart. The thickness of each heart should be the same.
  5. Using a pencil, outline the site on the right and left sides of each of the hearts, which will not need to be cut.
  6. Place the postcard on a hard surface, which is not a pity to damage with a clerical knife.
  7. With a knife, make cuts along the lines on the upper and lower part of all 3-hearts.
  8. Now you need to bend the hearts in the middle. The largest and smallest heart is bent in the direction of "to themselves." The volumetric 3D heart inside the postcard is ready.
  9. The edges of the postcard can be decorated with rhinestones, sequins. Also, do not forget to leave a romantic confession.

Heart from paper and sweets

Sweets are also a very common gift. Using simple materials, you can make an unusual wreath in the form of a heart using sweets. Consider the instructions:

  • to begin with, select a suitable dense material to create the base in the form of a heart on which sweets will be attached. It can be cardboard, foam or other similar material;
  • cut through a through heart with the help of scissors and a stationery knife;

  • after the basis for our craft is ready, you need to wrap it with a decorative tape of a bright color. Since the color of love is traditionally considered red, we chose a saturated red tape with a golden edging;
  • fix the end of the tape with a stapler;

  • now we proceed to fix sweets on our basis. It is most convenient to fasten the candies of a classic oblong shape in a wrap. Use a stapler;

  • after all the sweets are fixed on the heart, build a small loop from the tape, thanks to which you can hang your craft on the wall, for example;


  • to give your heart a great festival out of sweets, tie bows from a golden tape between sweets. The romantic souvenir is ready.

Paper's heart - stencil

If you do not really know how to draw, then you can bless your heart from paper, then cut it out. Such a template can then be used to draw hearts on various surfaces. Below are excellent options for hearts to cut out of paper.

Hearts from paper - video

Now you know how to make beautiful hearts from paper, how to make hearts from paper flowers, sweets, various crafts of paper, hearts in origami technique. Creative inspiration!



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