
How to learn to press from scratch. How to push the floor, on the bars. How many times can you sneak and how often. Is it possible to press the girl

How to learn to press from scratch. How to push the floor, on the bars. How many times can you sneak and how often. Is it possible to press the girl
Technique push-ups from floor, on bars. Simplified and complex variations.

Pressing is the most common version of pumping the chest muscles, shoulders and hands. This type of exercise is performed at home on the horizontal bar, in the gym on the bars, also, most often, on street crossbars specifically designed for these activities. Poams from the floor are made on equal terrain. In the gym There is an additional load in the form of pancakes, other weightlifiers. Almost every person can learn to be pressed with the exception of those who have such exercises to carry out the urgent recommendations of the attending physician, coach or their pain arising from push-ups. Any discomfort, skipping joints, sharp pain in the bones indicates that it is better to ask for help from a specialist, possibly technique requires adjustment.

How to prescript from the floor

Right position: stomach to the floor, the hands of a little wider shoulders, strained in the elbows, legs stand on the socks. Sleep down, slowly bending elbows, strain the breast muscles for smooth pushing. The wrists do not climb, with severe pain, take the position of the table or wall and spawn 20 times. Move, observing quality, not quantity. How many times have been pressed: for the first time 20 o-th 4-5 approaches.

How to push on one hand

Not every athlete will look at one hand. Perfect technique: the body from the head to the fifth is smooth and does not allow the arc, the legs are placed a little wider than the distance from the left shoulder to the right. The palm of the non-working hand is behind the back. Exercise is similar to classic, but only one hand is involved, balancing the case. To implement the squeezing on one hand, they advise in excellence to master the usual press. With pains in the wrists, an expander, rotation of the brush before and after training.

How to press from the floor with a narrow hand set

The palms are located by the boats and form a triangle, the feet relate to each other. Narrow setting harms to the joints, a broken load occurs. Often the hands put a little wider, but already than in the classic form. No one forbids experimenting in place. If it is impossible to immediately squeeze out a narrow stage, start from a larger distance, and gradually bring the palms. The fifth point is not raised and is not omitted, keeps along with the back and hips, eyes look a little further.

How to squeeze on bars

Brussia is a basic triceps exercise. Rights on the bars affects the hands, chest, back and muscles of the bark. Previously include a bar for maintaining the press. Daily at the end of the workout stand for 1-2 minutes.
Elbows closer to the sides, bent legs to begin forward, but not bend the spine, so include the press. Do not jump on the projectile, but they will be squeezed! The jump is squandered. Movement of non-corveneous, second hanging on the peak of voltage and unhurriedly continuation.

How to sneak on the bars with burden

Classic accomplishment with burden to increase the intensity of the set of strength and mass. For the cargo will serve metal chains, a belt with a hook, hanging the weights, pancakes, sometimes sandbags on the feet. It is much more complicated and therefore the number of times must at first, about 3-4 rubles. on repetition.

Dangerous moments: deep lowering, straightening elbows at the top point. All these items lead to injury to elbow joints, and cartilage is not restored even with time! Work in a small amplitude, without excessive zeal. Halgification hold not to the articular surfaces, but with muscles!

How to learn to press the floor to the girl

To begin with, it should be said that this is an extremely difficult skill. In other words, the girl to press from scratch will not be very easy. Before making your first 15 times you need to take preparing the level of simpler for unprepared hands and ligaments. For example, the bench is standing at a static support, namely the wall, and for this it is not necessary to visit the gym. So that workouts brought the speedy result better to observe regularity. Rare classes will not help the muscles to quickly strengthen, and therefore, a trite girl does not have enough strength for further promotion.

  • Stage 1: the wall with wide or narrow formulation of the hands. Option with hands placed on the shoulder width is a broad statement. If little hands to move to the center, then catch up with the triceps - a narrow statement. Feet should be shoulder-width apart, elongated body in a straight line, the back does not bend. Distance from socks plinth 1 m. Shoe soles fully relate horizontal plane. Hands bent at the elbows, the head closest to the wall. 4 sets of push-ups 15 times. Complicate the movement, increasing the distance from the wall. A person should concentrate on the muscles.
  • Step 2: a bench press-ups more difficult, since the load on the arms under the pressure of the housing increases. There are two alternatives: a breast to the bench or back. In the first version, everything happens as if the girl sting on the wall. In the second embodiment, arranged to the seat back, put the hands on the edge of shoulder width. Lowered, forming an angle at the elbow 90 and rise. Head looks straight, feet rest against your heels into the floor. Complicate the task by placing parallel another bench. Put on her feet, heels on the edge. Hips can be put in the form of pancakes weighting of 5 to 10 kg. The first approach is performed without the weight of the second and third with 5 kg, 10 kg fourth. One approach is push-15.
  • Step 3: after she felt that her posture has grown stronger, learn to shake off its knees. For this fall with his hands on karemat and put them on the shoulder width apart, legs bent at the knees, the feet are closed, so as not to loose. The back is straight, his head looking at the floor. Do 4 sets of 15 times.
  • Step 4: Next is the final phase of push-ups on the floor. Starting position: body straightened and tensed, fingers facing forward, feet on the width of the pelvis. The body is lowered almost to the floor without touching it, and rises. Make 4 sets of 10-15 times.

How to learn to do push-ups on the bars girl

Bars - these are two parallel metal beams, on which the exercises. Push-ups on the bars harder than the floor, so it is recommended to perform a series of upcoming movements strengthen the muscles described above. Bench on the bench with pancakes in the final stage of preparation. Developing the body, try push-ups on the bars. It is turned back, arms, shoulder cuff. Techniques prohibited: jerks, swing.

  • Shovels omit, straighten the chest. The width of the crossbar is equal to the width of the shoulders. Exhale when lifting. The torso is under the tilt forward, the legs are bent in the lap, are switched together. Elbows are diverted around or parallel back. With parallel location, the back is almost vertical. Jump as much as possible, observing the right technique. Medium numbers: 10-15 times 4 approaches.
  • The simplified version consists in receiving the stop and slow lowering to the lower point, jumping on the floor and reception of the initial position. Repeat 15-20 times.

What will happen if you press every day

Daily pushups - a common error. High systematic loads rather wear out than it is ordered. Muscular mass will definitely grow with a complex of events: food, rest, training. A day later, the muscles will not have time to recover, and the person is able to lose weight. You can perform daily 10 pushups in the form of charging to raise the tone. The morning warm-up increases the mood, supplies the bark of the brain with oxygen, enhances blood circulation.

How much is pushing a day

The program standards are not at all over all, motivation is often lost even from praised perseverance. Comparishing the balance of the state of the soul and body seeks the best results, though slower. You should not load the body daily, the muscles should be recovered, grow. Optimally working every other day at the same time. Every week increases the number of times. For example, on week 1 make 4 approaches from 15 times and in the opposite direction depending on fatigue. The last time there should be at least 10 pressures. Every 2 weeks gradually increase the initial number to 15 extra times. As a result, at 10 week, the mark will reach 100 push ups. Between approaches make breaks in 2-3 minutes.

How to prepare pressed 100 times

This is not fantasy, but also sweat will have to. In order not to be lost in the sports program, its contents are printed on a sheet A4 and glued to a magnet to the refrigerator door or loaded into the phone. Skipping several times, a man is scattered from the load. Terms, data in the article, approximate and not suitable for each student. The main thing is to survive the adaptation period, a small discomfort, fight with the desire to flush, simplify the task.

The warm-up is required: squeezing on the horizontal bar, beaten from the wall, tables, circular spinph rotations, corps turns, squats. When on asphalt, even in gloves is inconvenient, fall on the karemat. It is difficult to see errors alone, craftsmen remove themselves in video and thus analyze. Does the strength left? It should be stopped on a pause than in refusing to continue the "banquet".

Rehabilitation of the body

For good growth, they resort to balanced nutrition, excluding overeating. Before training for 1 hour and after it in 30 minutes, eat tightly, saturately by vitamins, minerals spent by calories. Water is also of great importance. For 2 hours, training takes with you 1-1.5 liters of ordinary non-carbonated water. Moisture comes out from then!

If all simplified floor modifications or bars come out, then there is still enough forces. In such cases, it is recommended to increase the time of work with simple squeezing species, and work in the gym with a personal trainer. Additional workouts with a vulture, dumbbells, Hammer type simulators will strengthen the necessary muscles. Sports activity allows you to increase the relief of the body, and this favorably acts on the endurance of the body. Of great importance is the habit of breathing, moderately loose clothing, ventilated room, proper nutrition of an athlete, timely rest for recovery. Sport does not combine with bad habits that impede work 100%. Newbies achieve their goal only by stubborn labor and regularity of classes. Failure to comply with technology can entail irreversible consequences!


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