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How to bake homemade bread, recipes

How to bake homemade bread, recipes
How to cook delicious bread yourself.

Traditionally, the appetite prepared at home pastries is appreciated and excites. Little is compared with the special aroma and taste of freshly baked bread, a traditional product that acts as a natural source of energy. Nowadays, the tendency to cook bread is returned at home - some housewives are unsubstantially preferred to bake it on their own, as it is tasty, inexpensive and useful. To master the skill of making all kinds of varieties of bread at home is quite real. Having trained a little and having acquired useful skills in working with the test, you can regularly delight your family members with home bread prepared independently.

Advantages of cooking home bread

The technology for manufacturing bakery products from supermarkets often admits the use of considerable amounts of yeast to improve the structure and appearance of purchased bread. In addition, flour of low -grain grain and preservatives can be used to increase the suitability period, as a result of which the nutritional qualities of purchased bread are significantly deteriorating.

Having mastered the technology of baking and basic home recipes for bread, you can enjoy fresh natural pastries without production additives and preservatives at any time. Cooked independently for their family with love and diligence, home bread in taste and degree of usefulness significantly exceeds purchased loafs produced on an industrial scale. In addition, you can experiment with various recipes for homemade bread from different varieties of flour, as well as adding various additives to it to your own taste. In addition, baking home bread is actually much easier than it can seem at first glance.

Home bread recipes: Useful tips

In order to prepare homemade bread correctly, you should take into account some useful tips:

  • before kneading the test, it is recommended to sift flour through a sieve - in this way it is filled with oxygen. As a result, the dough acquires a porous structure necessary to obtain light lush baking;
  • in order to avoid the formation of lumps, all subsequent ingredients in the form of liquid, yeast, etc. need to be added to flour;
  • first, the dough in a bowl is mixed with a spoon until it begins to separate from its surface. Next, the kneads are carried out with your hands, for this you can put the dough on the surface of the table spilled with flour;
  • in order for the dough to increase in volume (fit), it must be covered with a towel and placed in a warm place. To accelerate the process, you can stick several straws into it. It is important to take into account that the yeast dough “does not like” drafts;
  • когда тесто в два-три раза увеличится в объеме, его нужно обмять руками, чтобы удалить крупные пузырьки воздуха, и снова некоторое время вымешивать;

  • next, you can form bread for baking and place it in a baking dish or put on a baking sheet, then put in a warm place and wait for about 20 minutes, while the dough rises again;
  • the dough is placed in the oven pre-warmed to a temperature of 180 ° C and baked for 30-40 minutes;
  • the readiness of the bread crumb can be checked using a wooden skewer - if pieces of dough do not stick to it, bread is ready.

Cooking delicious - recipes for homemade bread

In the old days, bread was baked in a stove, now for most hostesses this method of preparation is an inadmissible luxury. Progress does not stand still - for baking bread in modern conditions, such high -tech devices as bread makers have appeared. You can also cook homemade bread using a slow cooker using the baking mode, and also, without special devices - in the good old gas or electric oven.

To bake bread at home, you will need several main ingredients, which, as a rule, are easy to purchase in any supermarket or on the market.

In order to make homemade bread, you may need:

  • a large bowl in which it is convenient to knead the dough;
  • teaspoon;
  • spoon for stating the dough;
  • the form in which loaf will be baked - with high sides, as well as thick walls;
  • a towel, a fabric napkin or a food film for covering a container with dough.

One of the main ingredients for baking homemade bread is traditionally yeast - the result largely depends on their quality.

Home bread recipes: basic ingredients

As the main ingredients in the recipes of homemade bread, several types of flour, as well as yeast and sourdough are traditionally used.

Modern housewives use the following types of yeast to prepare the test:

  • fresh (pressed) yeast - characterized by the most powerful fermentation, favors the creation of the perfect taste and baking structure. The moisture content in them is about 70%. With mechanical exposure, pressed yeast should not be smeared, but broken. Fresh yeast is diluted with warm water (not hot-if the water temperature exceeds 40-42 ° C, the yeast is perished). Pressed yeast can be stored in the refrigerator in “breathing” leaky packaging at a temperature of 0-4 ° C for 12 days, at room temperature-within a day;
  • dry (granular) - their two varieties are presented on sale (sparks, which must be diluted with milk or water for the preparation of dough, or unspoom - this species is suitable for baking fast home bread, such yeast are very convenient to use, they are mixed with flour and immediately use).

In addition, you can cook yourself non -free -free homemade bread (on a specially prepared leaven).

Home bread recipe in the oven

In the oven, we often bake pies, while we mainly buy bread. Meanwhile, even an inexperienced cook can bake homemade bread in the oven, it is preparing quickly enough. You can try various recipes for homemade bread - for example, prepare a traditional rye that is favorably characterized by increased beneficial substances. It is known that in bread from rye flour contains about 30% more iron than wheat, as well as much more potassium and magnesium.


For preparing homemade rye bread, we will need:

  • 2 tsp dry yeast;
  • 5 glasses of rye flour;
  • 420 ml of water;
  • 2 tsp salts;
  • refined vegetable oil.

In flour, sifted with a sieve, you need to add water, as well as yeast and salt. The dough must be thoroughly kneaded, then sent to the refrigerator for 15 hours, covering the bowl with a towel or cling film. The rye dough is normal, increasing in volume about one and a half times.

After the time specified, the dough should be put on the table sprinkled with flour, and distributed it in the form of a tortilla. Fold the overlap on the four sides - it is necessary that a cake of 5 layers form as a result of the manipulations.

Next, the dough is left for proofing for 3 hours on a surface abundantly sprinkled. It is also sprinkled with flour on top and covered with a towel.


In a pre -heated oven, the oven is placed for 5 minutes a baking dish, greased with vegetable oil, for heating.

The prepared dough is gently moved into a form sprinkled with flour and put it in the oven. According to this recipe for homemade bread, it will take 40 minutes to bake it.

Home bread recipe

The bread machine is a high -tech unit very convenient to use, which allows minimizing labor and time. After falling asleep the necessary ingredients into the bread maker, you need to select the desired cooking mode and the degree of roasting. Various finished mixtures for bread makers designed according to various recipes are presented on sale. You can also prepare all the necessary ingredients for the preparation of homemade bread yourself.


The bread machine independently kneads the dough and cooks baking, so after a while you can get a ready -made fragrant loaf. After mastering simple basic recipes for homemade bread, you can begin to experiment in various ways with a baking mixture - replace water with milk and other liquids (for example, juice, beer, etc.), add nuts, dried fruits, various spices, grains, dried vegetables.

To prepare white homemade bread in the bread maker, it is necessary to pour 2 cups of water, add 2 tbsp. Doum out milk and sugar, as well as 1 hour. Salt, 2.5 tbsp. vegetable oil, 550 g of flour and 1 tsp. dry yeast. Next, you need to start the corresponding program ("white bread" or "norm").


Home bread recipe on the sourdough

It is not difficult to cook appetizing and healthy home bread without yeast with a sourdough that can be cooked yourself. To do this, you need to thoroughly mix the glass of rye flour with a glass of warm water, pour the resulting mixture in a clean three -liter jar, cover with a fabric cloth and leave for two days at room temperature for ripening. At the same time, it must be taken into account that such a sourdough tolerates the draft poorly, so it must be placed in a quiet, not purged place.


After two days, a small number of bubbles will appear on its surface. For top dressing, prepare the next mixture - dissolve in a separate container using a non -metallic spoon or spatula, half a glass of rye flour in a glass of water, add to the source and leave for ripening for two days. Such a sourdough can be done for white bread, replacing flour for top dressing with wheat. After the specified time, the sourdough will be ready for use, it can be stored in the refrigerator for two weeks. One glass of sourdough approximately corresponds to 1.5 tbsp. dry yeast.

To prepare homemade bread on the sourdough, take 300 ml of water, add 1 cup prepared sourdough, as well as flour to make a dough resembling a thick sour cream in consistency. It must be covered with a towel and placed in a warm place for 10 hours. Next, a mixture of ½ cup of water, as well as honey, sugar and vegetable oil (3 tbsp), 2.5 tbsp, are added to the resulting dough. salt. In addition, in bread on the sourdough you can place various fillers to taste - seeds, raisins, nuts, etc.

Then it is necessary to add the flour until a thick consistency is obtained, so that the dough is dry on top, and knead it on the table spilled with flour, folding an envelope and spreading into a cake (repeat several times). The prepared dough is laid out in a shape lubricated with vegetable oil, and left for a couple of hours so that it rises. Bake such bread at a temperature of 220 ° C in the oven for 40 minutes, placing a container with water from below to form steam. Home bread prepared according to this recipe must be wrapped in a clean towel for several hours.

Home bread recipe in a slow cooker

In the presence of a slow cooker, almost every housewife can easily prepare delicious pastries. Home bread in a slow cooker in this regard is no exception - the dough rises well, does not settled, is evenly baked. Depending on the model of the device, for this you can use the specially provided modes or control the process using the "multi -breed" function.

To cook cheese-ray bread, take:

  • 2 tsp dry yeast;
  • 400 g of flour;
  • salt and sugar - 1 tsp;
  • 1 cup of water;
  • 4 tbsp. vegetable oil (sunflower or olive);
  • 120 g of cheese;
  • 1 large onion;
  • a small piece of butter.

Squeare of actions:

  1. Cut the onion in half rings and brown in a pan with the addition of vegetable oil to golden color, pepper.
  2. Grate hard cheese coarsely.
  3. Mix flour, yeast, sugar and salt in a separate container, add warm water, grated cheese, fried onions, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil and mix.
  4. Knead the dough and place it in a lubricated bowl. Turn on the “heating” or “yogurt” mode for 2 minutes (so that the dough rises rather, heating is required to 40 ° C). Leave it under the lid for 1 hour.
  5. Next, turn on the "baking" mode for 30 minutes. At the end of the program, it is necessary to turn the bread and the bake for another half an hour. Thus, the total time of using the “baking” mode will be 1 hour.

The cheese-ray bread prepared in the slow cooker is remarkably combined with a variety of broths and soups, and it can also be used as an independent dish.

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