
Exercises for respiratory gym for children. Respiratory gymnastics for children Strelnoye. How to make respiratory gymnastics when stuttering, bronchitis, adenoids in children

Exercises for respiratory gym for children. Respiratory gymnastics for children Strelnoye. How to make respiratory gymnastics when stuttering, bronchitis, adenoids in children
Special complexes of respiratory gymnastics for children will help to cope and prevent possible diseases.

Breathing is the main process in the human body, especially for a small child. It is the kids and children of preschool age that the respiratory system is still poorly developed and is constantly susceptible to attack harmful viruses and infections. Hence the increase in the number of colds, identification of the pathologies of the respiratory system. All this requires the use of drug treatment, which is not always justified and useful, as it leads to various complications. In this case, the respiratory gymnastics for children of preschool age can have enormous help, which will strengthen the weak bodies of the child's respiratory system, teach the child to breathe correctly and become excellent prevention of colds.

The breathing gymnastics for children should be a mandatory part of his life at home and in a preschool institution. Conducting all the sets of exercises in the game form, you can not only improve the child, but also to develop its numerous abilities.

In this article, we consider the peculiarities of respiratory gymnastics, we present complexes of the exercises of respiratory gymnastics for children of different ages, as well as note the focus and objective of the methods of Strelnoye.

Respiratory gymnastics for children - benefit for their health

Respiratory gymnastics is therapeutic or tall exercises that are appointed frequently ill children and are designed to help in strengthening the child's respiratory system, in the prevention of various colds and the pathologies of the respiratory system. The breathing system of the child is very fragile and wounded. Due to age, it is still not fully formed and is distinguished by quite narrow paths. The mucous membrane is very gentle and is subject to rapid inflammation even from the smallest dust, which, falling on the way, annoying them and makes it even. This leads to a difficult breathing in a child.

The incorrect breathing of the child leads to the fact that there is an insufficient amount of oxygen in its body, and carbon dioxide is not completely output. This can cause the development of various diseases and pathologies, which later will have to be treated with medication. Lightweight child is still quite small, and the need for oxygen is large, so it is so important to teach your baby correctly and well breathe. In addition, the smallest kids teach breathing exercises in the game form, which will certainly interest inquisitive and restless kids.

In addition, respiratory gymnastics will contribute to the overall strengthening of the child's immunity. It will learn to breathe a nose, fully expand the chest and completely clean the lungs from carbon dioxide. This will contribute to a smaller hit in the blood of pathogenic viruses and bacteria. The correctly selected complex will become an excellent helper for hyperactive children who can learn how to calm down, will be able to control their vote.

Main types of respiratory gymnastics for children

Today, there are a large number of specially designed author's techniques that are aimed at strengthening the body and immunity of children, preventing colds of children of specifically preschool age by using the right exercises of respiratory gymnastics. On the Internet, you can find a large number of reviews about this or that methodology, most of which are positive and allows for clear confidence to assert about the effectiveness of respiratory gymnastics in general and about the feasibility of learning your child the basic rules of breathing. Among the main techniques, you can select the following:

  • respiratory gymnastics by A.N. Strelnikova;
  • respiratory gymnastics by KP Butyko;
  • respiratory gymnastics based on yoga exercises.

For the normal development of the respiratory system of the child, it is important to choose the right set of exercises. Make it can only a professional doctor. Therefore, first of all, you have to find a competent specialist who will inspect your baby and choose exercises that will help reduce the manifestation of pathologies, and will not strengthen the course of the disease. It is especially careful to select the exercises of respiratory gymnastics during asthma in children, with bronchitis or other serious illness. In case of incorrectness of the complex, attacks may occur, and the general condition of the child can worsen.

All complexes of breathing gymnastics exercises include a list of basic exercises that can be complemented or complicated.

  • deep breast breathing;
  • artificial difficulty breathing;
  • superficial breathing;
  • breathing delay;
  • slow breathing.

Respiratory gymnastics has several forms:

  • Static gymnastics - performed at rest, contributes to muscle relaxation and is aimed at calming the child.
  • Dynamic gymnastics is the performance of breathing gymnastics with motion or game elements. This type of gymnastics is most often used for preschool children, as the kids are clearer to perform actions that are gaming.
  • Special - This type of respiratory gymnastics is carried out with special drainage. It is used only in cases of certain diseases and is carried out strictly under the control of the specialist.

Various exercise complexes are appointed only after consulting a pediatrician, which contributes to the right and competent work on the development of the child's respiratory system.

Technique performing breathing gymnastics for children

  • To teach a child to respiratory gymnastics, it is better to do all exercises with the child.
  • All exercises with preschool children can be carried out twice in 30 minutes. The duration of one classes is 10-15 minutes.
  • The main rule of the correct performance of the respiratory gymnastics is to do all exercises not earlier than one hour after meals.
  • To attract the attention of children of small age, all exercises of respiratory gymnastics are recommended to be carried out in an exciting gaming form.
  • Before conducting respiratory gymnastics, you need to ventilate or perform all exercises in the fresh air.
  • It is important to control the correctness of all exercises.
  • Incho and exhalations should be smooth and slow.
  • Inhalations must be done with a nose, not my mouth.
  • Shoulders during breathing should not move.
  • The effect will be achieved only when regularly conducting respiratory gymnastics.
  • It is important to gradually complicate the exercises used.

Indications and Contraindications to the conduct of respiratory gym for children

Respiratory gymnastics can be arapeutic or common in nature, it is used in various diseases of the respiratory system of type bronchial asthma, bronchitis, so it has a number of indications and contraindications to conduct, like any other medical procedure. Ignorance of certain contraindications can be significantly harmful to her child and worsen the course of its disease. It is worth noting that the positive sides of the respiratory gymnastics are more than contraindications.

Indications for conducting respiratory gymnastics:

  • Complexes of exercises of respiratory gymnastics are shown to children with various pathologies of the respiratory system. Effectively perform them with bronchial asthma, laryngitis, trachea, in chronic and acute bronchitis.
  • Some techniques associated with respiratory gymnastics are considered one of the testimony to carry out the exercise of the pathology of the cardiovascular system. In this case, it is necessary to consult with a pediatrician and cardiologist, as well as reduce the complexity and frequency of exercise. Respiratory gymnastics can be engaged, for example, at heart disease.
  • Complexes of respiratory gymnastics are shown at constant frequent respiratory disease. Thanks to the regular execution of the exercise, it is possible to strengthen the immunity of the child, to increase the resistance to viruses.
  • Indications for carrying out in violation of the functions of the musculoskeletal system. Due to the correct breathing, the blood is better saturated with oxygen, and this, in turn, leads to a better nutrition of the affected fabrics.
  • Respiratory gymnastics is shown in various diseases of the excretory system. Properly chosen complex will help improve the condition of the child in the diseases of the kidneys and genital organs.
  • The testimony is also in pathologies of the digestive tract, especially with the existing intestinal peristalistic disorders.
  • Respiratory gymnastics is shown in the hyperactivity of the child, since it is possible to relax and calm the child by performing specific exercises.
  • Special respiratory gymnastics with verses for children with speech impairment is shown. This will improve pronunciation.
  • All complexes of breathing gymnastics are shown to prevent all possible respiratory diseases.

Contraindications for respiratory gymnastics:

  • The respiratory gymnastics can not be engaged in the presence of heart disease in history. When carrying out exercises, lungs are cleaned and faster, which speeds up the activity of the heart. And this is an additional burden on the heart muscle, which the heart simply may not withstand.
  • With acute lung diseases, the breathing gymnastics can also be performed. If the child has bronchitis or inflammation of the lungs in acute form, it is impossible to additionally load the lungs.
  • Conducting various complexes are contraindicated in colds at the peak of their passage. This can cause a significant deterioration in the state of the child.

Respiratory gymnastics for children of different ages - Complexes of exercises

The exercises of respiratory gymnastics should be seamless in accordance with the age of the child, since each age group of preschoolers is characterized by a different level of development of the respiratory system, the peculiarities of the perception of instructions. That is why it is necessary to use exercises specially selected by professionals for each age group of children of preschool age. Consider exemplary exercises of respiratory gymnastics for children of different ages.

Respiratory gymnastics for children 2-3 years

Children of this age are distinguished by weak endurance and rapid loss of care. They very quickly switch to other games and classes and cannot long focus their attention. This must be considered when conducting respiratory gymnastics.

  • Exercise "Pulling". The child should stand, hands along the body, legs on the width of the shoulders. Next movements are made at the expense. At the expense, one hand climbs up and makes a smooth deep breath, on account 2 hands are lowered and exhaled. Exercise must be repeated 3-5 times.
  • Exercise "Hugs". The child takes its original position - standing, hands stretched before crash, legs on the width of the shoulders. All movements are subject to the bill. At the expense of 1, there is a breath and hands are bred to the parties, and at the expense 2 is done and the child is made by hand hugging himself by the shoulders.
  • Exercise "Soap bubbles." To perform this exercise, you can use purchased bubbles with a special wand for their inflation, and you can prepare a soap solution and through the usual cocktail tube blow foam from bubbles. Exercise is very useful for the development of light child.
  • Exercise "Air Ball". To perform this exercise, the child must lie on the floor and put his hands on the stomach, representing that he has an air ball there. At the team, the child must start to inflate the belly ball, and after 5 seconds, also on the team, to blow it away. Exercise needed 5 times.
  • Exercise "Hamster". This exercise is carried out in a very exciting form. Ask the baby to inflate the cheeks like a hamster and go with them 10 steps - this is a hamster hides his food. After that, the child must slap himself on the cheeks so that the air will come out. Next, it is necessary to explain the baby that a hamster should find a new food, and for this you need to breathe a nose, trying to find a smell. At the end, the child inflates his cheeks again, hiding prey. Exercise repeat 3-5 times.
  • Exercise "Chicken". To perform this exercise, the child must sit on the chair and lower his hands down. At the expense of 1, he must make a quick breath and raise bent hands to the armpits of the palms upwards, thus depicting the wings. At the expense of 2, the child must do exhale and at the same time lower the roars down. Repeat 5 times.
  • Exercise "Diver". It can be carried out in the form of a small competition. Offer a child to present yourself with a real diver, which needs to fall on the bottom of the ocean, and for this you need to take a deep breath and do not exhale. See who will last longer. Repeat the exercise several times.
  • Exercises "Wave". The child must lie on the rug to perform this task. Legs stretched straight, hands are located along the body. For a breath, you need to start your head and touch the floor, and then on the exhale with the word "VNIIIZ", return your hands to its original position. Repeat exercise 5 times.

Respiratory gymnastics for children 4 years

For this age group of preschool children, you can add more game elements, make exercises longer and complex.

  • Exercise "Varosik". Exercise is performed standing. For this, the kid must bend his hands in the elbows. After that, alternately repeat the movement with their hands, emitting the movement of the train wheels and uttering the words "Chuch Chuh." When stopping the train you need to say the word "Tu-TU". Repeat 5 times.
  • Exercise "Dandelion and Rospek". The child must stand in a relaxed and relaxed pose. Then he is offered exercises "sniff a rose" - the child represents that he has a flower and takes a deep breath. Next, he "blows on a dandelion" and exhales through the mouth.
  • Exercise "Crow". The initial position of the child is standing with hands lowered along the body, legs on the width of the shoulders. When inhaling, the child spreads his arms to the side like wings. On the exhalation slowly lowers hands with the word "Carrrr". Repeat 5-6 times.
  • Exercise "Tree". Offer the child to sit on the floor and cross legs in front of you, the back will be straight. On the breath, the baby should raise his hands up, and when you exhale omitted on the floor. At the same time, it should be bending the back when picked up the hands, and when lowering it, imitating her tree in the wind.
  • Exercise "Scissors". To perform this exercise, the child should sit on the floor, improving his legs. Hands must be pulled out. On the breath of one hand, the child raises up, and the second lowers down. On the exhalation of hands are changing in places. Repeat several times.

Respiratory gymnastics for children 5 years

  • Exercise "ASIA". The initial position of the child is standing, hands along the body, the legs are a bit apart. The child must swing his hands, uttering the words "Tik-so", thereby showing the movement of the pendulum of the clock. Repeat such an exercise is required 10-15 times.
  • Exercise "Trubach". A child sits on the floor, his hands brushes bent on the like tube and raised up. On the exhalation, the baby must say the sounds "P-Fff". Repeat the exercise 4-5 times.
  • Exercise "Porridge porridge". To perform this exercise, the child should sit on the floor or on the rug. One hand must be put on the stomach, the other on the chest. When inhaling it is necessary to draw the stomach, and in exhale it is maximized as much as possible. Also, the kid should say the sound "FffffF", imitating the boil of porridge. Repeat exercise 5-6 times.
  • Exercise "I breathe nostrils." Source position - standing in a relaxed pose. The child must close one nostril to hand and slowly breathe in another nostril, after that he opens a closed nostril and calmly exhale through it. At the same time, the second nostril is also closed. Exhaust and breathe make the most, while drawing the stomach.

Respiratory gymnastics for children 6 years and 7 years

Respiratory gymnastics for children of 7 years and above is carried out according to one regime with a gradual complication of all complexes.

  • Exercise "On the horizontal bar". This exercise is performed with a gymnastic stick. Source position - standing, hands on the width of the shoulders, stick in the hands in front of them. At the expense of 1, it is necessary to raise a stick up, to become socks and take a breath, at the expense of 2 sticks omit for the blades and make an exhalation, pronouncing the sound "Fff". Repeat exercise 5-6 times.
  • Exercise "Adjustr". To perform this exercise, the child should stand, one hand raised up, the other is assigned to the side. The child takes a deep breath, then with a slow exhale you need to change the position of the hands, pronouncing the sound "R-R-R-R" at the same time. Exercise must be repeated 5-6 times.
  • The exercise "fly the balls." The initial position of the child - standing, hands with a ball raised up. The child should take a deep breath, in exhale the ball need to be thrown forward, uttering "Ukhhh". Exercise repeat 5-6 times.
  • Exercise "Pendulum". The child stands in a relaxed pose, in the hands of a gymnastic stick, started behind the back at the level of the lower edge of the blades. Exhalation must be done while tilting the body to the side, when inhaling come back to its original position. Then again to the other side. It is necessary to make 3-4 tilt in each direction.

Respiratory Gymnastics for Strelnoye Children

The respiratory gymnastics of Strelnikova is one of the most popular and contributes to the strengthening of the child's immunity, the prevention of the appearance of respiratory diseases. Initially, this technique was designed for people. who professionally engaged in singing. The effectiveness of such exercises was noted for various bodies, so Alexander Strelnikov slightly changed his technique, added new complexes and adapted for people and children of different ages. With its help, it is possible to increase the protective forces of the child's body, improving brain activity, exercises are aimed at concentrating attention.

Main exercises:

  • "Ladoshki". The initial position is standing, the hands are bent in the elbows in such a way that the palms look at in the opposite direction from the face. In the breath, it is necessary to flex a palm in fists as much as possible. Repeat exercise 20 times.
  • Exercise "Molders". Source position - standing, hands are at the level of the belt, palm are compressed in fists. During deep breath, the hands must be pulled out as much as possible and embarrass your fingers. Repeat exercise 10 times.
  • Exercise "Pump". This exercise can be done standing or sitting. It is necessary to take the most deep breath and start slowly to lean forward as far as possible, then slowly return to its original position. Exercise repeating 10 times.

Respiratory gymnastics for adenoid children

To date, many children suffer from increased adenoid, which make it difficult to nose breathing. This is due to a large number of colds or transferred childhood diseases. A few more than a few years ago, adenoids were simply removed by a surgical way. However, this did not guarantee a positive result - adenoids could grow again. At the moment, with this disease is trying to deal with all sorts of folk remedies and respiratory procedures.

  • Exercise "Hedgehog". In this exercise, the child should try to imitate the hedgehog while moving the nose when the animal sniffers food. To do this, the child must make short breaths and exhalations to the nose. If he does not cope, you can show on my example.
  • Exercise "Lifting crane". The child is in the standing position, the hands are on the clavicle. During a deep breath, the child must sharpen slowly up to the maximum until the legs become on the tiptoe.

Respiratory gymnastics for kids with bronchitis

Bronchitis is a serious illness of the upper respiratory tract, in the process of which the infected mucus scores bronchi and causes cough. This disease involves the use of various drugs that are not always able to help a small child. Credit with bronchitis can be used with breathing exercises.

  • Exercise "Stork". The initial position of the child is standing. During deep breath, the child must start raising his hands up and at the same time bend one leg in the knee. In exhalation, it returns to its original position.
  • Exercise "Zhuravl". The child is in the standing position, making a deep breath, he raises his hands up, the exhale lowers them along the body.

Respiratory gymnastics for children when stuttering

Stuttering is a violation of the articulation apparatus, in which the convulsive compression of speech organs is observed. The first signs of such a violation can be noticeable already in 3 years and are characterized by small pauses in speech and subsequent slow intonation. To cope with pathology, it is necessary first of all to improve the operation of the diaphragm.

  • The child must be folded the lip with the tube in such a way as if he wants to say the letter Oh.
  • At the same time, it should launch a tongue and fold it with a tube.
  • Next, the child slowly pulls the air until the place remains at all.
  • After that, the child must lower his head down and delay their breath.
  • It is necessary to calculate up to 5, lift your head and exhale slowly.

Respiratory gymnastics for children - video

The correct breathing of the child is the key to the full development of all organs of the respiratory system, a positive effect on the immune system of the baby and the regular prevention of the occurrence of the pathologies of the respiratory system.


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