
Makeup lessons for Asian eyes. How to properly apply makeup for Asian eyes with overhanging centuries - instructions

Makeup lessons for Asian eyes. How to properly apply makeup for Asian eyes with overhanging centuries - instructions
Asian eyes always look sexy and seductive. Knowing all the intricacies of creating makeup of such eyes will help you create a unique image

The key to success for every woman is the ability to love yourself as you are. But this does not mean that you do not need to strive for the better. You must know all your shortcomings, but not for being shy about them, but in order to be able to professionally disguise them. Looking at famous people from the covers of magazines and TV screens, and it does not occur to that they have some disadvantages. But the “stars” exactly hide too wide face, too narrow eyes, irregularities of the skin, etc. Correct makeup is able to make your shortcomings invisible to other people. In this article, we will talk about one of the most common features of the face - the hanging age of narrow or Asian eyes. The makeup of such eyes has its own characteristics and cunning techniques, which we will talk about.

General rules of Asian eye makeup

How to make Asian eye makeup? Girls with such features always look mysterious. Models with such an appearance are often full of magazines, fashion shows. If you think that narrow eyes with an overhanging century are difficult to paint and make expressive, then you are mistaken. Makeup on the Asian eye cut has its own nuances, knowing which you can create an alluring and sexy look. Consider the basic rules of makeup for Asian eyes with overhanging centuries:

  • if you have eyes with an Asian cut, with an overhanging century or just narrow eyes, then when choosing colors of shadows, choose light shades. The abundance of dark shades on such eyes will reduce the eye even more;
  • asian eyes with the overhanging eyelids are suitable for light mother -of -pearl shadows. They are advised to apply on the entire mobile upper eyelid and lower eyelid. The fold over the century is distinguished by matte shadows of a darker shade;
  • asian eyes with a hanging age require a special application of the eyeliner. Firstly, the color of the arrow should not be black. It is better to give preference to brown or gray. The arrows with colored mother -of -pearl eyeliners look great. If you still prefer a black color, then the arrow needs to be carefully blended as thoroughly. Clear and sharp lines on narrow eyes only additionally narrow them;
  • if your eyes have a strongly overhanging upper eyelid, then abandon the elongating carcass for eyelashes. If the eyelashes are too long, then an even greater impression of the absence of a century will be created. Better choose volumetric mascara;
  • when drawing the upper eyelid along the line of eyelashes, step back a little from the edge, do not draw the arrow too close to the eyelashes. With the help of such a tricky technique, you visually increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe upper eyelid;
  • starting to make an eye with the Asian centuries, pay special attention to the eyebrows. Girls with a similar type of eyebrow appearance are usually very dark and wide. To give them a beautiful shape, use tweezers and pencil in order to draw a “sketch” of future eyebrows. Modeling eyebrows should be done in the evening before bedtime to avoid obvious redness above the age of day. Sometimes Asian girls are advised to slightly light up the eyebrows with a modeling carcass, pencil or eyebrow shadows to remove the emphasis from the eyes;
  • when performing makeup for a girl with narrow eyes, the main attention is paid to the lips. It is bright and juicy lips that can “distract” from the overhanging century;
  • when drawing the boundaries of the upper and lower eyelids, do not connect the lines in the outer corner of the eye. Otherwise, you narrow your eyes even more;
  • do not obscure the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid. In the nasty chance, you narrow your eyes even more;
  • in order to make the look more wide open and wide, whiten with a pencil the “water” line of the lower eyelid;
  • when eye -making with an Asian type with an overhanging century, darken the fold of the upper eyelid a little higher. Thus, you will create the impression of a more open gaze;
  • be sure to obscure the outer corner of the eye during the makeup of narrow eyes, blending the color to the temple;
  • get rid of the effect of a “falling” eyebrow, which creates a sad and fat appearance. To do this, you just need to remove a few hairs from the tail of the eyebrow and finish new hairs with a pencil slightly higher.

As you can see, the makeup of Asian eyes has a lot of features. In order to ensure the resistance of eye makeup, be sure to use the primer for the eyes. You can simply fad the eyelid before applying shadows, pencil, eyeliner.

How to draw arrows on Asian eyes with an overhanging century

If you have an Asian eye cut along with a hanging age, then there are features in drawing the shooter. There are several types of overhanging centuries:

  1. the eyelid is visible only in the inner corner;
  2. the centuries are not visible at all;
  3. the eyelid is closed in the middle. The external and internal edge is visible.

The type of overhanging century must be determined in order to understand which type of arrow will suit you. There are the following types of shooters for Asian eyes with overhanging centuries:

  • a rather thick line along the entire line of eyelashes of the upper eyelid, which does not go beyond the boundaries of the eye. The lower eyelid is underlying a very thin line;
  • the arrow on the upper eyelid has a raised tail that goes beyond the boundaries of the eye. The lower eyelid is underlying from the middle of the eyelash growth line to the outer corner of the eye;
  • the upper and lower eyelids are fully emphasized by pencil or shadows. The line on the lower eyelid should be as well as possible. This is the most dangerous type of shooter for small eyes, because It is he who can reduce his eyes even more. To avoid this effect, instead of a black eyeliner, choose brown, gray, blue, etc.;
  • the line on the upper eyelid begins, slightly retreating from the inner corner. The lower eyelid is also brought from the middle of the eye;
  • only the upper eyelid is brought. The line is flat with a raised tail that goes abroad of the eye;
  • the upper eyelid is brought in a flat line that does not enter the outer corner of the eye. The inner corner of the eye in the lower eyelid is also emphasized. With this type of arrow, you should not risk the owners of closely planted eyes.

Makeup lessons for Asian eyes

Daily makeup for Asian eyes

Properly executed daily makeup will make it possible to look like the owner of Asian eyes with an overhanging century is very young and fresh. Before you start creating eye makeup, take care of the even face tone. First, clean your face with a tonic or lotion well, apply a moisturizer or face makeup base. Tonal cream should be ideally suited to skin shade. Do not forget to powder your face with a transparent powder.

  1. The eyelid should not be fat before the application of shadows. Pour it well or apply a primer for the fatty age. Using a wide flat brush, apply a delicate peach shade of shadows on the entire mobile upper eyelid.
  2. We darken the fold over the upper century with smoky shadows. If the eyelid is hanging, then you can draw an “artificial” fold a little higher. We are thoroughly blend the shadows.
  3. Using dark gray shadows, we highlight the outer corner of the eye on the lower eyelid.
  4. By the same shade of gray shadows, we highlight the line along the growth of the upper eyelashes. Instead of shadows, you can use a pencil. The main rule of daytime makeup of Asian eyes with a hanging century is the lack of sharp and very dark lines.
  5. A wide brush with a short pile is thoroughly blending the eyeliner of the upper and lower eyelids. There should not be any sharp transitions of the shadows.
  6. At the final stage of eye makeup, just make your eyelashes in mascara. Simple and expressive daytime makeup is ready.

Makeup for brown Asian eyes

This makeup may well be day or evening. If you perform it for the evening, then make a greater emphasis on the lips. In the daily version, the lips should be bright.

  1. After you have prepared your face tone and arranged your eyebrows, you can proceed to the makeup of the eye. At the eyelid, apply a primer for better adhesion of the skin shadows. Apply the base color to the entire moving eyelid with a wide flat brush. In this case, we use a light golden color of shadows with a small overflow.
  2. A narrow brush apply a darker shade into the outer corner of the mobile eyelid.
  3. With the help of a brush for a rag, slightly stretch the color to the temple. Create a "cat" look in order to make the eyes more open.
  4. We apply the darkest shade of shadows to the extreme corner of the upper eyelid. Ready -made shades of shadows will help to facilitate the task with choosing flowers, where all the shades are already combined and look great with each other.
  5. Using liquid black eyeliner or eyeliner in the form of a felt -tip pen, draw an arrow on the upper eyelid. The line should be even and narrower at the very beginning. The tail of the arrow should go a little to the border of the eye and be raised. With the help of an arrow of this form, you can get rid of the visual effect of the "falling" century.
  6. With the help of a soft black pencil, bring the lower eyelid slightly. Bend the line thoroughly so that there are no clear boundaries.
  7. For the evening makeup option, you can use overhead eyelashes that will add sexuality and sensuality to the look.
  8. A wide brush with a short pile again make all the color transitions softer and smooth.
  9. Now it remains to make an eyelash in mascara. The makeup for the brown of Asian eyes is ready.

Wedding makeup for Asian eyes

Wedding makeup is always a very important part of the image. The bride should look fresh and young, but at the same time and look spectacular in wedding photos and videos. Brides increasingly prefer shining textures for the face and eyes, which create a young and fresh image.

  1. To begin with, prepare your face for applying makeup: cleanse the skin with a tonic, apply a moisturizing agent and makeup base. Before any responsible makeup, eyebrows must be prepared in advance to avoid redness over the eyes at an important event. For wedding makeup, it is necessary to use a fever for the eyelids, which will allow all shining textures and shadows to hold out all day.
  2. To darken the fold of the century, matte shadows of bronze or brown will be needed. Apply the shadows in such a way as to get a “checkbox” over the age.
  3. Apply golden shadows to the central part of the century. Liquid or cream shadows, shadows in a pencil, etc. are most successfully transmitted.
  4. Now you need to highlight the eye, making it more expressive. Draw a thickened arrow with liquid eyeliner in black, which will “pull out” the outer corner of the eye to the temple.
  5. The last stroke in eye makeup will be staining eyelashes in mascara. If your eyelashes are not too long and voluminous, then for important events use overhead eyelashes or bundles.

The sexual and expressive makeup of the bride is ready. Make a delicate color, because The main emphasis takes on eye makeup. For wedding makeup, the tone of the face is very important. It should be perfect, hiding any skin disadvantages. When creating a radiant and “wet” makeup, do not forget about the highlighter that will help to enhance the effect of skin radiance.

Evening makeup for Asian eyes with overhanging centuries

The hanging eyelid should not be a reason for refusing eye makeup. Many girls with such a location of the century think that a bright evening makeup with an abundance of color transitions and arrows for them are not available. This is not at all like that. The art of eye makeup for the hanging eyelids can be learned from Asian girls who often face the problem of an almost complete absence of a century. The next step -by -step makeup for Asian eyes and for the eyes with a hanging age can be used as an evening.

  • This is what the hanging eyelid looks like. The degree of hanging is small, because Only the upper part of the mobile eyelid is not visible.

  • Our task is to visually raise the fold and make the look open and open.

  • For this makeup, you will need several shades of shadows: golden, emerald and graphite or black. We will apply the golden color to all the visible mobile eyelid.

  • As you can see, the eyelid still creates a heavy look. You need to remove this effect. Mentally draw the desired upper line of the mobile age if it were visible.

  • Now apply golden shadows to the green line. It is with the help of such a tricky technique that we will create an open look, and no one will guess about your “problem” of the overhanging century.

  • The next stage of eye makeup will be a dimming of the fold of the upper eyelid with the darkest shade of shadows. The fold of the century is hidden in our country, so we will “create” it artificially. Parish over an imaginary green line. To begin with, just draw an arcuate line with a small elastic brush.

  • Next, draw a “tick” that will create the desired shape of the eye. Do not be alarmed by clear lines, then they will be well shaved. Already at this stage you can notice that no overhanging century is visible. The eye acquired a completely different form.

  • Now we take a fluffy brush for growing shadows and carefully smooth out all the color transitions. Do not press the brush too strongly, it should only touch the century slightly, like a feather. At the eyebrow, apply a light shade of shadows that will make the shape of the eyebrows more clearly and expand the look even more.

  • Next, we create a highlight of this eye makeup. Bright shades of emerald color emphasize the line of growth of eyelashes of the lower eyelid. You can choose another color, for example, sapphire.

  • In order to make the eye expressive, it is necessary to darken the line of growth of the upper eyelashes and the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid. Use a thin brush with a thick pile. You can use both a pencil and shadows. The upper eyelid can be brought in liquid eyeliner.

  • Now it remains to paint the eyelashes. Use the twisting mascara. To add volume to the eyelashes, you can slightly powder them, and then apply mascara.

  • Spectacular eye makeup for the overhanging century is ready. You can admire the result.

The easiest makeup for Asian eyes step by step

There are many situations when there is no time for full makeup, but I want to look beautiful. Asian girls in everyday life often use 1-2 products to create minimal makeup. The face does not look overloaded, and the minimum of cosmetics emphasize the advantages. If you have an Asian eye cut or just narrow eyes with a hanging age, then take a note of the following example of simple eye makeup.

  • First, clean the skin with a tonic well and moisten it. To create this simple makeup, a light explosion cream is suitable for you, which will hide minor disadvantages and make the skin radiant. Comb the eyebrows with a soft brush and draw the missing hairs. Pour the T-zone slightly. Now you can proceed to the makeup of the eye.
  • To create the simplest eye makeup with an overhanging century, only one black eyeliner will come in handy. Very dark shadows, and a pencil for the eyes, and the felt -tip pen can act as an eyeliner.
  • The main task is to raise the “falling” corner of the eye with the arrow and make the look more expressive.
  • Start drawing an arrow by creating its upper circuit, slightly retreating from the eyelash growth line.
  • Draw the tail of the arrow, which will be a “continuation” of the line of the lower eyelid.
  • Fill in the arrow space. If the color after the first application is not too intense, do additional eyeliner.
  • The arrow should turn out to be thin in the inner corner of the eye and wider in the external.
  • You can limit yourself to just an arrow on the upper eyelid. The overhanging eyelid is already hidden and minimal makeup is ready. But you can add a little brightness to make the eyes more expressive. Just fill the mucous line of the lower eyelid with a dark color and bring the line along the growth of the lower eyelashes, starting from the middle of the eye. Carefully blend this line to get rid of sharp transitions. A simple but very spectacular makeup is ready.

Makeup for Asian eyes. Photo

Looking at numerous photos with makeup for Asian eyes, you can make sure that there is no limit to diversity. Such a section of the eyes in combination with the hanging century presents absolutely no difficulty in creating a spectacular image.

Asian eyes. Makeup on video

If you have difficulty creating makeup for Asian eyes with a hanging century according to verbal instructions and photographs, then try to be guided by video instructions.

Properly made makeup is able to hide all your shortcomings and emphasize advantages. Master new eye makeup techniques and always be beautiful!



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