
Makeup with red lipstick for brunettes, blondes, brown, red, brown -haired. Day, evening, wedding makeup with red lipstick

Makeup with red lipstick for brunettes, blondes, brown, red, brown -haired. Day, evening, wedding makeup with red lipstick
The article tells in detail how to make beautiful makeup with red lipstick for different occasions.

Despite the fact that red is a bold enough color, it is at the same time universal and suitable for everyone.  It is only important to skillfully choose a shade, given your type and individual style. As well as the time of the day and the type of upcoming event. Day and evening makeup with red lipstick have completely different features. If you did not “be friends” with the lipstick of the color of love before, then perhaps you made some mistakes when choosing color or application. Consider the most typical mistakes that women make, and also find out how to make a breathtaking makeup for a brunette, blondes, redheads, brown-haired lipsticks using detailed photo instructions.

How to choose red lipstick for makeup

If you are going to use red lipstick, then you must take into account some points. Pay attention to:

  • skin tone;
  • hair color;
  • eye color;
  • the environment, the nature of the event;
  • eye makeup.

We gathered for a celebration or just decided to take a walk? Morning, day or evening now? All this is important to take into account so as not to look elaborate, tasteless or even ridiculous. In this, you can perfectly well -chosen your shade of red. They, by the way, are about thirty.   But do not rush to apply the first shade that you like on the window. First, we will deal with your type of appearance:

  1. Celtic type. White or with a pinkish tint skin, blond eyes and hair. Such people are categorically not characteristic of tanning. This type of appearance is still known as aristocratic. Lipstick with a cold shade, with bluish and purple pigments, is suitable. Bordeaux, terracotta, late cherry, ripe berry - these are your shades of red.  These colors will present a porcelain tone of the skin in the right light, harmonizing with it, and not overshadowing it.
  2. Nordic type. The skin is little inclined to tan, preserving only a hint of the effect of the sun. Bright, rarely brown eyes. Brushing and red hair. You can use the same cold shades of red, slightly complemented by warm notes. A rich brick, deep red, burgundy will suit you.
  3. Middle European type.  A little resistant to tanned skin, with a light tone of the "sun blush".  Brown and green eyes, dark brown hair. A great option for using classic red. You can even experiment with some light shades - coral, raspberries.
  4. Mediterranean type. The darkness is naturally skinny, dark hair, brown eyes. Here, no doubt all the juicy tones of red are the perfect option. Coral, carrot, fuchsia. Do not hesitate to orange and peach notes. They emphasize the radiance of complexion, give warmth the freshness of the image.

Makeup options with red lipstick for girls with different hair color

Makeup with red lipstick for blondes

As we found out, for the owners of this hair color, juicy red shades are win -win.

  • In the daytime, the eyes and eyebrows against the background of languid bright lips should be highlighted in a sharp dark tone. It can be brownish or beige shadows and ordinary black mascara.
  • This makeup is especially harmonious with red lipstick with green eyes. Light gray or heavenly tones of shadows - blue eyes will advantageously emphasize.
  • The glossy gleam of the lips will give the image of courage. In the evening, this option is especially successful.
  • If you want to try the shade more tender, you can experiment with a peach or pastel tone.
  • The bright pink lipstick color should be categorically excluded by blondes, as it looks inexpressive and tasteless.

Makeup with red lipstick for brown -haired

  • Briters with dark skin can safely choose the brown lipstick with the castle of caramel. At the same time, you can safely highlight the eyes, for example, with low -fat arrows and a pair of layers of mascara.
  • The image will be appropriate even when choosing a red-punch tone of lips.
  • A light layer of gray shadows and brown mascara is an excellent makeup under the red lipstick of a shade of red copper with a golden tint.
  • Sensity to the image will give the splendor of the color of the red coral in a matte version, especially fair -skinned brown -haired women.

Makeup with red lipstick for brunettes

  • Brunettes with light skin are recommended to use saturated lipsticks, for example, raspberry or lingonberry.
  • Makeup for brunettes with red lipstick does not require a strong emphasis on the eyes. Enough even layer of mascara.
  • For blue and green eyes, you can try Smokey Eyes, combining it with a matte lipstick texture.

Makeup with red lipstick for brown

The final choice of a shade of red lipstick for a girl with brown hair will depend on the shade of hair and skin color.

  • If your blond hair has golden notes, then you can look at the lipstick of juicy watermelon, poppy, coral.
  • If your blond hair has a cold shade of ash, then prefer raspberry, wine, strawberry shades of red.
  • If your blond hair is cast in the sun with bronze, then choose a brick, copper, terracotta shade of red lipstick.

Makeup with red lipstick for redheads

Makeup with red lipstick for red -haired girls is one of the perfect options. It is important not to make a mistake with a shade so as not to look, for example, too defiantly.

  • Too bright red here will be superfluous. The already bright appearance of the red-haired beauty in combination with bright red lipstick will make the image a defiant one.
  • In daytime makeup, you can use terracotta, coral and pale pink colors. Unlike blondes, for redheads, this is the main option.
  • Matte and translucent shadows with a minimum of flicker and you are impeccable! In the evening, burgundy and brown lipsticks are acceptable.

Makeup options with red lipstick for girls with different eyes

Makeup for brown eyes with red lipstick

If you are the owner of the brown eye, then you can safely give preference in makeup with the following shades of red lipstick:

  • red with brown tint;
  • classic red lipstick;
  • red color with a burgundy tint;
  • red color with a plum shade;
  • red color with a pink tint.

Dark hair and brown eyes allow you to do rather bright makeup. You can distinguish not only lips with red lipstick, but also do intense eye makeup.

Makeup for blue eyes with red lipstick

Girls with blue eyes can make red lipstick in makeup even more if they select the shade correctly. The following shades of red lips are especially spectacular in the makeup of the “blue eye”:

  • classic red color;
  • red lipstick with a cherry tint;
  • red lipstick with beige tint.

If you are the owner of blond hair, light skin and blue eyes, then when choosing a tone of red lipstick, experts advise you to try color on a clean face without makeup.

Makeup with red lipstick for green eyes

An amazing green eyebone can become brighter and more expressive if you make a makeup with a red lipstick of a correct shade. You can opt for one of the following tones:

  • red lipstick with an orange shade;
  • red lipstick with a brown tint;
  • terracotta red lipstick.

Makeup options with red lipstick for different occasions

Evening makeup with red lipstick

Perhaps it is precisely red lipstick that is most often becoming the choice of a girl who wants to create a spectacular image. In evening makeup, under red lipstick, you can make your eyes with a brighter accent. Let us consider in more detail an example of creating one of such luxurious images with red lipstick:

  • we begin makeup with the preparation of the face. The skin should be well cleared and moistened. Apply a special base for makeup, which will allow you to hold out a bright evening makeup all evening. We begin eye makeup with the allocation of the lower eyelid. Take a brown soft pencil for the eyes and draw a line along the lower eyelid, starting from the middle;
  • using a flat brush of small size, thoroughly blend the drawn line;
  • using the same brown pencil, draw a semicircle on the upper eyelid. This technique will create a beautiful shape of the eye and help to make bright and contrasting eye makeup;
  • using dark brown or burgundy shadows, darken the area of \u200b\u200bthe outer corner of the eye. Do not go abroad a drawn semicircle. Dark shadows are applied to the fold of the century;
  • now areas with dark shadows must be carefully shared. Bend the shadows in the direction of the temple and eyebrow with a soft brush;
  • select the shadows for application to the central part of the mobile eyelid and for the inner corner. It can be a peach, beige or mother -of -pearl shade. Drive the shadows on the eyelid with driving movements;
  • using dark shadows, additionally select the lower eyelid and grow the color well;
  • evening makeup cannot be imagined without long and black eyelashes. Tighten the eyelashes slightly using a special device, paint the first layer of the carcass, wait a bit and apply the second layer of the carcass;

  • now you can proceed to the makeup of the lips. For evening makeup, choose persistent lipstick. To begin with, prepare your lips, moisturizing them with lip oil or ordinary hygienic lipstick. To create a more persistent and neat makeup, apply lipstick with a lip brush;
  • to give a seductive volume to your lips, apply a little transparent shine in the center of the lower lip. A luxurious and bright evening makeup with red lipstick is ready!

Daily makeup with red lipstick

Some girls love a bright color on their lips not only in evening makeup, but also in the day. An important rule is that eye makeup with red lipstick on the lips should be as neutral as possible. Consider step by step creation of daytime makeup, which will be appropriate for work:

  • before applying makeup, prepare your face correctly: use peeling to make the skin even, smooth, without peeling, moisten your face thoroughly. Comers your face tone with a tonal product. Break the bruises under the eyes and other imperfections on the skin with a concealer. Using transparent crumbly powder, fix all layers of makeup. We proceed to the makeup of the eye;
  • using a wide and flat brush, apply beige-golden shadows to the entire mobile eyelid;
  • in the fold of the century, apply shadows of a slightly darker shade. Bend the boundary between the flowers well;
  • with the help of golden shades, select the lower eyelid. This technique will not make our makeup defiant, but add a “highlight”;
  • to make the look even more expressive, be sure to highlight the upper eyelid. Along the line of eyelash growth, apply brown eyeliner. Instead of eyeliner, you can also use conventional brown shades. If you wet the brush, then the line will turn out to be brighter;
  • using a highlighter or shadows of a pearl shade, highlight the space under the eyebrow. This technique will make your gaze open and fresh;
  • extending mascara, paint eyelashes;

  • now proceed to the make -up of the lips. In order to make your sponges more chubby, slightly powder them;
  • contour pencil of red, circle your lips, and then fill the entire space inside. Such an application of red on the lips will make makeup especially persistent and neat, will allow him to hold out all day;
  • now apply lipstick. You can apply a brush or stick. It all depends on your preferences;
  • with the help of powder and thin brush, slightly highlight the space in the corners of the lips. Such a contrast will also make the lips more chubby and seductive;
  • glue your lips with a napkin to remove the excess lipstick and make the color more persistent. Persistent and expressive daily makeup is ready!

Wedding makeup with red lipstick

Wedding makeup is one of the most important and critical steps in creating the image of the bride. Every girl dreams of beautiful memorable photos and videos from the most important day in their life. The image will make the image of delightful makeup, which will hide all imperfections and emphasize dignity. Red lipstick is a great choice for the bride. After all, this is the color of love and passion! Consider one example of creating a wedding makeup using red lipstick:

  • after the face is aligned with the help of a tonal remedy, powder and concealer, you can proceed to makeup makeup. Highly beige shades highlight the entire mobile eyelid. Brown shadows work out the fold over the mobile age and blend well the border;
  • pearl shadows highlight the space under the eyebrow. The eyebrows, of course, should already be prepared and decorated. This is an important emphasis in all makeup;
  • the brightest pearl shadows highlight the inner corner of the eye;
  • to make the look attractive and expressive, dark shadows, highlight the outer corner of the eye. Bend all color boundaries thoroughly;
  • using a thinner brush, apply a second layer of dark color in a fold above the upper age and into the outer corner. Bend everything again;
  • using a black or dark brown eyeliner, select the line along the upper eyelashes. The small tail of the arrow should "look" at the tip of the eyebrow;
  • with a thin brush, highlight the lower eyelid with dark shadows. Draw a kind of lower arrow, the tip of which will repeat the direction of the upper arrow. Such a technique in makeup was borrowed from the Arabic technique of creating eye makeup. It allows you to make the view the most sensual and attractive;
  • paint the eyelashes well with black mascara;

  • now proceed to the make -up of the lips. Wedding makeup should be especially persistent. Therefore, be sure to use a contour pencil of a suitable red shade. First draw the central part of the upper lip and the central part of the lower lip. This technique will create a clear and symmetrical contour of the lips;
  • circle the rest of the lips with a pencil and paint over the space inside with red lipstick;
  • select the middle of the lower lip with a transparent luster to give volume.

Makeup for graduation with red lipstick

The graduation evening at school or at the university is an important and responsible event that marks the beginning of a new period in life. This evening you need to be especially beautiful. The red color of the lips will emphasize your combat and daring mood before the start of a new life stage. Consider the process of creating bright makeup with red lipstick step by step for the prom:

  • prepare and align the face with a tonal cream. Cample any skin imperfections. Using a wide and flat brush, apply light pearl shadows to the entire mobile eyelid. It will be the basic color for eye makeup;
  • brown with an orange shade, select a fold over the upper age and the outer corner of the eye;
  • add an even darker shade to the outer corner, creating the form of a “cat's” eye. Thoroughly blend all visible boundaries. Your movements should be light, barely relating to the skin;
  • draw a black arrow on the upper eyelid with a thin brush. The tip of the arrow should “look” at the tip of the eyebrow. If you do not have sufficient skills in drawing the arrows with an eyeliner, then you can draw them using shadows or pencil;
  • select the lower eyelid, "connecting" it with the arrow on the upper eyelid. You should get a beautiful almond -shaped shape of the eye;
  • with a soft brush, thoroughly blend the line along the lower eyelashes;
  • tighten the eyelashes with voluminous ink of black color;

  • for the graduation evening, you can afford especially bright shades of red lipstick. Choose a tone in accordance with the color of the hair, eye and skin color. Using a lip pencil, circle the central part of the upper lip along the contour, and then the lower. To give additional volume, you can "go out" behind the outline;
  • circle the rest of the lips along the contour;
  • with the help of a brush or stick, paint the space inside the resulting contour;
  • glue your lips with a napkin to remove the excess lipstick and make makeup more persistent;
  • with the help of a bright shade, highlight the areas at the lipstick boundaries to make the lips more chubby and sensual. Daring and beautiful makeup with red lipstick for graduation is ready!

How to use red lipstick - general advice

To make a beautiful makeup with red lipstick, using a color shade for you, it is important to observe the basic application techniques. In order for red lipstick on your lips to look flawlessly and you are satisfied with a bright make -up, consider a step -by -step instruction that will help in this:

  • First, apply a low -fat balm to the lips to moisten and hide the uneven surface. Wait a bit to soak. Then get wet with a napkin.
  • Then we circulate the contour of the lips with a pencil. The shade of the pencil should be selected identical to the color of the lipstick. To obtain the perfect contour of the upper lip, it is better to raise your head a little bit.
  • With the help of a soft brush, slightly blend the contour. In appearance, it should become more even.
  • To give the lips of the matte tone, use neutral powder. For a larger volume, drip a little shine in the middle of the lower lip and distribute it along it.
  • Apply lipstick on the finger and put her a spot in the middle of the lower and upper lip. It is necessary to apply with a finger in order to control the degree of saturation. Otherwise, the shade can come out too bright or dark.
  • Bend the tone of lipstick in the direction of the outer corners of the lips. Repeat movements a couple of times, if necessary.

To give resistance to makeup with red lipstick, you can use a light beige pencil or concealer. It is especially useful to do this in the evening, when you are going to a long -term celebration. This option is suitable for wedding makeup with red lipstick or for makeup on graduation. The confident and passionate color of your lips will certainly emphasize the uniqueness of the image and make a special event the most memorable.

Makeup with red lipstick - frequent errors

To be on top and look flawless, it is important to remember those mistakes that can ruin the impression of your taste. There are several factors when, unfortunately, you will have to refuse red lipstick. This:

  • Not really perfect teeth. If a smile “gives out” an ugly bite and uneven teeth, and the enamel has a yellow shade, it is better to contact a dentist and solve this problem. The use of red lipstick, in this case, will only highlight the shortcomings, and even with contrast.
  • The imperfect shape of the chin and neck, as well as acne, redness, noticeable blood vessels. In order not to concentrate attention on these parts, it is better to use neutral tones of lipstick.
  • Age. Many wrinkles on the face are also an occasion to abandon bright lipstick.

Makeup on video with red lipstick

Makeup with red lipstick. Photo

A luxurious red color is a seductive detail of the image. Makeup with arrows and red lipstick is a classic image of a fatal beauty and a temptress. Depending on the type of appearance, mood and events, makeup with red lipstick can be completely different. Follow the basic rules for applying makeup and beware of ridiculous mistakes. Then nothing will prevent you from being as bright as you yourself wish!



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