
Properties and use of nicotinic acid for hair, instructions. Hair masks with nicotinic acid at home

Properties and use of nicotinic acid for hair, instructions. Hair masks with nicotinic acid at home
What could be more beautiful than healthy and strong hair? Nicotinic acid is a tool that will help you forget about problems with your curls. This article will help to find out everything about the benefits of vitamin pp for hair

If you carefully read the compositions of modern hair care products, then very often you can find the word "nicotinic acid". This acid is vitamin pp. It is very difficult to overestimate his hair benefit. Many use nicotinic acid to reduce hair loss, to strengthen the hair bulbs, to give shine and elasticity to their curls. In addition to the fact that nicotinic acid is part of many cosmetics, it can also be purchased in a pharmacy. The article will help you learn more about nicotinic acid for hair and ways to use this tool at home.

Nicotinic acid. What is it

Nicotinic acid is a vitamin that plays a very important role in metabolic processes in the body. It was first received in 1867. Nicotinic acid has nothing to do with nicotine in cigarettes. Among the most useful properties for the human body, the following can be listed:

  • nicotinic acid is an indispensable component in the metabolism of fats, proteins and amino acids;
  • nicotinic acid is involved in the tissue breathing of the body;
  • nicotinic acid can reduce cholesterol in human blood;
  • nicotinic acid has an expanding effect on blood vessels, brain vessels;
  • nicotinic acid can improve blood characteristics and increase its activity;
  • nicotinic acid has a cleansing effect on the body with alcohol poisoning or with food poisoning.

Nicotinic acid has other names: vitamin B3, vitamin PP, nicotinamide, niacin. Like any vitamin, nicotinic acid is contained in some foods in a fairly large amount. Symptoms of the lack of this vitamin are brittleness and dry hair. If you suspected a lack of nicotinic acid, you can increase the share of the following products in your diet:

  • liver;
  • chicken;
  • red and white fish;
  • broccoli;
  • peanut;
  • fresh carrots;
  • green;
  • chicken eggs;
  • various cereals.

Nicotinic acid. Positive effect on the body

Nicotinic acid has an incredibly wide range of positive effects on the human body. You can purchase this substance in a pharmacy where it is sold in various dosage forms. In the indications for the use of nicotinic acid are:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hearing problems;
  • liver diseases;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • blood circulation problems;
  • improvement of metabolism in obesity;
  • alcohol poisoning, medicines, food;
  • low visual acuity, etc.

Nicotinic acid is widely used in beauty salons, where anti -aging facial procedures are carried out with its help that restore hair procedures. This substance is even attributed to the ability to reduce the risk of cancer.

Contraindications to the use of nicotinic acid

Despite the fact that nicotinic acid can have a lot of positive effects on the human body, it is not worth using this substance without prescribing a doctor. If you do it thoughtlessly, you can encounter a number of health problems. You should use nicotine acid with great care if you suffer from the following diseases:

  • stomach or intestinal ulcer;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • various liver diseases.

When taking any drug for the first time, individual intolerance can also occur. You can feel a rush of blood to the face, a rapid heartbeat, dizziness, weakness in the muscles, urticaria, decrease or increase in pressure. Of course, when such symptoms appear, you should definitely seek a doctor’s consultation in order to determine the cause of their occurrence.

Nicotinic acid for hair

Nicotinic acid for hair growth

What is the benefits of nicotinic acid for hair? The fact is that this vitamin in a special way affects the hair. Nicotinic acid as follows affects our hair:

  • nicotinic acid can effectively enhance any metabolic processes in the skin. Blood flows more intensively to the surface of the skin, the bulbs get more powerful nutrition;
  • nicotinic acid effectively affects the structure of the hair, making them less brittle, more moisturized;
  • nicotinic acid significantly improves the condition of the hair follicles, forces the sleeping bulbs to “wake up”. Hair will become noticeably less.

Nicotinic acid from hair loss helps almost everyone who suffers such a problem. But along with a positive effect, vitamin PP can have a slightly unexpected effect. Some women, when using nicotinic acid for hair, note an increase in their natural pigment in their hair or the acquisition of a slightly different shade. Women with gray hair notes the lower appearance of gray hair, which is an indisputable plus for them.

Hair treatment with nicotinic acid. Indications for use

Of course, nicotinic acid for hair can be used for preventive purposes. It is not worth exceeding the dose of vitamin in this case. Who should think about the need to use vitamin PP?

  • owners of hair that grow very slowly. Monthly hair growth is much less than normal;
  • women and men who suffer from abundant hair loss;
  • owners of damaged and exhausted hair, who are devoid of shine, elasticity and strength;
  • men and women who want to slow down the appearance of gray hair;
  • people suffering from scalp problems. Dandruff is one of the frequent causes of the use of nicotinic acid;
  • women who received an undesirable shade of hair after dyeing. Nicotinic acid can enhance the natural pigment of the hair.

Before any use of nicotinic acid for hair, you should carefully study the instructions. Incorrect use of nicotinic acid can result in unpleasant consequences.

Nicotinic acid for hair. Application

Nicotinic acid in hair ampoules

If you have problems with the hair that were described above, then it is most convenient to use nicotinic acid in its pure form. In almost any pharmacy, you can purchase a drug, which is called - nicotinic acid in ampoules. You can vitamin from different manufacturers and in different price categories. The ampoules look like small glass flasks, which are designed for intramuscular administration. Nicotinic acid inside the ampoule is absolutely sterile. For rubbing the hair or to add hair masks as an additional component, you will need 1-2 ampoules. Remember that nicotinic acid in an open ampoule loses its properties after about 1 hour.

Nicotinic acid in hair tablets

It also happens that the use of nicotinic acid should be more complex. To get a truly “shock” dose of vitamin PP, sometimes they advise you to take it in tablets inside. A similar option for using nicotinic acid should be strictly discussed with a therapist. Some women were adapted to use nicotinic acid in tablets for hair growth and for external use. But this method is quite inconvenient. In order to rub vitamin into the roots or add to the hair mask, you will have to first grind the tablet in fine powder first.

Hair masks with nicotinic acid

How to apply nicotinic acid to the hair? It can be added to various hair masks. Depending on what components the mask will consist of, the orientation of the home remedy for hair will depend. At home, you can prepare masks to enhance hair growth, masks to prevent hair loss, masks to restore damaged and dry hair, masks to combat dandruff and sensitivity of the scalp. Among the most popular recipes for hair masks with nicotinic acid in the composition can be called:

  • nicotinic acid and aloe. In order to prepare this mask, you need 2 ampoules of nicotinic acid and a couple of aloe leaves. The leaves should be fleshy and juicy so that there is enough juice from them. Rinse the cut leaves under cold water and put in the refrigerator for 2 days. The chemical composition of aloe juice after being in the refrigerator will improve, and the effect of the use of the mask will be more effective. Mix all the components and rub the mixture into the hair roots. Exposure time-30-50 minutes. The mask is aimed at solving the scalp problems, will help get rid of dandruff and feelings of constant irritation;
  • nicotinic acid and ginger root. This mask is a powerful home tool to enhance hair growth. Ginger has warming abilities, causes an increase in blood flow and all metabolic processes. To prepare this product, you need to grind the root of ginger into small flour. Next, you need to add a little warm water to make the consistency of sour cream. It remains to add 2 ampoules of vitamin PR and apply the mixture to the hair roots. The exposure time is 30-40 minutes. In order to see a lot of new “gun” on the head, which will mean an increased start of hair growth and awakening sleeping bulbs, you need to take a course of 5-10 masks with ginger and “nicotine”;
  • nicotinic acid and grass infusion. If you like to pamper your hair with rinsing with herbal infus and decoctions, then try to add 2-3 nicotinic acid ampoules to these infusions. Such a powerful cocktail of healing herbs (chamomile, nettle, linden, sage and others) in combination with vitamin PP will enhance hair, prevent their loss of their loss, make it elastic and strong;
  • nicotinic acid and healing oils. “Nicotine” can be successfully combined with oils. For example, with burdock, coconut, almond and others. Nicotinic acid needs to be rubbed into the roots with massage movements, and then apply a slightly heated oil. Exvert time-1-2 hours. Such a home mask is an excellent assistant in the fight against dry hair;
  • nicotinic acid and egg. To conduct an effective course of strengthening hair masks, you will need 1 month. To prepare the mask, you will need: 1 chicken egg, 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid and vitamin E, 2 tablespoons of linseed oil, 1 tbsp tincture of eleutherococcus. Mix all the components and apply on washed and slightly dried hair. The mask is applied with massaging movements to the roots of the hair, distributing the remaining agents over the entire length. You can use another method of application, which consists in the initial application of only nicotinic acid to the hair roots, and then all the other components. Wrap your head with polyethylene or put on a shower hat. For greater efficiency, the mask also needs to wrap the hair with a towel. Mask exposure time - from 1 to 3 hours;
  • nicotinic acid, yeast and henna. This mask will be especially useful for hair that look lifeless and devoid of shine. You will need 100 grams of henna colorless, 30 grams of living yeast, 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid, a few drops of verbena oil, 300 grams of water. To begin with, brew boiling water in a separate container. After that, dilute the yeast in slightly warm water, thoroughly stirring so that there are no lumps. Mix henna and yeast, add the rest of the components. The hair before applying the mask should be washed. Apply the mixture to the roots and hair. The exposure time of the mask is 30-60 minutes. Rinse the mask under running water with a soft shampoo

As you can see, there are a lot of nicotinic acid for hair recipes. Firstly, you can always use vitamin PP as an independent product for rubbing into the scalp. A huge plus of this method of application that you do not need to wash off nicotinic acid from the hair. Secondly, you can include a “nicot” in your usual ritual of hair washing. Pour a little shampoo in the palm of your hand and add 1 nicotinic acid ampoule right there. Then just wash your head in the usual way. The only important point that is worth paying attention to is that shampoo should be as natural as possible. Organic shampoos do not cover the hair with a film, do not contain in their composition silicones and aggressive detergents that would prevent the penetration of nicotinic acid into the scalp and hair.

Nicotinic acid for hair. Before and after

You can clearly imagine the result from the use of nicotinic acid for hair from the photo.

Nicotinic acid for hair. Instructions

Nicotinic acid can bring a maximum effect only with proper use. Experts advise taking into account the following recommendations when conducting a course of hair procedures with nicotinic acid:

  • if you have some pronounced hair problem (for example, hair began to fall out unexpectedly and very abundantly), then you should see a doctor. The doctor on the basis of all symptoms may prescribe you to undergo an examination of the body, take tests, etc. It is possible that the problem with the hair lies in the internal diseases of the body. Do not underestimate the signals that your body gives you;
  • the intake of nicotinic acid inside should also be strictly agreed with the doctor. You should not have contraindications to the use of this drug;
  • to increase the effectiveness of hair procedures with nicotinic acid, change a little and your nutrition. Nicotinic acid is a vitamin contained in a number of food products. Starting to use these products, you saturate your body with vitamins from the inside, and not just from the outside;
  • remember that the effectiveness of any cosmetic hair mask will increase several times if you first prepare your hair. It is necessary to carefully comb them with a massage brush in different directions. The scalp will warm up and prepare for the perception of beneficial substances in the mask;
  • like any drug, nicotinic acid can cause an allergic reaction. To learn about this individual intolerance, make a simple test to identify it. Apply drops of nicotinic acid to a small area behind your ear and wait a while. If your skin does not tolerate vitamin PP in its pure form, then you will immediately feel itching, burning, tingling, redness. In this case, you will have to refuse masks with nicotinic acid in the composition. If there is no unpleasant sensation, then you can proceed to applying the product to the roots of the hair;
  • almost always nicotinic acid is applied exclusively to the roots of the hair. To do this, it is more advisable to use this product in liquid form. In the pharmacy you can freely purchase nicotinic acid in ampoules;
  • the effectiveness of any hair mask, including masks with nicotinic acid, increases with additional thermal effects. It is enough just put on a shower hat and wrap your head with a towel;
  • if you apply nicotinic acid to your hair in pure form, then you can extend such a mask to 2-3 hours. If there are other components in the mask, then focus on the exposure time indicated in the recipe;
  • if you are a lover of using shampoos with silicones in the composition, then during the course of the course of hair treatment with nicotinic acid, they will have to abandon them. Silicones have the ability to envelop hair, “seal” it into an invisible film. The penetration of valuable vitamin PR in this case can be difficult or completely impossible.

Nicotinic acid for hair. Reviews

On the Internet you can read completely different reviews about the experience of using nicotinic acid for hair. There are reviews both positive and negative. Why does some have an unpleasant display after the use of Nicotinka? It's all about individuality. The same shampoo can affect different hair differently. The same hair mask can also work differently on different hair. With nicotinic acid, everything is the same. The most frequent “complaints” when using nicotinic acid for hair treatment are as follows:

  • “After applying nicotinic acid to the roots of the hair, it felt severe itching and burning.” This situation may happen if you have individual intolerance to this vitamin. Also, your scalp can be too sensitive for concentrated vitamin pp. To prevent these unpleasant situations, it is necessary to conduct a test to identify an allergic reaction behind the scope of the scalp behind the ear. You can also try to apply nicotinic acids in diluted form. Just add ordinary water in a ratio of 1: 1;
  • "Hair loss after the use of nicotinic acid did not stop, but even intensified." This negative review can be heard if hair loss is provoked by internal diseases of the body. Nicotinic acid is not a panacea from catastrophic hair loss. Perhaps the problem lies much deeper, and you need to consult a doctor to decide it;
  • "I did not see any effect from the use of nicotinic acid for the hair." In order to see the effect on the hair, one procedure for rubbing vitamin into the roots is not enough. It is necessary to conduct a whole course. Usually it is 1 month, but the duration can be different depending on how you use nicotinic acid. Also, the lack of effect after the use of nicotinic acid for hair can be observed with non -compliance with the shelf life of this vitamin. Remember that the open ampoule should immediately be used. Active substances are rapidly eliminated, and the beneficial properties of vitamin PR are reduced to zero;
  • "After the use of nicotinic acid, dandruff appeared." This negative review can be heard if the rules for the use of nicotinic acid were not observed. You can not exceed the dose of vitamin. Girls sometimes rub 3-4 ampoules into the hair roots. This is wrong. Nicotinic acid is a rather active substance that can cause irritation when used in concentrated form.

Now you know what nicotinic acid for hair is, how to use this tool correctly. The complex use of other hair and nicotinic acid vitamins can transform your hair out of recognition. You will notice many new hairs, feel strengthening the strands and increasing their volume. Do not underestimate the great power of proper nutrition for the beauty of your curls. Follow your health and be beautiful!



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