
Whitening face masks at home

Whitening face masks at home
Recipes masks for whitening skin from natural components. How to bother freckles, pigment spots with honey, lemon, cucumber and parsley.

Freckles, pigment spots and other imperfections of the skin of the face pretty spoil the mood. You can get rid of these flaws even at home. How to do it? We offer to familiarize yourself with the best recipes of bleaching facial masks.

Who recommended whitening masks for the face

Beautiful skin is a reason for admiration and envy. Unfortunately, not every girl boasts perfect skin. Problems such as freckles, pigmentation, as well as dark stains after pimples, uneven complexion, serness and skin dullness - all these imperfections can be tried to correct themselves. To do this, you need to choose the optimal whitening homemade mask for the face, which will be perfect for your skin type.

The only thing that needs to be taken into account is after the mask it is unwanted to go out in the sun and stay long on the street at noon. If there is no opportunity to stay at home, then it is necessary to apply the cream with a high degree of protection against ultraviolet rays on the skin. This rule must be observed not only in the warm season, but in winter the same way.

It is still necessary to remember that all whitening masks are overpowered by the skin, so if it is so dry, then in this case the mask can be used 1 time in 2 weeks, not more often. If the skin is normal and fat, you can make such a mask 1 time in 7 days. If the skin is very fat, then you can afford to make a mask even 2 times a week.

Remember that any whitening face mask does not guarantee a quick effect. We'll have to be patient and undergo a course of treatment to see the result. We also recommend choosing a mask that will approach your skin type and prepare the necessary ingredients in advance so as not to interrupt the course. This is especially important for those who have gathered in the winter time to make masks from natural products (parsley, cucumber, etc.).


Features of the use of masks:

  1. For women aged after 40 years, regardless of the type of skin, making masks can be 1 time in 7 days.
  2. The optimal time for masks with bleaching effect - 2nd half of the day, and best of all - at night before bedtime. Just you can protect yourself from the temptation to substitute the face with the sunshine, which in this case is undesirable.
  3. Best friends of any mask with bleaching effect - soft peeling and face cream.
  4. Take vitamins, and vitamin C is necessarily.
  5. Since most home remedies are prepared from natural ingredients (berries, parsley, cucumbers, honey, etc.), then each component choose carefully, so as not to cause an allergic reaction.

Effective whitening masks for face

The recipes of bleaching masks for the face are very much, try to choose the optimal set of ingredients at once, and you do not need to immediately try all the masks in a row, because you will not notice any visible effect from the first application.

Even in Soviet times it was believed that the best ingredient for whitening the skin of the face is a cucumber mask. Cucumber juice helps to get rid of not only from annoying freckles, but also from pigment spots. The cucumber contains simultaneously bleaching components, as well as moisturizing.


For example, for dry skin, the recipe is:

  • dense homemade cream or any fat face cream;
  • cucumber Cashier (1 vegetable rubbed on a shallow grater);
  • all components are mixed and the mass is stacked on the face;
  • from above, so that the mask does not shift, it is necessary to put a clean gauze on the face;
  • exposure time - 15 minutes, flush - cool water.

For combined and oily leather, the cucumber remains unchanged ingredient, but the second component can be different: vodka or alcohol tincture (calendula, etc.), for normal skin to cucumber casket, the juice of half of the lemon (by the way, this citrus is also well whiten skin ).

Whitening face mask with lemon

Lemon is a simple, affordable and effective agent in the fight against freckles and pigment stains. This citrus contains citric acid, which purifies the upper layers of the skin from the accumulated non-living cells. It turns out that we make a natural chemical scrub for the face and help the skin faster. Together with dead cells, the skin is freed from fat and dirt, as well as from the photos formed after acne, freckles, etc.

The lemon juice contains a lot of vitamin C, it helps to preserve the youth of the skin and give it a flawless shade. This vitamin or ascorbic is setting up the production processes of cells of their own melanin, and it helps to produce collagen. It turns out that lemon juice will save from many problems and improve the appearance of the skin.


Universal recipe:

  1. Take 1 lemon.
  2. Juice should be squeezed into spacious capacity.
  3. Prepare a cotton sponge, moisten it in lemon juice.
  4. Next, your actions are as follows: Wipe lemon juice (without diluting with water) those places where there are spots and freckles.
  5. If the skin is uneven, do not spare juice. Treat areas with acne and pimples. You can do it 1-2 times a day.

What should not do:

  • buy concentrated lemon juice in the store and use for cosmetics. In such a product there may be preservatives, dyes and flavors;
  • the light sensitivity of the skin rises, so after applying the lemon juice, it is impossible to be in the sun. In order not to harm yourself, wipe the skin of the face with lemon juice in 2 half days or before going to bed;
  • lemon juice is not suitable for everyone. For beauty with sensitive skin, there are such side effects such as redness, easy burning or tingling / plugging. If the unpleasant sensations do not pass after 30-40 seconds, and itching increases, it appears red, then it is necessary to wash the water and more such masks with lemon do not do.

Lemon in the company with honey is one of the best masks whitening the skin of the face at home. Preparing like this: Mix the juice 1 of the middle lemon with 2 large spoons of liquid honey. By the way, you can reduce the amount of ingredients half to be enough for 1 application. Components are mixed and applied to the face. Exposure time - no more than 15 minutes. If it becomes not comfortable, you can wash away a little earlier.


Lemon and turmeric - unexpectedly, but very effective. It will take 1 tsp. juice and half of Ch.L. Powder. Components are mixed, it turns out a cascze-shaped mixture, which must be applied to the face cleaned by the previously scrub. Leave the mask for 7-10 minutes. Wash off cool water, be sure to apply cream.

Whitening mask from parsley for face

Clamping problem places will help ordinary parsley. She will save from sunlight and pigmentation, make the skin smooth and tender.


Best whitening face masks with parsley:

  1. Grind 2 beam of greenery, pour just boiling water. Weganing the mass on a small heat 2 min., Press and wipe the skin obtained by a mixture.
  2. It will take 1 tbsp. Honey and bug of greens. Grind greens, mix with liquid honey, apply to face for 30 minutes, washed off with warm water. After a month of regular masks, see the result.
  3. And this recipe for the owners of dry skin: green pieces of parsley must be washed and dried, crushing, add high fatty sour cream (perfectly home). The amount of parsley \u003d the number of sour cream. Exposure time - 15 minutes. The skin will be glued after washing, a fat brilliance remove the cosmetic napkin.
  4. Parsley and cottage cheese - in equal amounts, if it turned out a dense mass, you can breed with warm milk. The mixture is applied to the face for 10 minutes.
  5. Oatmeal and parsley - oatmeal grind in powder (on a coffee grinder), add 1 tbsp. Fastened stalks and parsley leaves, add 1 tsp. Lemon juice. If the mixture is thick, spread mineral water. The mask is applied on the face, exposure time - 15 minutes.

Whitening face mask from pigment stains

Dark areas on the skin or pigment specks are worried about many beauties. They, like freckles, are out of the first time, so you have to suffer and make a maximum effort to get rid of pigmentation.


In order not to spend money on the services of cosmetologists and expensive procedures, we offer folk methods to combat pigmentation:

  1. Mustard and warm water powder - from these components, we make a cascidious mixture, we apply only to stains. Do not scare feeling of light burning, this is normal. After a quarter of an hour, wash the mask with water, do not wipe the face with a towel, but carefully wet. This mask can not be used in cooperose and increased exhaust.
  2. Kalina's juice must be impregnated with gauze tampon and put on sections with pigmentation, leave for 10 minutes. Repeat actions again. Course - 15 applications, a break of 7 days and again you can repeat the course of treatment, make masks every day for 10 days. For dry skin, Kalin Juice is divorced with cream in proportions 1 to 1.
  3. The crushed root of the horse is mixed with an apple's cashier, the mixture is applied to a gauze, folded in several layers, is applied to the face, the application time is 15 minutes.
  4. The 3rd part of the dark beer cup is mixed with a protein, a casca of 1 fresh cucumber is added. Mask exposure time - no more than a quarter of an hour. Since the mask is liquid, it is better to rub it several times or cover the face of gauze and lie down for 15 minutes.

To bring brown spots no longer appear, you need to go out on the street, apply cream with ultraviolet protection. In the cold season, choose funds with "30" defense, in the summer period - "50".

Whiting face mask with peroxide

Pharmacy - hydrogen peroxide helps to get rid of freckles and brown spots, make a face lighter and improve skin condition. Remember that this drug can only be used for fatty skin and mixed, because the peroxide is strongly overwhelmed.

What you need to know:

  • the clean fluid on the face is not applied, complement other efficient natural components: egg yolk, honey, sour cream, etc.;
  • the concentration of the drug is 3%;
  • before applying the mask, test the remedy on a separate area of \u200b\u200bthe skin to exclude the development of an allergic reaction;
  • never overlay a mask with peroxide on the face with a thick layer.


Masks with bleaching effect:

  1. Peroxide 5 drops, oatmeal (welded on water) - 3 tbsp., Milk - 2 tbsp. All components must be mixed, the time of aging mask is 10-15 minutes. Flush with warm water.
  2. Cottage cheese - 50 g must be pulled out with a yolk, add peroxide - 10 drops (use a pipette). The components are mixed, this mask can be left on the face for 25 minutes, flush with warm water, the last rinsing is cool. After the mask, be sure to apply a moisturizing cream.
  3. Whitening mask with sour cream: 1 tbsp. Sour cream (home), mixed with 2 tbsp. Homemade cottage cheese, add 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide. The mixture must be mixed very well so that there are no lumps. On the face the time of exposure is 15-20 minutes. Flush with warm water.

Now you know how to become more beautiful and more attractive, good luck!


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Oleg 04.09.2017 To answer

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