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The benefits and harm of English salt. The use of English salt to cleanse the intestines. Application of English salt for weight loss

The benefits and harm of English salt. The use of English salt to cleanse the intestines. Application of English salt for weight loss
They say that English salt helps to lose weight, cleanse the body and improve the appearance of the skin. We will discuss all the advantages of this tool and options for its use of the house.

English salt is famous for its useful qualities since the XVII. It got its name thanks to the English roots, since it was obtained by the method of evaporation from mineral salt from the source in Epson (England). From a chemical point of view, English salt is a magnesium sulfate with pronounced therapeutic and cosmetic properties that are often used in medicine, dietetics, cosmetology and household. So, let's look at all the interesting properties of English salt, in which areas it can be used and how it promotes weight loss.

English salt: composition, beneficial properties, contraindications

English salt is the usual chemical compound of magnesium and sulfur. It is called differently: Magnesia, and bitter salt, and even the salt of Epsom. English salt in a pharmacy is sold, is inexpensive and is a fairly popular drug both in the hospital and in everyday life. Magnesia is realized in the form of white crystals or aqueous solution.

In dry form, the sulfate magic is similar to the habitual salt for us. It is also white, a crystalline structure, slightly brackish in taste. But on this everything in common ends with salt. Magnesia has a completely different chemical composition and gives a completely opposite effect on the body.

Note! English salt can be bought at a pharmacy without a recipe, more often it is implemented in bags of 50 mg or in the form of a solution for infusion.

Get English salt from two sources - sea salt and minerals of carnallitis. Its beneficial qualities are determined by two components - magnesium and sulfur. Thanks to them, magnesia has the following properties:

  • Cleans the body of unnecessary “garbage” - toxins, excess fats, radionuclides, life of helminths and viruses.
  • Rejuvenates and softens the skin, shows a good antibacterial effect, prevents senile keratosis.
  • Restores destroyed bone tissue and joints, strengthens the nail plates and follicles of hair.
  • Promotes weight loss, helps to quickly get rid of the "orange crust".
  • Anesthesia with different rheumatic diseases, relaxes, promotes deep sleep.
  • He owns bleaching properties. With its help, you can remove yellow plaque on the teeth and whiten pigmented areas of the skin.

Interesting! English salt or magnesium sulfate added to the bath helps to calm headache, accelerate blood circulation, and improve metabolism.

It is difficult to exaggerate or refute the unconditional benefit of English salt, but experts emphasize that it is not everyone who is useful. There are many contraindications that should not be neglected to the use of magnesia both inside and externally.

Do you know? Treatment of English salt was carried out four centuries ago. It was used as an antiseptic, anticonvulsant and laxative. And women with its help treated the fungus on the nails, made anti -aging masks, used as an air conditioner for hair.

The use of magnesium sulfate solution is unacceptable for such diseases:

  • Acute course of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Exacerbation of hypotension.
  • Intestinal obstruction.
  • Severe renal failure.
  • Sustainable potassium deficiency.
  • Gallstone pathology.
  • Diseases accompanied by heat.
  • The risk of developing a heart attack.

Magnesia (English salt) is not used for baths for:

  • Infectious lesion of the skin.
  • Tendency to allergic reactions.
  • Hypertension 3 degrees.
  • Increased intracranial pressure.
  • Gestation.
  • Varicose veins.

English salt and medicine. How to take English salt correctly

With the help of bitter salt, emergency detoxification is carried out with heavy metals poisoning, the lives of babies are saved with a threat of miscarriage, and convulsions are stopped. In addition, in world medical practice, magnesia is used in such cases:

  • Hypertonus of the uterus during pregnancy or premature birth.
  • A spasmodic process during bronchitis or asthmatic attack.
  • The risk of cerebral paralysis in prematurely newborns.
  • Sustainable constipation, slowed intestinal motor skills.
  • The bites of some insects - bees, gadflies, mosquitoes.
  • Muscle pain with convulsions, sprains, bruises.

How to drink English salt depends on the purpose of its use:

  • As a choleretic or diuretic means Magnesia is taken in the form of powder diluted in water. A one -time reception of 30 g of powder per 100 ml of water is recommended per day, which should be drunk 40 minutes before meals.
  • With poisoning barium salts It is shown to drink 25 g of magnesium powder diluted with a glass of water. The duration of treatment is 3-4 days.
  • English salt is excellent laxative. She gently and quickly eliminates constipation, activates the slow motor of the intestine. To establish a chair, you need to consume from 10 to 30 g of salt per day daily. You can take it in the form of a solution or, previously diluted in water, powder.

The daily dose of magnesium sulfate for adults is 40 g. The excess of the recommended dose can cause severe diarrhea, violation of the water-salt balance, vomiting, and intestinal atony.

Important! Buying English salt in a pharmacy, the price will pleasantly surprise you. On average, 25 g of magnesium crystals cost 45-60 p. And all because they receive a remedy from natural resources, so its cost is low.

English salt to cleanse the intestines

Epson Salt is an ideal cocktail for the body, which, in addition to magnesium and sulfur, also contains oxygen with hydrogen. Such a combination with internal use has a rapid cleansing effect. Many use for this a specially developed scheme, which was described in detail in his book "Detox" researcher Bruce Five. According to his statements, you can completely clean the liver and intestines from toxic savings in just two days.

English salt to cleanse the intestines - how to take it correctly:

  1. Stop taking medications or dietary supplements 48 hours before cleansing.
  2. On the day of the procedure, your breakfast and lunch (you need to eat until 2 hours of the afternoon) should consist of light products: vegetables, cereals, fruits.
  3. Combine 600 ml of water with 3 tbsp. l. Epson salt, place the mixture in the refrigerator.
  4. At 18-00, drink ¾ cup of salt liquid. To improve taste, you can add a little ascorbic acid in the powder.
  5. Accept the same amount at 8 pm.
  6. In a deep container, connect 100 ml of olive oil and grapefruit juice (freshly squeezed). Shake the container to stir the ingredients, stand, drink a mixture at 22-00, and go to bed.
  7. In the morning, drink ¾ cup of an epson fluid, lie down for two hours and drink the last dose of the solution.
  8. Two hours later, you can eat. Start with Fresh, after 30 minutes, eat a little fruit, after another hour you can have lunch with light dishes. In the evening you can return to the usual diet for you.

You can clean the intestines with another method using a salt enema. To carry out the procedure, use 2 liters of water, 30 g of salt and 25 g of fresh lemon juice. The enema is made like this:

  • The prepared salt solution is poured into the Esmarch mug, which is suspended at a height of 1.5 m.
  • A person takes a knee-elbow position, the tip of the nozzle is lubricated with petroleum jelly and introduced into the anus to a depth of 7-10 cm.
  • Then the entire saline solution is gradually poured, and the intestines are cleaned.

It is desirable to put an enema in the evening after the defecation act. This procedure cleans the body, improves the digestive system, eliminate discomfort in the stomach.

English salt for weight loss

Epson salt fully saturates the body with magnesium, which allows you to adjust the metabolism, the functioning of the nervous system and digestive organs. Its peculiarity is that it penetrates the blood through the skin much more actively than by oral administration.

Baths with English salt for weight loss

Mostly English salt is used for baths. Regular conducting such water procedures contributes to weight loss, and also additionally shows the following effect:

  • Disputes an excess water supply.
  • Triggers metabolism.
  • Roots lipid metabolism.
  • Updates the skin, restores its turgor.
  • Relieves cellulite.
  • Strengthens hair and nails.

It is better to use English baths for weight loss after consulting a doctor. Despite its natural origin, it is harmful in some diseases that can not always be determined independently. After the doctor’s permission has been received, you can proceed to get rid of extra pounds.

First you need to prepare: 10 days before the start of procedures, you need to limit the use of harmful fatty foods, optimize the drinking regime (at least 2 liters of water per day), and exclude alcohol. After that, you can start taking salt baths, but you need to do this according to all the rules.

So, English salt is the use of baths:

  • The best time for the procedure is before bedtime. If you take a bath in the morning, you will be sleeping all day.
  • To make the effect positive, you need to completely relax in the water. This will contribute to the addition of essential oils of needles, ylang-ylang, lemon balm, but not more than 3-5 drops.
  • It is forbidden to completely plunge into salty water: the area of \u200b\u200bthe heart and lungs should be above the water.
  • The water temperature in the bath should fluctuate from 37 to 40 ° C.
  • The duration of a catalytic bath with English salt is a maximum of 25 minutes.
  • The frequency of procedures is up to three times a week.
  • The basic recipe for weight loss consists of 1 kg of English salt per bath.
  • For a comprehensive effect on the skin and adipose tissue, this option is suitable: 400 g of magnesia powder, 250 g of sea salt, 300 g of soda.
  • For an anti -cellulite effect, it is additionally added to the choice: grapefruit oil, juniper oil, ground ginger, apple cider vinegar.
  • Since English salt produces a diuretic effect, it is important to drink 2 cups of water before and after the procedure.

If it is not always possible to take a bath, you can replace it with scrubing in the shower. Before the procedure, you need to warm up the body under a warm stream of water for 3-6 minutes. Then you need to take a handful of English salt and rub problem areas with light circular movements. You can pre -mix magnesia with honey or vegetable oil. Complete the procedure with cold washing, and after the shower, smear the skin with a moisturizing milk.

Note!   Based on English salt, you can prepare a fragrant anti -cellulite bathtub infusion: 250 g of orange skins pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 24 hours; Heat a slightly resulting infusion, add 350 g of magnesia powder to it and pour it into a warm bath.

Bombs with English salt and magnesia from cellulite

Another option for using English salt for weight loss is salt bombs made by yourself. It is very convenient to use them, and thanks to additional ingredients, the adoption of the bath becomes a real spa procedure.

For 1 bombing with English salt, it is required:

  • Starch (preferably take corn) - 120 g.
  • Soda food - 240 g.
  • Citric acid - 120 g.
  • Water - 65 ml.
  • Bura - 1/5 tsp.
  • English salt - 75 g.
  • Almond or olive oil - 7 tsp.
  • Food dye - optional.
  • Any essential oil is ½ tsp.

Bogochka with English salt - Production instructions:

  1. Mix all the components very quickly. You can do this manually or using a blender.
  2. Form manually a ball, or put the mixture in any mold-a package from a kinder, sweets, or into a glass of big.
  3. Then use the bath during taking.

Advice! If your excess magnesium is diagnosed, English salt does not suit you. Even external use will lead to even more pronounced hypermagnia and the risk of cardiac arrest.

Wrapping with English salt

In addition to baths, English salt is widely used for wrapping in the process of losing weight. The local effect of a highly concentrated magnesium solution of sulfate accelerates blood, stimulates the breakdown of lipids, tones the skin.

How to carry out a wrap at home:

  1. In 50 g of warm water, you need to dissolve 25 g of English salt.
  2. Then you need to add 7-10 drops of mint oil.
  3. In the resulting solution, you should soak a cut of gauze and attach to the desired area.
  4. On top of Marley, tightly wrap the food film.
  5. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.
  6. The wrap must be carried out every other day for two weeks.

It is important to understand that bitter salt does not split fats, but only helps to reduce the lipid layer by eliminating excess water, activating blood circulation and improving metabolism. Therefore, in order to obtain quick and good results, magnesium sulfate must be combined with diet and fitness.

Interesting! English salt is not quite medical, but often used in everyday life. A weak solution of salt is an excellent stimulating fertilizer for home and street plants, as well as a universal cleaning tool for a bath.

English salt - reviews

English salt has positive and negative responses. Most women are satisfied with the results. They assure that dosed sport and salt baths help to throw off extra pounds. And the use of English salt in home cosmetology will replace purchased masks for the skin, hair balms and strengthening nail polishes. If you believe women using Epson salt, they significantly improved the condition of the skin on the face, stomach and hips, their hair got stronger and became soft to the touch. Some even assure that they completely got rid of cellulite.

As for negative reviews, then, according to women, they had intestinal irritation, headache and increased sweating. Such symptoms are often the result of an overdose of salt. Therefore, we can assume that the ladies simply neglected the rules or did not at all ask how to take English salt.

English salt is an indispensable assistant in the process of losing weight or treatment. Follow the elementary rules for using salt, adhere to a healthy and active way of life, then your weight, well -being and health will be in perfect order.

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