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Makeup for big eyes

Makeup for big eyes
Features of applying makeup for large eyes.

Many girls have to make significant efforts so that their eyes look a little more. The owners of big eyes were largely lucky - because at all times they were considered a significant advantage that adorns any face and attract the attention of the opposite sex. Such girls, as a rule, are different types of makeup, you just need to choose it in accordance with their color type, the features of the shape of the eyelids, as well as the eye cut.

Features of makeup for large eyes

Endowed with nature with big eyes of women can be called real lucky ones, because they give expressiveness to the face, attracting his eyes. At the same time, do not believe that for large eyes there is no need to apply a make -up. To make the look as attractive as possible, you will need to highlight them with makeup.

It is worth noting that large eyes are not always distinguished by the ideal form. Quite often there are too closely or wide -set eyes, not uncommon is also too convex and round. It is not difficult to choose the most suitable makeup, determining the features of the shape of the eyes. If necessary, to adjust the disadvantages, while emphasizing the beauty of the look, you can use thoughtful makeup for big eyes. Given the individual characteristics of the appearance, it is worth selecting it so as to bring it as close as possible to the correct almond -shaped form, since it is it that is traditionally considered advantageous.

When selecting suitable makeup for large eyes, it is worth considering the general principles of using visual correction. As when choosing clothes, light colors help focus on certain areas, dark optically reduce volumes. Thus, using shadows for the eyelids of dark shades, you can visually reduce the size of the eyes, light tones emphasize an open look. The correct use of these techniques will help adjust the proportions.

In addition, it is recommended that owners of the eyes of large sizes be given care of eyebrows - it is required that they are well -groomed and natural average width. It is worth considering that thin threads in the form of threads are not relevant for a long time, moreover, they do not go to the owners of large eyes - for them the most advantageous is considered a smooth slightly curved shape of the eyebrows. To maintain its optimal state, it is necessary to remove excess hairs in time. It is recommended to maintain the natural color of the eyebrows, if necessary, emphasizing it with shadows or a pencil of a suitable saturated shade.
Some stylists recommend using a minimum amount of mascara in large eyes in makeup, as they supposedly do not need additional emphasis. This thesis can be challenged, since high -quality painted eyelashes create a seductive shadow around the eyes of a large size (it is required that the eyelashes look quite natural). In addition, in order to give the face additional texture and expressiveness, stylists recommend using at least three shades in makeup for large eyes.

Makeup for big eyes: almond -shaped shape

In the presence of a natural almond -shaped eye cut, various makeup techniques can be used. Such eyes do not need special correction, it is enough to slightly emphasize their natural beauty to make the look more expressive. At the same time, it is necessary to choose the color scheme that suitable in appearance, which advantageously emphasizes the color of the eyes. In addition, it is important to make sure that makeup for large eyes is harmoniously combined with a common make -up.

Makeup for big eyes: round and convex eyes

For the owners of round eyes when applying makeup, the task is to visually “pull out” them in order to bring them closer to the almond -shaped form. It is worth considering that round eyes circled along the contour can give the face a surprised and somewhat naive expression. Visually, “pulling out” a section of round eyes is not difficult with the help of the eyeliner - for this it is worth applying it, starting from the inner corner of the eye, in the form of an expanding arrow reaching the outer corner of the eye and slightly protruding beyond the contours of the century. Dark shadows, applied throughout the eyelid to lengthening (slightly leaving the outer contours of the century), must be carefully tightened closer to the temple, so that the transitions are invisible.

A rather frequent head of the owners of large eyes is too convex eye sockets. In such cases, many stylists recommend using a black pencil for large eyes makeup - with its help you can adjust the image by giving it notes of dramatic and easy extravagance.

Choosing makeup for large convex eyes, you should use matte shadows. The darker of them should be covered with the most protruding areas, and then the transitions to obtain the most natural effect. For this, stylists recommend using matte cold shades-for example, dark gray, as well as muffled gray-blue and purple. Do not use shadows and pencil for makeup with particles of mother of pearl or with satin shine, as they serve convex eyelids in non -inflamed form.

Makeup for big eyes: closely placed eyes

If the eyes are located too close to each other, they can be visually diverge, applying some correction techniques. In the inner corner of the eye, you should put the point with light shadows or a pencil and shave it. To emphasize the eyes from the outside, i.e. Closer to the temples, this part of the century under the eyebrow must be covered with dark shadows of warm shades, spreading them to lengthening towards the temple. After that, it is required to emphasize with a pencil the basic eyelash growth area, taking it slightly up from the outside of the century. The resulting line must be gently shade. Next, it is required to apply mascara to the eyelashes, paying special attention to the area from the middle of the eye to its outer corner, while the eyelashes from the inner corner of the eye should not be painted.

Makeup for big eyes: widely placed eyes

If the eyes are too widely placed, these proportions can be leveled using accents in the inner corners of the eye applied by dark shadows or pencil. Such makeup should be thoroughly blended. Distributing the shadows, you should direct the brush upward, in the direction of the eyebrows. Further, makeup for large eyes can be performed in a conventional technique, while it is recommended to minimize the use of light tones.


Makeup for big eyes: how to choose a color scheme

If the form correction is not required, the makeup for the eyes of a large size can be performed in any technique - depending on the situation. At the same time, it will be necessary to pay due attention to the selection of tones, since it is required that the color scheme in makeup makeup emphasizes their shade and natural beauty. Their correct selection, depending on the color of the iris, will help make the make -up and give a look depth. Modern trends allow the use of shadows of contrasting eyes of the eyes of shades.

Makeup looks harmonious for large brown eyes in warm beige-sand, as well as chocolate colors. In addition, in most cases, lavender and turquoise shadows will look advantageous. Milk, ivory shade, as well as various shades of gray color will give great brown eyes additional depth. For makeup of large brown eyes, it is recommended to combine several harmoniously combining shades.


The blue color of the iris gently emphasizes the shades of the peach-pink and lilac gamut, as well as creamy, copper and cold brown tones. To apply evening makeup for large blue eyes, you can use fairly bright shades of yellow and orange.

Owners of green eyes should pay attention to the shades of copper, gold, green and brown. When using a brighter burgundy or purple shade, a greenish iris can visually acquire a more saturated emerald color.   The shadow of chocolate-brown color looks harmonious in makeup for large green eyes, as well as smoky gray and khaki colors.

How to apply makeup for big eyes

In order for the result of a large eye makeup to be most expressive, a competent distribution of shades of shadows is necessary. For makeup of large eyes using two or three shades that are combined with each other, one of the following methods can be applied:

  • cover the mobile eyelid from the line of eyelash growth with dark shadows. A light glare should be applied to the area under the eyebrow. After that, the transitions should be shaved, and then carefully paint the eyelashes, depending on the time of day and the required effect, with one or several layers of the carcass;
  • first you should apply a layer of lighter shadows the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe mobile century, and then cover the zone below the fold of the century and highlight the outer corner of the eye. Next, it is necessary to paint the eyelashes in mascara.


Such a large eye makeup can be performed in various shades, selecting them in accordance with your needs.

Makeup for big eyes in the technique of "Smokey ice"

The methodology for applying a “smoky” make -up in the form of smoothly shaved shadows of several shades of various intensity is currently very popular. Such makeup for large eyes “with a cap” will look very harmonious, give them expressiveness and add sensuality.

To achieve this result, the following step -by -step management of makeup for large eyes can be applied:

  • first, on the eyelids should be applied the basis that levels the skin and provides a more smooth application of cosmetics;
  • after complete absorption of the basic product, it is necessary to use a small amount of corrective agent - it should be applied under the eyes, as well as in the inter -table zone. This will hide dark circles, as well as small wrinkles, lighten the area near the eyes and make the look bright;
  • next, you need to use the translucent powder;
  • after that, it is necessary to apply the shade of the peach-pink, cream, sand or beige shade to the mobile eyelid. Next, you will need to be bred to the outer corner of the eye;
  • further technique of applying shadows will depend on individual data. If the eyes are widely planted, it is necessary to emphasize the area in the form of a semicircle above the fold of the century, using shadows of medium intensity. In the presence of closely placed eyes, you need to paint the eyelids from the inside (closer to the nose) of the shadows a fairly dark shade and carefully perform bubbles;
  • after that, the lines should be applied to the caustic eyelash zone in the form of an arrow with a black, smoky-gray or brown pencil (or apply the eyeliner);
  • next, near the line drawn by a pencil or eyeliner, it is necessary to apply “smoky” shadows, applying them slightly on lengthening to the temples, and then gently shave them to obtain the “smoky ice” effect. For these purposes, chocolate-brown shades, gray, dark blue or purple are suitable;
  • after that, you should carefully remove the excess shadows with a napkin, and then use the mascara.


Such a large eye makeup looks quite spectacular, in addition, it is suitable for both blondes and brunettes.

Makeup for big eyes - photo



Makeup for big eyes - video



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