
Elos epilation - indications, contraindications, effect, consequences. How does Laser epilation of Elos

Elos epilation - indications, contraindications, effect, consequences. How does Laser epilation of Elos
Elos epilation is the most modern way to remove unwanted hair. Its effectiveness is to combine several radiations that purposefully remove hair even in delicate places for a long time.

For a modern woman, it is always important and looks attractive in everything, so constantly developing innovative technologies are reliable, and most importantly effective, means of achieving the ideal of beauty. Removal of unwanted hair is one of the most important problems in the summer season and during the vacation period. At this time, I want to wear a minimum of clothes so that it was not so hot, and also to get a smooth and beautiful tan.

Modern fashionista resort to a huge number of hair removal methods, trying to find the most efficient and affordable. To date, the most efficient way to remove unwanted hair even on delicate areas of the body is Elos epilation - laser and light impact at the same time, which provides a stunning effect and getting rid of hair for a very long time.

In this article, consider the features of the ELOS epilation procedure, listing the main indications and contraindications of this method. And also describe the preparatory stage and nuances of skin care after Elos epilation.

Elos epilation - effective removal of unwanted hair

For a modern woman, it is very important to look good, and smooth and silky skin without a single unnecessary hairs - this is the limit of dreams for each beauty. A few years ago, girls, women and even men resorted to very painful and unsafe methods of hair removal, which had to repeat through a short time. Removal of unwanted hair forever is the purpose of scientists who developed the technology and created a special device for Elos epilation.

What is better - Elos epilation or laser? This question is worried about many fashionists who want to determine the most optimal way of removing hair. Undoubtedly, today the most innovative and popular way is the epilation of Elos in beauty salons. Let's deal with why it happened. Previously, girls used laser hair removal, photoepilation and electrical hair removal. All these methods have a completely different principle of operation, indications and contraindications, as well as consequences. For example, the advantage of laser hair removal is a directional light that acts directly to the cell we need. In this case, a large disadvantage of this species is considered quite frequent occurrence of side effects. In the case of Elos epilation, it is combined with optical energy and radio waves, which increases the positive effect, minimizes the side effect on the skin and contributes to the removal of hairs of any type and color. However, it is not necessary to dramatically compare all these types of hair removal, because each way is unique in its own way and has a number of advantages and minuses.

Principle of action Elos epilation

Elos epilation or simply ELOS denotes "Electro-optical synergy", which transmits the essence of the technology itself. Sometimes you can meet such a definition as E Light epilation. The same ELOS word is an Eletro-Optical Synergy abbreviation. This method of removing unwanted hair from the body appeared quite recently. In 2004, in the United States, Elos epilation method was recognized as one of the best, according to the results of polls of customers of beauty salons. Approximately 85% of respondents were very satisfied with the result. In Russia, Elos epilation appeared much later, a little over 10 years, such a procedure is available to the fashionistam of our country. The birthday of Elos epilation is Israel, where scientists first created this technology for the impact on the hair.

This is a hardware hair removal method, which consists in the complex effects of light, electricity and radio waves. The Emos epilation unit produces two types of radiation: IPL - broadband pulse light, and RF - radio wave bipolar current. For better conductivity of the beam, a special gel is applied to the processed area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, after which Elos epilation is carried out. During the procedure, the beautician conducts a nozzle from the apparatus on the skin area. This nozzle generates a light beam that has a directional action and acts strictly into the hairs, without damaging the skin and without causing burns on it. Under the influence of the ELOS apparatus, light energy is converted to thermal and directed directly inside the follicle - a kind of handbag from which each hair grows and blood vessels is fueled from it. The thermal energy destroys the follicle, which leads to the fact that the hair does not receive energy and falls within a few days.

The entire ELOS epilation process can be depicted in a kind of chain. The energy generated by the machine affects the cells with melanin, after which the electrical pulses begin to effect on the hair onions, then the follicles from the inside begin to warm very much and finally the electrical energy destroys the heated hair root.

It is worth noting that Elos epilation is a careful, neat, safe and absolutely painless removal of unwanted hair on the body forever.

Positive and negative sides of Elos epilation

Like any other cosmetic procedure, Elos epilation has a number of advantages and disadvantages that should be found before visiting the cabin.

Advantages of Elos epilation

  • First of all, with the help of Elos devices, you will be able to get rid of the hair throughout the body, even in the most hard-to-reach and delicate places. This procedure is carried out on the legs, hips, armpits, bikini zone and deep bikini, above the upper lip and on the chin.
  • The most important advantage of Elos epilation is its safety. The heat beam emitted by a special apparatus is directed directly through the hair to the follicle. This ensures the protection of the skin to which this energy does not affect. Consequently, after Elos epilation on your skin, burns will not appear, pigment stains.
  • This method of hair removal is almost painless. The device has a special cooling nozzle, which minimizes the heating of the skin. And during the process you can feel only a slight pinching.
  • Elos epilation, due to the combination of the effects of various waves, is able to save you from a variety of hairs: thick and thin, dark and light, red and gray, hard and flush. In addition, this method can be used for different types of skin: both bright and dark and tanned. If we talk about other ways, then they have leather color limits.
  • When carrying out Elos epilation, you do not need to grow hair to a certain length. Even on the contrary, you have to shave the hair on the processed area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.
  • Unlike laser epilation, with Elos, all side effects are minimized.
  • The ELOS epilation procedure itself is pretty quickly. With the help of special nozzles, one flash covers a large section of the skin, which, in turn, reduces the time of sessions.
  • The convenience of the procedure is another advantage. The device affects the skin contactlessly, while you are conveniently located in the chair with protective glasses. The contactless way eliminates you from the problem of ingrown hairs.
  • This procedure can be carried out at any time of the year, which is not possible with other methods of hair removal.
  • When exposed to generated energy on the skin during a session, the process of skin rejuvenation is launched. You may notice that small wrinkles disappeared, pigment stains, and the skin itself has become smoother and silky.
  • The main advantage of Elos epilation - hairs after several sessions are deleted forever.

Disadvantages of Elos epilation

  • It is impossible to carry out Elos epilation at home, as it is carried out only with the use of special equipment by a qualified cosmetologist.
  • The disadvantage of the procedure is considered the high cost of the session. This is explained by the fact that today Elos epilation is the most efficient and expensive way to remove unwanted hair.
  • The ELOS epilation itself is quite painful, so it is important to use a special nozzle and cooling gel.
  • Different areas of leather require different duration of exposure to ELOS epilation. For example, Elos shin removal takes 40 minutes, while Elos epilation of the upper lip is only 15 minutes. Therefore, it is important to contact a qualified specialist who knows how to handle this apparatus.
  • The skin after one procedure should be recovered about a month, so it is not recommended to re-make several sessions per month. Your skin can become a flabby and dry.
  • The need for a large number of sessions to achieve the final result is to complete hair removal forever. It may take 8 procedures to remove hair on the shin, while on the chin about 10.
  • Less efficiency from Elos epilation on tanned and dark skin, which is due to the distribution of the heat beam not only along the length of the hair, but also on dark skin.

Indications for Elos epilation

  • Elos epilation is primarily shown to all people who wish to make rid of undesirable vegetation on the whole body and have a smooth and barbed skin.
  • The procedure is shown to people who suffer from constantly growing hair on face. Elos epilation In this case, a section can be carried out above the upper lip, chin, Bengnebard zones.
  • Elos epilation can be carried out with constantly growing hair in various parts of the body: Elos epilation of bikini, deep bikini, armpits, legs, hips and buttocks, backs and chest, hands.
  • Such a procedure is shown in the problem of ingrown hair, which is especially noticeable in summer with bare legs.
  • Elos epilation is recommended for people who have light, discolored and fluttering sections. Other hair removal methods cannot cope with them, so Elos is the only way out.
  • This procedure is shown to men with excessive hair growth on the back and chest.
  • Elos epilation can help men with blue beard syndrome, when after shaving through the skin, hair roots are shouted.
  • Men can also take advantage of Elos epilation with increased skin sensitivity when strong irritation is observed after each shave. Such a procedure will significantly reduce the amount of shave.

Elos epilation - contraindications

This procedure has a significant number of contraindications, you need to consider when deciding whether to conduct themselves Elos epilation. Failure to comply with them may have a variety of skin problems.

  • Such a procedure is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, as this time they changed the hormonal background. Dnnaya situation is observed while taking hormonal contraceptives and drugs.
  • Diseases of the endocrine glands.
  • Severe diseases of any internal organs.
  • The presence of cancer is also a contraindication for the procedure.
  • Hypertension.
  • Diabetes.
  • Lupus, epilepsy. In this case light exposure apparatus can exacerbate the disease.
  • HIV and AIDS.
  • During use immunodeperssantov and anticoagulants.
  • Infections of the skin, which also include herpes.
  • Contraindication is the presence of keloid scars at the site where it is planned to carry out Elos epilation.
  • Elos hair removal is contraindicated in case you carried out deep facial peels. This, of course, if you want to make the procedure directly on the face.
  • Sensitivity to light, allergic to light.
  • The presence of metal implants.
  • When excess pilosis or hirsutism is also contraindicated Elos epilation.
  • Elos hair removal can not be carried out simultaneously with other methods of hair removal on the skin.

It should be noted that it is best to visit the salon to consult with your physician or dermatocosmetologist. In the absence of any contra-indications and limitations can safely go to Elos epilation.

Preparation before the Elos epilation

Seeing photos Elos hair removal on the Internet, just want to run a clinic and to rid themselves forever of annoying hair all over the body. However, this procedure has a preparatory phase, which should strictly adhere to achieve the most positive results.

  • A month before the Elos hair removal it is important not to use a depilatory cream for hair removal. Also it is impossible for one and a half month whether to remove hair by using wax strips and epilators which pull them up by the roots.
  • 3-4 days a site that will be subject to Elos hair removal, it is necessary to shave machine as optimum epiliruemyh hair length of 1.5-3 mm.
  • Two weeks prior to the procedure Elos hair removal can not go to a tanning salon or sunbathe in the sun. It is better to exclude all being under the direct rays.
  • Do not put the skin with any influences a couple of days before the epilation: cooling, heating, sprinkling.
  • If you spent a deep peeling of the person, it is necessary to wait for the complete recovery of the skin.
  • On the day of Elos epilation should not be applied to the epilacable area of \u200b\u200bany cosmetics.
  • Before conducting the procedure, consultation with a beautician is held. Which determines whether you can conduct Elos epilation. Determines the specific procedure program, the mode and sets certain settings on the machine. Also at this stage, the specialist decides how many sessions you need to complete hair removal.

Technology holding Elos epilation

The ELOS epilation procedure is carried out very quickly and will not cause any discomfort.

  • Immediately after coming to the salon for the ELOS epilation procedure, the master will offer you a one-time shaving machine for shaving hair if you suddenly forgot to do it at home for any reason.
  • If you spend Elos epilation of deep bikini, bikini or armpits zone, you will definitely enable these areas with a special painkillers gel. This is necessary for the reason that these areas are more delicate and delicate, so the pain is stronger here. In addition, this gel is acting only after 40 minutes, which you need to wait before performing hair removal.
  • Next, the master must give you a protective glasses.
  • You are sitting in a comfortable chair, where you can be in any position (half a litage, lying, half-sidet), it all depends on the processed area.
  • The wizard establishes the optimal impact mode on the apparatus and causes a cooling gel conductor to the skin area. This gel will protect your skin during the heat procedure and will help the thermal beam to act pointally into the hairs.
  • Elos epilation of different sites occupies a different time that can be from 15 minutes to 40 minutes. For example, the epilation of the skin area over the upper lip takes only 15 minutes, and Elos of the shin removal comes to 40 minutes.
  • Immediately after the start of the procedure, you can feel a slight pinching on the skin, but there should be no sharp painful sensations.
  • The master apparatus with a special nozzle will gradually move across the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe skin on which you want to remove your hair.
  • After the end of the ELOS epilation procedure on the processed area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, the cosmetologist delivers a special softening spray or cream.

Effect and consequences Elos epilation

Immediately after the first session, for about a week, the first hairs appear on the treated area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, which immediately disappear. This comes from the fact that their bulbs were destroyed. The hairs that were in sleeping state appear and it is necessary to spend several more sessions of Elos epilation. After the full course of the epilation of the epilation on the processed area of \u200b\u200bthe skin will never appear hairs, and the skin itself will be smooth and silky.

Negative effects of Elos epilation can be associated with several factors:

  • First of all, possible side effects when conducting a procedure with an unqualified master, which incorrectly picked up the impact mode.
  • Irritation and rash may appear with high sensitivity to bright light.
  • Burns may appear, which is caused by the insufficient number of cooling gel.
  • Immediately after the ELOS epilation procedure, a small redness and swelling of the processed skin can occur. This effect passes within 2-4 hours, less often - within 2 days.
  • In rare cases, after Elos epilation, women can grow their hair quite quickly. This can be caused by a harmonious failure, a reception of harmonic drugs or not by the professionalism of the master.

Skin care recommendations after Elos epilation

Elos Epilation is a hardware cosmetology procedure, after which it is necessary to comply with certain rules for the care of the treated skin.

  • Within two weeks it is not recommended to be in the open sun. You can close the treated areas of the skin with clothing or use sunscreen.
  • Within 3-4 days after the procedure, it is recommended to apply a special Panthenol type cream on the skin where the hair was removed. This will allow skin to soften and prevent drying it.
  • Not recommended for 3-4 days after Elos epilation cannot be taken a hot shower or bath, visit the sauna or massage. It is allowed only to take a cool shower.
  • Set aside for some time an active sport, fitness.
  • Between the procedures for hair removal are not allowed to pull the emerging hairs or use the depilatory cream to remove them. You can steal the hairs with a machine.
  • During the week, it is not recommended to apply cosmetics with alcohol or scrubs on the processed areas.

The number of sessions Elos epilation and their cost

Elos epilation cannot guarantee you removing all hair on the site you need just only in one session. To achieve the effect of complete hair removal, you need to visit the salon several times. The number of sessions determine the cosmetologist depending on the exposure site, the type of skin, hair. There should be at least 1 month between sessions.

  • The armpits zone - 3-4 procedures.
  • Bikini and deep bikini zone - 6-8 procedures.
  • The shin and hips are 8-10 procedures.
  • Plot over the upper lip - 8-10 procedures.
  • Chin - 7-9 procedures and so on.

The cost of the ELOS epilation procedure is also determined individually. To begin with, you visit the beauty salon for consultation with a cosmetologist, which will appreciate your skin, hair condition and will develop an individual impact mode. It is also worth considering that male hair is thicker, so for men such a procedure will cost more. The procedure for the removal of dark hair will be cheaper, as light hair will require more sessions. The cost is formed depending on the equipment used, drugs, the level of professionalism of the wizard. All this must be considered when choosing a salon for Elos epilation.

Approximate prices of Elos epilation in Moscow salons

Elos epilation - reviews

On the Internet you can find and read a large number of reviews of real clients of the salons, which managed to try on them Elos epilation. They are divided not only by their impressions, but also photo Elos epilation before and after.

  • Helena. A year ago, I tried Elos epilation of the tibia and the armpits zone. The first time it was very scary to go, however, after communicating with the master relaxed and did not even notice how the session was over. And now a year later I can't get a complete absence of any hair. Now I configure yourself to the epilation of bikini, but so far somehow scary.

  • Svetlana. I finally dared to make Elos epilation of the bikini zone - tired of just shaving hairless hair, especially in the beach season. I needed 8 procedures for which I had to pay a rather round sum, but it is worth it. Now in this place the skin is smooth and without a single hairs. I advise everyone, you will not regret.

  • Igor. C has always been complex about thick vegetation between the eyes. With conventional removal methods, it was necessary to periodically pull out or steal. He decided on Elos epilation, which I do not regret at all. The method is simply chic, the hair really cease to grow.

Elos epilation is a modern, efficient and absolutely safe way to remove unwanted hair. With it, you will for a long time forget about machines and depilatory cream, ingrown hairs and irritation.


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