
Lip peeling

Lip peeling
When and how to use lip peels. Photos of recipes for cooking at home.

With the onset of cold weather and the worsening of weather conditions, the vast majority of people begin problems with the skin, and this is especially noticeable on the lips. From a strong, no longer warm wind, the lips dry and peel off, and from a low temperature - crack and rude. Of course, most of all this problem bothers the female half, with its soft and fragile skin.

Who would have thought that the lack of sebaceous glands would become such a problem? But it is the skin fat that protects the surface of the epidermis from the influences of the external environment, nourishes and thickens its walls. Therefore, our lips are always so fragile, and the skin is thin. Therefore, the care of the beauty and health of the skin of the lips in women is on the agenda all year round. A variety of moisturizing and caring lipsticks, hygiene shine and creams - the choice is diverse. However, it is not always possible to choose an ideal tool for yourself, and sometimes the lipstick familiar to you simply does not cope with complicated tasks. In such situations, lip peeling save. Soft peeling of cosmetic production and made at home will bring the skin of the lips update and treatment.

How and when to do lip peeling


Proper lips care include a whole range of stages for cleansing, moisturizing and protecting the skin. One of the most important and effective methods for combating the problems of imperfection of the epidermis on the lips is peeling or scrubs. Such procedures allow our skin to be free from the dead cells of the epidermis, smooth the cracks, level the structure, make the skin soft and silky. Many neglect such methods or do not know at all about lip peeling, although even at home this procedure is quite easy to do. Even in cosmetic salons, such a procedure as a deep peeling of the lips is now popular. Since the skin of the lips is renewed faster compared to the surface of the remaining parts of the body, therefore, it needs a peeling procedure more often. You will save significantly, enjoy the process, you can independently vary the degree of scrubbing and choose your favorite ingredients to get a maximum effect for minimal means.

In order to correctly make lip peeling at home, it is enough to choose a good recipe according to reviews, prepare the ingredients and clearly adhere to elementary rules when mixing them.

  1. If you have a scrub after the procedure, it can be stored without loss of quality in the refrigerator for a long time for a long time. Only be sure to use a glass jar or a hermetically closing container for storage. The glass does not oxidize and does not react with organic ingredients of homemade peeling for the lips. This will allow you to maintain all valuable substances into inviolability and not spoil the product. Tighting is needed so that the scrub does not dry - there will be no benefit from the dry residues of its former courage.
  2. Be sure to apply a peeling on a little moistened lips, and not triple immediately on the living. Although we strive to remove the keratinized cells, we need to do this gently and imperceptibly for the lower layer of young skin.
  3. After applying peeling sling, massage your lips with your forefinger with light circular movements. Do not press and do not triple for a long time in one place, otherwise overdo it.
  4. Make lip peeling no longer than 2 - 3 minutes. Then rinse with warm running water and apply a moisturizer.
  5. Do not use this procedure too often - enough 2 - 3 times in 7 days. With more frequent use, you simply damage the new skin on the lips, because the keratinized particles of the epidermis will simply not have time to grow.
  6. To improve the effect of homemade peel peeling, you can add various essential oils and liquid vitamins there.
  7. If possible, do peeling before bedtime or after taking a bath, when the skin is soft and supplied to all kinds of manipulations, and the pores are expanded and ready to absorb beneficial substances.

Homemade lip peeling recipes


Take care of your lips. Your images will be more completed if you apply decorative cosmetics on well -groomed, healthy and smooth skin. Do not fight defects on the lips with the help of camouflage lipsticks and proofreaders. Cosmetics have been invented to emphasize your advantages, and not hide the shortcomings.

Lip peeling with honey and orange

scrub with orange

If you like all fruit and your skin is hypersensitive - use elementary home peeling for lip with honey and orange.


  • half an orange;
  • 10 - 15 g of liquid honey;
  • dried cloves - a teaspoon;
  • the basis for peeling is a petroleum jelly or a mixture of coconut oil and sugar.

Method of preparation:

  1. In a comfortable glass container, mix the ingredients of the base 1: 1 or take 3 tbsp. l. Vaselina.
  2. Pre -cut the orange into slices so that it is more convenient to squeeze the juice, or pass through the juicer. For home peeling, we need only pure juice without pulp.
  3. In a container with the base, gradually stirring, add honey. Then pour carefully orange juice. It is important to observe the consistency so that the peeling does not turn out to be too liquid, but it is not too dry.
  4. Pull the cloves as smaller as possible, otherwise its dry sharp edges will be able to scratch the skin during the procedure. Still thoroughly mix and put in the refrigerator thicken and “whispered” for about an hour.

Lip pill with pumpkin and sugar


You will need a little more time to prepare this peeling, but it's worth it. Pumpkin gruel, combined with walnut and a mixture of sugar, will allow you not only to effectively remove the keratinized cells of the epidermis, but also heal the cracks, level the tone of the lips, give them freshness, beauty and youth. And what kind of lip peeling tastes - you can only envy you during the procedure.


  • the basis for peeling is a mixture of coconut oil, reed and ordinary sugar;
  • pumpkin gruel - 100 g;
  • walnut - 2 pcs. Or ordinary ground - 1 tbsp. l.

Method of preparation:

  1. First prepare a pumpkin's gruel. Choose soft and ripe pumpkin, only then peeling gruel will turn out juicy, but at the same time quite thick. Clean the amount of pumpkin from the peel we need, boil and chop in a blender.
  2. To prepare the base, mix 1 tbsp. l. crushed reed sugar with 1 tbsp. l. ordinary, and everything is pour 2 tbsp. l. coconut oil. Mix thoroughly and let it brew a little.
  3. Add walnut and pumpkin - mix everything well. Now you can see the resulting mixture by density. If the home peeling is liquid - add a little more pumpkin and basics, if thick - cosmetic oil.
  4. Tightly close the container with the mixture and let it brew in the refrigerator before using about 1.5 hours. When you begin to apply peeling on the skin, only on the lips the sugar will begin to be pleasantly to melt.

Lip peel with cranberry and vanilla

cranberry peeling

This peeling is rightfully considered one of the most original and nutritious. Its ingredients are so unusual that their combination fills your lips not only with a divine aroma, but also feeds a complex of vitamins that strengthen the walls of the skin vessels. Also, lip -based lip peeling in combination with therapeutic berries of the cranberry pharmacy gives the color to dim and inexpressive lips, fills them with moisture, which visually makes them slightly larger and more noticeable.


  • the basis for peeling is a mixture of coconut oil and chopped reed sugar;
  • dried berries of the pharmacy cranberry - 60 g;
  • vanilla liquid extract - 1 tbsp. l.

Method of preparation:

  1. As usual, we start with the base: mix coconut oil with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1.
  2. Finely cut the cranberries and add to the container with the base. We pour vanilla extract there. Do not overdo it with Vanilla. In the extract, it is already very concentrated if you do not adhere to the proportions, only harm your lips.
  3. Now the main task is to mix everything and insist a little at room temperature, and then put in the refrigerator.
  4. For the best effect, before setting to cool, tightly pack the container in the food film - completely eliminate contact with air.
  5. After 2 hours, you can finally enjoy the moment and try the cranberry-vanilla lip peel.

Lip peeling with maple syrup and almond

with maple syrup

Such peeling is perfect for people with problem skin. The content of maple syrup allows you to saturate the epidermis cells of group B vitamins, as well as thiamine. In addition, one of the most valuable properties of maple in home peeling for lips is the content of useful antioxidants and polyphenols. They favorably affect the normalization of blood circulation and blood flow to the skin. It is also believed that they are extremely useful for the prevention and treatment of cancer. Piling for lip with maple syrup normalizes the color of your lips and blood circulation in the tissues, will have to heal and restore the new skin.


  • the basis for peeling is a mixture of coconut oil and chopped reed sugar;
  • almond extract - 3 drops;
  • maple syrup - 2 tsp.

Method of preparation:

  1. In a glass container with comfortable edges, mix 3 tbsp. l. coconut oil with 3 tbsp. l. reed sugar is the basis for peeling.
  2. Add almond extract bought in a pharmacy, and maple syrup in the necessary proportions.
  3. Mix everything and bring to the state of fat sour cream.
  4. You can apply immediately to the surface of the lips. Rinse with warm running water.
  5. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days.

Lip peeling: Contraindications


If you strictly adhere to recipes for making lip peeling at home and do not experiment with synthetic ingredients, then, in principle, there are no special warnings to their use. The exception is only obvious viral diseases and infections, as well as very deep cracks, especially in the corners of the lips. In such cases, you must first cure damage on the skin, and then carry out cosmetic procedures.

  1. Thoroughly remove the remaining cosmetics from the lip and face before the peeling procedure. Cosmetics are deeply eaten into the pores of the skin, and you will only contribute to its deeper penetration with the help of a home cosmetic procedure.
  2. Apply home peeling only to the skin, and in no case on the area around the lips. Carefully process the corners, there always accumulate microscopic residues of food and keratinized epidermal cells.
  3. Always adhere to the correct massage technology during peeling. Do not press on the skin during the przedura, do not trite and do not stretch the surface of the lips, otherwise the skin will stretch over time and become coated with wrinkles.



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