
Mustard at home

Mustard at home
Mustard cooked at home, with love and tenderness much tastier than a store.

Mustard is a molten plant that belongs to the cabbage family. From the Greek language, its name is translated as “harm to vision”, which is not surprising, because from a good domestic mustard and tears pour. In fact, for the preparation of a well -known burning sauce, fried cake of the culture itself is used, more familiar to us as mustard powder.

The plants themselves come in different varieties, from this and the variety of varieties of mustard sauces themselves.

  1. White, or English mustard is an exceptional seasoning of a variety of fish dishes of the same name. She is quite soft and not as burning as her relatives.
  2. Black-the well-known delicious Dijon mustard is characterized by a structure and a sweet-fast taste. It is medium acute - suitable for the preparation of any meat and fish dishes, more often than usual it is used as a component for complex sauces and marinades.
  3. And the last, the most common in our everyday life is blue mustard, the most burning and acute.

A mustard powder itself, if you taste it, does not differ in acute and a special burning taste, as, by the way, mustard oil, which is also made from a mustard plant, only by cold pressing. An interesting fact is that only in chemical contact with the liquid: water, brine, and so on - fried and grinded cake of a mustard plant becomes a mustard in the full sense of this expression.

Therefore, in order to make mustard at home, start by buying mustard powder. Be sure to pay attention to the period of its production - over time, the beneficial properties of mustard disappear and it becomes not so burning and beautiful. It is noteworthy that people who often eat home -made mustard are less ill with colds and have excellent appetite. It improves metabolism, stimulates digestion and helps the gastric tract better to absorb fatty foods.

Mustard at home: Powder Powder's Pillet Recipe


At home, mustard is prepared from the powder of the same name, which is sold in any grocery store and supermarket. According to your preferences, this seasoning can be made, both very thin in taste, and strong and even burning-ink. You can also vary its sweetness, acid and spice using additional additives. Depending on which option is more acceptable to you - the prescription of the homemade mustard and the proportions of the ingredients of its components are selected.

Mustard at home: Strong mustard

To prepare home strong mustard at home, the following is necessary:

  1. Pour the contents of the bag of mustard powder into a convenient deep mixing container and add, pre -boiled water - mix everything thoroughly to the state of liquid sour cream without lumps.
  2. Cover with a tight lid and remove in a warm place, you can wrapped in a terry towel or blanket.
  3. Leave to infuse for a day. After that, get out. Mustard powder has already reacted with water, and the evaporating pairs will immediately rush out as soon as you open a blanket or a lid. If you followed the consistency correctly, you will even want to cry from them.
  4. In separate containers, mix the bulk and fluid ingredients: a tablespoon of salt with 2 tablespoons of sugar, and 1.5 tablespoons of refined oil and a spoonful of vinegar.
  5. Put the oil with vinegar on a slow fire and carefully, slowly introduce a mixture of bulk ingredients. Stir until completely dissolved.
  6. Turn off the fire and add a tablespoon of fragrant pepper and bay leaf.
  7. Let it brew for 15 minutes.
  8. Then slowly add to previously prepared mustard powder and stir thoroughly.
  9. If you add a little nutmeg, and preferably carefully tarred homemade roasted nuts - you will get an amazingly fragrant, tasty and useful Russian mustard at home.

Note: If you like a sourness, replace vinegar with freshly squeezed lemon juice - this is both useful and brighter in taste.

Mustard at home: soft mustard

The recipe for soft mustard at home is almost no different from Russian, except for the consistency of water for 1 g. mustard powder. The difference is that initially the powder is stirred with a minimum amount of water, and then poured with steep boiling water in the consistency with the previous recipe and is also infused for the day. In vinegar, before mixing with refined oil, another 100 g of water is also added, plus fragrant pepper, bay leaf, sugar and salt in previous proportions. As a result, you will get a soft fragrant homemade mustard, which will delight the guests with its softness and tenderness.

Cucumber pickle recipe


Let's talk about the preparation of another very popular, and deserving special attention of the domestic mustard, prepared on cucumber brine. Don, as it is also called, mustard is prepared easier than ordinary Russian and has a unique spice due to the presence of a characteristic cucumber taste. The fact is that the preparation of the brine itself takes enough time if you cook it on purpose. The complex process of pickling vegetables with spices without air access and time give the marinade-extinction unique qualities that you will not get the usual mixing of spices. Such a mustard in its burning qualities surpasses even the Russian, and, we note, this is something very interesting.

The most important thing is that the unique ingredients of mustard at the cucumber brine refers not only to, in fact, a brine, but also honey. Otherwise, everything is simple.

  1. In the recipe for homemade mustard from the powder, we replace the water with a cucumber brine and add a little honey, literally 1/3 tsp.
  2. We put everything to insist on heat, as well as the first case.
  3. Before starting adding spices in the second stage, we advise you to try what has already happened.

The cucumber brine was already quite spicy, and after the reaction with mustard powder, its properties only intensified. Perhaps additional spices will not be needed at all.

Note: if you like bitter bites of mustard, in the form of an additional seasoning, you can add grains by previously soaked them for 3 minutes. Drain the water and add with seasonings.

Mustard at home: Interesting


  1. Due to the lack of preservatives and a quick reaction with air in it, it begins to deteriorate even in the refrigerator in two days, so it is better not to do it for the future, like a store.
  2. It is better to store homemade mustard made of powder in the refrigerator in a glass jar.
  3. To preserve taste qualities under the neck of the jar on top, you can put a quarter of a fresh lemon.
  4. If the consistency of the homemade mustard has changed a bit, you can painlessly add a little lemon juice and stir.

Mustard at home: video



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