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Salads for weight loss

Salads for weight loss
From simple available products, you can prepare salads that will help drop extra pounds.

The most useful weight loss is slow. It does not like it only by the fact that to achieve the result, it is necessary to move with small inconspicuous steps. But most often I want the opposite: I decided to lose weight, fell asleep hungry, already woke up in the morning, already slender, fit and beautiful. But it happens perhaps in fairy tales, in reality everything is much more prosaic. Fast weight loss is harmful to internal organs, the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Therefore, if you decide to be slender, you need to gain patience, love simple low -fat foods, abandon high -calorie products.

Vegetable salads will be a great help in the fight against extra pounds. Here it is immediately necessary to make a note that not all vegetables contribute to weight loss.

Vegetable salads for weight loss: from which ingredients to cook

Potatoes for weight loss

Let's start with potatoes, the vegetable is very useful, contains a lot of potassium necessary for the normal life of our body. This wonderful vegetable is included in the dietary nutrition of people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. But the potatoes are a very high -calorie product, if you decide to lose weight, we get used to cooking salads without potatoes. In cases where potatoes are an indispensable ingredient, such as in the vinaigrette, it is recommended to use it in minimal quantities. There is another secret how to use potatoes in salads more useful. In order for tubers to retain the maximum amount of nutrients, it is better to bake them in the oven or on the grill, without cleansing the peel.

Beetroot for weight loss


The root crop contains a large number of organic acids that are beneficial for normal life: sorrel, folic, nicotine. It is rich in vitamins and trace elements, it contains iodine, iron, potassium, sodium. In addition, beets contains betaine and curcumin. Betain is a substance of plant origin, which accelerates metabolism and improves metabolism. It is betaine that helps to get rid of extra pounds, promotes the development of the oxidation process in the fat layer. Kurkumin is useful for preventing fatty fats in the body. Red beets have another unique property, it helps to restore damaged liver cells.

Another plus of red beet is a high fiber content. Naturally, for this, the root crop should be consumed raw. This priceless beet quality is used in various diets. Fiber helps the advance of food by intestines, and also creates a feeling of saturation. Beetroot in raw and boiled form is used in various salads for weight loss and cleansing of the body. When choosing a vegetable for cooking salads, give preference to root crops with a rich burgundy color, without white stains on a cut.

Cabbage for weight loss

The main advantage of cabbage can be called its low calorie content. At the same time, the vegetable is rich in vitamins C, P, K, Group B and trace elements: potassium, gray, phosphorus, calcium. White cabbage has no analogues among vegetables in the percentage of tartronic acid. This unique substance slows down the process of turning carbohydrates into fat. But tartronic acid is contained only in raw vegetables, when the product is heated, it is destroyed. From this it is clear that it is better to use cabbage in fresh form, without subjecting to heat treatment.

In salads, you can include cabbage of different types, they are all low -calorie and contain a lot of fiber. White cabbage contains 27 kcal in 100g, red -legged - 24 kcal, Beijing - 12 kcal. One of the unique products is sauerkraut. In addition to the fact that it is a source of vitamin C in winter, it in the process of preparation loses its calorie content. In 100 g of finished sauerkraut, only 19 kcal. These remarkable properties of cabbage are successfully used for weight loss. There are cabbage diets in which the basis of the diet is cabbage in cheese and boiled form.

Carrots for weight loss

Nutritionists are constantly arguing, is carrot suitable for weight loss? Judge for yourself: the calorie content of raw carrots is only 32 kcal per 100g, but everything changes if the carrots boil, it has a significantly increasing glycemic index, which is unfavorable for the pancreas. The conclusion is one, if you want to lose weight, add only raw carrots to salads. Well, everything is said about the benefits of this root crop, it contains a carotene, which is a powerful antioxidant that has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body. In carrots, a rich set of vitamins A, B, C, micro- and macroelements.

When choosing carrots for salads, give preference to orange fruits with intensive coloring. They contain a large amount of carotene, which positively affects the state of health.

Celery for weight loss


In recent years, nutritionists consider celery the most popular vegetable for weight loss. The main reason for this is low calorie content, how fashionable it is to say, zero. In fact, the calorie content of 100 g of celery is 12 kcal, but given that energy is spent on its chewing and processing of the digestive system, it is generally accepted that celery does not bring calories to the body. The root and stems of celery are used for food, they are equally useful if they are used in raw form. Celery contains a diverse complex of microelements: potassium, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, as well as vitamins B, PP, E, A, C. Sufficient volume of 2 tablespoons of grated celery, so that it is excess to provide the body with vitamins for a day. Celery increases the overall tone of the body, has an antiseptic and anti -allergic property, and is also an aphrodisiac.

For the preparation of salads, roots, stems and celery greens are used. It goes well with apple, cucumber, radishes.

Lighting salad recipes

In addition to the listed vegetables in low -calorie salads, you can include cucumbers, tomatoes, bell pepper, leaf salads. The salad of parsley, dill, basil, cilantro and green onions perfectly complement the salad. Greens contain a lot of healthy substances, and also improves the taste of the dish.

If your goal is to lose weight, special attention should be paid to refueling. Even if you prepare a salad of healthy “fat -burning” vegetables, but refill it with mayonnaise or sour cream, this dish can no longer be called dietary. Preference should be given to gas stations from natural yogurt or vegetable oil. If necessary, the salad can be sprinkled with lemon or orange juice.

Some recipes provide for a more modest refueling - vinegar. Just do not forget that the carrot salad must contain fats, otherwise the carotene contained in the root crop will simply not be absorbed.

Brush salad for weight loss


There are different options for recipes for this salad. The main ingredients are raw beets, carrots and cabbage. If desired, the salad can be supplemented with a grated apple or soaked prunes.

For salad you will need:

  •   1 beets 150-200 g;
  •   2 carrots, approximately 200 g;
  •   400-500 g of white cabbage;
  •   1 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  •   Salt, lemon juice.

For vegetables, you can take any grater. A very appetizing straw is obtained if you rub raw vegetables on a grater for Korean carrots. Stir vegetables, season with vegetable oil and lemon juice. Send the resulting salad in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to insist.

This portion of salad is enough for 2 meals. The brush salad is recommended for weight loss and for unloading days. The salad is very popular among those who follow their weight. With it, it is easy to reset 2-3 kg in a few days. Its composition is very simple, accessible to everyone, not requiring large cash costs.

The brush salad is used as the main menu for a seven -day diet, in addition, the salad perfectly cleanses the intestines of heavy protein and carbohydrate foods. Applying it, you can get rid of constipation, improve intestinal health and refresh the complexion.

Metelka salad for weight loss

For preparation, you will need:

  •   100 g of celery root;
  •   200 g of beets;
  •   300 g of unsweetened apples;
  •   1 tsp vegetable oil;
  •   Lemon juice.

Grate all the ingredients on a coarse grater. Sprinkle salad with gas oil and lemon juice. The salad has a rigid structure that is able to “sweep” the gestation deposits like a real panicle.

The salad has a wonderful spicy aroma that gives it the root of celery, and a sour taste. To make the salad low-calorie, it is not recommended to take sweet and sweet and sour apples.

Fruit salad for cleansing the intestines and weight loss

After the holidays or a plentiful feast, sometimes a feeling of heaviness in the stomach arises, it seems that digestion has stopped. The “fruit panicle” salad will be able to help in this situation. For 2-3 receptions, he will clean the intestines and resume proper digestion. Salad products will require the most familiar:

  •   300 g of grapefruit (medium -sized fruit);
  •   50 g of grenade grains;
  •   50 g of prunes;
  •   50 g of kuragi.

Pour prunes and dried apricots with hot water. At this time, clean the grapefruit, separate the pulp from the films. Grind dried fruits with a knife. Mix pieces of citrus and dried fruits, pour a salad with juice from grenade grains.

The salad for this recipe is not recommended to be used more often than 1 time per day. The salad has a pronounced laxative effect, so it is better to “eat” it, being in a home environment.

Salad for cleansing and losing weight "vegetable"


From ordinary products, you can prepare a wonderful salad that will delight you with a pleasant combination of vegetables. This salad option can be used for a full dinner or as a side dish. It all depends on the purpose that you pursue if you are striving to lose weight, just dinner with this fragrant salad.

For salad you will need:

  •   300 g of red cabbage;
  •   1 carrots;
  •   1 sweet pepper;
  •   1 apple;
  •   ¼ bulbs;
  •   vegetable oil;
  •   Lemon juice, salt.

Seined by strips, season the cabbage with salt and lemon juice. Cabbage acquires a pleasant pink color, add the rest of the crushed vegetables. Season the salad with vegetable oil and send it to the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.

Dietary salad for weight loss "beloved"


To slightly diversify the diet during weight loss, the ingredients can be added to the salads that do not interfere with the process of getting rid of excess weight. Such additives can be nuts, cheese of 5-10%fat, olives. It is worth remembering that if nuts are added to the salad, it is better to use it in the morning, because nuts are a very high -calorie product.

For salad you will need:

  •   a bunch of celery greenery with stems;
  •   1 cucumber;
  •   1 sweet and sour apple;
  •   50 g of cheese with fat content of 5-10%;
  •   a small clove of garlic;
  •   vegetable oil;
  •   Lemon juice, salt.

Cut the stems and leaves of celery finely. Cut an apple, cucumber and cheese into strips. In a small container, mix vegetable oil, lemon juice and chopped garlic. Pour the salad with a refueling. If desired, you can add a walnut, chopped on a cutting board with a rolling pin to the salad.

Salad for weight loss: Results


With the help of natural products, weight loss occurs slowly, but with benefit for the body. All fresh vegetables contain beneficial substances and vitamins, which favorably affects health.

These salads can be used during unloading days. It should only be remembered that if you have intestinal diseases, taking salads from raw vegetables can provoke an exacerbation. A milder effect on the body can be obtained if you replace an evening meal with a plate of a useful salad of vegetables. Such a dinner will help to lose 2-3 kg per week.

Salads "Brush" and "Metelka" are used for a diet, which is based on a protein-carbal alternation. One day you can use different types of low-calorie salads in a volume of at least 1 kg per day for 5-6 doses. The second day is protein, its menu is 1 kg of low -fat meat or fish. If you follow all the recommendations of this diet, in a week you can get rid of 3-4 extra pounds.

In order for weight loss to be effective, do not forget about physical activity and drink 1.5-2 liters of pure water per day. If you decide to become slim, you will certainly become elegant and fit!

Salad for weight loss. Video



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