
Exercises for breathing gymnastics for children. Respiratory gymnastics for Strelnikova children. How to do breathing gymnastics when stuttering, bronchitis, adenoids in children

Exercises for breathing gymnastics for children. Respiratory gymnastics for Strelnikova children. How to do breathing gymnastics when stuttering, bronchitis, adenoids in children
Special respiratory gymnastics complexes for children will help to cope and prevent possible diseases.

Breathing is the main process in the human body, especially for a small child. It is in preschool children and children and children of preschool age that the respiratory system is still poorly developed and constantly subject to attack of harmful viruses and infections. Hence the increase in the number of colds, the identification of pathologies of the respiratory system. All this requires the use of drug treatment, which is not always justified and useful, as it leads to various complications. In this case, respiratory gymnastics for preschool children can provide great assistance, which will strengthen the weak organs of the child’s respiratory system, teach the child to breathe correctly and will become an excellent prevention of colds.

Respiratory gymnastics for children should become an obligatory part of his life both at home and in a preschool institution. Conducting all complexes of exercises in a playful way, you can not only improve the child, but also develop his numerous abilities.

In this article, we consider the features of respiratory gymnastics, we will give complexes of breathing exercises for children of different ages, as well as note the orientation and tasks of Strelnikova’s methodology.

Respiratory gymnastics for children is the benefit for their health

Respiratory gymnastics are therapeutic or general strengthening exercises that are prescribed often sick children and are designed to help strengthen the organs of the child’s respiratory system, in the prevention of various colds and pathologies of the respiratory system. The child’s respiratory system is very fragile and vulnerable. Due to age, it is not yet fully formed and is characterized by rather narrow ways. The mucous membrane is very delicate and subject to rapid inflammation even from the smallest dust, which, getting along the way, irritates them and does it yet. This leads to difficulty breathing in a child.

Incorrect breathing of the child leads to the fact that an insufficient amount of oxygen enters his body, while carbon dioxide is not completely excreted. This can cause the development of various diseases and pathologies, which will later have to be treated with drugs. The lungs of the child are still quite small, and the need for oxygen is great, so it is so important to teach your baby to breathe correctly and efficiently. In addition, the smallest exercises can be taught in a playful way, which will certainly interest in curious and restless kids.

In addition, respiratory gymnastics will contribute to the overall strengthening of the child’s immunity. He will learn to breathe his nose, completely expand the chest and completely cleanse the lungs of carbon dioxide. This will contribute to the smaller ingress of pathogenic viruses and bacteria into the blood. The correctly selected complex will be an excellent assistant for hyperactive children who can learn to calm down, will be able to control their voice.

The main types of breathing gymnastics for children

Today there are a large number of specially designed copyright techniques that are aimed at strengthening the body and immunity of children, the prevention of colds of children of particular preschool children by using the correct exercises of respiratory gymnastics. On the Internet you can find a large number of reviews about a particular methodology, most of which are positive and allows with clear confidence to assert the effectiveness of respiratory gymnastics in general and the appropriateness of teaching your child to the basic rules of breathing. Among the main techniques, the following can be distinguished:

  • respiratory gymnastics according to A.N. Strelnikova;
  • respiratory gymnastics according to K.P. Buteyko;
  • respiratory gymnastics based on yoga exercises.

For the normal development of the child’s respiratory system, it is important to choose the right set of exercises. Only a professional doctor can do this. Therefore, first of all, you have to find a competent specialist who will examine your baby and choose exercises that will help reduce the manifestation of pathologies, and not strengthen the course of the disease. It is especially necessary to carefully select breathing exercises with asthma in children, with bronchitis or other serious disease. If the complex is incorrect, attacks may occur, and the general condition of the child may worsen.

All complexes of breathing exercises include a list of basic exercises that can be supplemented or complicated.

  • deep breast breathing;
  • artificial difficulty breathing;
  • superficial breathing;
  • breathing holding;
  • slow down breathing.

Respiratory gymnastics has several forms:

  • Static gymnastics - are performed at rest, helps to relax the muscles and is aimed at calming the child.
  • Dynamic gymnastics is the performance of breathing exercises with elements of movement or game. This type of gymnastics is most often used for preschool children, since it is more clear to the kids to perform actions that bear the game character.
  • Special - this type of respiratory gymnastics is carried out with a special drainage. It is used only in cases of some diseases and is carried out strictly under the control of a specialist.

Various complexes of exercises are prescribed only after consulting with a pediatrician, which contributes to the correct and competent work on the development of the child's respiratory system.

Technique of performing breathing exercises for children

  • To accustom the child to breathing gymnastics, it is better to do all the exercises with the child.
  • All exercises with preschool children can be carried out twice in 30 minutes. The duration of one lesson is 10-15 minutes.
  • The main rule of the correct implementation of breathing gymnastics is to do all the exercises no earlier than one hour after eating.
  • To attract the attention of children of a small age, all breathing exercises are recommended to be carried out in a fascinating game form.
  • Before conducting breathing gymnastics, you need to ventilate the room or perform all the exercises in the fresh air.
  • It is important to control the correctness of the performance of all exercises.
  • Inch and exhalations should be smooth and slow.
  • Invaluations must be made with a nose, not a mouth.
  • The shoulders should not move during breathing.
  • The effect will be achieved only with regular respiratory gymnastics.
  • It is important to gradually complicate the exercises used.

Indications and contraindications for respiratory gymnastics for children

Respiratory gymnastics can be of the healing or general strengthening nature, it is used for various diseases of the respiratory system of the type of bronchial asthma, bronchitis, therefore it has a number of indications and contraindications for conducting, like any other procedure for the medical value. Ignorance of certain contraindications can cause significant harm to your child and worsen the course of his disease. It is worth noting that the respiratory gymnastics has more positive aspects than contraindications.

Indications for respiratory gymnastics:

  • Complexes of breathing exercises are shown to children with various pathologies of the respiratory system. Effectively their implementation in bronchial asthma, laryngitis, tracheitis, with chronic and acute bronchitis.
  • Some methods associated with respiratory gymnastics are considered one of the testimonies for the exercises of the pathology of the cardiovascular system. In this case, it is imperative to consult with a pediatrician and cardiologist, as well as reduce the complexity and frequency of exercise. Respiratory gymnastics can be done, for example, with heart disease.
  • Respiratory gymnastics complexes are indicated with constant frequent respiratory diseases. Thanks to regular exercises, you can strengthen the child’s immunity, increase the resistance to viruses.
  • Indications for conducting are available in violations of the functions of the musculoskeletal system. Due to proper breathing, blood is better saturated with oxygen, and this, in turn, leads to better nutrition of affected tissues.
  • Respiratory gymnastics is indicated for various diseases of the excretory system. A properly selected complex will help improve the condition of the child with diseases of the kidneys and genitals.
  • There are indications for pathologies of the digestive tract, especially with existing disorders of intestinal motility.
  • Respiratory gymnastics is indicated with the hyperactivity of the child, since by performing specific exercises you can relax and calm the child.
  • Special respiratory gymnastics with verses for children with speech disorders is shown. This will improve the pronunciation.
  • All complexes of breathing exercises are indicated for the prevention of all possible diseases of the respiratory system.

Contraindications to respiratory gymnastics:

  • Respiratory gymnastics should not be engaged in a history of heart disease. During the exercises, the lungs are cleaned and faster, which accelerates the activity of the heart. And this is an additional load on the heart muscle, which the heart can simply not withstand.
  • In acute lung diseases, it is also impossible to perform breathing exercises. If the child has bronchitis or pneumonia in acute form, you can not additionally load the lungs.
  • Conducting various complexes are contraindicated in colds at the peak of their passage. This can cause a significant deterioration in the condition of the child.

Respiratory gymnastics for children of different ages - sets of exercises

Exercises of respiratory gymnastics should be selected in accordance with the age of the child, since each age group of preschool children is characterized by different levels of development of the respiratory system, the features of the perception of instructions. That is why it is necessary to use exercises specially selected by professionals for each age group of preschool children. Consider approximate exercises of breathing exercises for children of different ages.

Respiratory gymnastics for children 2-3 years old

Children of this age are weak with weak endurance and quick loss of attentiveness. They very quickly switch to other games and classes and cannot concentrate their attention for a long time. This must be taken into account when conducting respiratory gymnastics.

  • Exercise "pull." The child should stand, hands along the body, legs shoulder -width apart. Further movements are made under the expense. At the expense of one hand rise up and takes a smooth deep breath, at the expense of 2 hands are lowered and exhaled. The exercise must be repeated 3-5 times.
  • Exercise "Hugging". The child takes the starting position - standing, hands extended in front of the failure, legs shoulder -width apart. All movements are performed under the expense. At the expense of 1, an inspiration is made and the hands are spread to the sides, and at the expense of 2 an exhalation is made and the child hugs himself by the shoulders with his hands.
  • Exercise "Soap bubbles." To perform this exercise, you can use purchased bubbles with a special stick to inflate them, or you can prepare a soap solution and blow foam from bubbles through a regular cocktail tube. The exercise is very useful for the development of the lungs of the child.
  • Exercise "Air Ball". To perform this exercise, the child should lie on the floor and put his hands on the stomach, imagining that he has a balloon there. On command, the child should begin to inflate a ball-living ball, and after 5 seconds, also on command, blow it. You need to perform the exercise 5 times.
  • Exercise "Hamper". This exercise is carried out in a very exciting form. Ask the child to inflate the cheeks like a hamster and go through 10 steps with them - this hamster hides his food. After that, the child must clap himself on the cheeks so that air comes out of the mouth. Next, it is necessary to explain to the baby that the hamster must find new food, and for this you need to breathe your nose, trying to find the smell. At the end, the child again pouts his cheeks, hiding the prey. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times.
  • Exercise "Kurochka". To perform this exercise, the child must sit on a chair and lower his hands down. At the expense of 1, he should take a quick breath and raise his bent hands to the armpits with his palms up, thereby depicting the wings. At the expense of 2, the child should exhale and at the same time lower the fish down. Repeat 5 times.
  • Exercise "Diver." It can be carried out in the form of a small competition. Invite the child to imagine himself a real diver who needs to go down to the bottom of the ocean, and for this you need to take a deep breath and not exhale. Look who will last longer. Repeat the exercise several times.
  • Exercises "Wave". The child should lie on the rug to complete this task. The legs are extended, straight, hands are located along the body. In the breath, you need to get your head behind the head and touch the floor, and then, on exhalation with the word "VNIIIZ", return your hands to its original position. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

Respiratory gymnastics for children 4 years old

For this age group of preschool children, you can add more elements of the game, make exercises longer and more complex.

  • Exercise "train". The exercise is performed standing. To do this, the baby must bend his hands in the elbows. After that, alternately repeat movements with your hands, issuing the movement of the wheels of the train and uttering the words “chuh-chuh”. When stopping the train, you need to say the word "Tu-Tu". Repeat 5 times.
  • Exercise "Dandelion and Pink". The child should stand in a calm and relaxed pose. Then he is offered the exercises “smell a rose”- the child imagines that he has a flower and takes a deep breath. Next, he “blows on a dandelion” and exhales through his mouth.
  • Exercise "Raven". The starting position of the child - standing with his hands lowered along the body, legs shoulder -width apart. When inhalation, the child spreads his hands to the sides, like wings. On the exhale, he slowly lowering his hands with the word "Carrr". Repeat 5-6 times.
  • Exercise "Tree". Invite your child to sit on the floor and cross his legs in front of him, while the back should be straight. On inspiration, the baby should raise his hands up, and when exhausted, lower to the floor. At the same time, he must bend his back when raising his hands, and bend it when lowering, imitating the tree in the wind.
  • Exercise "Scissors". To perform this exercise, the child should sit on the floor, crossing the legs in front of him. Hands must be stretched in front of you. On inspiration, the child raises one hand up, and lowers the second. On the exhale, hands change places. Repeat several times.

Respiratory gymnastics for children 5 years old

  • Exercise "Cup". The starting position of the child - standing, hands along the body, legs are slightly placed. The child must swing his hands, uttering the words “tick-so”, thereby showing the movement of the pendulum of the watch. Repeat such an exercise 10-15 times.
  • Exercise "Trubach". The child sits on the floor, his hands are bent like a pipe and raised up. On the exhale, the baby should pronounce the sounds of “P-FF”. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times.
  • Exercise "Porridge boils." To perform this exercise, the child should sit on the floor or on the rug. One hand needs to be put on the stomach, the other on the chest. When inhalation, it is necessary to pull the stomach, and on exhalation, stick it out as much as possible. Also, on exhalation, the baby should pronounce the sound “FFFFFF”, imitating the boiling of porridge. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.
  • Exercise "Breathe nostrils." The starting position is standing in a relaxed position. The child should close one nostril with his hand and slowly take the other nostril inhale, after which he opens a closed nostril and calmly exhales through it. At the same time, the second nostril is also closed. Exhale and inhale make as much as possible, while drawing out the stomach.

Respiratory gymnastics for children 6 years old and 7 years old

Respiratory gymnastics for children of 7 years and above is carried out according to one regime with a gradual complication of all complexes.

  • Exercise "On the horizontal bar". This exercise is performed with a gymnastic stick. Starting position - standing, hands shoulder -width apart, stick in the hands in front of you. At the expense of 1, it is necessary to raise the stick up, become on the socks and take a breath, drop by the shoulder blades at the expense of 2 and exhale, while pronouncing the sound “FFF”. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.
  • Exercise "Regulator". To perform this exercise, the child should stand, one hand is raised up, the other is assigned to the side. The child takes a deep breath, then with a slow exhalation you need to change the position of the hands, pronouncing the sound “prrrr” at the same time. The exercise must be repeated 5-6 times.
  • Exercise "Balls fly." The initial position of the child - standing, hands with the ball are raised up. The child should take a deep breath, on exhalation the ball must be thrown forward, pronouncing “Uhhhh”. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.
  • Exercise "Pendulum". The child stands in a relaxed position, in his hands a gymnastic stick, led behind the back at the level of the lower edge of the shoulder blades. Exhale must be done when tilting the torso to the side, when inhalation, return to its original position. Then again in the other direction. It is necessary to make 3-4 tilts in each direction.

Respiratory gymnastics for Strelnikova children

Strelnikova’s breathing gymnastics is one of the most popular and helps to strengthen the child’s immunity, the prevention of respiratory diseases. Initially, this technique was developed for people. who were professionally engaged in singing. The effectiveness of such exercises was noted for various organs, so Alexander Strelnikova changed her methodology a little, added new complexes and adapted for people and children of different ages. With the help of its complexes, you can increase the protective forces of the child’s body, improve brain activity, exercises are aimed at concentration.

Basic exercises:

  • "Hands." The starting position - standing, the hands are bent at the elbows so that the palms look in the opposite direction from the face. On inspiration, it is necessary to bend the palms in the fists as much as possible. Repeat the exercise 20 times.
  • Exercise "Minkers". Starting position - standing, hands are at the level of the belt, the palms are clenched into fists. During a deep breath of the hand, stretch down and spread your fingers as much as possible. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  • Exercise "Pump". This exercise can be performed standing or sitting. It is necessary to make the most deep breath and start slowly lean forward as much as you can, then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Respiratory gymnastics for children with adenoids

Today, many children suffer from enlarged adenoids, which make it difficult to nasal breathing. This is due to a large number of colds or child diseases. A few decades ago, adenoids simply removed a surgical way. However, this did not guarantee a positive result - adenoids could grow again. At the moment, this disease is trying to fight all kinds of folk remedies and respiratory procedures.

  • Exercise "Hedgehog". In this exercise, the child should try to imitate the hedgehog while moving the nose when the animal sniffs food. To do this, the child must take short breaths and exhale. If he himself does not cope, it can be shown by his example.
  • Exercise "Lifting Kill". The child is in a standing position, the hands are on the collarbone. During a deep breath, the child should reach slowly up to the maximum until his legs are on tiptoe.

Respiratory gymnastics for children with bronchitis

Bronchitis is a serious upper respiratory disease, during which infected mucus clogs the bronchi and causes a cough. This disease involves the use of various drugs that are not always able to help a small child. You can cope with bronchitis with the help of breathing exercises.

  • Exercise "Stork". The initial position of the child is standing. During a deep breath, the child should begin to raise his hands up and simultaneously bend one leg in the knee. On the exhale, he returns to its original position.
  • Exercise "Crane". The child is in a standing position, taking a deep breath, he raises his hands up, on the exhale lowering them along the body.

Respiratory gymnastics for children when stuttering

Stuttering is a violation of the articulation apparatus in which convulsive compression of the organs of speech is observed. The first signs of such a violation can become noticeable in 3 years and are characterized by small pauses in speech and subsequent slow intonation. To cope with the pathology, it is necessary to first improve the functioning of the diaphragm.

  • The child needs to fold his lip with a tube in such a way that he wants to utter the letter about.
  • At the same time, he must stick out his tongue and fold it with a tube.
  • Further, the child slowly draws the air until there is no room left.
  • After that, the child must lower his head down and hold his breath.
  • It is necessary to count to 5, raise your head and exhale slowly.

Respiratory gymnastics for children - video

Proper breathing of the child is the key to the full development of all organs of the respiratory system, the positive impact on the baby’s immunity and regular prevention of the occurrence of pathologies of the respiratory system.



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