
How to learn an adult ride a bicycle. How to teach a child to ride a two -wheeled bicycle. Can pregnant women ride a bicycle

How to learn an adult ride a bicycle. How to teach a child to ride a two -wheeled bicycle. Can pregnant women ride a bicycle
About how to learn to ride a bicycle to an adult and a child. Is it worth it to ride a bicycle in old age and during pregnancy. Tips for novice cyclists.

Not many people know about the benefits of bicycle walks in the fresh air for an adult. The circular rotation of pedals helps to knead the knee joints, sore elbows, and back. The speed and a cyclist passing past the world will smooth out the wrinkles of sadness even the most inveterate pessimist. If you approach the cycling correctly, then the rolls will improve the general state of health: digestion, blood circulation, muscle endurance, immunity, and relieve excess weight. Family pastime will establish relations between relatives. There will also be a chance to find new friends and like -minded people.

How to learn to ride an adult

The right territory is a forest, a park area, a field, but there is no way for cars! The clothes are moderately free, the girls have gathered hair on the back of the head. The helmet is comfortably fastened on the head. You should stand in front of the bicycle from either side and, holding the brakes, throw the leg through the frame. The brakes do not allow the wheels to rotate.

Stage 1: Walking with a bicycle. Pattering your feet in the movement in a flat terrain or from a small hill, trying the work of the brake. A person touches with two legs of the earth, sitting on a bicycle. The palms lie on the steering wheel hilt, fingers on the brake levers.

Stage 2: rolling along the slope without pedaling, the legs are raised above the ground.

Stage 3: The formation of the legs on the pedal, start. This includes rehearsing of repulsion skills, pedaling legs, braking, a smooth and sharp stop of a bicycle. Training is carried out on any free day for several hours in daylight hours.

How to learn to ride a bicycle - tips for riding a season

  • Cycling in summer, autumn and spring.

In every season, rainy weather will come across. But cycling will help - light plastic or metal mudguards will take dirt, water from the face and back of the cycle river. Increased humidity in the fall is an obstacle to quiet skiing. The chain is lubricated with oil, repulsing moisture that prevents oxidation. Slick (bare) tires for the best roll are taken along dry asphalt. The city version is a semi -sulfur or gravel. Autumn promises tons of dirt with it, and it clogs into the brakes, which leads to a stop of the wheels. Advice to learn how to remove the wheel, clean it and put it back, while setting up the chain and brakes.

  • Winter cycling.

It is quite possible after upgrade: put wide tires with a deep tread. Put on the face of the mask with slots for the eyes and breathing. On the hands of gloves covering fingers, on their feet - not wetting shoes and flashlights (hiking gamash, shoe covers). The lanterns separate the joint between shoes and pants with a layer of waterproof fabric. Thermal underwear for low temperatures, 2 pairs of socks, ordinary and warm. There should be a space between the insole and toes. The top layer of clothing is a windbreaker, the bottom layer is heating. Plastic sweaters, t -shirts do not use. Denim fabric is not suitable for a bicycle, both in the winter and any other season. Wet jeans weighs decently, does not keep warm, thick seams shake the crotch. The meaning of winter clothes is not to give the body to overheat and cool.

Where and when to ride a bicycle?

In parks with vast territory, protected places, in the steppe along the trampled paths, the forest. In the future, be a desire for an experienced cyclist, roads are open to him between cities and even around the world! At night, they must purchase portable lighting in the form of a flashlight with a removable fastener on the steering wheel, wheelbags, frame and trunk. Clothing with reflective stripes is useful. A special screed or banal binder is put on the right leg in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ankles, which is fencing from pants entering the pedal, a system of stars and a chain.

How to learn to ride a bicycle - cyclophobia

This is an obsessive fear that does not allow to make friends with his new two -wheeled friend. Such a barrier is overcome by a clash face to face with the object, the concentration of evil, because somehow you need to move to the cherished goal! They take up the case on their own or by connecting a friend. They start small: to minimize the negative and increase comfort. I don't like the color of the frame - to sell and buy a new bike or repaint. Next, you need to understand, fear will disappear only with experience. Day after day, she was silent to go out on the streets of the city and master driving in safe places. Alcohol “for courage” does not relieve the problem, it is harmful to experience fate in this way! In the most same case, the fall will end with trauma and detachment from training for an indefinite period of time. In this case, phobia is afraid of practice!

How to learn to ride a bicycle - communication at speed?

Is your favorite driving track busy? Without drama, the internship of streets tempers. Choose less populated streets, with a weak automobile traffic. Do not ignore the greeting cyclists - these are road assistants. Caution visual contacts give an understanding of the situation. The ability to turn around, preserving the direction, helps when performing maneuvers at a bend. The speed of the cyclist develops relatively small, but caution will not hurt. An increase in revolutions narrows the horizons and fits the concentration of attention directly on the road, and not its branches. You do not need to chase the records of the odometer values, even if a week has passed since the training and a bicycle traveler decided to go on the road in the fight against his fears. Emotionality is displayed on the skiing of a cyclist. The ability to not pay attention to the negative from the environment, intimidation of other participants in the street movement will help.

How to learn to ride a bicycle - overcome the fear of falling

Once, having fallen from the height of a bicycle, a person panicrates before pain. Children, adults all go through this! Oddly enough, the way out of this position is very simple - to learn how to ride. The frame selected by a professional, the configured height of the seat reduces the degree of danger from the loss of control. Helmet, bicycles, solar bikes and knee pads reduce anxiety factor.

How to learn to ride a bicycle - cycling

Valuable advice to beginners is to trust only trusted sports firms. Poor products will lead to serious injuries: not a bruise, but a fracture!

  • Bicycle - each self -respecting road traffic participant should have. More than once saved the skull from concussions and serious damage. Helms are of different types: with full face protection, pots and the most popular, everywhere used, this is a canter cross. Foam filling blocking shock, and plastic, observing the frame, shape and style.
  • Cycles - save from fine dust, midges flying into the eyes, glare from the sun.
  • Gloves - prevent slipping of the palms, protect delicate skin from corns. Advanced models will protect the joints.
  • Shoes - rubber sole, without slipping the material on the pedals platform, which is unsafe for control. The laces are not synthetic, they are tucked inside, also conveniently on Velcro. The slippery plastic tread is unequivocally left at home.
  • The screed - fixes trousers on the ankle, in some models, reflectors are sewn.
  • A set of slabs and knee pads is an optional thing for unhurried bike rods, but it will come in handy for lovers of downhill and driving with high speed, risk to health.
  • The shell - for jumpers, provides a reliable fencing of the body from branches, stones and other road obstacles. It absorbs strong blows, leaving danger from the outside. It consists of plates, strong plastic and breathable materials.

Equal protection for the child

  • The first rule is not to save financial resources and do not take the kit for growth.
  • The second rule: only durable and light equipment will bring children and benefits and comfort in motion. The main details: helmet, so -bones, knee pads.

Can I ride a bicycle in old age?

Certainly! It is after 50 years that a person is able to feel anxious pain in the knee joints associated with the upcoming arthralgia, arthritis, arthrosis and other diseases. Twisting pains, stiffness pass if the lower limbs are constantly being developed. A sedentary lifestyle only exacerbates the problem, builds it to a critical degree. When these symptoms appear at a younger age, you should be activated and acquire a high -quality two -wheeled transport. They also move on a bicycle along the sidewalk, when meeting with the rules of the road - then the roadway.

How to teach a child to ride a two -wheeled bicycle

  • We will have to teach the child to keep balance, hold the steering wheel, twist their heads on the sides and rotate the pedals without stopping. The running field is perfect where it is easier to unfold due to a wide radius.
  • The student is planted on a bicycle, show how to maintain balancing. They offer to ride in a straight line, fingering with their feet and not using pedals.
  • The next step is repulsion and pedaling. It would be nice to show an example of someone who already knows how to ride. Kids will better perceive information in a moving picture.
  • Braking - the main nuances of the process of process.
  • Do not incite in the inability and not to adjust!

Cycling for pregnant women

A rather controversial question. They look here in their physical condition. In a long time, of course, it is not recommended to play such active sports, as this can lead to premature birth or termination of pregnancy. There is no need to be afraid of the trip if a woman feels confident on two wheels, masterfully holds balance, the stomach does not pull. Girls in the vast majority choose transport with a female frame. They move on such a bicycle even in skirts. Moving, pedaling, pregnant women are much easier than walking on foot. The seat is soft and fits the size of the pelvis. The back is held evenly, hang a loud and melodious bell on the steering wheel in order to notify passers -by about their journey. If desired, the rear -view mirrors are installed. Bicycle bags for purchases or a bicycle basket are attached to the trunk.

A person who has trained to ride a bicycle will confidently say that it is impossible to ride with a bad mood! Lovers of bicycles increase skills to the level of higher aerobatics: they actively participate in city competitions, jump from the slides, dissect in a special obstacle band. But in order to reach another point of communication with their iron horse, they pass through the initial stage of training. Everything difficult begins with a simple one: to maintain balance, learn the rules of speed switching, if the bicycle provides for traffic rules and get bodily protection.




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