
How to clean the toilet. Cleaning products for toilet - review. Effective folk remedies to clean the toilet

How to clean the toilet. Cleaning products for toilet - review. Effective folk remedies to clean the toilet
How to clean the toilet. Review of effective cleaning agents for cleaning toilet bowl. Folk remedies for cleaning the toilet from the blade.

Cleaning and disinfecting toilet bowl is very important not only for a pleasant appearance of the bathroom, but also for the safety of using plumbing. It happens that the toilet is not so easy to clean. The blade, plaque and dark spots in the area of \u200b\u200bthe drain tank are hard enough to wash. Fortunately, experienced hostesses have several proven methods and toilet facilities in reserve. In our current article, you will find information on how to correctly clean the toilet to the chemicals and folk remedies.

How to clean the toilet

Bathroom is a business card of each mistress. Agree, very unpleasant, going to the bathroom, see the dirty toilet, which is spreading an unpleasant fragrance around the room. Despite the fact that cleaning the toilet is not the most pleasant thing, it takes only a few minutes, depending on the complexity of pollution.

It is necessary to clean the toilet after each emptying of the stomach, but the general cleaning of this plumbing agent must be made as contaminated. If there is no visible contaminants, then the disinfection of the toilet is needed, in order not to develop harmful bacteria. All parts of the toilet are needed in processing, and not only its inner part. Let's figure it out in more detail how to properly clean each detail of the toilet.

Clean the toilet inside

The inner part of the toilet is the place where the bacteria multiply in geometric progression. Even if the plumbing is clear, it needs to be systematically disinfected. For this purpose, it is possible to use dry, liquid or gel-like detergent, as well as use the folk cleaning method.

So, clean the toilet from the inside in stages:

  1. Remove water from the siphon. To do this, vanatoux or ordinary raggy rhythmically push the water inside the pipe. Just a few minutes to completely dry the siphon.
  2. Put the rubber gloves.
  3. Add the selected tool inside the toilet, trying to process as close as possible to the rim.
  4. Leave the tool for several hours.
  5. Ershik or a special brush for cleaning the toilet bowl thoroughly wipe the entire inner surface of the plumbing unit. Special attention should be paid to the area under the rim and siphon. It is these zones that are more susceptible to pollution.
  6. Rock the toilet.
  7. Again, pass through the inside of the rash or a special brush, in order to remove the remnants of the detergent.
  8. Rock the toilet to remain clean water without foam.

Clean the flutter toilet bowl from the inside

Few people know that the drain tank inside also needs cleaning. You can make such a cleaning every 1-2 months. This periodicity is enough to remove the flare and other residues of the stagnant water.

How to clean the drain tank inside:

  1. Discharge water.
  2. Swing the water from the tank.
  3. Unscrew the valve on the top cover of the tank.
  4. Remove the lid from the drain tank.
  5. Put on house cleaning gloves.
  6. Apply a dry, liquid or gel toilet to clean the toilet bowl on a wet cloth.
  7. Treat the inner walls of the tank. Making cleansing, be very careful not to damage the design for washing.
  8. Open the valve to start the water supply.
  9. Wait until the tank is filled with water.
  10. Discharge water.
  11. Swing the water from the tank.
  12. Clean a clean damp cloth along the inner surface of the tank.
  13. Open the water supply.
  14. Close the tank with a lid and wrap the valve.
  15. Wash the water to remove the remnants of the detergent from the inner walls of the tank.

Clean the toilet outside

Clear the toilet outside is not so difficult, but you need to know some subtleties of proper cleaning. The outer surface of the toilet is fairly easy to process, due to the material from which this plumbing is manufactured.

How to clean the toilet outside:

  1. Outside the toilet bowl, under the rim, find the valves in order to remove the lid.
  2. Remove the cover from the toilet bowl.
  3. Jump gloves for home cleaning.
  4. Moisten a rag with water.
  5. Come on with a damp cloth over the entire outer surface of the toilet.
  6. Moisten a rag with alcohol.
  7. Process the surface of the toilet with a rag moistened with alcohol.
  8. Wipe the dry outer surface of the toilet.

My cover toilet bowl

The toilet cover is part of a plumbing device, which in no case cannot be neglected. The thing is that it is it that it directly contacts the body, and the spray after the drain can provoke the development of bacteria on the surface of this unit.

How to wash the toilet cover:

  1. Under the rim from the outside of the unit, unscrew the screws.
  2. Remove the cover from the toilet bowl.
  3. Water cover with water.
  4. Jump gloves.
  5. Apply detergent on the wet sponge.
  6. Walk to the sponge on all the surfaces of the cover, do not forget about the place of attachment.
  7. Abundant jet of water Wash the detergent from the surface of the cover.
  8. Wipe the cover dry well absorbing rag.
  9. Screw the lid into place.

After such a sink, your toilet will shine clean and freshness, and its use will be safe.

It is worth noting that the sponges used need to be erased after the first use. The best option is to rinse them with a washing agent in the maximum hot water.

Effective toilet cleaning products

It is important not just cleaning the toilet bowl, but its processing with a special cleaning agent that disinfects the plumbing. Today there are a huge amount of such funds. They differ in composition and, of course, pricing policy.

According to the reviews of cleaning products for toilet bowls, you can allocate several most effective. It is considered. What is the best clean toilet chlorine tools. However, today it is better to cope with such a task precisely without chlorine for toilet bowls. Basically, such products are manufactured based on hydrochloric or oxalic acid. Also a popular basis is a mixture of different acids.

Cleaning gels for toilet suits are most popular among consumers. They have a powerful formula and effectively purify pollution and disinfect the unit, enveloping all the walls.

Clean the toilet with hydrochloric acid

Based on hydrochloric acid, a wide range of toilet facilities are manufactured from different manufacturers. If you are wondering than to clean the toilet from the blade, then take the note on our next list.

  1. Toilet gel "Cillit BanglimeAndrust". This tool received the maximum number of positive responses. Thanks to the manufacture on the basis of sufficiently aggressive inorganic acid, Cillit BanglimeAndrust perfectly copes with a limescale and rust. Of the minuses, you can note the high cost and lack of protection against children.
  2. Gel "Toilet duckling 5 in 1". Very effective gel at a relatively low cost. As part of the toilet duckling, the concentration of hydrochloric acid is somewhat lower than that of the Silita, but it is able to cope with even "difficult" pollution. In addition, thanks to the special nozzle, it is simple enough and convenient to apply under the beet of the toilet. Of the minuses, you can note a smaller delicacy and smell that do not like many.
  3. Domestos 100% Green / Pink Toilet Gel. This gel is the most common and popular due to relatively low cost and efficiency. The gel is concentrated, and therefore quite economical. It is worth noting that the Domasestos copes well with the blade and bloom and can remove them without much friction. The disadvantage of this means is a very caustic smell and frequent allergic reactions from users.

Clean the toilet with other acids

Undoubtedly, the most popular acid for cleaning the toilet bowl is salt. Despite this, the manufacturers of cleaning agents for the toilet are not rarely used by other acids and even mix them. We clean the toilet from the raid and the stone with the following means.

  1. Gel "Somom 7 days of purity". This product is produced based on sulfuric acid, and therefore requires special security measures. Comet is perfectly fighting with any kind of pollution, it is especially good, it removes lime deposits. According to users, after using this tool, the toilet remains clean and shining. Minus is a very caustic smell and relatively dangerous pairs.
  2. Toilet gel "Stork Sanoks Ultra". This is a cheap tool no worse than others copes with various contaminants. It is made on the basis of sulfamine and oxalic acid. It is also worth noting that the stork has a pleasant smell, compared with the competitors. Of the minuses - not sufficiently thick, does not have a convenient to apply spout and protection against children.
  3. "Sanita Antirushavina". This gel based on the mixture of acids will have to the hostess, who want to remove rust and yellow raid. The tool performed perfectly even in the most launched cases, despite the low cost. Of the minuses, you can call the absence of the curved nose and the duration of the mechanical processing for a good gel action.
  4. Gel "Faberlic Purifier toilet bowls". Such a gel is made on the basis of orthophosphorus and glycolic acids. Such a composition is considered a fairly safe, but excellent fighter with lime and rust. It is noteworthy that the gel is practically no smell and smells of freshness after use. Cons - very thick, it does not cope with the solar pollution, high cost.
  5. Gel for plumbing "Sarma". Sarma is produced on the basis of oxalic acid and is inexpensive. This agent acts carefully and efficiently, leaving a pure white toilet for a long time. It does not have an unpleasant smell, leaving the aroma of freshness. Him minuses - poorly copes with a limescale and resistant stains.

Clean the toilet chlorom

Chlorine-containing toilet cleaning agents also take place on our list. They perfectly disinfected the surface of the toilet and whiten the plumbing as it is impossible. In addition, cheap products are cheap enough.

  1. Toilet gel "SanFor Universal". Sanphor is well suited for disinfection, whitening and destruction of black mold on plumbing units. In addition, this gel expects fats well and effectively eliminates rust. Minus - the sad smell of "Chlorks".
  2. Plumbing liquid "White". White is familiar to us from Soviet times. Today it is also popular for cleaning plumbing. This remedy copes well with black mold and rust. In addition, it perfectly disinfects the surface of the toilet. Cons - caustic smell, bad struggles with old pollution and can damage the enamel toilet.

Folk remedies for cleaning toilet

The folk remedies for cleaning the toilet are familiar not to all, but it happens, they are they who get out at the most inopportune moment.

We clean the toilet soda

Effective cleaning agent for toilet bowls - ordinary food soda. Yes, yes, do not be surprised, it is soda. Sodium carbonate has long been famous for its cleaners. In addition, the soda is safe and does not have a tangible smell.

How to clean the toilet soda:

  1. Push up a glass of food soda into the bowl of toilet bowl. Try to make the remedy on all areas inside the unit.
  2. Follow the toilet bowl from the inside by vinegar so that the reaction is "hissing".
  3. Leave the tool for 30 minutes.
  4. After time, process the toilet with a rash or a special brush for cleaning the toilet bowl.
  5. Wash the remedy with a drain tank.

Clean the toilet bowl of vinegar

This agent is also made on the basis of soda and vinegar, the difference is that vinegar acts as the main ingredient. According to users, such a tool is very effectively fighting with all pollution and helps the toilet to become snow-white.

How to clean the toilet with vinegar:

  1. Glass of table vinegar Heat to a temperature of 40 degrees.
  2. Add to vinegar 2 h. L soda.
  3. Pour problem areas with a solution.
  4. Leave agent for 8 hours.
  5. Wash the vinegar with warm water.
  6. To lower the water from the tank, removing the remnants of the means.

Clean the toilet

Kaka-Cola - perfectly cleans the toilet from the blade. You are not mistaken, it is Coca-Cola. This method is quite effective, you will try and you will be surprised by a stunning result.

How to clean the toilet Coca-Cola:

  1. 4 liters of Coca-Cola Pour the toilet, paying particular attention to problem areas.
  2. Leave a tool for 4 hours.
  3. Throw to a toilet brush.
  4. Wash off

Clean the toilet with citric acid

Lemon acid is a simple and cheap tool for cleaning the toilet bowl. It is easy enough to use it - it is enough to pour the means inside the toilet.

How to clean the toilet with citric acid:

  1. Limonic acid bag (2-3 cent. L) pour into the drain tank.
  2. At the same amount, pour into the toilet.
  3. Leave the tool for several hours.
  4. Watch the toilet brush.
  5. Remove twice toilet.

Toilet care products

It is important not only to brush the toilet in a timely manner, but also everywhere to care for him. Various factory production facilities will help to overcome the unpleasant smell and disinfect plumbing. You can select those.

Toilet cleaning tablets

Tablets for toilet are placed in a plum tank of a plumbing unit. There, they gradually dissolve, painting water and disinfecting it. Tablets for toilet refresh to the toilet, possess an antibacterial effect, prevent complex contamination.

The composition of the cleaning agent for the toilet bowl is mainly not different from manufacturers. Tablets for toilet contain:

  • non-ionic surfactants;
  • anionic surfactants;
  • dye;
  • aromatizer, etc.

Manufacturers of such tablets there is a sufficient amount. The most popular:

  • BREF;
  • Blu;
  • Colorado;
  • Tytan Blu Water;
  • Agent Max Bio;
  • Kret;
  • Jasmin et al.

Cleaning stickers for toilet

Toilet stickers are very comfortable and hygienic. They are attached directly inside the bowl. Stickers do not have the housing, and therefore are used until the agent is completely mad. Stickers are effectively fighting with microbes, flavoring water and impede complex pollution.

The stickers include:

  • anionic surfactants;
  • sodium sulfate;
  • fragrance;
  • sodium dichlorizocyanorate, etc.

Of course, depending on manufacturers, the composition of stickers can be slightly different.

The most popular brands of toilet stickers are:

  • Toilet duckling;
  • Domestos;
  • G & G WS Sticks;
  • Bref and others.

Cleaning blocks for toilet

The hygiene blocks for the toilet bowl are special fixtures for the care of plumbing. Such blocks have a frame and replaceable nozzles. The blocks form a disinfectant foam, thereby cleansing the toilet and eliminating the room from an unpleasant odor.

The composition of the cleaning agent for the toilet suite includes:

  • non-ionic and anionic surfactants;
  • fragrance;
  • sodium sulfate, etc.

Manufacturers of toilet blocks:

  • Toilet duckling;
  • Domestos;
  • G & G WS Sticks;
  • Colorado;
  • Tytan Blu Water;
  • Bref and others.

How to clean the toilet. Video


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