
Symptoms and signs of acclimatization in adults and children. How is the acclimatization at sea and after the sea. Acclimatization - Treatment

Symptoms and signs of acclimatization in adults and children. How is the acclimatization at sea and after the sea. Acclimatization - Treatment
The journey can always be complicated by the symptoms of acclimatization in both an adult and the child whose treatment needs to be carried out with the mind.

Clean blue sea, beautiful sandy beach is a limit of dreams for many people who have accumulated fatigue in the course of work and has come of vacation time. It seems that there is nothing complicated than to buy a ticket, collect a suitcase and go to the hot southern countries, especially if you have a cool temperature at home. However, not everything is so rosy, the process of flight and stay in the country, which is in the other hours of the belt, affects significant physiological changes in the human body, which seriously overshadows rest to children and adults.

Acclimatization is the scientific name of the changes that begin to manifest themselves when changing the climate or height differences. Nobody wants to spoil your holiday with poor well-being, especially this concerns travel with children who have acclimatization more painfully. Therefore, it is so important to know all the manifestations of this disease and is especially important to prepare on it on time.

In this article, consider the features of the manifestation of acclimatization in children and adults, we note the basic symptoms of the disease, and also give a description of all possible ways to facilitate and treat acclimatization at sea and after it.

What is acclimatization

Acclimatization is the biological process of adapting the human body to another climate and changed natural conditions. This process is temporary and is manifested by very insignificant physiological changes in general condition. It is impossible to say with confidence that acclimatization overtakes all tourists without exception. Children up to three years old and older than most of all are exposed to the manifestation of all the symptoms of addictive to the new climate. However, adults may also have minor changes. First of all, it depends on the degree of fundamental change in temperature or time zone. It can be noted that acclimatization is more showed when moving from dry climate in wet, when traveling to the sea in the winter, when the houses are minus temperatures.

As already noted, small children have more acutely react to climate change. The symptoms of acclimatization are most often familiar to us runny nose, temperature, cough, weakness and nausea, which remind the usual cold. Usually, acclimatization takes a small segment, but depending on the health status of the body, there can be different time intervals. Also, going on vacation with children, you need to be prepared for the fact that the symptoms of acclimatization and after the sea will appear.

Why is it going on? This is due to the adaptation of the human body to the conditions in which it is located. This is also called the protective function of the body. Most often, people live for a long time in the same place, their body adapts to specific weather conditions, to temperature and humidity. But it is only a person to fly into another time zone to a country with another climate and the body feels unfamiliar conditions and tries to adjust them. This is what causes acclimatization.

Who is subject to acclimatization

Different age-related categories of people react differently to climate change and time zone. This primarily depends on the overall health status, as well as on the existing immunity problems and with the presence of serious diseases. A separate risk group is children, especially younger age. It is the child who is most reacting to changing the climate and is exposed to the manifestation of all possible signs of acclimatization. This is due to the not yet fully formed and strengthened immunity. Therefore, going to rest with a small child, it is important to clearly know how to pass acclimatization is more painless and, if possible, prevent it.

However, it is not necessary to think that acclimatization is manifested only in children. Many adults also react very much to change climate. This is especially true of the elderly people who have a weakened organism due to age. On the recommendations of many doctors, you should not often make flights to countries with other climates of people over 45 years old. Also in the risk group are people with various diseases. Serious consequences acclimatization can leave for diseases of the cardiovascular system, with chronic diseases of the lungs and bronchi, with the identified pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. In such cases, you need to be careful and attentive and be sure to consult with your doctor.

Factors that cause acclimatization

You can often find a misconception that acclimatization lifts a person only when traveling to other countries, mostly hot with a tropical climate. It is not so, the symptoms of acclimatization may appear within one country, especially if a trip is planned for a rather long distance. We present the most important factors that can cause acclimatization:

  • Acclimatization can manifest themselves when traveling for distant distances. Most often, she begins to disturb if the trip is scheduled in another time zone. Therefore, if you are very sharply reacting to climate change or do not want to expose the child to this state, it is better to choose a resting place with similar weather conditions where you live constantly.
  • Use as a transport aircraft. It is in airplanes that acclimatization can manifest themselves especially strongly.
  • When lifting a height of more than 2 km. This refers to traveling to the mountains.

All these factors inexorably lead to the appearance of various symptoms and signs of acclimatization, which can last different times. Acclimatization in adults can take about 2-4 days, in children this period is longer and is 5-6 days. It should be borne in mind that when traveling to rest to hot countries, acclimatization will be easier to pass, since the immune system remembers these climatic conditions and reacts easier. It is important to carefully plan a return from recreation, make a chart of returning to the usual rhythm of life, and for this you need to know how many days acclimatization takes after returning from the sea. This time period may coincide with the adaptation of the sea. Therefore, a couple of days is best not to go to work and not to give the child to a kindergarten or school.

Types of acclimatization

Depending on the factors causing adaptation to new conditions, several types of acclimatization can be distinguished:

  • Heat acclimatization. This type of addiction is noted when visiting areas with elevated temperature and humidity - it is such characteristics that cause acclimatization to the sea. It is most often and manifested by all possible symptoms.
  • Altitude acclimatization. If you wish to relax at the mining resort, symptoms of acclimatization may also occur, which are associated with the finding of a person high above sea level. Symptoms are manifested due to the lack of oxygen, as the air in the mountains is resolved, which is unusual.
  • Cold adaptation. When traveling to colder regions in comparison with the area of \u200b\u200baccommodation, symptoms of acclimatization in the form of sleep disorders can also be shown and refusal from meals. This is called, first of all, unusual low temperatures, permanent magnetic storms and a disadvantage of ultraviolet.

It is also necessary to know the stages of how the acclimatization of a person to a new climate.

  • The initial stage of acclimatization - this period is not characterized by the presence of symptoms, the body is only beginning to prepare for new conditions. May last 1-2 days.
  • Jet Stage - At this stage, human health deteriorates sharply, all the symptoms of acclimatization are manifested.
  • Stage of leveling - the body gradually gets used to new conditions, its condition is gradually improving.
  • The stage of complete acclimatization is the human body fully adapted to new conditions. Usually achieved in 10-14 days of stay.

Symptoms and signs of acclimatization in adults and children

There is a list of acclimatization symptoms, which in varying degrees are manifested in both adults and in children. However, when traveling with infants or children up to three years old, you need to be ready for more symptoms and their more acute passage. The symptoms of acclimatization may affect almost the entire human body. This is expressed in the manifestation of the complex of symptoms of colds, symptoms associated with the gastrointestinal tract and deterioration of the overall state of the person.

It is also worth considering the symptoms appear differently and depend on many factors. First of all, the number of symptoms and the nature of their flow will influence the age of man. Especially acute all signs are manifested in small children and the elderly. Many pediatricians are not recommended to export children under 3 years to countries with weather conditions that are very different from the conditions of permanent residence. An important impact on the manifestation of symptoms has overall human health. People with strong immunity symptoms of acclimatization are manifested in a light form or are not manifested at all.

Consider in more detail the characteristic of the symptoms of acclimatization, which can manifest itself in children and adults.

Symptoms of acclimatization in children

If you take with you to rest young children, it is important to clearly imagine what you can expect. The symptoms of acclimatization in children under three years will be expressed especially strongly, and it can last this period can be 1-2 weeks, and in infants and up to 3 weeks. Before your trip, consult your pediatrician who will examine the child and give professional recommendations. The doctor will also help you staffing the first-needed preparations and will explain with what symptoms you may encounter.

The child has symptoms can only appear for 1-2 days after arriving at the resort, and before that there is strong activity and fun. Therefore, it is necessary to look very carefully to the slightest changes in the behavior and the kid 'behavior. The main symptoms include the following:

  • In small children with acclimatization, the temperature rises to 37.5-38 degrees. Temperature can stay over several days and will gradually pass on their own. Therefore, it is necessary to take the antipyonizing agent with you.
  • Most often, children show drowsiness and lethargy, which, in turn, leads to the capriciousness and constant plasticity of the child. However, there are completely reverse reactions when the child behaves restlessly during sleep, often wake up.
  • Nausea and vomiting during acclimatization are also common symptoms in small children. This can manifest as a symptom of colds or adapt to new products.
  • There is also a deterioration in appetite or a complete refusal of food.
  • Especially acute children show respiratory cold symptoms, which are expressed in cough, runny nose, redness and tread in the throat.
  • Children in breast-age increases gas formation and colic increases, also often cause diarrhea during acclimatization, which is the cause of digestive impairment.
  • The symptoms of the appearance of acclimatization in children can become weakness and lack of interest in everything that is happening that unnaturally for small inquisitive children.
  • Allergic reaction may also appear in the form of rash, redness and itching.
  • Against the background of acclimatization in children can weaken immunity, which causes the attachment of various local infections and, consequently, the deterioration of the overall state.

Symptoms of acclimatization in adults

Adults in most cases carry acclimatization in easier form than children. The first symptoms appear after a day, and then the period of increased activity with general malaise occurs. It is also worth considering that in a more acute form of symptoms will be manifested in the elderly, as well as in people with various acute and chronic diseases. The period of adaptation of an adult organism to changed climatic and natural conditions can be about 2-4 days. The main symptoms of the manifestation of acclimatization in adults can be attributed as follows:

  • Minor temperature increase. In adults during the adaptation of the body, the temperature rises to about 37-37.5 degrees, which is significantly lower than in children.
  • Permanent headaches may also observe.
  • Acclimatization in adults is accompanied most often with insomnia, which lasts a few days.
  • The symptom of adaptation can be a significant reduction in pressure that it is necessary to take into account people who constantly face this problem in everyday life.
  • People may break the digestion, which manifests itself in nausea and vomit.
  • It also violates during the adaptation of the intestinal operation, which causes constipation, diarrhea.
  • One of the most frequent symptoms of acclimatization in adults is considered the overall weakness of the body, as well as increased fatigue.
  • Often, indifference can manifest themselves to the whole surrounding, apathy, sharp change of mood.
  • During acclimatization, a decrease in general physical and mental abilities can be noted.
  • For the first couple of days, there may be a deterioration in appetite or a complete refusal of food.
  • Also, the symptoms of acclimatization include exacerbation of chronic diseases, for example, an increase in asthma or gastritis attacks, ulcers.
  • General reduction in human immunity.
  • Women may have a failure in the menstrual cycle - its delay or intermittentness.

Features of acclimatization of adults and children at sea

It is very important to behave correctly on arrival on vacation, which later facilitate the process of adaptation of the body to new conditions. First of all, you need to consider with whom you eat. If this is a trip one adults, then acclimatization will take less time and you can take a standard trip for 7-10 days. However, the situation changes a little if you have gathered to relax with the whole family. Small children pass the acclimatization period significantly longer and harder than adults, so it is recommended to take longer vouchers, at least 2 weeks, and if possible for three weeks. This is due to the fact that the child can feel bad for 6-7 days, so the whole short rest can be spoiled. At a two-week trip, you can enjoy the sea and sand after the kid recovery.

Also immediately after arrival at sea, you should not rush to swim on all pairs. First you need to give your body to get used to the setting and climate. So acclimatization can go much easier. It is also not recommended to travel to long-term excursions in the first days and for a long time in the open sun. So you can soften acclimatization primarily for children.

Acquirmatization features after the sea

After return, the body also needs to be addicted and adapting to already home environment, to the weather in the hometown. Especially acute it can manifest, if you traveled to the rest in autumn or winter time. Usually this period takes 2-4 days and is accompanied by the overall weakness and manifestation of the symptoms of colds, which proceed with complications. This process is called reactions.

It is important not to rush at home and not run right to work. You need to simply relax at home for several days and do not walk anywhere, so later you can get a tightened cold with a serious flow. The child also requires rest for 2-3 days to restore forces and recreation. Acclimatization after the sea is sharper manifested if your holiday amounted to more than 14 days.

How to soften the acclimatization process

  • In order for the acclimatization of your body and the child's body in a lighter form, plan travel in summer. Moving from winter in the summer is very hard.
  • It is best to choose resorts that are in your watch belt or with a difference for no more than 3 hours.
  • Your trip is best done long, especially if you take a child with you. So you will take into account the time for acclimatization, after which you have time to relax.
  • If you can choose to the sea by bus, train or car, it will be good. So in the process of the trip you and your child can be gradually adapted to changing conditions. If you do not get to your resort without an airplane, then it is better to choose the sea and the beach, the flight to which is not more than 3-4 hours.
  • A month before the trip, it is important to start cooking your child. Start giving him vitamins, as a healthy child with strong immunity is much easier to transfers acclimatization. It is also important to happen more often in the fresh air, walking and playing sports.
  • You can go a couple of times with a child in a sauna so that its body is gradually accustomed to high temperatures and humidity.
  • Start giving a child fresh fruit and vegetables. But you should not force the child forcibly to eat, he will ask for food when he wants.
  • With you, you can take all kinds of fast food cashes for a small child, as it is impossible to change the food.
  • On the rest, let the baby drink more, preferably bottled water. The use of water will help reduce the severity of the symptoms of acclimatization.
  • Acclimatization to the sea in the child will be much easier if you allow it to organize it yourself to develop the right routine of the day.

Acclimatization treatment

If you still failed to avoid acclimatization and some symptoms were manifested, do not panic. Ideally, of course, you need to contact the local doctor, especially if it concerns the child. The symptoms of acclimatization in adults most often pass on their own.

  • With an increase in temperature above 37.5-38 degrees, it is necessary to produce an antipyretic agent based on paracetamol and ibuprofen.
  • If an allergic reaction is on the face, you can begin to give antihistamine preparations.
  • Sometimes antiemetic drugs may be needed if the child has a digestion disruption.
  • When coughing you can give special syrups, and with the inflamed throat, homeopathic preparations or ordinary rinsing are needed.
  • Also, you should definitely use sunblock and from sunlight to avoid burns.
  • The food is recommended to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables citrus-type garnets, cabbage, berries.

Acclimatization of Komarovsky - video

A trip to the warm country - it is the place of each person. However, always worth remembering that when you travel as a family with a small child, the rest can be overshadowed by the manifestation of symptoms of acclimatization. That is why it is important to carefully examine this issue at home and prepare the whole family for a change of climate and time zone.


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