
Why is Ortophen are prescribed and from what it helps. Tablets, ointment, injections, gel orthophen - instructions for use. What are the analogs of orthophen

Why is Ortophen are prescribed and from what it helps. Tablets, ointment, injections, gel orthophen - instructions for use. What are the analogs of orthophen
Ortophen in various forms of release: instructions, analogues, prices and reviews.

Diseases of the joints and the musculoskeletal system, such as rheumatism, arthritis, osteochondrosis are one of the most common pathologies among the population. Inflammatory and degenerative-dystrophic processes characteristic of these diseases lead to the appearance of sharp pain in different parts of the body, discomfort, swelling of the soft tissues, do not allow to fully move, live an active life. To eliminate pain, relieve swelling, inflammation in the place of localization of pain, doctors, in most cases, prescribe the medicine of Ortophen.

Ortofen: composition and form of release

Ortophen refers to effective anti -inflammatory non -steroidal drugs. The acting active substance of Ortophena is sodium diclofenac, which has an anesthetic, antipyretic effect on the body. Acting directly on the focus of pain, quickly reduces inflammation, swelling, reduces the intensity of pain.

This pharmaceutical drug is produced in several forms: tablets (in one tablet the content of diclofenac - 25 g), in ampoules or the form of gel and ointments for external use. Each form has its own characteristics and is prescribed by the attending physician, depending on the disease. Most often, orthophen is used for the complex treatment of rheumatic diseases and the musculoskeletal system, as well as in the presence of inflammatory processes in the body. Even with prolonged use, it is easily tolerated and does not accumulate in the body.

In treatment, a combination of various forms of this medicine is permissible, for example, at the same time the internal intake of tablets and the external use of the gel to remove edema. If the patient has bright -exposed symptoms of the disease: severe pain, elevated body temperature, impossibility of independent movement, orthophen in the form of injections is used.

Ortophen: Application

We will figure out what Ortophen helps and under what problems it is prescribed.
Ortofen has an extensive area of \u200b\u200bapplication, most often it is prescribed in the presence of such violations as:

  1. Relief of pain caused by joint diseases (arthritis, gout, osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis, etc.). Ortophen allows you to restore joint mobility, and also helps to reduce tissue swelling.
  2. Used as complex therapy for neuralgia, myalgia, arthralgia.
  3. It is widely used to relieve pain and relieve inflammatory processes and swelling of the tissues after operations.
  4. It relieves pain in the spine, with traumatic damage to the soft tissues, and also relieves inflammatory processes of various origin, anywhere in the location.
  5. Improves the condition of women during menstruation, eliminating periodic pains.

Contraindications to Ortophen

It is not recommended to use orthophen if the patient has individual intolerance to diclofenac. In addition, Ortophen is contraindicated in:

  • The presence of ulcerative diseases of the intestines, stomach, with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • With kidney problems.
  • In case of violation or deviations in the work of the heart.
  • The drug is not allowed for use by pregnant women, especially during the period of bearing a baby in 1 or in 3 trimester. The exception is situations when the treatment of mother is extremely necessary for her health and life.
  • It is forbidden to take orthophen to children under 6 years of age. It must be remembered that this medicine negatively affects the formation of the bone skeleton and the circulatory system of the growing organism. The long -term intake of Ortophen in childhood is able to provoke problems with the gastrointestinal tract in the child, to lead to the development of stomach ulcers.

Side effects of orthophen

It is not worth prescribing orthophen to yourself; the attending physician must prescribe treatment with this drug. The uncontrolled intake of any medication can lead to a violation of the work of internal organs and orthophen no exception. Taking the drug can cause such side effects as:

  1. Renal colic, lead to swelling of tissues at the place of use of the drug.
  2. Insomnia, migraines caused by excessive hyper -excitability, fainting, memory disorders, cramps, tremor.
  3. After taking the drug, vomiting, nausea, heartburn, stomach disorder, a feeling of bitterness in labor, loss of appetite, flatulence can be observed inward.
  4. Local reactions are possible with the external use of Ortophen - redness and swelling of the sections of the skin, swelling.

If one of the above symptoms occur, it is better to refuse to take the drug and report side effects to the doctor.

Ortophen: Instructions for use

It is necessary to take Ortofen, adhering to the clear recommendations of the attending physician or the instructions, which is recommended by the manufacturer of the drug.

Ortophen in ampoules

The injection solution is produced in ampoules with a volume of 3 ml with a diclofenac content of 25 g. Auxiliary substances are water and natural preservatives. Designed for intramuscular administration. The drug has an oily consistency, orthophen injections are quite painful. To reduce the pain when it is introduced into the muscle, it is recommended to warm the ampoule in the hand. To relieve pain, it is not recommended to carry out more than three injections per day. Most often, doctors prescribe injections with orthophenom every other day, alternating them with a ramlgin (analgesic). With this treatment regimen, pain is much faster.

Ortofen tablets - instructions for use

To eliminate pain, reduce swelling, in the treatment of rheumatic diseases, as well as reducing body temperature, orthophen in the form of tablets is used. One tablet of Ortophena contains 25 g of active substance. The maximum daily dose is -150 g of diclofenac. On average, doctors prescribe to adults up to 75 g of the drug (up to 3 tablets per day).

For children, the dosage of orthophen is calculated depending on the weight. The daily dose is reduced with the relief and achievement of the therapeutic effect. The use of the Ortofen tablet is carried out after eating, it must be washed down with a large amount of water. Taking the drug on an empty stomach can lead to negative consequences on the gastric mucosa.

Ortophen ointment

To relieve inflammation and reduce pain in the joints that can occur for rheumatoid diseases both during movement and in a calm state, oral orthophen is used. Together with the pain syndrome, the active component of the diclofenac, which is part of the ointment, actively affects the decrease in swelling and swelling in the tissues, reduces stiffness in the joints in the morning, stimulates their motor activity. Ortophen ointment is used for traumatic tissue lesions: bruises, edema, sprains.

The ointment is produced in aluminum tubes with a volume of 30 g. The content of diclofenac in 1 gram of Ortophen ointment is 20 mg. From 2 to 4 mg of the drug, a thin layer is applied to the affected painful area of \u200b\u200bthe body. The effect of anesthesia is felt 30 minutes after applying the product and persists for about 2 hours. Recommended application per day - up to 8 mg (4 times a day). The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease, varies from 1 day to 2 weeks.

Ortophen Gel

Ortophen is also produced in the form of a gel. 1 gram of the sprofen gel contains 50 mg of diclofenac, has the same therapeutic effect as the ointment is applied with a thinner layer.

Special instructions for the use of orthophen

  1. Ortophen is not prescribed to patients who previously observed an allergic reaction to sulfites and NSAIDs.
  2. During treatment with orthophen, alcohol is prohibited.
  3. Ortophen gel or cream cannot be applied to areas of the body with damage to the skin.
  4. It should be avoided by the orthophen of the gel or ointment on the mucous membranes of the body, especially on the mucous membrane. Therefore, after applying the ointment or gel, you should thoroughly wash your hands.
  5. During treatment with orthophenomes in tablets or injections, it should be remembered that the patient has a significant decrease in the speed of psychomotor reactions, therefore, it should be controlled by a vehicle or complex mechanisms with particular caution.

Ortophen is analogues

Diclofenac is a substance that is part of other pharmaceuticals. There is a large list of funds that can replace Ortophen. Analogs of Ortophena are characterized by price and manufacturer. Before replacing Ortophena with another medicine, you need to consult a doctor.

The most famous analogues of Ortophena:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Voltaren (pr-in Switzerland);
  • Dorosan;
  • Niud;
  • Inclofen (pr-in Slovenia);
  • Diclak;
  • Rheumenes;
  • Rapten Duo;
  • Feloran;
  • Ibuprom;
  • Dikloburner (pr-in Germany).

Ortophen: Price

The price of the drug depends on both its manufacturer and on the form of release:

  • The price of orthophen in tablets 25 mg No. 20, 30 from 20 to 60 p.
  • The cost of orthophen ointment is 2% 50 g from 50 to 85 p.
  • The cost of gel orthophen 5% 50 g from 75 to 180 p.
  • Ortophen in ampoules 3 ml No. 5 costs from 20 to 50 p.

Ortofen: reviews

Victor: “Ortophen suits me with the price and rapid effect of getting rid of pain. I use ointment as soon as the pain in the back or joints appears. Especially helps with stretching, bruises, which I, like an athlete, have more than enough. When applying, it does not cause burning. "

Daria: “I have been tormented by radiculitis for a long time, the only drug that quickly relieves an attack of pain and is perfect for me, this is Ortophen. I take both tablets and Kolya injections at the same time when an attack occurs. The pain releases instantly, after half an hour I can already walk a little. In my purse, I always have orthophen with me. "

Victoria: “Who is familiar with such a disease as arthrosis of the joints will understand what pain I have to experience. Only diclofenac -based drugs save me from pain. Ortofen turned out to be not only the most acceptable in price, but the fastest drug that helped me. "

Mikhail: “Ortofen is inexpensive and acts on the hearth of pain very quickly. Especially with severe pains, pills help, but my stomach does not tolerate them poorly, I had to go to injections. ”

Ortophen is a pharmacological drug widely used in medical practice. The drug is perfectly combined with other drugs and is used as a comprehensive treatment for various diseases. One of the advantages of the drug, compared with analogues, is its affordable price and a quick analgesic effect. When taking Ortophen, it is recommended to strictly adhere to the dosage prescribed by the doctor, since the drug is not so harmless and can cause side effects that can harm the body. Orthophen treatment should be carried out strictly under the supervision of the attending physician.



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