
How to save a tan

How to save a tan
How to care for skin so that the tan is preserved for a long time

An even and beautiful tan is considered in the modern world a sign of beauty and wellness. Therefore, many women, even in the cold season, regularly visit the solarium, and certainly all beauties seek to get a bronze skin color, going to the sea. But the vacation ends, and the skin begins to pale. With proper care, a magnificent shade can be saved on the skin much longer.

How to save a tan: how a tan forms


In the layers of the human epidermis are cells called melanocytes (pigment cells), which, under the influence of ultravioletus, enhance melanin. Melanin is a kind of “coloring substance”, which penetrating into every cell of the skin, gives it a dark -skinned shade. Pigment cells are not equally distributed in different areas of the body. That is why the shoulders and face are so easily darkened, but it is so difficult to achieve a rich tanning of the skin on the inner surface of the arms or hips.

In fact, the tan is “invented” by nature not for the beauty of our body, but to protect it from the penetration of ultraviolet radiation deep into the tissues. When a person is under the scorching sun for too long, his skin loses moisture, rude, darkens, burns often appear, free radicals are actively accumulating in the deep layers of the skin. If the effect of ultraviolet radiation does not stop, then the process of destroying collagen and elastin fibers is launched, which are responsible for the elasticity of the skin - this process is called photoaging. Also, abuse of tanning can cause the appearance of age spots and a vascular grid on the skin.

But if you sunbathe in moderately and at the right time (until 10 in the morning and after 5 pm), then this will bring undoubted benefit to the whole body:

  • under the influence of the sun, the body actively synthesizes vitamin D, which is important to maintain the health of all organs and body systems;
  • the sun enhances blood circulation in the layers of the epidermis and helps to recover from various skin diseases: dermatitis, rashes and redness;
  • the ultraviolet launch in the human body of serotonin (the so -called hormone of happiness).

Therefore, if you want the tan to bring you only benefits and beauty, do not torment your body, while being under the scorching sun, be sure to protect the skin and help it recover faster after sunny baths.

How to save a tan: the correct use of sunbathing


The resistance of the tan is determined even at the time when you are in the south. The correct use of sunbathing and competent body care at this time will preserve the skin of the bronze for a long time.

  1. Even before the vacation, visit the solarium. Here your task will not be a tan, but the adaptation of the skin to the upcoming exposure to the southern sun. A few visits for 3-5 minutes will be quite enough.
  2. Before going to the resort, the skin must be prepared for the effects of the sun. To do this, independently or in a beauty salon, do the skin of the skin of the body and face. The procedure will help remove dead cells and level the skin. Updated skin will perceive the effects of sunlight easier: the tan will fall more evenly and will stay longer.
  3. Do not try to sunbathe on one day. Such an intense effect of the sun will be real stress for the skin: most likely, dryness, tightness or even redness will appear. In the early days, you are in the sun in a total of no more than 15 minutes in the morning or evening. Every day, slightly increase the time of stay in the sun.
  4. From 11 a.m. to 5 pm, the exposure to sunlight is so strong that it can lead to serious burns on the skin. Then you will have to forget about the beautiful tan. Therefore, spend this time in the shade. Do not think that if you left the open sun, then your skin ceases to sunbathe: scattered sunlight affects softly and safely, so the skin of some people in the shade tanes even faster than in the sun.
  5. Be sure to use sunscreen. Do not forget to apply it again after a few bathing.
  6. Reflected from the surface of the water, the sun's rays enhance their effect on your skin. Therefore, going on a walk, try to protect the skin as creams as much as possible or throw light fabric on your shoulders. For the same reason, you should not be too close to the surface of the water in the first days of vacation.
  7. So that the skin becomes dark faster and acquires a golden hue, drink carrot and apricot juices.

How to save a tan: how to sunbathe in a solarium, so that the skin retains its color for a long time


If you decide to get a soft tan without waiting for summer vacation, then visiting a solarium will help you with this. It is very important to properly prepare for the procedure so as not to harm yourself and get the desired skin color.

  1. A solarium is a very "concentrated sun." Therefore, if you have gynecological, endocrine or dermatological diseases, then it is better to refuse to visit the solarium.
  2. Before the tan session, peeling or hair removal should not be done, as well as take a shower using gels and soap. Thus, the protective fat layer of the skin will be destroyed, and it can easily burn under the influence of intense lamps.
  3. For tanning in the solarium, there are special protective and pigmenting creams. They differ in composition from those that are used to protect from the sun. Creams for visiting the solarium contribute to uniform darkening of the skin and its deep moisture.
  4. Together with a cosmetologist, determine the optimal tan time for your skin type. In the first visits to the skin will be enough for 2-3 minutes, gradually increase the time to 10 minutes.
  5. Do not use decorative cosmetics and perfumes before visiting the solarium so as not to cause the appearance of age spots.
  6. After the session, replenish the water balance by drinking water or green tea.

How to save a tan: skin cleansing

Some girls believe that to preserve tanning, you need to stop using shower gels and minimize the water procedure itself. However, it is not right to completely refuse to cleanse the skin, because the skin really needs it, especially in the summer.

For delicate cleansing, it is enough in the morning and in the evening to take a warm shower for 5 minutes. As a cleanser, choose a gel or soap based on natural components: oils, clay, ethers, honey. Natural components will not dry the skin, but, on the contrary, will saturate it with vitamins and nutrients.

Hot bathroom or sauna does not contribute to the preservation of tanning. The effect of high temperature and prolonged steaming of the skin provokes its dryness and, as a result, peeling and loss of dark -skinned color.

How to save a tan: cosmetics


The first rule for the preservation of tanning for a long time is the use of special cosmetics intended for the skin, which has exposed to the sun.

Such a welcome bronze shade of the skin occurs when, under the influence of ultraviolet, our body produces melanin in the upper layers of the epidermis. The fact is that no matter how carefully you sunbathe, the processes occurring in the skin are perceived by it as stress. As a result of moisture losses, the skin becomes more dry and coarse, and inside them immediately starts an active process of regeneration. The skin will begin to actively exfoliate and renew, and together with particles of dead skin, a tan leaves.

Take it in a rule from the first day of vacation and, after its end, regularly moisturize the skin of the face and body, replenishing the vital moisture. However, for tanned skin, your favorite body cream may not be suitable. It perfectly helps to restore the skin of the body in the cold season, but after tanning can cause you significant discomfort: essential oils contained in creams can cause burning and manifestation of an allergic reaction. Therefore, during the period of active tanning and after it it is better to use specialized tools.

The composition of the lotions after the tan is very sparing: it does not irritate the skin dry from the sun, does not cause burning and at the same time deeply moisturizes and promotes the prolonged preservation of dark -skinned skin color. Often, such lotions contain aloe extract (has a calming and cooling effect), vitamin E (necessary to prevent photographs of the skin) and melanin (helps to fix the tan and restore the micro -processing of the skin).

It is better to choose a cream after tanning as the same series as the sunscreen: so you will get comprehensive skin care. Returning from the beach, be sure to wash off the remnants of the protective agent, sand and sea salt from the skin, get wet with a towel, and then apply a chilled agent after tan.

After returning from vacation, pay attention to the composition of your cosmetics for skin care products. Do not use drugs that have a bleaching effect (masks, lotions and folk recipes). Active bleaching is facilitated by cucumber extract, lemon juice, milk, celandine and pumpkin seeds.

How to save a tan: face and neck


The skin of the face and the neckline is thinner and sensitive than the skin of other parts of the body. It is subjected to the greatest influence of sunlight, more intensively polluted, withstands the effects of decorative cosmetics. Therefore, if the body is enough regular moisture, then the person also needs additional nutrition and protection after exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Use special regenerating creams that a cosmetologist or professional consultant in a store will help you choose. Also 2-3 times a week, make various masks that will allow you to maintain skin health and its bronze color.

A mask for tanned skin of blueberries and yogurt. To prepare the mask, you will need 3 tbsp. Natural yogurt and 8-10 blueberries. Pull the components until a homogeneous consistency and apply to the face for 15 minutes. Blueberries contain the most important vitamins C and E, thanks to which the skin is deeply moistened and restored. And lactic acid contained in yogurt will help to delicately remove keratinized cells from the surface of the skin, without violating the beauty of your tan.

Avocado mask. Take a small and very ripe fruit of avocados (you will need half), remove the peel and open the fruit with a fork until a homogeneous gruel is formed. Add some wheat and carrot oil sprouts to the pulp. Apply the mask to the face and neck, lie down for about 15 minutes, relaxing the muscles of the face. Then remove the composition from the skin with cotton pads and wash it with cool water. Avocado is very rich in the unique fatty acids of omega-3, which have an anti-aging effect. Wheat sprout oil contain vitamin E, which will restore the skin after sunbathing. Carrot oil will enhance the intensity of golden skin color and deeply moisturizes it.

How to keep a tan: food


The right approach to nutrition will also help you keep the tan on the skin longer. Start saturating your body with useful substances while still on the beach. Most importantly, this is the moisturizing of the skin not only from the outside, but also from the inside. To maintain a moisture balance, drink at least two liters of pure water per day.

It is very useful at least once every few days to include fatty fish varieties in your diet (for example, tuna, salmon, sardine, macrel). In addition to fats, these products are rich in tyrosine - amino acid, which prevents the active destruction of the dark pigment of the skin.

Famous for all assistants in the preservation of tanning are vitamins A, E and C - they support skin swimming and at the same time help the body cope with stress from the intensive effects of sunlight.

Vitamin A, as well as β-carotene, stimulates actively the production of melanin in the layers of the epidermis. Therefore, not only retain the tan, but also accelerate its appearance. More vitamin A, the other products are contained in carrots: drink carrot juice, add more fresh carrots to salads or just eat this vegetable - your tan will be noticeable for a long time. Vitamin A is also found in watermelon, melon, peach, apricots, mangoes and spinach.

Vitamin C in large quantities is contained not only in citrus fruits, but also in blackcurrant, Bulgarian pepper, tomatoes and strawberries.

How to save a tan: home remedies


So that the tan is not brighter for a long time, you can use various folk remedies. Such funds will not only help maintain color. But also enrich the skin with nutrients.

  1. Coffee scrub. Boil fresh coffee. After the drink is drunk, add a little olive oil to the coffee grounds. Apply the mass to the skin steamed after a warm shower and massage with light movements. Such a tool will not only make the skin smooth as an ordinary scrub, but also give it elasticity, will become an excellent prevention of cellulite and, of course, will help maintain a natural tan longer.
  2. Carrot mask. Take freshly squeezed carrot juice and mix it with a small amount of olive oil. Apply the mask to the whole body and withstand for about 20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. Be careful if your skin is too white by nature: under the influence of the active components of the mask, it can acquire a yellow tint.
  3. Black tea. You can periodically wipe the skin with a strong decoction of black tea. He will emphasize the darkness of the skin, as well as narrow the pores and normalizes sweating.
  4. Mask from tomatoes. Remove with a fork 2 ripe tomatoes (first remove the skin), add olive oil and a couple of tablespoons of cottage cheese. The composition must be applied to the body for 20 minutes, and washed off, alternating hot and cold water.

How to save a tan. Video



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