
Step-aerobics for beginners. Step-aerobics at home. Speed-aerobics for adults and children

Step-aerobics for beginners. Step-aerobics at home. Speed-aerobics for adults and children
Regular step-aerobics classes will give a great mood and an excellent physical form.

The taut and beautiful body is the dream of many not only women, but also men.

Aerobics workouts are given not only slim legs, taut buttocks and embossed hands, but also a lot of positive emotions, as well as a good mood. Step-aerobics represents one of the directions of fitness movement. Active workouts show good results both in the fight against unnecessary kg and when creating a harmoniously developed body.

Fitness training in step aerobics

What is the direction as a step aerobics? The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a set of exercises that are not performed on the floor, but on the elevation, the platform bench - owned by Gin Miller. The fitness instructor itself received a severe leg injury and could not do exercises in the classic version. And then she came up with a small step for her damaged limb - stepper. Excellent results that have been achieved during such activities laid the beginning of step aerobics as a separate direction of fitness.

Rules for secure step aerobics

  • Start a training session with a warm-up. So you prepare the body to subsequent loads and reduce the likelihood of injury.
  • A step forward from the platform is performed from the heel, step back - from the sock.
  • The rise on the bench is due to the work of the legs, and not the creation of efforts in the back. Step soft, slightly spring. At the same time, on the stepper you should stand the whole stop, the back is straight.
  • The number of repetitions of each exercise (or execution of the technician for each leg) is 10 times. If the purpose of classes is weight loss, the number of repetition grows up to 20-25 times.
  • Optimal time for classes - evening from 19.00 to 21.00.
  • Do not seek after training immediately to fill the calories spent with a dense meal. In many respects, it is power that determines the effectiveness of the step aerobics and the pronounced result of training. Training, passing in a relaxed pace, "takes" about 250 kcal. With the average load intensity in the hour of work, you lose about 400 kcal, if you work at a maximum - about 500 kcal. When you have to lose weight in front of you, you should only create a calorie deficiency in the body.
  • Sufficiently sufficient to maintain a good physical form - 3 times a week.

Selection of inventory and clothing for step aerobics

  • The height of the stepper determines the intensity of the workout. What she is more, the greater the load you get. It should also be borne in mind that at the same time the effects on the knee joints and the lower liman department increase. Therefore, to perform the exercises step aerobics, especially the starting block, prepare the platform not higher than 15 cm. For more experienced, a bench 20 or even 25 cm is suitable.
  • If you decide to engage in step aerobics at home, carefully take care of the selection of the stepper. The platform should not be too small or large. Legs should not slide on the surface of the bench. Do not save on inventory, and take a high-quality bench from reliable materials.
  • If you want to increase the burden on the body, use additional weighting agents (1 or 2 kg). It is not necessary to make standard exercises with a greater amplitude of hand mosses or feet. So you risk getting excessive stretching of muscles and ligaments.
  • Clothing should be comfortable - elastic fabrics, non-penetrating movements. An ideal choice will be elongated shorts (free or fitting) and a short sleeve T-shirt.
  • In order to avoid traumatization, take care of comfortable shoes with good depreciation, as well as reliable fixation of the ankle.


Regular rhythmic exercises using a special bench - a stepper, improve the physical condition of the body, will increase the mood, and also make your figure and movement more harmonious and graceful. Training facilitates:

  • Harmonious development and strengthening muscular system of the body.
  • Improve flexibility and plastics.
  • Strengthening the muscles of the legs.
  • Enhance endurance.
  • Improving the general tone of the body.
  • The formation of proper posture.
  • Improving emotional state.
  • Help maintain the optimal weight for your body, being thus preventing diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, as well as the twigs of the joints.

Contraindications for training step aerobics

Aerobics classes are a fairly active type of training that requires a great return from the body. A number of states are contraindications to the implementation of step aerobics techniques. These include:

  • Hypertension (increased blood pressure).
  • Pathology of the cardiovascular system.
  • Operational interventions on the heart in history.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Spinal injuries (including received in the past).
  • Liver and kidney disease.
  • Acute phase of ORVI.
  • Painful sensations in the field of joints, as well as legs.

Music for step aerobics

Equally important is the musical accompaniment of workout. The audio componation not only sets the mood of the lesson, but may also facilitate or on the contrary to complicate exercise.

  • Choose familiar, and better - favorite melodies. You raise yourself the mood and get the right attitude to the entire training.
  • Music should be rhythmic and include 3 phases of 32 tact. Thus, when repeating ligaments, there will be no need to replace the track. In addition, such a tempo is synchronized with heart blows.
  • For the preparatory unit (warm-up), a faster melody is suitable - 140 shots per minute.
  • Do not choose too fast composition.

Basic Step Aerobics

Those who make only the first steps on the step of platforms, it is better to start with the development of the main steps of step aerobics.

  • Basic step. Come on the right foot on the platform, then raise your left leg. After falling on the floor - first with the right foot, and after - left.
  • V-step. They patch on the bench right foot on the right edge of Stepa, then the left foot are on the left edge of the stepper. On the floor are also descended alternately.
  • Over. Come on the bench with one leg sideways, put the second leg and turn your back. Go down to the floor in a similar order.
  • Paddl. Climb the side bench, then descend so that the platform is between my legs.
  • Step with turn - Turn. Raise the right leg to the platform directly. Raising the left limb, unfold the case to the right. Go to the floor with the right leg.
  • Step-tap. They pursue on the bench right foot, and the left only put on the edge of the platform. Next descend on the floor, starting on the left leg.
  • Lifting the knee. Come on the step of one foot (any), the second raise and bend in the knee. Next, the raised leg goes down to the floor, and it follows her leg from the platform.

Types of step-in aerobics programs

Depending on your physical training, the instructor will propose an appropriate set of exercises. The following levels of step aerobics are distinguished:

  • Step-Basic. Basic level for those who are just starting to engage in aerobics. The exercise unit includes simple techniques and basic choreography, which is easily seized by a beginner.
  • The average level involves improving the load. Intensity of training, steps and ligaments are complicated.
  • STEP-COMB. If you have successfully mastered the previous steps, as well as the Spear Platform itself, you can start performing the exercises of the third level. Here you are awaiting complex bundles of steps to fast rhythmic music.
  • STEP - Interval. This group includes the most difficult exercises, the execution of which requires excellent physical training. Techniques include an active combination of power and aerobic loads.

Step Aerobics: Program for Buttocks

Tighted buttocks of an attractive form - the dream is hardly every girl. And if the task of squats is the muscle training, then it is the attic shape of the apple that the attic shape of the apple will give your pope.

  • Stand your back to the platform. Make a step forward, even more removing from the simulator. Take the right leg back, your fingers rest in the board. Bend the left foot in the knee so that there is a straight angle between the thigh and the shot. Repeat 10 such squats alternately first for one, and after for another leg.
  • Become a face to the stepper. Suggest on the platform with the right foot. Pumping yourself with buttock muscles, raise yourself to the board. Look over the platform a bent left foot. Next, go down to the floor - barely touched the left leg left leg, go on the board again. Perform 10 repeats and change your leg.
  • Go on your back, install the feet on the bench. Pull out the buttocks of the pelvis, lock at the top point for 1-2 seconds and lower the ass on the floor. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Step Aerobics: Slimming Exercises

If your main goal is to reduce weight, you must attend jumps in training. As a result, there is a more active load on the muscles, and the metabolism is accelerated and more energy is spent. The number of repetitions is at least 10 times.

  • The initial position is the legs on the floor, while the step is located between the legs. Sat, reducing the buttocks back. Next, jump into the half-one on the bench and jump into the floor in the same way.
  • Stand in front of the stepper. Slightly sit down. Taz is reserved back. Jump up onto the platform (in the half-period), straighten and jump back to the floor.
  • Stand next to the bench (right side). Also sideways to put the right foot on the platform. Next, endure weight on the driving leg. Take the buttocks back, with your left hand touch the surface of the board and jump on the other side of the stepper, thus changing the supporting leg.

These exercises not only contribute to the burning of fat, but also "tighten" the jagged muscles.

Lessons step aerobics

A qualitative to work out a wide muscle group will help the next selection of exercises. The number of repetitions of each technique is 10 times if an alternate load on the limb occurs, then perform 10 repeats each leg.

  • Stand next to the platform. Put one leg on the board, the stop is directed parallel to the thigh lines. In the original position, the legs are placed on the width of the shoulders and the weight is distributed on both feet. Next, you sit down, with the buttocks you take back, and the back remains straight. Try evenly distribute the load on both legs. Next follows the rise and max foot on the lift, to the side. When performing this exercise, there is a small jagged muscle.
  • Stand in front of the bench, legs are installed in the width of the shoulders. Make the right foot of the lunge on the stepper, while the left leg remains on the floor (you break away from the surface only the heel). Bend the leg on the elevation, so that the corner between the shin and the thigh was straight. Focus on the right leg. Next, straighten up by tightening the right limb to the chest. Return to its original position.

  • Take a horizontal position - the fingers of the feet rest in the floor, and the forearms are set on the bench. The elbow joint is under the shoulder. Try to spin to be smooth, without excessive deflection in the lower back. Belly is tense. Next, alternately straighten the right and left hands, turning to the position for push-ups. Next again fall at the forearm. And rising again. During the execution of the technique, the case must remain straightforward.
  • Sit on the platform. Palms rest in the edge of the stepper. Make a step forward. Now your buttocks hang over the floor. Repeat first to perform "squats", bending and flexing in such a position of your hand in the elbow joint. Next, when flexing the right hand, we retreat with the left palm to the sock of the right leg. Repeat similar actions, but already for the left hand.

Step-aerobics for children

The training of step aerobics in childhood contribute not only to the physical, but also the emotional development of the child. Regular workouts strengthen the musculoskeletal system, develop flexibility, muscle strength, agility and endurance. Musical accompaniment, which is present in the speaking step-aerobics, forms a child with a sense of rhythm, and performing exercises in a dance manner develops plasticity and elegance.

Exercises step aerobics for workout

A simple set of exercises will prepare the body of the kid to further loads.

  • Start with warm-up stop.

Exercise 1. Marsh, while the foot falls on the floor for the entire foot.

Exercise 2. Walking in a circle according to the scheme: on the tops - then on the semi-winges - again on the tops, etc.

Exercise 3. Power step in a circle. First, right and then on the left side.

Exercise 4. The standing position is rotated alternately with the left and right foot (in the left and right side).

  • Then follows the exercise "kitty". It is necessary to get up on all fours. Fixing his knees at one point, moving on the hands forward. At the same time try to make a deflection in the back. Returning to its original position, backstand the arc.
  • Putting the legs on the width of the shoulders, the children perform shallow spring squats.
  • Next to the previous exercise, add body transfer from one foot to another.
  • After - short light running on the spot.
  • I stretched my hands up and shook down.

Complex exercise step-aerobics for preschoolers

Since the athletes are still young enough, step-aerobic classes include not only the elements of dance, but also a kind of game that increases the interest of children. Stepper for training with children has a small height (no more than 8 cm), the length and width are 40 cm and 25 cm, respectively. Repeated each exercise is performed 10 times.

  • Exercise "Snake". Children become in the "chain". The guide holds all the guys with a snake between all platforms in one direction. Walking can be replaced with light run. Next, the turn is performed, and the column moves in the opposite direction, only now you need to drive on the bench. Thus, every child takes its platform. As a result, memory, spatial thinking and coordination develops.
  • Exercise "Airplane". Standing on a stepper, children bred hands to the sides (at the level of shoulders). Next, the slopes are performed alternately into the right and left side.
  • Exercise "Flower". Children become knees on the bench. The head is lowered down (as close as possible to the steppa). Hands lie on the head. There is a stretching muscles of the back. Next, you should get up on the floor and straighten up.
  • Exercise "Penguins". Source position - children stand on the stepper. It is necessary to jump from the platform (back) and jump on it again.
  • Children stand on benches on the knees. It is necessary to sit down, lowering the buttocks as close as possible to the heels, and then get up again.
  • Walking. Guys are becoming steppers. Under rhythmic music make several steps. Next, they perform an inset step forward to the floor and back to the elevation, and after the passing step back (on the floor) and return to the platform again. Exercise walking on the board. The hands are rhythmically moving forward, up, forward and down.
  • Legs on the width of the shoulders, the hands are bent in the elbows and moved to the shoulders. Step on the bench, several rotations with hands. Step back to the floor. Again step on the platform, rotation with your hands and return to the floor.

At the end of the workout, you need to restore breathing and relax.

The opinions of people relative to this type of training as a step aerobics are different. And it is not surprising, because each of us has an individual ballast, to work with which the exercises of the complex are directed. However, mostly step aerobics, according to reviews, had a positive effect on the body. It is not necessary to wait for high results if the basic rules are violated - the regularity of training, the correct exercise (otherwise the intensity of impact on the body falls significantly), and also if the diet is corrected. The step-aerobics lesson clearly illustrates the video.


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