
What is the procedure for mesotherapy face, reviews, photos before and after. Preparations for mesotherapy face. How is the mesotherapy of the skin of the face in the cabin and at home

What is the procedure for mesotherapy face, reviews, photos before and after. Preparations for mesotherapy face. How is the mesotherapy of the skin of the face in the cabin and at home
Today in cosmetology there are many ways to extend the youth of the face. For this, advanced developments and procedures are used, one of the most popular of which is considered to be mesotherapy.

The biggest fear of each woman after 30 years is the first wrinkles, which, as silent harbingers, remind of approaching old age. Many beautiful sex representatives after the first wrinkle detection fall into depression and begin to buy all the most expensive rejuvenating creams and other means, which is not always effective. Other women simply do not pay attention to their attention, referring to as due. However, the most optimal means for combating approaching old age are special cosmetic procedures, the most popular of which is the mesotherapy of the skin of the face.

With the help of several sessions, cosmetologists will help you to get rid of the first wrinkles, make the skin smooth and tightened. You can make mezaterapia to the face at home, however, for this you need to know many important nuances that will avoid negative consequences.

In this article, consider the peculiarities of the mesotherapy of the face at home and in the cabin, we list all the preparations used in this procedure for the facial mesotherapy.

Face Mesotherapy - Preservation of Youth Your Leather

Modern cosmetology made a huge jump forward. Armed with innovative technologies, various scientific developments, cosmetologists and specialists of their business have long been successfully fighting with the first signs of aging and fading the skin of the face and body. For numerous reviews, facial mesotherapy is one of the most popular procedures for the rejuvenation of the skin of the face, giving it freshness and elasticity. Mesotherapy Persons - what is the procedure if you try to try millions of women. Simple words are acupuncture with special drugs that penetrate into the skin, make it gentle, smooth and young.

You can carry out mesotherapy of the face at home, but in this case there are few other methods and methods than with a salon rejuvenation session. In any case, it is important to consult a doctor, as this is a rather dangerous procedure that can lead to negative consequences.

Essence of the procedure of mesotherapy face

The roots of mesotherapy send us to France in 1958, when the French doctor Michelle Pistor began to use such acupuncture in medicine as an anesthesia. Over time, this procedure was adopted by world cosmetologists, which led to the emergence of one of the most popular facial and body skin rejuvenation procedures, as well as a method for treating various diseases.

Face mesotherapy as an injection procedure has become widely used in the eighties, first in European countries and in America, and then in Russia. Moreover, this procedure was used not only to rejuvenate the skin of the face, but also for the treatment of all types of inflammation and pain, diseases of the vascular system, for example, varicose, coperaosis, atherosclerosis, skin disease and ENT organs. Mesotherapy is used to enhance skin regeneration processes, as well as to increase the efficiency of other cosmetic drugs.

From a cosmetology or medical point of view, mesotherapy is the subcutaneous introduction of special drugs using the finest needle to activate all the processes inside the skin cells. Since the needles are used to behaviorate the rejuvenation of the rejuvenation, it is important to think carefully whether to record in the salon. Often, the needles cause real fear of women, which at first scares from such a procedure. However, over time, when wrinkles appear more, the fear of old age is overpowing the fear of the needles.

  • At the session, the cosmetologist introduces microinders with special preparations that are defined for each client individually. Usually, a specialist stirring cocktails for the mesotherapy of the face in front of a customer to be prescribed during consultation. The effectiveness of the mesotherapy of the face depends on the correctly selected drug, which can be the most different: hyaluronic acid, oxygen, vitamins, antioxidants, microelements, amino acids, plant components and enzymes. The dosage of various drugs is determined by the problems of the patient's skin.
  • Using a thin needle, preparations penetrate deep into the layers of the dermis and nourish them, which activates the processes of regeneration of skin cells, which leads to the rejuvenation of the upper layer. This cannot be achieved with the help of various creams and serums applied to the surface of the skin. The needles for mesotherapy are used very different - their length varies from 1.5 mm to 3.9 mm, it all depends on skin problems.
  • The salons use manual facial mesotherapy and hardware mesotherapy of persons who differ in the tools used. For delicate zones, it is best to apply a manual procedure, especially in the eye, eyelid, nasolabial fold. This will increase the effectiveness of the procedure and reduce the risk of injury.
  • Do not wait for a greater result after the first mezotherapy procedure. To achieve a visible result, you must pass several sessions, usually from 4 to 10, it all depends on the problems with the skin and age of the patient. Cosmetologists are recommended to conduct a facial mesotherapy procedure once every six months.
  • The facial mesotherapy is recommended to be carried out in parallel with other cosmetic procedures, for example, various peels. This will contribute to the achievement of the best result.
  • Classical mesotherapy is an injection procedure, but today there is a huge number of options for this method, which suggest the use of other ways of exposure to the skin. Many are called their illegal facial mesotherapy or non-involuntary therapy. It is possible to distinguish oxygen mesotherapy of the face, fractional mesotherapy of a person, a mesoterpay of the face with the help of a mesoroller, ionophoresis, laser biorevitalization of the face or mesotherapy. Uninfecting methods can be used at home and make this procedure yourself.
  • The procedure itself does not cause any painful sensations. The cosmetologist predeterces the surface of the face with painkillers.

Positive and negative sides of the face mesotherapy

Face mesotherapy is a cosmetology procedure that requires special preparations, devices and professionalism of the master. Therefore, like another any procedure, it has a number of positive and negative sides that need to be considered before going to the beauty salon.

Benefits of face mesotherapy

  • Mesotherapy faces are suitable for all women after 25 years.
  • With a full course of the mesotherapy, the face smoothes mimic wrinkles, meshes pass.
  • Such a procedure is suitable for any type of skin of the face. If you spend mesotherapy for dry skin, then after several procedures you will see that it has become noticeably moistened. And after the mezotherapy procedures of a fatty face, you will see that the skin will become smoother and without fatty gloss.
  • The procedure of mesotherapy face is carried out outpatient, which makes sessions very comfortable.
  • Mesotherapy has a rather low level of injury, since it takes very thin needles and the most modern devices.
  • During the procedure, small doses of active substances are used.
  • The facial mesotherapy procedure has a rather long result, which can be saved from six months to 5 years, but once every six months still requires updating.
  • The result is noticeable after several procedures, when you notice that the face skin has become smoother and gentle.
  • This procedure is able to cope with acne, vascular pathologies, the second chin and many other deviations.
  • The facial mezotherapy procedure can be carried out at home using a special non-injecting method.
  • If you prefer to trust professionals, then today, almost every clinic in the list of services has mesotherapy of the face.

Negative face mesotherapy face

  • Mesotherapy The face is considered painless procedure, but even with anesthesia, the skin will move after puncture with a needle. In addition, women with low pain syndrome can feel discomfort during a session. In this case, it is important to warn the cosmetologist in advance.
  • After the procedure of the mesoterpay, bruises, swelling, redness can occur. Usually they pass within 2-3 days, less often in 5 days. However, these side effects are observed in 40% of women who have tried facial mesotherapy.
  • If you have already conducted a large number of sessions, your skin can get used to the preparation used. Therefore, over time, the beautician must change its composition.
  • There is a risk of complications when using an injection method. These may be purulent or infectious diseases. In extremely rare cases, but still can manifest.
  • You will not be able to limit ourselves to one session if you want to get a standing result. Immediately the question arises how often do mesotherapy face. It is usually necessary to come to the clinic from 3 to 10 times to carry out one course of mesotherapy. All this is poured into a round sum of money, as the cost of facial mesotherapy is quite high.

Indications for Mesotherapy Face

  • Mesotherapy is shown in the appearance of mimic and age wrinkles, as well as for their prevention.
  • This procedure will help to cope with the problem of oily and dry skin.
  • The mesotherapy is shown and at Cooperose, which ensures the removal of vascular stars.
  • If there is a pigment stain on the face, you can also resort to the mezotherapy procedure.
  • The dim color of the face, dark circles under the eyes that do not pass - it is also a testimony to carry out the mesotherapy of the face at home or in the cabin.
  • Mesoterpia Faces will help you cope with advanced pores, as well as with acne rich in not the most active stage of acne and a pedestal.
  • If your skin has become a flabby, lost elasticity and elasticity, then the mezotherapy procedure will also help you.
  • With accusing nasolabial folds and the second chin, the mesotherapy of a person is also appointed, which will help a little tighten your skin.
  • This procedure is shown at too loose and fuzzy an oval of the face. Fully, of course, change the outlines will not work, however, you will achieve more even contours.
  • Mesotherapy is shown in preparing and restoring after the behavior of chemical or mechanical peeling of the person, as well as in preparation and rehabilitation after laser grinding of the face.
  • Injecting or non-involuous method of mesotherapy are shown for the treatment of scars, scars, stretch marks.
  • When photoregnenia.

Contraindications for mesotherapy face

  • In the process of how the facial mesotherapy makes some contraindications that should be considered before signing up for sessions. Usually, the clarification of such contraindications is carried out by a cosmetologist in the cabin before the procedure began.
  • Individual intolerance to drugs, as well as an allergic response to them.
  • The procedure is contraindicated to women during pregnancy and lactation.
  • With oncological diseases, mesotherapy face can also be used.
  • Renal and liver insufficiency are also contraindications to the person's mesotherapy.
  • Problems with arterial pressure.
  • The presence of infectious diseases, as well as a feverish state at the time of the procedure.
  • During the reception of drugs, it is also impossible to carry out mesotherapy of the person, since in the process of the procedure, other drugs are introduced under the skin, which may be incompatible with each other.
  • Reduced immunity, diabetes mellitus is also contraindications.
  • Problems of skin: Jews, open wounds, warts, papillomas.
  • Various skin diseases, such as psoriasis, eczema and others.
  • Face mesotherapy is categorically contraindicated to people who have problems with blood clotting.
  • The presence of a pacemaker.

The main types of mesotherapy face

Today, facial mesotherapy has a large number of species that differ in the method of administering drugs, as well as the composition of these drugs. Classical mesotherapy facial is injecting mesotherapy. Cosmetologists only conventionally take the division of mesotherapy on species, officially recognize only the classical, but the existence of others is not completely denying.

  • Injection mesotherapy face, which is carried out with the help of needles.
  • Hardware mesotherapy face. For this procedure, special devices are used that affect the magnetic field.
  • Mechanical mesotherapy, which is carried out manually using special tools such as a pistol or mesophector.

Injection mesotherapy face

This type of procedure is classic and is used only in the salons, since it is impossible at home to make a needle puncture yourself. For this procedure, a very tonic needle is taken, the thickness of which can be from 0.5 mm to 4 mm. Most often marking such needles is 30G. With the help of such needles, preparations and mesococci are introduced into the middle layers of the skin - to the dermis. At the same time, experts are followed that the puncture is not deeper than 3-5 mm and the dosage is appointed minimum.

  • Fractional mesotherapy face skin. This is a type of microforming mesotherapy, which is carried out by a special apparatus with a large number of mic champs. A special cocktail is entered using a large amount of needles to a depth of 0.4 to 4 mm. At the same time, the distance between the needles is 0.5 mm. Fractional mesotherapy of the face acts on the skin in a double volume: first the old layer of the skin is destroyed, and the mesocquetles are made in the middle layers of the skin.
  • Injecting mesotherapy face hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid mesotherapy is a relatively young procedure, but in a short time he managed to win the love and popularity of women. With the help of such a drug as hyaluronic acid, you can run the regeneration of skin cells. With age, this component of the skin is depleted and necessary to supplement it. With the help of creams, it is impossible to deliver the molecule of this acid, as it is quite large. Therefore, the needle is an excellent way out in this situation. Hyalurone mesotherapy Persons allows you to make the skin smooth, elastic, tightened, help stop the aging of the skin of the face.

Ensuring or hardware mesotherapy

This type of mesotherapy includes procedures carried out by mechanical path, as well as using a variety of devices. This is a more painless type of mesotherapy. The unrelated types of exposure are also distinguished when devices with magnetic fields are sent to the skin.

  • Oxygen mesotherapy face. This procedure is characterized by influencing the skin with an inlection method, namely a strong jet of pure oxygen, which is fed under pressure in 2 atmospheric units and penetrates deep into the skin layers and speeds up all processes in it. Usually oxygen mesotherapy of the person is carried out in several stages: at first the beautician makes gas-liquid peeling, then the surface of the skin is processed and the layers of dermis are saturated, at the last stage, mesockets are delivered with oxygen into the skin.
  • Homemade mesotherapy face Mesoroller. Conducting mesotherapy in the cabin is worth quite large money, so a simple and easy-to-use device was created - a mesaroller, which can be easily applied at home. It is a roller on the handle covered with steel mic chains. Separately, in the pharmacy, you can purchase preparations or mesococci for administration to the skin with a mesarolera.

Preparations for mesotherapy face

Before conducting the mesotherapy procedure, the beautician makes a thorough examination of the patient, reveals contraindications, and also sends to certain tests and inspection. Next, during the session, he mixes the drugs for the mesocoxtelation in front of the client individually, depending on the skin problems. All necessary drugs for mesotherapy in domestic grades can also be purchased at the pharmacy. They can be very different and their choice depends on the cause of the procedure.

  • Hyaluronic acid - for rejuvenation and lifting.
  • Collagen to increase the elasticity of the skin of the face.
  • Vitamin C is used to whiten the skin.
  • To power the skin, you can purchase a complex of vitamins and minerals.
  • Acids are used to restore and peeling.
  • You can also purchase plants extracts for healing the skin of the face and cell regeneration.
  • Medicines for the treatment of skin diseases.
  • Peptides are purchased for skin rejuvenation.

The pharmacy can also find ready-made preparations for mesotherapy at home. This is a Blessie Anti-Aging - a lifting cocktail, EGF-AFGF 3 - a preparation for the treatment of scars and scars.

The phased course of the procedure of mesotherapy in the cabin

  • First, preparatory work is carried out, which includes the examination by a medical record physician to identify acute diseases.
  • A cosmetologist also conducts a survey to detect allergies or intolerance to drugs.
  • It is also necessary to hand over common tests of shelter and urine.
  • At the same stage, the beautician determines how many facial mezotherapy procedures need to specifically and identifies the necessary drugs and their doses. At this stage, the price of the mesotherapy of the face for the full course is also formed.
  • Next, at the time of the procedure, you will hold a demastery.
  • When using an injection method will make local anesthesia.
  • Next, the beautician must carry out the disinfection of the face chlorhexidine.
  • For a more detailed and accurate penetration of the needle into the layers of the dermis, markup on the skin of the face is applied.
  • At the main stage of the procedure, the cosmetologist gently spends the problem of the problem area with needles to a depth of 0.4 mm to 4 mm. In the process, injection of selected individually mesocoxtelation is made.
  • After punctures, it is necessary to re-disinfect the skin of the face and apply a soothing mask on it.
  • After completion of the procedure, the doctor carefully examines the skin of the patient and prescribes the reception after 3 days, while clearly explains the peculiarities of rehabilitation.
  • If the procedure was carried out by an injecting method, the anesthesia is most often used. Mesocoxtele is applied to the skin, after which the doctor begins to affect ultrasound, laser, magnetic waves.

Features of mesotherapy at home

The mezotherapy procedure can be carried out at home. On the Internet, there is a huge number of photos of the mesotherapy of a person who was carried out independently. And it undoubtedly pushes women to such experiments. However, before purchasing a mesaroller and drugs, it is important to consult with a cosmetologist. It is strictly forbidden to make mesocuffs independently, you can only buy a doctor ready according to the recommendation.

  • Buy concentrated preparations or ready-made mesococci in the pharmacy.
  • Before the procedure, carefully process the roller of the Mesoroller with alcohol.
  • Next prepare your face to the procedure. To do this, thoroughly wipe it with milk, tonic or other means.
  • If your mesonoller is equipped with microchillers, treat the skin by painkillers, for example, glacial or benzocyne.
  • Apply the drug or mesococci on the problem area and treat it with a mesonoller within 3-5 minutes.
  • After the procedure, treat the mesaroller with alcohol.
  • On the face, apply a soothing mask, which can also be purchased at the pharmacy.
  • 30 minutes after the procedure on the skin of the face, apply a nutrient cream.
  • Mesotherapy at home is recommended no more than once a week, you can do once every two weeks.

Mesotherapy face - video

Rehabilitation after the mesotherapy of the face

During mesotherapy, the impact turns out to be at the cellular level, so it is important to carry out the correct period of rehabilitation to help the skin to recover.

  • First of all, it is recommended to walk in the fresh air, it allows the skin to breathe.
  • On the rehabilitation period, which can last from 2 days to a week, you can not smoke and drink alcohol.
  • You can not go to saunas, swimming pools, sunbathing, swimming in the sea and the lake.
  • You need to minimally use cosmetics, but it is recommended to use a hydrating mask and cream.
  • You can make a soothing massage of the skin.
  • It should postpone active sports.

By following these simple rules, you will improve the outcome of the procedure and hurt yourself.

Photo facial mesotherapy before and after the procedure

Mesotherapy face - is a great way to preserve youthfulness of your face and get rid of the first wrinkles. If you are afraid of injections, is not terrible, in this case, you can use the needle-free methods, the effectiveness of which is no worse than injectable forms of mesotherapy.


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