
Vegetable diets for weight loss

Vegetable diets for weight loss
Vegetable diets for weight loss: benefits and harm, diet, types of diets, examples of diet for periods.

So the long -awaited warmth came, which aroused the desire to be beautiful, slender and flowering. Nature itself contributes to this process, giving the opportunity to wear light outfits and enriching our diet with the first spring herbs, vegetables and berries.

Many women, and men, too, want to throw off the burden of extra pounds accumulated over a long period of cold weather, when I wanted more home warmth and tranquility. This is quite real, you just have to rebuild a little and reconsider your diets.

Often we can’t wait to get the desired result quickly. For this, there are a great many diverse diets that can bring the figure into a fit form in a short time and at the same time free the body from toxins and toxins. A vegetable diet that is so familiar to our diet is especially effective in this regard and does not require significant money.

It is useful to eat vegetables grown without the use of a large amount of chemistry, that is, environmentally friendly products. If you carefully consider this important characteristic when buying products, then you can easily find a place where you can regularly buy only natural and fresh vegetables and fruits.

Naturally, there is a wide variety of ways to reduce weight using restrictions in food. The menu of vegetable diets does not have to be boring at all, because with a successful combination of seasonings, spices and other ingredients, you will eat not only useful, but also delicious.

The benefits and harms of vegetable diets


There are many positive moments from eating a large amount of plant foods and all of them are quite significant. The main advantages of fruit and vegetable abundance in food are as follows:

  •   saturation of the body with all the necessary trace elements, which is positively reflected in the condition of the skin, hair and the whole body;
  • a large amount of fiber necessary for the proper operation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the rapid digestibility of the gifts of nature by the human body;
  • cheapness of products during the ripening of the crop;
  • you can use in the evening shortly before bedtime, this will not hurt the figure.

But, unfortunately, the vegetable diet also has disadvantages that may arise if you do not take care of its balance or overdo it with a duration:

  •   loss of muscle mass;
  • obsessive feeling of a feeling of hunger;
  • problems with stool;
  • lack of strength, fatigue with physical exertion.

It is worth considering that when choosing a balanced diet with a reasonable addition of black bread, sunflower or olive oil, boiled low -fat meat or fish, sour milk products, honey, negative consequences are reduced to zero, provided that all products are transferred well and do not cause an allergic reaction .

Slimming products on a vegetable diet


It is pleasant to realize that the use of many products in moderate quantities in itself contributes to weight loss. They can replace desserts and snacks, safely avoiding buns and sweets.

Many of these products accelerate the metabolism in the body, forcing it to quickly process food and get rid of excess, which helps to normalize weight. Paradoxically, even some high -calorie products with their reasonable use will help get rid of excess weight.

Greg, cedar nuts, almonds

Despite your glory of high -calorie and enough fat products, it is much better to get rid of hunger, having eaten a few nuts than to break on sweets. As they say, you go quieter, you will be further.

Fruit for weight loss

  1. Always ready to save us from suffering on an empty stomach apples and pears. They are not at all rich in calories, but they give a feeling of saturation, so they are an excellent snack. The use of 1 apple before meals will significantly reduce appetite and relieve the temptation to swallow large portions.
  2. Grapefruit has proven itself perfectly. If you eat it every day during all meals, or drink grapefruit juice, then with moderate use of fats and carbohydrates only with this fruit, you can part with a couple of extra pounds in 2 weeks.
  3. It is also useful for pineapple to pamper yourself before eating lovers of large plates. Having eaten a piece of pineapple, you will deprive the feelings of the hunger of your strength and power, riding yourself from the need.
  4. Fruits are a very tasty and necessary component when compiling fruit and vegetable diets.

Vegetables for a beautiful figure

  1. Most of the vegetables are simply created for the healthy functioning of the human body. In addition to the habitual carrots, cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes, it is very useful for good metabolism to use sea cabbage.
  2. A large amount of iodine in sea cabbage prevents and reduces the manifestations of hypothyroidism, which often causes obesity. The benefits for metabolism will also be given celery, spinach, nettle leaves.
  3. In addition to a long diet, experts recommend periodically arranging a fruit or vegetable unloading day, for example, 1 time per week, which will also bear fruit.

Fish dishes and health

Fish dishes, rich in polyunsaturated with fats, will not allow you to feel hungry, but will help a lot when losing weight. If the fish is steamed, then the dishes from it will be as useful as possible for the whole body and for the figure.

The fish, especially the sea, perfectly complement the side dishes from vegetables or cereals and will become an indispensable component of protein-vegetable diets.

Dairy products to give energy

Choosing low -fat kefir, yogurt, cheeses you will feel full for a long time. These products are perfectly combined with any diet and allow you to alternate protein, vegetable or fruit days, which prevents the depletion of the body.

Seasonings and spices

In ancient times, spices were worth its weight in gold. And this is for a reason, because they can taste even the simplest dish of the royal. But this is not their only dignity. Many spices are able to significantly extend freshness to products, and most importantly - they are useful for the body and the metabolism of a person.

It is known that acute seasonings help to burn fat and purify blood vessels from unnecessary deposits, and sugar can be replaced with cinnamon.

Water and tea

For proper metabolism, it is extremely necessary to drink a sufficient amount of pure water, because without it it is difficult for the body to digest proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Good to maintain a slender figure and green tea, which also accelerates the metabolism. But it cannot be abused, because it tones the nervous system.

Diet from only vegetables


Strict vegetable diets are designed for accelerated weight loss and imply a menu consisting of only vegetables or fruits, without adding nuts, meat or milk.

This version of the diet is poor in proteins and carbohydrates, so the duration of the use of a strict approach in the diet should be limited to 7 days. Reviews of people who have tried a vegetable diet, designed for a week, most often positive. There is a quick disposal of 5 -7 kg, as well as good health.

To achieve the maximum effect, it is recommended to repeat the 7-day course of vegetable food after 10 days with a conventional diet. But it is worth considering that the diet according to this scheme is recommended to be organized no more than 1 time per year.

Option of diet 1

Consider the approximate menu of the diet for a week based on the daily use of vegetable salad and decoction.

1, 3, 5 day

  1. In the morning: a salad of cucumbers, sweet pepper, tomatoes and any greenery.
  2. Snack: zucchini stewed with tomatoes and herbs.
  3. In the afternoon: a decoction of cabbage, tomatoes, sweet pepper, carrots, onions and celery.
  4. Snack: Jerusalem artichoke and carrot salad with lemon juice.
  5. In the evening: vegetable stew from cauliflower, tomatoes and onions.

2 and 6 days

  1. In the morning: a salad of a booty red cabbage, red pepper and celery.
  2. Snack: boiled potatoes and herbs.
  3. In the afternoon: a decoction of cauliflower, sweet pepper and parsley.
  4. Snack: a salad of sweet pepper, tomatoes and herbs.
  5. In the evening: stewed eggplant, onions and carrots.

4 and 7 days

  1. In the morning: carrots and celery salad.
  2. Snack: baked pumpkin.
  3. In the afternoon: a decoction of cabbage, sweet pepper and peas.
  4. Snack: a salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs.
  5. In the evening: stewed eggplant, cabbage, zucchini and sweet pepper.

In addition to the variety of a vegetable diet, with this diet, it is worth taking care of the correct drinking regime. It is necessary to take the necessary volume of liquid, including clean water, it is also allowed to use a decoction of unsweetened green tea.

Option of diet 2

Another option for a strict diet is based on a vegetable soup, which is differently called Boonsky soup. The diet diet implies frequent use of a decoction of several vegetables that help lose weight. If possible, it is recommended not to salt the dish for more benefit to the body.

Recipes of soups as the basis of the vegetable diet are different, but the co -preparation sequence of Bon soup is as follows: it is necessary to finely chop the cabbage, onions, carrots, sweet pepper and tomatoes, pour all this riot with water and boil over low heat until cooked.

A vegetable diet for 7 days, the basis of which is bonn soup, can be organized as follows:

1 day

Vegetable soup 3 times a day and fruit snacks.

2 day

Boonsky soup 3 times a day, baked potatoes in small quantities are allowed at lunch or evening. We consume raw vegetables as snacks.

3 days

Bosky soup and vegetable or fruit snacks, potatoes are excluded.

4 days

Just like the previous day, bananas are allowed as snacks.

5 day

The same as on the previous day, as snacks - tomatoes in any quantity.

6 day

Boonsky soup 3 times a day, snack the salad leaves.

7 day

Everything, as on the 6th day, but a little wild rice is added to the soup.

Mixed diet


Diets with a variety of menu from vegetable, fruit, meat and dairy dishes contain more calories than purely vegetable or fruit options, but they are more tasty, satisfying and balanced.

A diet that includes low -fat protein products can be counted on a significantly longer period. The weight will not decrease so quickly, but you will not feel a sharp transition from a regular diet to dietary and vice versa. You can feel more comfortable, show physical activity, take care of the state of muscles.

The effect of a combination of a vegetable and protein diet, as well as adequate physical activity, will be more stretched in time, but you can lose 10 kg and even more, because when you stop, you decide only you yourself.

Day menu with a mixed diet: Option 1

  1. In the morning: green tea or compote from dried fruits without sugar, boiled egg, salad leaves.
  2. In the afternoon: stewed cabbage with zucchini, 100 g of boiled chicken meat, 200 g of kefir.
  3. Snack: Pumpkin casserole with honey.
  4. In the evening: boiled cauliflower.

Day menu with a mixed diet: Option 2

  1. In the morning: boiled beets, seasoned with sour cream.
  2. Snack: Carrots and celery salad seasoned with olive or linseed oil.
  3. In the afternoon: cabbage soup with carrots and tomatoes, 2 pieces of black bread.
  4. Snack: 100 g of cottage cheese.
  5. In the evening: a salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and greens with olive or linen oil, stewed colored cabbage, zucchini and tomatoes.
  6. Before going to bed: 200 g of kefir.

Buckwheat diet

Buckwheat Seeds on Wooden Spoon in Closeup

Buckwheat is a cheap and necessary product that is well suited for the main dish in the diet menu to those who want to purchase slender forms. Buckwheat contains a lot of protein, phosphorus, iodine, iron, B vitamins so necessary for the stable work of the nervous system and heart.

In addition, it is a low -calorie product, and the combination of buckwheat and other ingredients pleasantly diversifies your menu.

Of course, you can do without goodies and sit on the buckwheat mono -diet, then the result will be noticeable enough. But still, it is much easier and tastier to supplement the dishes of buckwheat with other low -calorie products, then the time allotted to the diet will pass without much effort and memoirs about your favorite treats.

Buckwheat and kefir

  1. Kefir goes well with buckwheat, and saturates the body with additional useful trace elements. Sour -milk products have a beneficial effect on the work of the intestines, cleansing it, and strengthen immunity.
  2. Buckwheat is advised not to boil, but simply pour boiling water and leave for the night, while all its useful trace elements will remain in it. Kefir is recommended to drink half an hour before consumption of buckwheat porridge, or half an hour after eating. It is permissible to drink up to 1 liter of this sour -milk product per day.
  3. In addition to kefir every day you need to drink about 1 liter of simple water, you can pamper yourself with green tea without sugar.
  4. Vegetable salad will help to give a dish of buckwheat to the dish. Fresh cucumber, tomato, thinly chopped cabbage, celery, greens will perfectly complement the side dish and take care of your health, help you acquire a radiant look and do not damage the figure.
  5. If, with any low -calorie diet, you feel weakness, irritability, distraction, then it is possible that your body does not get sugar. This is also fixable if you tolerate honey well. Slowly relishing 1 tsp. Honey in breaks between the main meals, you will instantly feel better. But do not overdo it, it is permissible to use a maximum of 3 tsp. honey per day.
  6. You can prepare a honey -based drink. Just stir 2 tsp. Honey in one liter of water until completely dissolved, if desired, add the juice of the limon and pieces of ginger to the cocktail. Use a drink between buckwheat or other dietary dishes with an interval of 1 hour and feel great.

Properly thought out vegetable diets and their combinations with fruits, as well as protein foods, give excellent results - a slender figure and excellent health. Therefore, losing your health.



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