
Facial yeast masks - benefits, harm. How to make yeast facial masks at home. Facial leather masks recipes

Facial yeast masks - benefits, harm. How to make yeast facial masks at home. Facial leather masks recipes
A yeast mask is a simple way to restore youth and health to the skin.

Attractive skin, which has a radiant and healthy look, is the result of inexpensive, but regular care.

The modern pace of life often affects the skin in the best way. And if the opportunity to purchase an expensive cosmetic product or visit a specialized salon is not always there, then every housewife has the simplest home assistants. One of these funds is yeast. A mask of Facial yeast prepared with your own hands is an easy and affordable way to give your skin the necessary care and care.

Yeast in cosmetology - how to choose yeast for face

The unique properties of unicellular fungi are widely used not only in the manufacture of all kinds of bakery products, but also in cosmetology. As soon as you decide to use these little assistants in the struggle for a beautiful and healthy dermis, almost immediately the question arises - which variety of yeast is better to use?

  • Dry - active fast -acting yeast in the form of granules.
  • Fresh - living pressed trembling, which are sold in the form of cream -colored briquettes in foil.
  • Beer - yeast in liquid form, which can be added directly to the mask.

Regardless of the form of release, all yeast has a nutritious effect.  The healing properties of yeast are due to their unique composition. In addition to organic acids, phospholipids and polysaccharides, unicellular fungi includes such macro- and trace elements as potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, iodine, phosphorus. In addition, the yeast includes B vitamins, vitamins F, D, K and E.

Properties of yeast: a useful assistant is always at hand

The components of the yeast have a restorative and nutrient effect on the skin, including:

  • Normalize the work of blood vessels located close to the surface of the skin.
  • Tone dermis.
  • Increase collagen synthesis, as a result - an increase in skin elasticity, a slowdown in aging process.
  • Improve the condition of problem skin - foci of inflammation are reduced, the number of rashes is reduced.

Rules for using yeast for face

In order for the prepared tool to have an extremely positive effect, it is advisable to observe some simple rules.

  • Apply an extremely freshly prepared tool to the skin, since over time the lion's lion's share of useful components will leave your mask.
  • The effect of the use of funds will be more pronounced if your skin is cleansed. Before carrying out the procedure, remove pollution and dead cells with a scrub. Apply the mask to your face previously steamed with steam baths. Use a decoction of chamomile, mint or sage for dry skin, oak bark or coltsfoot-for oily dermis, calendula or burdock root-for problem skin.
  • To breed yeast, use the liquid exclusively “room” temperature. The effect of high temperatures adversely affects the beneficial microorganisms of the healing product.
  • Strictly observe the exposure time of the product without overeating the composition. Depending on other ingredients, the duration of the procedure is in the range of 5-30 minutes.
  • To remove the product from the skin, you can use conventional washing with warm water or moistened cotton pads. In addition, you can complete the procedure with rinsing the dermis with a warm grass decoction (lavender, calendula or sage). The main rule is a neat and soft effect.
  • Depending on the intensity of lesions, a longer or short course of therapy may be required. Yeast masks for dry and oily, for fading or problematic skin are applied 1-2 times a week. The average duration of treatment is 10-15 procedures.
  • Before using any means, including those prepared on their own, you need to make sure of their hypoallergenicity. To do this, apply a small amount of composition on your wrist and wait 1-2 hours. In the absence of any reaction, you can apply the product to the skin of the face.

Facial yeast recipes

Home beauty recipes using yeast is a great way to quickly and without much effort to help your skin, to restore its freshness, health and youth.

Facial yeast mask from wrinkles

The beauty and youth of the skin is the main decoration of any woman. However, over time, age -related changes, fatigue, stress and not always the right lifestyle leads to the appearance of unpleasant folds on the face - wrinkles. Yeast will help to reduce their manifestations due to their antioxidant properties and vitamins.

  • Prepare 40 g of yeast (fresh), olive oils (10 ml) and almonds (5 ml). Remove the fungal mass with a fork and pour a small amount of liquid into it - milk or water - so that the consistency of soft butter is obtained. Next, add the rest of the components and thoroughly mix the resulting mass. Distribute the composition evenly in the face towards the lymph nodes. Exact time - 30 minutes. After it, the product must be removed from the skin with purified water.
  • The use of a yeast mask mask with face sugar is not only a wrinkle remedy, but also a way to remove keratinized cells in the surface of the dermis. 10 g of fresh yeast thoroughly open and combine from 1 tsp of sugar-sand. Knead the mass and add 1-2 drops of camphor tree essential oil to it. Clean the skin with mycelium water and apply the composition with rubbing movements. After 5-7 minutes, remove the product, and apply a moisturizer on your face.

Yeast mask for skin restoration

Beer yeast will help to help the skin cope with the aggressive effect of cold in the autumn-winter period.

  • Combine the contents of the 2 capsules of yeast and a spoon of mineral water.
  • Enter the yolk, 15 ml of honey and 17 ml of sesame oil in the resulting composition.
  • Clean the skin and carefully apply the resulting tool with a sponge.
  • After 15 minutes, remove the mask using a moistened cotton pad.

Face mask with yeast and milk

The combination of milk and yeast will give the skin the necessary nutrition and rejuvenation, and most importantly, these components are suitable for all skin types.

  • Prepare 30 g of dry yeast, 30 ml of milk, 1 medium -sized apple and vitamin A. The latter is better to purchase in ampoules (rather than in capsules), since the retinol content is higher.
  • Pour the fungi into warm milk, stir them and leave them for a while.
  • Bake the apple (in the microwave or oven) - the mask will need apple mashed potatoes.
  • In dissolved yeast, add apple and vitamin ampoule. Apply the finished composition for a dumb. After 15 minutes, the product should be removed using warm water.

Facial yeast mask with anti -aging effect

The healing properties of mushrooms are also able to refresh the skin of the face, have an anti -aging effect, and reduce the manifestations of hyperpigmentation.

  • To prepare a cosmetic agent, yeast (10 g), laminaria (5 g) and avocado oil (5 ml) will be needed. Combine pressed yeast, algae and nutritious oil. To obtain the necessary consistency, you can use water, but a fake decoction will be much more useful. Dilute the composition to a state of thick sour cream. Apply the product with a dense layer and leave it to “work” for half an hour. After you need to remove the composition using warm water. For subsequent moisturizing the skin, apply an appropriate emulsion with a snail -hood.
  • A mask with yeast and oils is not only a rejuvenating tool for the face, but also has a good lifting effect. Combine 1 tbsp of herbal decoction (nettles, plantain or thyme) and 30 g of “living” fungi. Divate the latter and add 25 ml of honey, 1 tbsp of rice flour and 4 drop of ylang-ylang air. If the skin is too dry and dehydrated, 15 ml of olive oil can be added to the product. Clean the skin of the face and steam the dermis. Apply the composition in circular movements, paying special attention to the area around the mouth and chin. Remove the mask after half an hour.

Mask from beer yeast for the face - elimination of age spots

In the presence of freckles and zones of increased pigmentation, use yeast and cucumber.

  • Combine 1 tbsp of beer fungi and cucumber juice (1 tbsp), with a small amount of pulp. Mix the components. The resulting mass should be a porridge. Apply the product to problem areas. After 15 minutes, remove the mask with a cotton pad moistened in water.
  • Mix 15 g of dry yeast with 1 tbsp. After 5-7 minutes (when the mass becomes homogeneous), add 15 g of sour cream and 5 g of white clay into it. Mix the ingredients and apply the resulting thick mass with a dense layer on the face. Remove the product after a quarter of an hour using a brush of hibiscus.

Mask from acne rash for the face: yeast and hydrogen peroxide

Such a straightforward union has an amazing effect in the fight against eels and is an indispensable assistant in the presence of problematic skin.

  • Prepare yeast, hydrogen peroxide and dried chamomile. You can purchase the latter in a pharmacy packaged by filter packages or in conventional packages.
  • In 30 g of yeast, place 2 tbsp 3%hydrogen peroxide. The resulting composition in its consistency should resemble sour cream.
  • Apply the mixture to the face with slightly massaging movements, paying special attention to problem areas.
  • After 15 minutes, remove the mask with warm water.

After - wipe your face with a cotton pad moistened in a decoction of chamomile. To prepare it, pour 1 tbsp of grass (or 1 bag) with a glass of boiling water and leave it to infuse for 30 minutes. In the absence of chamomile, green tea will become a good alternative.

Face mask from dry yeast

Not only fresh yeast helps easily and quickly return the skin attractiveness, but fungi in the form of granules.

  • Take 8 g of dry yeast, grapefruit extract (5 ml) and mummy.
  • In a small amount of water, dissolve the granules of fungi.
  • Next, add citrus extract and mummy to the composition.
  • The resulting mass is recommended to be applied to the steamed skin.
  • After a quarter of an hour, remove the composition from the surface of the dermis, and treat the wounds with a remedy (cream, ointment) with a high zinc content.

Combined yeast mask with egg and honey

By connecting yeast with carrots and eggs, you will get an excellent composition that will not only provide the skin with the necessary nutrients, but also save the dermis from gum.

  • Prepare 30 g of yeast and dilute them in a small amount (1 tbsp) of warm milk.
  • Next, add 1 tsp of liquid honey and carrot juice, 1 chicken yolk and 50 ml of unrefined oil (any). A couple of drops of the etheric composition will help to enhance the effect of the resulting mask.
  • Apply the composition for 20 minutes, and then, carefully remove it with warm water.

Facial yeast mask

Non -aesthetic rashes that can appear on the face are able to spoil even the best mood. Yeast will also help to cope with these uninvited guests. Moreover, the product will help to get rid of not only acne, but also other foci of inflammation and redness on the skin.

  • The main ingredients of the mask are yeast (55 g), kefir 2.5%fat (40 ml) and oatmeal (2 tsp or 10 g).
  • Kefir should be heated to 38 ° C - 40 ° C.
  • Next, knead the bakery yeast and bring them to kefir.
  • Carefully mix the composition and add flour to it. After - again all components are mixed.
  • Now the mixture can be applied to the face. To achieve a more pronounced effect, the skin of the face is recommended to be pre -steamed.
  • Leave the mask to influence for 15 minutes.
  • After time, remove the remains of the composition with napkins and wash your face with a calendula decoction. If the rashes are abundant and often recur, it is better to perform the procedure with the course - within 10 days.

Face mask with lemon and yeast from acne

Combine lemon juice and fungi and get an effective remedy that not only lights up and levens the color of the skin, but also reduce acne manifestations.

  • Prepare lemon, 1 egg and yeast.
  • In 1 tbsp, add a little warm water so that the resulting mass has a consistency of thick sour cream.
  • Apply 1 tbsp of lemon juice and 1 chicken protein to the resulting mixture.
  • Apply the finished mask to dry cleaned dermis and leave it on it for 10-15 minutes.
  • At the end of the allotted time, rinse with cool water.

Facial yeast mask: preparation of compositions at home by skin types

In order for the resulting composition to have the most favorable effect, it is important to consider the type of skin on which they will be applied.

Fools mask - basic care for normal skin

Milk with yeast will help to support and protect the skin cells from aggressive surrounding exposure.

  • Stock up with healing fungi (30 g) and warm milk (2 tbsp).
  • Connect the components and mix them until a thick uniform composition is obtained.
  • Put the resulting gruel on the face and leave the mixture to “work” for 15 minutes.
  • Remove the remains of the product using a moistened cotton pad.

Simple components of the mask, which will probably be found in the kitchen of every housewife, perfectly tone the skin and eliminate small wrinkles.

Facial face mask recipe with yeast

In the presence of areas of peeling and dryness, healing fungi will also come to the rescue.

  • Dilute 20 g of fungi in 1 tbsp. Mix the composition with 20 g of liquid honey and 10 g of fish oil. The resulting composition is thoroughly kneaded and put for 10 minutes in a water bath. Apply the mask to the dermis for 20 minutes. After delete a cotton sponge moistened in water.
  • Connect 10 ml of cream with 1 tsp of dry yeast. When the composition becomes homogeneous, add 1 tsp to rye flour. Apply a thick mask to the surface of the skin, avoiding areas around the eyes and lips. After 20 minutes of the “work” of the composition, remove the product with a decoction of nails.

Face yeast mask

If your skin belongs to the oily type, the use of masks from yeast and a number of other components will help normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands, as well as eliminate foci of inflammation.

  • A combined mask using a banana will be the best assistant in the struggle for perfect skin. Take 1 tbsp of active yeast and open them with a banana pulp. Add 15 ml of aloe juice and 25 ml of sea buckthorn to the resulting composition (olive oil can be used as an alternative option). Mix all the components thoroughly and apply to the dermis for 20 minutes. After - remove the remaining products with warm water.
  • Pull out a few aspirin tablets and add 10 g of fresh yeast to them and a drop of warm water. In the resulting mixture, include 5 ml of wheat oil and 10 g (2 tsp) of lemon zest. Apply the composition to the dermis with light massaging movements. The exposure time of the composition is 10 minutes, after which the mask must be washed off.

The result of the use of facial masks from yeast according to reviews in the predominant majority is positive. The tool helps to improve skin color, align the complexion, although the yeast does not show such obvious results regarding age spots and freckles. The most effective yeast cope with oily sheen, rashes and eels.



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